How to apply class weights in linear classifier for binary classification? - tensorflow

This is the linear classifier that I am using to perform binary classification, here is code snippet:
my_optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate)
my_optimizer = tf.contrib.estimator.clip_gradients_by_norm(my_optimizer,5.0)
# Create a linear classifier object
linear_classifier = tf.estimator.LinearClassifier(
feature_columns = feature_columns,
optimizer = my_optimizer
linear_classifier.train(input_fn = training_input_fn, steps = steps)
The dataset is imbalanced, there are only two classes yes/no. The number of NO class examples are 36548 while number of YES class examples are 4640.
How can I apply balancing to this data? I have been searching around and I could find stuff related to class weights etc but I couldn't find how can I create class weights and how to apply to the train method of tensor flow.
Here is how I am calculating losses:
training_probabilities = linear_classifier.predict(input_fn = training_predict_input_fn)
training_probabilities = np.array([item['probabilities'] for item in training_probabilities])
validation_probabilities = linear_classifier.predict(input_fn=validation_predict_input_fn)
validation_probabilities = np.array([item['probabilities'] for item in validation_probabilities])
training_log_loss = metrics.log_loss(training_targets, training_probabilities)
validation_log_loss = metrics.log_loss(validation_targets, validation_probabilities)

I assume that you are using the log_loss function from sklearn for computing your loss. If that is the case you can add class weights by using the argument sample_weight and pass on an array containing the weight to be given for each data point. sample_weight is an rolled out version of class_weights. You can compute sample_weight array by passing on the sample weights as given here.
Add the following lines to your code:
sample_wts = compute_sample_weight("balanced", training_targets)
training_log_loss = metrics.log_loss(training_targets, training_probabilities, sample_weight= sample_wts)


How to avoid memory leakage in an autoregressive model within tensorflow

Recently, I am training a LSTM with attention mechanism for regressionin tensorflow 2.9 and I met an problem during training with
At the beginning, the training time is okay, like 7s/step. However, it was increasing during the process and after several steps, like 1000, the value might be 50s/step. Here below is a part of the code for my model:
class AttentionModel(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self, encoder_output_dim, dec_units, dense_dim, batch):
self.dense_dim = dense_dim
self.batch = batch
encoder = Encoder(encoder_output_dim)
decoder = Decoder(dec_units,dense_dim)
self.encoder = encoder
self.decoder = decoder
def call(self, inputs):
# Creat a tensor to record the result
tempt = list()
encoder_output, encoder_state = self.encoder(inputs)
new_features = np.zeros((self.batch, 1, 1))
dec_initial_state = encoder_state
for i in range(6):
dec_inputs = DecoderInput(new_features=new_features, enc_output=encoder_output)
dec_result, dec_state = self.decoder(dec_inputs, dec_initial_state)
new_features = dec_result.logits
dec_initial_state = dec_state
return result
In the official documents for tf.function, I notice: "Don't rely on Python side effects like object mutation or list appends".
Since I use a dynamic python list with append() to record the intermediate variables, I guess each time during training, a new tf.graph was added. Is the reason my training is getting slower and slower?
Additionally, what should I use instead of python list to avoid this? I have tried with a numpy.zeros matrix but it will lead to another problem:
tempt = np.zeros(shape=(1,6))
for i in range(6):
dec_inputs = DecoderInput(new_features=new_features, enc_output=encoder_output)
dec_result, dec_state = self.decoder(dec_inputs, dec_initial_state)
Cannot convert a symbolic tf.Tensor (decoder/dense_3/BiasAdd:0) to a numpy array. This error may indicate that you're trying to pass a Tensor to a NumPy call, which is not supported.

Tensorflow, Keras: In a multi-class classification, accuracy is high, but precision, recall, and f1-score is zero for most classes

