React Native stuck at loading dependecy graph - react-native

Good Day, I am pretty new to react native and I ran into an issue, my metro bundler starts and gets stuck at loading dependency graph with ('...'), not moving forward or backwards
I have tried using yarn start, changing the ports although my port 8081 is free.
Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
EDIT: any other alternatives to metro bundler?
Screenshot:Its just stuck here
Screenshot II: Emulator

Turns out it was my node version, was using v12, I downgraded to v10.
Thanks for your suggestions.

Did you run react-native run-ios or react-native run-android as well?
because react-native start only runs metro and usually when dependency graph is done it stays there hanging until you connect a simulator/device but it is working as expected.
You can try with react-native --reset-cache to clean up metro after some bad start, but in any case this only starts metro bundler. To get device running use the methods above

For the latest version of RN 0.62, there could be two things that could be wrong.
Make sure your node version is < 12.15 since there is a memory leak issue and you would have few issues running the bundler.
If you are in MacOs Catalina , just go to the Security & Privacy -> files & folders in the system preferences and change the permissions for watchman.
The simplest way to debug this issue is running the bundler in sudo
sudo react-native start
And if you have permission issue with watchman then you should see bunch of errors in your console.


react-native app crashes while I want to run debugger-ui react-native-debbugger

I have started my application and install npm packages using npm install, then as usual I have installed debug version of the application using npx react-native run-android, then started the application with npx react-native start. The works fine until I want to use debugger-ui and debug my application using react-native-debugger or fb-flipper.
The problem occurs when pressing r in the terminal and choosing Debug from the modal that appears on the emulator screen.
This is the error that I'm facing with int he terminal:
And also this one in the React Native Debugger tab in the chrome console:
As I'm using the latest version of react-native-reanimated in this project and have followed the installation instructions in the documentation I have used this command for installing that:
npm install react-native-reanimated#next
I have been looking into documentation and after reading that really carefully I have just figured out that the react-native-reanimated#2 is not going to work with react-native-debugger and you can run debugger-ui the documentation recommended to use facebook flipper another amazing developer tool for react-native apps.

Application is freeze when "this.props.navigation.navigate"

I am using expo 34 and I am tried with 32,33 and 31.
It works when I run it with Expo client on Ios Simulator but
In the "this.props.navigation.navigate" commands, the program freezes and the cpu rises.
I'm not getting a mistake either.
I have the same problem with Android tests.
Expo client version 2.12.1
I tried it separately on Windows and Apple operating systems to solve this problem, but the problem still persisted.
Not: In the meantime, the application I am talking about is now online.
I mean, he was definitely working before, but I can't even test him now.
You need to install that in your project.
npm install react-navigation --save
Also you need to pass in the view name. For example:

React Native white blank screen issue

Always getting white blank screen when running the app on the physical device in android case. Using react-native-navigation can't able to detect the bug please help!
I have created a fresh react-native project and integrated the react-native-navigation library into it and when I am running the app in my physical device by running the command yarn run android it runs but shows blank white screen in android. Once it runs successfully but now it won't.
run react-native start in a separate terminal and then run react-native run-android.
i recently faced two kind of white screen problem
1.always showing white screen (due to bundling..)
solutions is
react-native start
and then
react-native run-android shows white screen some particular seconds or suddenly always shows white screen in properly working app
due to app cache or traffic
solutions is
If Debug JS Remotely is on then also we see the blank screen. I have recently come across this issue. So check if you are already running Debug JS Remotely. If you are running it already then just stop remote debugging. And it will work.
Running ./gradlew clean on android folder and then uninstalling the app from the phone worked for me.
In my case, was using my Phone to test and develop, and suddenly white screen issue appeared.
The app was not loading at all, no error, no code update only white screen comes up after npx react-native run-android.
My solution was to clear the phone cache as it was loading from cache.
I restarted my phone then cleared all cache and then it worked for me.
Use "react-native init" command for the creating the project as it only build react-native not expo and the other node modules for you and then build for the particular platforms for eg. in my case "react-native run-android" and it works.
There is step-by-step what I do to run app on physical android device:
Open 'android' folder from app folder in IntelliJ
Run in IntelliJ, target: USB device
After .apk finish installing, shift-right click in app folder, run PowerShell, type 'react-native run-android'
After it finish, open app on physical device, shake it to open developer menu, and hit 'Reload'
you can also hold menu button on your device to open developer menu(while app is running)
I also faced same issue in the emulator. So the way I solved it is by going into Android settings - Apps - select the app, and force stop it. Then I tried opening the app again and it worked.
Before I did this, I removed the 'build' folder under /android/app/ and re-ran. Did not work.
One thing that often resolves this problem for me is re-installing your node_modules folder and cleaning your gradle build. You can do this manually, however, if you've run into this problem once or many times, consider running a shell script to automate this process.
Create a file called and paste this inside:
echo "Removing node modules from $1 then reinstalling..."
cd $1
rm -rf node_modules
yarn install
echo "Cleaning gradle project..."
cd android
./gradlew clean
cd ..
If using npm, change "yarn" above to "npm".
Put the file above in the parent directory of your project (if your project is located at C:\Users\\projects\project1 put the file at C:\Users\\projects\).
To run the script, inside of Git Bash or your Unix terminal run this (make sure to change the name of the directory below to the parent directory of your project):
cd C:/Users/
./ <project-name>
Now when restarting your app, try also reset the packager's cache.
With yarn:
yarn start --reset-cache
yarn android
With npm:
npx react-native start --reset-cache
npx react-native run-android
In my case I had a metro terminal running from my previous project. closing it and running the new project again solved the issue.
Use react-native-splash-screen. I try many ways to fix this issue but it's not working and i think this is the best way.
For me my wifi was disconnected on my test device.
I had to make sure both my computer running the react packager/server and my device were connected to the same wifi network.
I have recently faced this kind of white screen problem
1.always showing white screen after Release
"npx react-native start"
and then
"npx react-native run-android" shows white screen some particular seconds or suddenly always shows the white screen in a properly working app
due to app cache or traffic and android Newer version also in some case when you are using API with HTTP instead of HTTPS
The reason is that newer android versions are more secure and they try to restrict HTTP request
solutions are
add this line in path project\android\app\src\main\androidmanifest.xml:
In my case:
1: I tried npx react-native start to run metro.
2: Then write npx react-native run-android in cmd, there was still a white blank screen.
3: I still faced the same issues, then I always comment on every single component, and automatically, I resolve the error. This is the best technique I ever used.
If you are trying to get it working on a Android device, make sure you have first tried to clear cache for the App, doesn't matter if reinstalled.
Try the other answers only after you have cleared cache.
It can not find its navigation's route. You should check the navigation.

