How to make work Django Window expression with SQLite? - sql

I am testing Django ORM 'Window' SQL-wrapper capabilities.
I have following query in my code:
queryset = TripInterval.objects.annotate(
num=Window(RowNumber(), order_by=F('id').asc())
).values('id', 'num')
which results in the following SQL query string (from debugger):
SELECT "request_tripinterval"."id",
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "request_tripinterval"."id" ASC) AS "num"
FROM "request_tripinterval"
and is pretty straightforward. It WORKS when I copy/paste it into third party db-client. But Django ORM gives me an error:
near "(": syntax error
What is wrong here?
System: Windows 10
Django: 2.2.4
Python: 3.6.0

Sounds like your Python is using an outdated version of SQLite.
SQLite added support for window functions in version 3.25, released in August 2018. Prior to that version, the exact same syntax error you're seeing would be thrown when trying to use window functions.
You can check the SQLite version used by Python by running this in the interpreter:
import sqlite3
If the version that is output is older that 3.25, you'll need to upgrade your SQLite library version.
On a Windows system, the easiest way to do that is by installing the sqlite package from Anaconda. Otherwise, the general approach is to upgrade your installed system SQLite libraries, then recompile/reinstall Python. Alternatively, you could try installing the pysqlite package from PyPi.


Spark 2.3.1 array_join and array_remove

I have coded a pyspark script to execute a SQL file, it worked perfectly fine on the spark latest version, but the target machine has 2.3.1, and it throws exception:
pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: u"Undefined function: 'array_remove'. This function is neither a registered temporary function nor a permanent function registered in the database 'default'
It seems these are not present in the older versions :( can anyone suggest something, i have searched alot but in vain.
my sql piece which is failing is
SELECT NIEDC.*, array_join(array_remove(split(groupedNIEDC.appearedIn,'-'), StudyCode),'-') AS subjects_assigned_to_other_studies
array_remove and array_join functions were added on spark version 2.4. You can make an UDF and register it to use in a query using this method.

Error - mismatched input 'SWAP' expecting 'REROUTE' in CrateDB for Alter Cluster query

I am upgrading CRATE DB from version 2.x to 3.1.6 as per suggestion when I try to upgrade tables created in version 2.x using document,
In step 5,
Query -
alter CLUSTER SWAP table transactions2 to transactions;
I am getting error SQLActionException[SQLParseException: line 1:15: mismatched input 'SWAP' expecting 'REROUTE']
I am not sure what would be the correct query to resolve this.
You are following the latest documentation instead of the e.g. 2.3 ( documentation version.
The SWAP SQL command support was added in version 3.2, see

Intellij 2016.3 update to Oracle 12c syntax

After a recent upgrade to Oracle 12cR1, Idea's database-editor syntax-highlighting has gotten out-of-date for my Oracle connections.
Queries making use of 12c syntax that work fine in SQLPlus( and SQLcl(4.2.0) highlight as incorrect syntax in my Idea editor. They also fail to run when executed from the editor.
I'd like to update intellij, but I haven't found where to upgrade the oracle dialect and my jdbc drivers appear to be up-to-date. I was hoping for advice on two fronts--where to upgrade intellj to successfully execute 12c-syntax SQL, and how to get Idea's Oracle-Dialect to have 12c-compatible syntax highlighting. An example that would cover both of these is subquery-factoring-clause function-declaration. These constructs fail to execute for me in the editor with an ORA-06553.
I'm on Ubuntu-16.04 LTS with Idea (v 2016.3.4)
I'm using Database-Plugin: Database Tools and SQL plugin (v 1.0)
I'm using the provided drivers: .IntelliJIdea2016.3/config/jdbc-drivers/
Driver-versions are xdb6- and ojdbc6-
I'm not currently using any additional files in my driver configuration
If this isn't supported yet, I can accept that. I'd just like to upgrade if currently possible.
Here's an example for checking whether a string is on the (dvorak) home-row for typing. The statement works fine in SQLPlus and SQLcl, but is flagged as invalid in Idea and fails to execute (ORA-06553). This could of course be done more succinctly with SQL only, but hopefully illustrates the issue.
SELECT DECODE(IS_IT_DVORAK_HOME_ROW('This And That And These and Those Too'),1,'Home-Row!','Nope...') AS HOME_ROWNESS

missing column 'CONTEXTS' after Liquibase migration to version 3.4.0 from 2.0.4

I try to migrate Liquibase from old version 2.0.5 to 3.4.0. The first thing I tried was the status command, what resulted in a problem reading the table 'databasechangelog':
Error executing SQL SELECT
I seems the are two new columns in the table: LABELS and CONTEXTS
The Lquibase website told it is just a drop-in replacement.
So my question: Do I need to go fist to version 3.0.0, or how do I get the new columns? Manual manipulation is not a option.
Checkout the ´StandardChangeLogHistoryService´ class.
Search for hasContexts e.g. There is code that checks if those columns are there.
So if the test for the column CONTEXTS fails there should be a log line that says:
"Adding missing databasechangelog.contexts column".
You can check you log for this.
So, yes it is supposed to be a drop-in replacement.
The solution is not running the status command but the update command that worked well.
Be careful, you can not go back to the old version of Liquibase. The old version thows checksum errors.

Timestamp out of range - PostgreSQL with OLEDB .NET

We have a .Net application which stores data in PostgreSQL. We have a perfectly working code with PostgreSQL 8.3 and now we are trying to upgrade our PostgreSQL server from version 8.3 to 9.3 and our code seems to break.
For connecting PostgeSQL we are using OLEDB.
The issue we are getting is “Timestamp out of range”. When looked through the logs we are receiving weird timestamp “152085-04-28 06:14:51.818821”.
From our application We are trying to pass a value from .Net code to postgreSQL function which is of type timestamp. As we are using OLEDB for connections, we are using parameter type as OleDbType.DBTimeStamp and sending date time value from .Net code. This code works in PostgreSQL 8.3 but breaks in 9.3. From the logs of Postgresql 9.3 the parameter value which we are receiving is “152085-04-28 06:14:51.818821”.
We tried to execute the same function using npgsql provider from sample .net code by passing Date time value and giving parameter type as NpgsqlDbType.TimestampTZ with this we are getting correct results. From the logs of PostgreSQL the parameter values received at the function is shown as “E'2014-01-30 12:17:50.804220'::timestamptz”.
Tried in other versions of postgresql i.e. 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and was breaking in all these versions.
Any Idea why this is breaking in other versions of PostgreSQL when perfectly working in 8.3?