General Explanation:
My codes work fine, but the results are wired. I don't know the problem is with
the network structure,
or the way I feed the data to the network,
or anything else.
I am struggling with this error several weeks and so far I have changed the loss function, optimizer, data generator, etc., but I could not solve it. I appreciate any help.
If the following information is not enough, let me know, please.
Field of study:
I am using tensorflow, keras for multiclass classification. The dataset has 36 binary human attributes. I have used resnet50, then for each part of the body (head, upper body, lower body, shoes, accessories), I have added a separated branch to the network. The network has 1 input image with 36 labels and 36 output nodes (36 denes layers with sigmoid activation).
The problem is that the accuracy that keras is reporting is high, but f1-score is very low or zero for most of the outputs (even when I use f1-score as a metric when compiling the network, the f1-socre for validation is very bad).
aAfter train, when I use the network in prediction mode, it returns always one/zero for some classes. It means that the network is not able to learn (even when I use weighted loss function or focal loss function.)
Why it is weird? Because, state-of-the-art methods report heigh f1 score even after the first epoch (e.g., that I have run it in my PC and got good results after one epoch).
Parts of the Codes:
print("setup model ...")
input_image = KL.Input(args.img_input_shape, name= "input_1")
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 = resnet_graph(input_image, architecture="resnet50", stage5=False, train_bn=True)
output_layers = merged_model (input_features=C4)
model = Model(inputs=input_image, outputs=output_layers, name='SoftBiometrics_Model')
print("model compiling ...")
OPTIM = optimizers.Adadelta(lr=args.learning_rate, rho=0.95)
model.compile(optimizer=OPTIM, loss=binary_focal_loss(alpha=.25, gamma=2), metrics=['acc',get_f1])
plot_model(model, to_file='model.png')
img_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=6, width_shift_range=0.03, height_shift_range=0.03, brightness_range=[0.85,1.15], shear_range=0.06, zoom_range=0.09, horizontal_flip=True, preprocessing_function=preprocess_input_resnet, rescale=1/255.)
img_datagen_test = ImageDataGenerator(preprocessing_function=preprocess_input_resnet, rescale=1/255.)
def multiple_outputs(generator, dataframe, batch_size, x_col):
Gen = generator.flow_from_dataframe(dataframe=dataframe,
x_col = x_col,
y_col = args.Categories,
target_size = (args.img_input_shape[0],args.img_input_shape[1]),
class_mode = "multi_output",
batch_size = batch_size,
shuffle = True)
while True:
gnext =
# return image batch and 36 sets of lables
labels = gnext[1]
output_dict = {"{}_output".format(Category): np.array(labels[index]) for index, Category in enumerate(args.Categories)}
yield {'input_1':gnext[0]}, output_dict
trainGen = multiple_outputs (generator = img_datagen, dataframe=Train_df_img, batch_size=args.BATCH_SIZE, x_col="Train_Filenames")
testGen = multiple_outputs (generator = img_datagen_test, dataframe=Test_df_img, batch_size=args.BATCH_SIZE, x_col="Test_Filenames")
STEP_SIZE_TRAIN = len(Train_df_img["Train_Filenames"]) // args.BATCH_SIZE
STEP_SIZE_VALID = len(Test_df_img["Test_Filenames"]) // args.BATCH_SIZE
print("Fitting the model to the data ...")
history = model.fit_generator(generator=trainGen,
callbacks= [chekpont],
There is a possibility that you are passing binary f1-score to compile function. This should fix the problem -
pip install tensorflow-addons
import tensorflow_addons as tfa
f1 = tfa.metrics.F1Score(36,'micro' or 'macro')
You can read more about how f1-micro and f1-macro is calculated and which can be useful here.
Somehow, the predict_generator() of Keras' model does not work as expected. I would rather loop through all test images one-by-one and get the prediction for each image in each iteration. I am using Plaid-ML Keras as my backend and to get prediction I am using the following code.
import os
from PIL import Image
import keras
import numpy
print("Prediction result:")
dir = "/path/to/test/images"
files = os.listdir(dir)
correct = 0
total = 0
#dictionary to label all traffic signs class.
classes = {
0:'This is Cat',
1:'This is Dog',
for file_name in files:
total += 1
image = + "/" + file_name).convert('RGB')
image = image.resize((100,100))
image = numpy.expand_dims(image, axis=0)
image = numpy.array(image)
image = image/255
pred = model.predict_classes([image])[0]
sign = classes[pred]
if ("cat" in file_name) and ("cat" in sign):
print(correct,". ", file_name, sign)
elif ("dog" in file_name) and ("dog" in sign):
print(correct,". ", file_name, sign)
print("accuracy: ", (correct/total))

how to merge 'Conv-BN-Scale' into a single 'Conv' layer for tensorflow?

