Shuffle data in Sqlite - sql

I have a data like
I need to shuffle on the base of last column (0 THEN 1) like
Is that possible in sqlite or in notepad++ ??

If the version of SQLite you use supports it you can do it with row_number() window function:
select, t.fruit, t.number
from (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by number order by id) rn
from tablename
) t
order by t.rn
If you need the rows shuffled, replace order by id with order by random().
See the demo.
If you can't use window functions:
select, t.fruit, t.number
from (
select t.*,
(select count(*) from tablename where number = t.number and id < rn
from tablename t
) t
order by t.rn
See the demo.
| id | fruit | number |
| --- | ------ | ------ |
| id1 | apple | 0 |
| ida | kiwi | 1 |
| id2 | orange | 0 |
| idb | potato | 1 |
| id3 | banana | 0 |
| idc | cakes | 1 |
| id4 | carrot | 0 |
| idd | chocos | 1 |

You can do this using row_number() in the order by clause:
select t.*
from t
order by row_number() over (partition by col3 order by col1),
Often "shuffle" implies randomness ("interleaving" would not). If that is what you mean:
select t.*
from t
order by row_number() over (partition by col3 order by random()),


SQL Server Add row number each group

I working on a query for SQL Server 2016. I have order by serial_no and group by pay_type and I would like to add row number same example below
row_no | pay_type | serial_no
1 | A | 4000118445
2 | A | 4000118458
3 | A | 4000118461
4 | A | 4000118473
5 | A | 4000118486
1 | B | 4000118499
2 | B | 4000118506
3 | B | 4000118519
4 | B | 4000118521
1 | A | 4000118534
2 | A | 4000118547
3 | A | 4000118550
1 | B | 4000118562
2 | B | 4000118565
3 | B | 4000118570
4 | B | 4000118572
Help me please..
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY paytype ORDER BY serial_no) as row_no,
paytype, serial_no
FROM table
ORDER BY serial_no
You can assign groups to adjacent pay types that are the same and then use row_number(). For this purpose, the difference of row numbers is a good way to determine the groups:
select row_number() over (partition by pay_type, seqnum - seqnum_2 order by serial_no) as row_no,
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (order by serial_no) as seqnum,
row_number() over (partition by pay_type order by serial_no) as seqnum_2
from t
) t;
This type of problem is one example of a gaps-and-islands problem. Why does the difference of row numbers work? I find that the simplest way to understand is to look at the results of the subquery.
Here is a db<>fiddle.
add this to your select list
since you already sorting by your stuff, so you don't need to sorting in your windowing function so consuming less CPU,

How to list the latest series with no gaps of a given clause?

Given the following example table:
| Id | Name |
| 1 | A |
| 2 | B |
| 3 | B |
| 4 | C |
| 5 | A |
| 6 | B |
| 7 | B |
| 8 | B |
| 9 | B |
| 10 | X |
I would like a query to get the following result:
| 6 | B |
| 7 | B |
| 8 | B |
| 9 | B |
The best query I could do was:
(SELECT id, name, LEAD(id) OVER (ORDER BY id) t
FROM test WHERE name = 'B' ORDER BY id)
WHERE ID <> t-1;
sqlfiddle here
If you want the length and where it starts:
select min(id), max(id)
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (order by id) as seqnum,
row_number() over (partition by name order by id) as seqnum_1
from test t
) t
where name = 'B'
group by (seqnum - seqnum_1)
order by min(id) desc
fetch first 1 row only;
You can join back to the table to get the original rows.
Another method using window functions to count the number of non-Bs after a given row . . . and then choose the first:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
dense_rank() over (order by nonbs_after asc) as grp
from (select t.*,
sum(case when name <> 'B' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by id desc) as nonbs_after
from test t
) t
where name = 'B'
) t
where grp = 1;
Here is a db<>fiddle.

