Access Query parameter that uses a separate table to eliminate or include records - sql

I have one table, Main, which is the main accounting table with all the transactions. I have a second table, Payments, which i keep track of payments and specifically which invoice a given payment has paid off.
I need a report that will be dynamic and flexible; really my accounting workhorse. The report i need will search between dates, customer Id's, record status, account1, account2, and pay status.
So i have a form built out to handle these inputs, but i am having trouble with "pay status" as in, how to form a parameter with it. My current code,
SELECT Main.Invo, Main.InvoDate, Main.Amt, Main.PartyId, Main.TboInvoRloc, Main.TboDocNo, Main.TboPax
WHERE Main.RecSrce<>"Accounts"
AND Main.InvoDate BETWEEN [Forms]![GeneralReport]![startDate] AND [Forms]![GeneralReport]![endDate]
AND Main.PartyId =IIF([Forms]![GeneralReport]![PartyID] IS NULL, PartyID, [Forms]![GeneralReport]![PartyID])
AND Main.Status = IIF([Forms]![GeneralReport]![Status] IS NULL, Status, [Forms]![GeneralReport]![Status])
AND Main.Ac1 = IIF([Forms]![GeneralReport]![Ac1] IS NULL, Ac1, [Forms]![GeneralReport]![Ac1])
AND Main.Ac2 = IIF([Forms]![GeneralReport]![Ac2] IS NULL, Ac2, [Forms]![GeneralReport]![Ac2])
covers everything but the "pay status." I wanted to do something like
If checkbox=true, then include paid items, else exclude items where Main.Invo = Payments.DueInvo
My other thought was to exclude the paid items in the initial query, and then include them in a subsequent union query if the checkbox is checked. Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.

Set unbound checkbox for TripleState Yes. Or use a combobox with 3 options (Paid, Unpaid, All) because users might be confused by a triple state checkbox.
Build an aggregate query on Payments table that totals the payments by invoice. Join that query to Main (this assumes invoice is unique in Main).
Calculate a field and set a parameter under that field.
If using checkbox:
IsNotPaid: Amt <> Nz(SumOfPayments,0)
LIKE Forms![GeneralReport]!checkboxname & "*"
If using combobox:
PaidStatus: IIf(Amt = Nz(SumOfPayments,0), "Paid", "Unpaid")
LIKE IIf(Forms![GeneralReport]!comboboxname = "All", "*", Forms![GeneralReport]!comboboxname)
An alternative to aggregate query is DSum() domain aggregate function but that will probably perform slower.

Consider setting payment detail columns to NULL depending on checkbox. Specifically, join the Payments table and run a logical condition on fields in SELECT assigning NULL or not.
SELECT m.Invo, m.InvoDate, m.Amt,
m.PartyId, m.TboInvoRloc,
m.TboDocNo, m.TboPax,
IIF(Forms]![GeneralReport]![myCheckBox] = True,
p.PaymentDetailColumn1, NULL) AS PayColumn1,
IIF(Forms]![GeneralReport]![myCheckBox] = True,
p.PaymentDetailColumn2, NULL) AS PayColumn2,
IIF(Forms]![GeneralReport]![myCheckBox] = True,
p.PaymentDetailColumne, NULL) AS PayColumn3
FROM Main m
LEFT JOIN Payments p ON m.Invo = p.DueInvo
WHERE m.RecSrce <> 'Accounts'
AND m.InvoDate BETWEEN [Forms]![GeneralReport]![startDate]
AND [Forms]![GeneralReport]![endDate]
AND m.PartyId = NZ([Forms]![GeneralReport]![PartyID], m.PartyID)
AND m.Status = NZ([Forms]![GeneralReport]![Status], m.Status)
AND m.Ac1 = NZ([Forms]![GeneralReport]![Ac1], m.Ac1)
AND m.Ac2 = NZ([Forms]![GeneralReport]![Ac2], m.Ac2);
If you want dynamic columns (i.e., payment details) to appear or not depending on condition, this cannot come directly from SQL but some connecting app layer code (VBA, Python, etc.) to building dynamic queries. Recall SQL is a declarative language and once identifiers are assigned they are immutable. However, if using reports, you do want all columns explicitly defined from recordsource query.