Could not install the app on the device - react native on windows 10

Everytime I try to launch a react native project I got this error
Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for
details. Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device
connected and have set up your Android development environment
I reinstalled nodejs, python and jdk using choco as suggested on official docs. Every single packages is installed as well as sdk 23.0.1
I can see my virtual device if I run adb devices USB debugging is activated and it's running android 6.
I setup ANDROID_HOME path in environment variables, I'm using same sdk path as you can see in the picture. I also setup another one for JAVA_HOME and Python.
My PATH looks like this:
I just don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I'm using a surface pro 4, Windows 10. I can run projects using expo. I literally tried everything, restart computer, start cmd using admin, create new virtual devices, uninstall everything and start from scratch, it just don't work.
You have pointed out two issues; first, make sure you have an android emulator running. To do that, you run adb devices and you say you can see you device.
The other issue is with the environment. To make sure your environment is setup properly for android, go to the root of your react-native project. Open the android project using android studio.
All errors with your environment will show up, use the automatic fixes provided by android studio. Clean the project in android studio. Close studio and go back to command line, run react-native run-android
Everything should work now.
When doing react-native start it will intentionally hang at "Loading dependency graph" (its not really hanging, its just waiting to receive build/bundle signals). This is correct. You have to open a second terminal then do react-native run-android.
If you get errors, then cd android in your project folder then run ./gradlew clean, then after that do another react-native start then react-native run-android.
Solution is to delete all java JDK and reinstall v8 / change JAVA_HOME to the new path.
Also changing gradle-wrapper.propertiesfile for each project you want to run
# update gradle to latest version
Sometimes it dosen't compile with v4 so I have to use v3. React native is definitely confusing.
after install dan update environment JDK now I can install app on my device

React Packager doesn't detect all the time change file on Windows

I have some issues with React Packager on Windows
After loading (long long wait), my application is lauching well on AVD Android. But when i change a file and i reload on my app, i see no change. I can do that 10X and no change. (I'm talking about the welcom react base app and i change file so nothing very exotic)
Some times, the change on *.js file are detected and my app update well. When it work, it work all the time until i stop the packager. When it doesn't work, it doesn't working until i restart packager.
So for too work, i have to launch, try, launch, try, launch try until it is ok. As you can see, the loading can take 3min so it's not cool.
I tried to activate, desactivate hot reload but no change.
I don't think it's a network issue because after reboot packager, sometimes i have the old version. So i use --clear-cache option. And when i reload the app in android, i can see that packager catch the request but don't send the good version.
So i've conclued that Packager didn't detect very well the file change.
I know on Windows Watchman does not existe maybe there is a work around !!! If you have a solution for slow loading i'm ok too :-)
Can you help me ?
npm -v react-native : 2.15.1
npm -v : 2.15.1
node -v : v4.4.4
Thank you !!!
I had the same problem with nodejs 4. But when I installed nodejs 6 and make run-android init again the problem is fixed. Try to uninstall node 4 and install node 6.
After deleting .expo and node_modules folders and running yarn install changes detection started working again