I want to use CONCAT and exclude and duplicate any duplicate entries - sql

I'm trying to use the CONCAT expression, but also exclude any duplicate entries.
So I'm trying to update a report based on a single process held in our product. The problem is that whoever created the tables that the current report is pulling from is not from a single table. Currently I have found three tables that the report pulls from for one column.
SELECT concat(dbo.t_log_TaskBody.TaskDescription,' ', dbo.t_ezDocument.FileName) as Title
FROM dbo.t_logs_SigDocPrintedEmailed
LEFT JOIN dbo.t_log_Data ON t_logs_SigDocPrintedEmailed.t_ezDataPKid = dbo.t_log_Data.PKid
LEFT JOIN dbo.t_log_TaskBody ON dbo.t_logs_SigDocPrintedEmailed.t_ezSignDocumentQ_PKid = dbo.t_log_TaskBody.DocumentId
LEFT JOIN dbo.t_ezSignDocumentQ ON dbo.t_logs_SigDocPrintedEmailed.t_ezSignDocumentQ_PKid = dbo.t_ezSignDocumentQ.PKid
LEFT JOIN dbo.t_ezArcSigDocQLog ON dbo.t_logs_SigDocPrintedEmailed.t_ezSignDocumentQ_PKid = dbo.t_ezArcSigDocQLog.t_ezSignDocQPKID
LEFT JOIN dbo.t_ezDocument ON dbo.t_ezSignDocumentQ.t_ezDocument = dbo.t_ezDocument.PKID or dbo.t_ezArcSigDocQLog.t_ezDocument = EasyID.dbo.t_ezDocument.PKID
So now that I have one entry that happens to connect to two of the tables I'm pulling from to get a title of a document I end up with the title appearing twice in one box. Is there anyway I can use CONCAT to combine the two tables while keeping it to unique entries, or is there a better way of doing this.
I'll get Something along the lines of:
Title Title

Based on your sample results, I think you want COALESCE(), not CONCAT():
concat(dbo.t_log_TaskBody.TaskDescription, dbo.t_ezDocument.FileName) as Title
You have no examples where results are actually concatenated.


Access SQL Lookup - Dropdown Columns

I have looked for a similar issue with no luck. Maybe I don't know the right term to search for.
This seems so simple, but I just can't get it after spending many hours trying different approaches.
I have a dropdown to select contracts which shows some ids for related fields. How can I get those IDs to show the value of another column.
SELECT tbl_contracts.ID, tbl_contracts.contract_name, tbl_contracts.firm_id, tbl_contracts.agency_id
FROM tbl_contracts;
image of dropdown
I would like the IDs shown for agency_id and firm_id to list the company_name from their respective table "tbl_firm_agencies" where the tbl_contracts looks them up from. I've tried INNER JOINS but when I do, I can only line items to show when both agency AND firm exist, so my dropdown get cut off quite a bit.
Simply LEFT JOIN to those lookup tables as opposed to INNER JOIN. Adjust table and field names to actual ones in query below. Also, the parentheses are required in MS Access SQL.
SELECT c.ID, c.contract_name, f.firm_name, a.agency_name
FROM (tbl_contracts c
LEFT JOIN tbl_firms f
ON c.firm_id = f.firm_name)
LEFT JOIN tbl_agencies a
ON c.agency_id = a.agency_name;

SQL Query across two tables only show most recently updated result per tag address

I have two tables: violator_state and violator_tags
This table holds the "tags" which has an unchanging row count of 10 in this case. The purpose is to list out each tag present, connect the full tag address (m_violator_tag) with its shorthand name (m_tag) and state whether it is in "violation". I need to use this table as reference because of the link between m_violator_tag and m_tag.
This table is constantly having new rows added to it holding the information of what tags are in violation with a specific tag. So it would show T6 in violation with T1,T2,T9 ect.
I am looking to create a query which joins the two tables to show only the most recently updated (largest m_eval_time_from) for each tag.
I am using the following query to join the two tables but I expect m_translatedid and m_tag to match but they do not. Unsure why.
SELECT violator_state.m_violator_tag, violator_state.is_violating, violator_state.m_translatedid, violator_tags.m_tag, violator_tags.m_eval_time_to, violator_tags.m_tag_peers,
violator_tags.m_tag_position, violator_tags.m_eval_time_from
FROM violator_tags CROSS JOIN
Violation_state table
violation_tags table
results of my (incorrect) query
Any suggestions on what I should try?
Your CROSS JOIN will give you a cartesian product where EVERY row in the first table is paired with ALL the rows in the second table e.g. if you have 10 rows in each, you will get 10 x 10 = 100 rows in the result! I believe you need to join the tables on the m_tag column and select the violator_tags row with the latest date. The query below should do this for you (though you haven't provided your question in a manner that makes it easy for me to double-check my code - see the link provided by a_horse_with_no_name for more on this or use a website like db-fiddle to set up your example).
SELECT vs.m_violator_tag,
FROM violator_tags vt
JOIN violator_state vs
ON vt.m_tag = vs.m_tag
AND vt.m_eval_time_from = (SELECT MAX(vt.m_eval_time_from)
FROM violator_tags
WHERE m_tag = vt.m_tag)