Make an MS Access Report label visible based on data in the report's record source query

In MS Access, I have a report based on a query that presents a summary of a medical checkup. I would like labels for each test to be visible ONLY when those tests were performed. For example, if Glucose was performed on a patient, then the label "lblGlucose" should appear in the report, next to the result. The results currently are present in the report, the problem is when a test is not performed the label is always present. This gives the patient a feeling that the testing was not performed correctly.
To hide the labels I have tried the following approaches:
Private Sub Report_Load()
'1st approach: Lookup column [GLUCOSE] from query qrySummary if not null then set visible property of label lblGLUCOSE to True, else set property to False
IIF(IsNotNull(DLookup("[GLUCOSE]", "qrySummary")),Me!lblGLUCOSE.Visible = True,Me!lblGLUCOSE.Visible = False)
'2nd approach: If value of field [GLUCOSE_RSLT] from table tblResults make textbox txtGlucose visible. FYI: Table tblResults is the table that holds all the results of all the test performed. The query qrySummary derives from this table.
Me!txtGlucose.Visible = Not IsNull([tblResults]![GLUCOSE_RSLT])
'3rd approach: Count column [GLUCOSE], from query qrySummary and if greater than 0 then label lblBHClbl visible
End Sub
I'm still coding the 3rd approach but I'm pretty much running out of ideas and getting nowhere. For first two approaches I get field or expression not found. I don't need for all approaches to work, just one, -in fact, I'm open to other ideas on how I can accomplish the above task.
Any help would be ENORMOUSLY appreciated! Thanks a million!
I'm sharing my DB structure for better understanding
The SQL statement for the summary report is:
PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmIngresoEmpleados]![IDChequeo] Long;
SELECT TblClienteCorp.NombreEmpresa, TblClienteCorp.Direccion, tblChequeo.IDChequeo, tblChequeo.FechaMuestreo, tblChequeo.ChequeoPeriodico, qryCountGenero.*, tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.Genero, tblResultados.Aud_RSLT, tblResultados.Otos_RSLT, tblResultados.AV_RSLT, tblResultados.EKG_RSLT, tblResultados.FR_RSLT, tblResultados.TGP_RSLT, tblResultados.TGO_RSLT, tblResultados.CS_RSLT, tblResultados.ESP_RSLT, tblResultados.PB_RSLT, tblResultados.BHC_RSLT, tblResultados.Plaquetas_RSLT, tblResultados.EGO_RSLT, tblResultados.EGH_RSLT, tblResultados.VDRL_RSLT, tblResultados.Gluc_RSLT, tblResultados.Col_RSLT, tblResultados.EFEC_RSLT, tblResultados.PL_RSLT, tblResultados.Derm_RSLT, tblResultados.Isop_RSLT, tblResultados.BAAR_RSLT, tblResultados.ExFarin_RSLT, tblResultados.Lep_RSLT, tblResultados.Copro_RSLT, tblResultados.Osteo_RSLT, tblResultados.RX_RSLT, tblResultados.US_RSLT
FROM TblClienteCorp INNER JOIN ((tblChequeo INNER JOIN (tblEmpleadosClienteCorp INNER JOIN qryCountGenero ON tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDEmpleado = qryCountGenero.IDEmpleado) ON tblChequeo.IDChequeo = tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDChequeo) INNER JOIN tblResultados ON tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDEmpleado = tblResultados.IDEmpleados) ON TblClienteCorp.IDClienteCorp = tblChequeo.IDClienteCorp
WHERE (((tblChequeo.IDChequeo)=[Forms]![frmIngresoEmpleados]![IDChequeo]));
Within the report that is one query per test, which is:
PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmIngresoEmpleados]![IDChequeo] Long;
SELECT Count(tblResultados.IDEmpleados) AS CuentaDeIDEmpleados, tblResultados.Gluc_RSLT, tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDChequeo
FROM tblEmpleadosClienteCorp INNER JOIN tblResultados ON tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDEmpleado = tblResultados.IDEmpleados
GROUP BY tblResultados.Gluc_RSLT, tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDChequeo
HAVING (((tblResultados.Gluc_RSLT)="P") AND ((tblEmpleadosClienteCorp.IDChequeo)=[Forms]![frmIngresoEmpleados]![IDChequeo]));
If qrySummary has multiple patient records, need WHERE CONDITION criteria:
Me.lblGlucose.Visible = Not IsNull(DLookup("[GLUCOSE]", "qrySummary", "PatientID=" & Me!PatientID))
However, VBA is not necessary. Calculate in textbox (or in query and bind textbox to calculated field) and set control with transparent BorderStyle. Options:
show "None" text when no data:
=Nz(DLookup("[GLUCOSE]", "qrySummary", "PatientID=" & Me!PatientID), "None").
instead of label, use a textbox with expression:
=IIf(IsNull(DLookup("[GLUCOSE]", "qrySummary", "PatientID=" & Me!PatientID)), "", "Glucose")

