VBA to Open MS Access Form Full Screen - vba

I have problem with VBA Access database I want to open form full screen.
Let me know which property and code I use to do fix the issue.
I tried many script and codes.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Application.Forms = Xlmaximized
End Sub

For a form to maximize it is:
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
The application you should never force to be maximize. That would be to violate the user's control over the machine.

If for some reason you would like to violiate the user's control over the machine and maximize the application, you could do this too:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Application.RunCommand acCmdAppMaximize
End Sub


VB.NET reference sender form in a separate module

I am trying to loop through each panel and control in each user form I have in my application so I wrote a subroutine to call upon initialization of each user form. The problem I have encountered is referencing the sender user form in a separate module. The code I have:
Sub Configure_UI()
For Each Control_Panel As Panel In sender.Controls.OfType(Of Panel) 'Loop through panels
For Each control In Control_Panel.Controls
End Sub
The error that it gives says "Sender is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.". SO I wonder how do I fix this. What I need is a dynamic solution where sender is the form.name.
Could someone, please, help me out please?
so the solution is as follows
Sub Configure_UI(ByVal sender As Form)
For Each Control_Panel As Panel In sender.Controls.OfType(Of Panel) 'Loop through panels
For Each control In Control_Panel.Controls
End Sub
and the call to it from user form initialization is:
Any suggestions on optimizing the solution?

Outlook macro icon click event

I have a subroutine assigned to a button on the ribbon. All it does is show a form I'm using to simplify some email processing I need to do. This is a constant work in progress so I added a message box in the form's initialization asking if this is live or not. That changes colors and some functionality to help my testing.
I don't want to have to answer that message box every time I use it (sometimes 30 or 40 times a day) but I still want a clean way to get into my testing mode. I'd like to shift-click or ctrl-click the ribbon icon or something like that to trigger my testing mode.
The public sub is in a module that just shows the form.
Public Sub RunAutoReply()
End Sub
Is there any way to do this? I'm on MS Office Pro Plus 2016.
I though I knew what was asked until I read the comments in the question.
This could demo the concept.
Option Explicit
' Choose a name almost impossible to be used elsewhere.
Public testMode_for_RunAutoReply_unique As Boolean
Public Sub toggle_testMode_for_RunAutoReply()
testMode_for_RunAutoReply_unique = Not testMode_for_RunAutoReply_unique
If testMode_for_RunAutoReply_unique = True Then
Debug.Print "In test mode"
Debug.Print "In live mode."
End If
End Sub
Public Sub RunAutoReply()
If testMode_for_RunAutoReply_unique = True Then
Debug.Print "Safe to test."
Debug.Print "Live!"
End If
End Sub

How to navigate to a form based on a comb box selection in Microsoft Access

I'm creating a form for my Microsoft Access database. I have a combo box, and I need it to navigate to the form based on which item the user clicks.
How would I do this? I know it requires some VBA code, but none of the methods I have tried have worked thus far.
The form I am trying to navigate to is called "Forms_Reports"
My current code:
Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Combo0.Value = 1 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Forms_Reports", acNormal
End If
End Sub
Your code is basically okay, but you can't combine it in a single line. Also, I'm guessing your form is really just named "Reports". You don't include the Form_ prefix displayed in the project window. Try this:
Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Combo0.Value = 1 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Reports", acNormal
End If
End Sub

How to make a function/sub available to all forms in a project?

I have a sub that I want to be available to (or "callable from") all forms:
' Call some Sub from another form.
I'm having difficulty finding examples online thus my suspicion that the crux of my issue may be terminological.
Can anyone guide me as to what I should be looking at?:
Global Sub
Static Sub
Shared Sub
Private Sub
Where should I position my "universal" sub?:
Arbitrarily place it in one of the forms.
Create a code file and somehow integrate into it each form?
declare it as public Sub inside a Module
Public Module GlobalFunctions
Public Sub YourSub()
End Sub
End Module
hope this will help you
Make it public.
Public Sub MySub()
Then you can call it from every form.

Optionally launch form in VB.Net console application

So I've set my application to a console type application and pointed it to a module containing just Sub Main, i.e.
Module mdlConsole
Sub Main(ByVal cmdArgs() As String)
If cmdArgs.Length = 0 Then
Dim frm As New frmMain
End If
End Sub
End Module
Ideally if no arguments are supplied then the program would simply launch the primary form. The goal is to make this program (optionally) script-able from the command line. If arguments are supplied then the application form is not loaded and processes its features based off the command line arguments supplied.
As it is now, the program runs, briefly launches the form (frmMain) and then closes. What am I doing wrong or missing?
If you're not keen on giving me the answer, I'd be happy to be pointed in the right direction also. I don't expect anyone to just supply answers. I need to learn also.
For Winforms, you need to 'run' the App object, passing a form to use:
Sub Main(ByVal cmdArgs() As String)
If cmdArgs.Length = 0 Then
Dim frm As New frmMain
' cmd line version
End If
End Sub
I see in your comment that you'd like to remove the console window that appears when running the form version of the program with the solution currently proposed. I cannot comment due to lack of reputation, so I will make this a full-fledged answer.
Consider approaching this from an inverse perspective: if you write the program as a forms application, opening it by default will bring up the form. But in the Form1_Load event, check the command line arguments; if they are greater than 0, simply run your (abbreviated) code logic here. At the end of the code, simply run Application.Exit(), like so:
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count > 0 Then
' Execute (abbreviated) code logic
' When finished, exit the program
End If
End Sub
This can also make your code cleaner and more practical if you're relying on a user-interface, because you can still access the values of form elements that the user would otherwise be modifying - but without the form showing on the screen (unless you prompt it to with a MsgBox or such).
This also works very nicely for Scheduled Tasks, as the user can run them manually with a user-interface, while the program executes without being visible via a scheduled task.
Kind of a follow-on to Chad's solution above I used the steps defined in How to have an invisible start up form? to avoid showing my form.
In short, create an Overrides subroutine that gets launched before Form1_Load:
This worked for me:
Protected Overrides Sub SetVisibleCore(ByVal value As Boolean)
If Not Me.IsHandleCreated Then
value = False
Exit Sub
End If
If My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count > 0 Then
MsgBox("Argument Sensed!")
' Execute (abbreviated) code logic
' When finished, exit the program
End If
End Sub