Inner joining two tables returns empty result

I am trying to get two tables that aren't related to pull a column of data each.
I have one table called AlphaData and one called TLAuth. Each includes a column that is labelled invoice and I need to pull both columns so I can at least start a comparison. TLAuth will include some of the invoice numbers from AlphaData, but not all of them.
Right now I am using the following code:
SELECT Alphadata.Invoice, TLAuth.Invoice
FROM Alphadata
ON TLauth.TLAUthID = Alphadata.TLAUthID;
But every time I run this it comes up totally blank. There is definitely data in there, I can pull one column of data from each, but not both at the same time. I have even setup a relationship (1 to Many from TL Auth to Alphadata) and it doesn't seem to work so any help would be grand.
If the tables could not match you should use left join
SELECT Alphadata.Invoice, TLAuth.Invoice
From Alphadata
LEFT JOIN TlAuth ON TLauth.TLAUthID=Alphadata.TLAUthID;

Join List of words to a table

I have two tables. Table "List" and table "Content". I want to store 6 types of lists. These lists are black,white and grey lists and each of these list contain a few words. Whenever someone notices a new word that should be in one of the lists, then new word should be simply added to the database.
The image below shows you the tables that I use.
I want to refer or join a certain list for instance a list with name: "Blacklist" that has an ListID= 1 with the correct set of blacklistwords, that could have a ContentID=1.
The content is a list of words, but I am clueless as for how I should join the correct list of words(content) to a listID. I don't know how to query this.
The part that is troubeling me is that it is a list of words. So a ContentID =1 has for example the words"Login","Password", "Credential" etc. How do I query it to ListID=1 with the name"BlackList"? And do the same for the other lists?
I think it should look like this.
WHERE ListID = 1
This only joins the two ID with each other. How do I join the correct list of words with the correct list? Maybe I am totally missing the point with the query above?
Question: How do I join a set or list of words to a list with a name and ListID?
Once you change this schema, the below query will work
SELECT ListID,ContentID,Words
ON List.ListID = Content.ListID
WHERE List.ListID = 1
I have considered the schema from the diagrams. Please execute the below query:
L.Name AS 'ListName',
INNER JOIN Content C ON C.ListID = L.ListID
C.Words IN ('Login','Password','Credential')

How do I remove "duplicate" rows from a view?

I have a view which was working fine when I was joining my main table:
However I needed to add the following join:
Although I added DISTINCT, I still get a "duplicate" row. I say "duplicate" because the second row has a different value.
However, if I change the LEFT OUTER to an INNER JOIN, I lose all the rows for the clients who have these "duplicate" rows.
What am I doing wrong? How can I remove these "duplicate" rows from my view?
This question is not applicable in this instance:
How can I remove duplicate rows?
DISTINCT won't help you if the rows have any columns that are different. Obviously, one of the tables you are joining to has multiple rows for a single row in another table. To get one row back, you have to eliminate the other multiple rows in the table you are joining to.
The easiest way to do this is to enhance your where clause or JOIN restriction to only join to the single record you would like. Usually this requires determining a rule which will always select the 'correct' entry from the other table.
Let us assume you have a simple problem such as this:
Person: Jane
Pets: Cat, Dog
If you create a simple join here, you would receive two records for Jane:
This is completely correct if the point of your view is to list all of the combinations of people and pets. However, if your view was instead supposed to list people with pets, or list people and display one of their pets, you hit the problem you have now. For this, you need a rule.
SELECT Person.Name, Pets.Name
FROM Person
LEFT JOIN Pets pets1 ON pets1.PersonID = Person.ID
FROM Pets pets2
WHERE pets2.PersonID = pets1.PersonID
AND pets2.ID < pets1.ID);
What this does is apply a rule to restrict the Pets record in the join to to the Pet with the lowest ID (first in the Pets table). The WHERE clause essentially says "where there are no pets belonging to the same person with a lower ID value).
This would yield a one record result:
The rule you'll need to apply to your view will depend on the data in the columns you have, and which of the 'multiple' records should be displayed in the column. However, that will wind up hiding some data, which may not be what you want. For example, the above rule hides the fact that Jane has a Dog. It makes it appear as if Jane only has a Cat, when this is not correct.
You may need to rethink the contents of your view, and what you are trying to accomplish with your view, if you are starting to filter out valid data.
So you added a left outer join that is matching two rows? OFFICE_MIS.TABLE_CODE is not unique in that table I presume? you need to restrict that join to only grab one row. It depends on which row you are looking for, but you can do something like this...
OFFICE_MIS.ID = /* whatever the primary key is? */
(select top 1 om2.ID
from OFFICE_MIS om2
order by om2.ID /* change the order to fit your needs */)
If the secondd row has one different value than it is not really duplicate and should be included.
Instead of using DISTINCT, you could use a GROUP BY.
Group by all the fields that you want to be returned as unique values.
Use MIN/MAX/AVG or any other function to give you one result for fields that could return multiple values.
SELECT Office.Field1, Client.Field1, MIN(Office.Field1), MIN(Client.Field2)
FROM YourQuery
GROUP BY Office.Field1, Client.Field1
You could try using Distinct Top 1 but as Hunter pointed out, if there is if even one column is different then it should either be included or if you don't care about or need the column you should probably remove it. Any other suggestions would probably require more specific info.
EDIT: When using Distinct Top 1 you need to have an appropriate group by statement. You would really be using the Top 1 part. The Distinct is in there because if there is a tie for Top 1 you'll get an error without having some way to avoid a tie. The two most common ways I've seen are adding Distinct to Top 1 or you could add a column to the query that is unique so that sql would have a way to choose which record to pick in what would otherwise be a tie.