select first and last record of each group horizontally

I have a table like
i want to select first and last record of every group by facility_id and created_at horizontally
need to output like . i can do it vertically but need horizontally
with CTE as (
,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by facility_id,name order by created_at asc ) ascrnk
,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by facility_id,name order by created_at desc ) desrnk
from TestTable
select T1.facility_id,,
T1.value as "First_value",
T1.created_at as "First created_at",
T2.value as "Last_value",
T2.created_at as "Last created_at"
from (
select * from cte
where ascrnk = 1
) T1
left join (
select * from cte
where desrnk = 1
) T2 on T1.facility_id = T2.facility_id and =
| facility_id | name | First_value | First created_at | Last_value | Last created_at |
| 2011 | A | 200 | 2015-05-30T11:50:17Z | 300 | 2017-05-30T11:50:17Z |
| 2012 | B | 124 | 2015-05-30T11:50:17Z | 195 | 2017-05-30T11:50:17Z |
| 2013 | C | 231 | 2015-05-30T11:50:17Z | 275 | 2017-06-30T11:50:17Z |
| 2014 | D | 279 | 2017-06-30T11:50:17Z | 263 | 2018-06-30T11:50:17Z |
SQL Fiddle Demo Link
I think this is much simpler using window functions and select distinct:
select distinct facility_id, name,
first_value(value) over (partition by facility_id, name order by created_at asc) as first_value,
min(created_at) as first_created_at,
first_value(value) over (partition by facility_id, name order by created_at desc) as last_value,
max(created_at) as last_created_at
from t;
No subqueries. No joins.
You can also use arrays to accomplish the same functionality, using group by. It is a shame that SQL Server doesn't directly support first_value() as a window function.

In SQL is there a way to partition by a value if it's not continuous

I would like to do the rank the values over a partition with two columns. col1 will be the key and col2 will be some value that is also going to be used in ORDER BY. I would like to start a new partition only when col2 is discontinued. For example, I would like to do the following:
| col1 | col2 | rank |
| a | 1 | 1 |
| a | 2 | 2 |
| a | 3 | 3 |
| a | 9 | 1 |
| a | 10 | 2 |
| b | 1 | 1 |
| b | 2 | 2 |
| b | 8 | 1 |
Thinking somewhere in lines of
Does anyone have any ideas?
If I understand correctly, you want to enumerate by "islands" of adjoining sequential values. You can do so with a simple observation: subtracting a sequence from col2 will be constant for each group. So, let's use this observation:
select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by col1, grp order by col1) as rnk
from (select t.*,
(col2 - row_number() over (partition by col1 order by col2)) as grp
from t
) t

Get specific value from each group after partition

I have below table -
ID | Type | Val0 | Val1 | Group | Creation_date
1 | A | V1 | Val1 | G1 | 24sep, 2011
2 | A | V1 | Val2 | G1 | 27oct, 2008
3 | A | V2 | Val3 | G2 | 19oct, 2003
4 | B | X1 | Xal1 | G3 | 15 dec, 2001
5 | B | X2 | Xal2 | G4 | 15 dec, 2000
6 | B | X2 | Xal3 | G4 | 15 dec, 1990
7 | C | X3 | Xal4 | G5 | 23Dec, 2001
I want to keep only the latest values for a particular type and extract out values which are old but not belong to group with which the latest item is associated. So, for above table, I want these items to be extracted out - Val3, Xal2, Xal3 which i can delete later.
since A is having the latest value as Val1 which belongs to group G1, B is having the latest value as Xal1 and C is having the latest value as Xal4.
Can anybody suggest me how i can do this using SQL?
You can use row_number(). No aggregation is necessary:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by t.type order by creation_date desc) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;
However, you want the values that are not in this group. That is, you want the values from val1 where seqnum is not 1. This would be:
select t.val1
from (select t.*, min(seqnum) over (partition by t.type, as min_seqnum -- DON'T USE group FOR COLUMN NAMES!
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by t.type order by creation_date desc) as seqnum
from t
) t
) t
where min_seqnum <> 1;
You can use ROW_NUMBER() :
SELECT p.type,p.val1 FROM (
FROM (SELECT s.Type,s.Val1,MAX(s.creation_date) as max_d
FROM YourTable s
GROUP BY s.type,s.val1) t) p
WHERE p.rnk > 1