vue-cli-service: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '...'. Expected a property name - vue.js

I'm working on putting together a small app using vue, and I specifically need it to run on a device that does not support ES6. I'm using vue-cli-service build to build, and when trying to open this page on my ES5 device, I'm seeing this error SyntaxError: Unexpected token '...'. Expected a property name.
I have installed babel, and added this to my .babelrc: { "presets": ["#babel/preset-env"] }
I'm not really sure what else to try, I haven't been able to find anything that specifically addresses this. Even the vue-cli-service documentation suggests ways to support polyfill for ES5, but I don't think this is the same thing.

I had this problem with Vuetify and Safari 11.1
I guessed I needed to transpile the ES6 version of Vuetify for older browsers. The solution was difficult to search for, as most of the suggestions were about modifying webpack or babel configuration, which I find obscured inside Vue CLI.
I eventually uncovered the solution myself by rebuilding my project from scratch via Vue CLI, and the installer magically added a transpilation option for Vuetify which I was missing - I think because I had previously upgraded Vuetify across the ES5 to ES6 versions, and perhaps their upgrade script doesn't perform this step.
module.exports = {
"transpileDependencies": [
this is the equivalent of webpack
build: {
transpile: ['vuetify']
Restart the build and reload.
Of course you will need to find which of your packages it is - this is just an example. I just dug around in the error stack until finding something which belonged to Vuetify.


Ionic Vue failed to compile

I was running ionic serve in local computer and got following error
compilation error
It was working fine earlier, also I didn't make any changes to code whatsoever. I don't understand what is causing this error.
I tried following
Freshly clone project from git repo
Re-install npm dependencies
Un-install and re-install ionic globally
None of the above methods worked.
Looking at the error log, which say:
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
You need to add vue-loader to your webpack configuration. You can find an example of such an integration here:
Someone said here "You may need an appropiate loader to handle this file type" webpack and vue that he solved the problem by downgrading vue-loader using:
npm install vue-loader#14 --save-dev.
Apparently v15 has some issues.
I suggest you to look in this posts:
Error: "You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders."
"You may need an appropiate loader to handle this file type" webpack and vue
Vue Render HTML - You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders
Vue - You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders
Solved this bug,
One of the components contained lang typescript where as ionic system is using javascript.
SignIn Component:
<script lang="ts">
I just removed lang and ionic compiled files properly.
Earlier versions didn't track this error.I recently upgraded ionic version to 6.17.1.

vue-cli build not using minified versions of libraries

I am trying to reduce the size of my SPA build, which gets build using vue-cli build. I am using Chart.js and after building the application, I ran webpack-bundle-analyzer and it shows Chart.js with it's full size, and not chart.min.js.
What I am expecting is that it would use /dist/chart.min.js. I am not understanding this correctly, or is it actually using the non-minified file?
I got around to having another look at this and this is simply because vue-chartjs needs chart.js as peer dependency and is thus not taking care of anything in my side of the build step.
The fix is to configure it accordingly in the webpack config:
resolve: {
alias: {
'chart.js$': 'chart.js/dist/Chart.min.js',

How to set up Airbnb ESLint in VS Code?

I've tried for hours to set up ESLint using the Airbnb linter in Visual Studio Code. I ran the commands found here: and set the peer dependencies to the correct versions, but still no luck. I always get this error:
Unexpected top-level property "“extends”". . Please see the 'ESLint'
output channel for details.
Does anyone know of a fix for this? I've read so many blogs and threads to no avail and am at the point where it seems like it's just more hassle than it's worth, though everyone says the Airbnb style guide is best for React.
Install the ESLint extension for VS Code. This will cause lint errors to show up inline, directly in the code editor (as opposed to just showing in the terminal when you use the command line).
Install eslint-config-airbnb and all of the dependencies (follow the instructions in the documentation). If you're using npm 5+, simply run this command in your terminal while inside of the project directory: npx install-peerdeps --dev eslint-config-airbnb.
Setup your ESLint configuration. You can add a basic config in your package.json file under the eslintConfig property, like so: "eslintConfig": { "extends": "airbnb" }
If you've done all of the above steps and are still getting the error you mentioned, see this thread, where a number of potential solutions are mentioned in the comments.
Specifically, in your case it sounds like your configuration is not getting read properly, for whatever reason. I would try adding it to your package.json as mentioned above to see if that solves it.

Using vuex store with npm-link in vue-cli 3 project loses $store

I think this is a config issue related to keeping store in an npm-linked folder.
I made a vue-cli 3 project and got the “counter” example running (from
Works: When I move the store.js to an installed node_modules package (and update its import url) it continues to work.
Breaks: When I move the store.js to an npm linked node_modules package it compiles and dev tools finds the store, but I get a blank screen and console error: Property or method “$store” is not defined on the instance but referenced during render
It also works properly with a linked package if I build the minimized js (npm run build). Is there a config setting I'm missing?
The problem turned out to be that the linked packages had its own node_modules folder. I think that may have resulted in webpack creating 2 instances of Vue and attaching the linked package to the 2nd instance.
Deleting the depended upon package's node modules and letting webpack / vue-cli run at the root level resolved my problem.
I realize this question is ridiculously old, but I ran into this exact issue. As deleting node_modules isn't a valid solution, here's what actually worked.
In the library you're importing into your main app, edit your package.json file.
You want to move Vue to be a peer dependency.
"dependencies": {
"vue": "^3.0.0" // move this
Move "vue" here.
"peerDependents": {
"vue": "^3.0.0"
This will cause your library to use the instance of Vue utilized by your main vue app. As the accepted answer states, this issue is indeed caused by each package loading its own Vue instance. The issue happens because reactivity is bound to the Vue instance. As each library gets its own instance, this creates a situation where reactivity isn't properly tracked between the instances.
I found the solution to this in the Vuejs git repo at

Use select2 version 4.0 with NPM and browserify

I am trying to use select2 version 4.0 in an ampersand-js app - as such that means I am using npm and browserify.
Unfortunately I cannot get select2 to load up.
the js file is being loaded up without error, since I can add a few console.log statements in relevant places and see them output,
but when I try to use select2 I'm getting told it's not defined.
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).select2 is not a function
Here's what I'm trying to do.
var $ = require('jquery');
I have a feeling the issue comes from this line in the select2.js
Specifically that it calls factory(require('jquery')); hence I believe that select2 is loading into a copy of jQuery that is then thrown away?
I found this issue which sounds like it's about the same thing, except I cannot get it to work either: npm browserify version of jquery-select2 version 4.x
So my train of thought was almost correct - it was loading select2 onto the wrong copy of jQuery.
There was two versions of jQuery being loaded.
In my package.json I had listed jQuery as a dependancy, however I wa also loading in the bower version of jQuery via the browser: {"jquery: "./bower_components/.../jquery.js"} key.
It seems that anything outside of the node_modules directory likely uses the "browser" defined module, whereas anything inside the node_modules directory will use the npm loaded module.
Basically, if something similar happens double check that you're not loading in two copies of libraryX.