For faster inference one model, I want to merge 'Conv-BN-Scale' into a single 'Conv' layer for my tensorflow model, but I can not find some useful complete example about how to do it?
Anyone can give some advises or complete code example?
To merge two layers, you will need to pass a Tensor and get a tensor back that is after both the layers are applied, suppose your input tensor is X.
def MlConvBnScale(X ,kernel,strides , padding = 'SAME' , scale = False, beta_initializer = 0.1, gamma_initializer = 0.1, moving_mean_initializer = 0.1, moving_variance_initializer = 0.1):
convLout = tf.nn.conv2d(X,
filter = Kernel,
strides = strides,
padding = padding)
return tf.nn.batch_normalization(convLout,
scale = scale,
beta_initializer = beta_initializer,
gamma_initializer = gamma_initializer,
moving_mean_initializer = moving_mean_intializer,
moving_variance_initializer = moving_variance_initializer )
And that will return a tensor after performing both the operations, I have taken default values of variables but you can modify them in your function call, and in case your input is not already a tensor but a numpy array you can use tf.convert_to_tensor() from this link, and in case you are struggling with kernel/filter and its application, check out this thread. What does tf.nn.conv2d do in tensorflow?
If you have any queries or run into trouble implementing it, comment down below and we will see.

Soft attention from scratch for video sequences

I am trying to implement soft attention for video sequences classification. As there are a lot of implementations and examples about NLP so I tried following this schema but for video 1. Basically a LSTM with an Attention Model in between.
My code for my attention layer is the following which I am not sure it is implemented correctly.
def attention_layer(self, input, context):
# Input is a Tensor: [batch_size, lstm_units]
# Input (Seq_length, batch_size, lstm_units)
# Context is a LSTMStateTuple: [batch_size, lstm_units]. Hidden_state, output = StateTuple
hidden_state, _ = context
weights_y = tf.get_variable("att_weights_Y", [self.lstm_units, self.lstm_units], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
weights_c = tf.get_variable("att_weights_c", [self.lstm_units, self.lstm_units], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
z_ = []
for feat in input:
# Equation => M = tanh(Wc c + Wy y)
Wcc = tf.matmul(hidden_state, weights_c)
Wyy = tf.matmul(feat, weights_y)
m = tf.add(Wcc, Wyy)
m = tf.tanh(m, name='M_matrix')
# Equation => s = softmax(m)
s = tf.nn.softmax(m, name='softmax_att')
z = tf.multiply(feat, s)
out = tf.stack(z_, axis=1)
out = tf.reduce_sum(out, 1)
return out, s
So, adding this layer in between my LSTMs (or at the begining of my 2 LSTM) makes the training so slow. More specifically, it takes a lot of time when I declare my optimizer:
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(loss)
My questions are:
Is the implementation correct? If it is, is there a way to optimize it in order to make it train properly?
I was not able to make it work with the seq2seq APIs. Is there any API with Tensorflow that allows me tackle this specific issue?
Does it actually makes sense to use this for sequence classification?

How to set weights in multi-class classification in xgboost for imbalanced data?

I know that you can set scale_pos_weight for an imbalanced dataset. However, How to deal with the multi-classification problem in the imbalanced dataset. I have gone through but don't quite understand how to set weight parameter in Dmatrix.
Can anyone please explain in detail?
For imbalanced dataset, I used the "weights" parameter in Xgboost where weights is an array of weight assigned according to the class the data belongs to.
def CreateBalancedSampleWeights(y_train, largest_class_weight_coef):
classes = np.unique(y_train, axis = 0)
class_samples = np.bincount(y_train)
total_samples = class_samples.sum()
n_classes = len(class_samples)
weights = total_samples / (n_classes * class_samples * 1.0)
class_weight_dict = {key : value for (key, value) in zip(classes, weights)}
class_weight_dict[classes[1]] = class_weight_dict[classes[1]] *
sample_weights = [class_weight_dict[y] for y in y_train]
return sample_weights
Just pass the target column and the occurance rate of most frequent class (if most frequent class has 75 out of 100 samples, then its 0.75)
largest_class_weight_coef =
#pass y_train as numpy array
weight = CreateBalancedSampleWeights(y_train, largest_class_weight_coef)
#And then use it like this
xg = XGBClassifier(n_estimators=1000, weights = weight, max_depth=20)
Thats it :)