How to show elements from 2 tables ( existing in one , another or both)

I have 2 tables than i need to fuse together for data analysis.
Table One ( shows year consumption of items with values, from a contract)
Table One fields : product code, quantity, total value, contract number
Table Two (shows contract defined included products)
Table Two fields : included product code, included quantity, total included value, contract number
I need to join both of them so that shows per contract, all the related products, both consumed or included, so that shows either i only have consumed but not included, included but not consumed and included and consumed...
Something like this :
Contract|Product Code|Consumed qty|Included Qty|Consumed Total|Included Total
Using inner join only shows the ones on both tables
Using left or right joins shows all from one table and similar and null's from other table...
My goal was to show from both tables, has the example
Any help or tip ?
(this is my current query, field names not all equal as example, but you get the idea :
SELECT dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodArtigo, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodArtigo AS Expr2, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.QTDTOTAL,
dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.fltQuantLimiteInc, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.VALORTOTAL, dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.Total, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodSecContrato,
dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodTpContrato, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodExercContrato, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.intNumeroContrato, dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodSeccao,
dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodTpContrato AS Expr1, dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodExercicio, dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.intNumero
FROM dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr INNER JOIN
dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos ON dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodSeccao = dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodSecContrato AND
dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodTpContrato = dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodTpContrato AND
dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodExercicio = dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodExercContrato AND dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.intNumero = dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.intNumeroContrato AND
dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodArtigo = dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodArtigo
Sounds like you want a full join:
SELECT aic.strCodArtigo, tc.strCodArtigo AS Expr2, tc.QTDTOTAL,
aic.fltQuantLimiteInc, tc.VALORTOTAL, aic.Total, tc.strCodSecContrato,
tc.strCodTpContrato, tc.strCodExercContrato, tc.intNumeroContrato, aic.strCodSeccao,
aic.strCodTpContrato AS Expr1, aic.strCodExercicio, aic.intNumero
FROM dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr aic FULL JOIN
dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos tc
ON aic.strCodSeccao = tc.strCodSecContrato AND
aic.strCodTpContrato = tc.strCodTpContrato AND
aic.strCodExercicio = tc.strCodExercContrato AND
aic.intNumero = tc.intNumeroContrato AND
aic.strCodArtigo = tc.strCodArtigo
Notice that column aliases make the query much easier to write and to read.
Just figure out an workaround...
i could use CASE WHEN for the contract and for product code...
Something like this in select :
"CASE WHEN AIC.strCodArtigo IS NULL THEN TC.strCodArtigo WHEN TC.strCodArtigo IS NULL THEN AIC.strCodArtigo ELSE AIC.strCodArtigo END AS ARTIGO "
In case anyone has a better way, i appreciate any opinion

MS Access-Return Record Below Current Record

I am very new to Access, and what I am trying to do seems like it should be very simple, but I can't seem to get it.
I am a structural engineer by trade and am making a database to design buildings.
My Diaphragm Analysis Table includes the fields "Floor_Name", "Story_Number", "Wall_Left", and "Wall_Right". I want to write a new query that looks in another query called "Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection" and pulls information from it based on input from Diaphragm Analysis. I want to take the value in "Wall_Right" (SW01), find the corresponding value in "Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection", and report the "Elastic_Deflection" corresponding to the "Story_Below" instead of the "Story_Number" in the Diaphragm Analysis Table. In the case where "Story_Number" = 1, "Story_Below" will be 0 and I want the output to be 0.
Same procedure for "Wall_Left", but I'm just taking it one step at a time.
It seems that I need to use a "DLookup" in the expression builder with TWO criteria, one that Wall_Right = Shear_Wall and one that Story_Number = Story_Below, but when I try this I just get errors.
"Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection" includes shearwalls for all three stories, i.e. it starts at SW01 and goes through SWW for Story Number 3 and then starts again at SW01 for Story Number 2, and so on until Story Number 1. I only show a part of the query results in the image, but rest assured, there are "Elastic_Deflection" values for story numbers below 3.
Here is my attempt in the Expression Builder:
Right_Defl_in: IIf(IsNull([Diaphragm_Analysis]![Wall_Right]),0,DLookUp("[Elastic_Deflection_in]","[Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection]","[Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection]![Story_Below]=" & [Diaphragm_Analysis]![Story_Number]))
I know my join from Diaphragm_Analysis "Wall_Left" and "Wall_Right" must include all records from Diaphragm_Analysis and only those from "Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection"![Shear_Walls] where the joined fields are equal, but that's about all I know.
Please let me know if I need to include more information or send out the database file.
Thanks for your help.
Diaphragm Analysis (Input Table)
Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection (Partial Image of Query)
I think what you are missing is that you can and should join to Diaphragm_Analysis twice, first time to get the Story_Below value and second to use it to get the corresponding Elastic_Deflection value.
To handle the special case where Story_Below is zero, I would write a separate query (only requires one join this time) and 'OR together' the two queries using the UNION set operation (note the following SQL is untested):
SELECT swid.Floor_Name,
da2.Elastic_Deflection AS Story_Below_Elastic_Deflection
FROM ( Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection swid
INNER JOIN Diaphragm_Analysis da1
ON da1.ShearWall = swid.Wall_Left )
INNER JOIN Diaphragm_Analysis da2
ON da2.ShearWall = swid.Wall_Left
AND da2.Story_Number = da1.Story_Below
SELECT swid.Floor_Name,
0 AS Story_Below_Elastic_Deflection
FROM Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection swid
INNER JOIN Diaphragm_Analysis da1
ON da1.ShearWall = swid.Wall_Left
WHERE da1.Story_Below = 0;
I've assumed that there is no data where Story_Number is zero.

Access Update not working

I have an Access Database which links into Excel for a college database project. The goal is to fix incorrect/incomplete data before importation through the use of Update/SQL queries. There is one item in particular which is a field containing the order status. If an order is complete = Complete, if an order is missing a few parts = Backorder and nothing at all = Open. The issue I have is there is multiple parts on one PO ID# which makes it difficult to determine if an order is on backorder as 2/5 parts may be complete while 3/5 may be on backorder. Any ideas on how I can force access to automatically set a default order status or is this a long sql query?
With SQL you can return a query to find the order status, using a CASE statement. I'm not sure of the table/column names in the parent table you have but you can probably tweak it from here (I'm just assuming identity columns):
SELECT P.Id, P.Name, "Status" =
WHEN R.QuantityReceived < I.QuantityOrdered THEN 'Backorder'
WHEN R.QuantityReceived = I.QuantityOrdered THEN 'Complete'
WHEN R.QuantityReceived > I.QuantityOrdered THEN 'Open'
FROM PurchaseOrders P INNER JOIN POItem I on P.PurchaseOrderId = I.PurchaseOrderId
INNER JOIN POReceipt R on I.ItemId = R.ItemId
So first you need to join your tables to get the related records (this is also assuming that there is only one of each), then use a CASE statement to return the value you are looking for based on a comparison between fields.

running queries on more than one table

I'm trying to make a query in two tables:
SIMPLE_PERSON with 3 fields (name, grid and Social Security Card)
INDIVIDUAL_AGGREGATE with 4 fields: grid(PK), type( D(Driver) or C(client)), code, simple_person(foreign key of simple_person))
When I register some person, I have to save they on the SIMPLE_PERSON and set the type of aggregate that they are ( Driver or Client). And cannot have two equal social security card numbers.
With AJAX, I throw a checker that returns an alert box if the SSC is registered, but my SQL query doesn't work. I need to making a query that returns to me if a Social Security Card is already registered. I'm trying to use EXISTS, but I haven't had much success:
FROM simple_person
AND EXISTS (SELECT individual_aggregate.code FROM individual_aggregate
WHERE code = 'xx'
AND individual_aggregate.type = 'D');
Somebody can help me to make this query work?
did you wanted to check if there is a person that registered on a some Social security number?
if yes what i did is join between the two tables
and return the rows that equal to a specific social security number.
you can add to the WHERE statement (AND IA.code = 'XX' AND IA.Type = 'D')
FROM simple_person AS SP
INNER JOIN individual_aggregate AS IA ON SP.grid = IA.grid
WHERE SP.SSC = {someNumber}
helped you?
Your subquery in the EXISTS clause isn't actually hitting a table, view or other.
Your sub-select is missing the FROM clause.
code = 'xx'
AND individual_aggregate.type = 'D'