How to update a pip package without resetting its CSV files to its original state - pypi

I'm trying to publish my own pip package that contains a few CSV files that are going to be filled with continuous user use. I tried to do test update to my PyPI package and noticed that the CSV files get reset to their original state. How do I release new versions of my pip package without affecting/resetting some file types such as the CSV files?
Currently, my file contains the following line
graft package
And within the package directory, there is a bunch of Python and CSV files.


With CMake, how to install CSV data file where library can find it?

I am working on a C library. It contains a data file, as a CSV file.
The library opens and read this file as needed.
But how do I install this file, and open it (in C) in such a way that it works in both testing and after it is installed?
Right now I copy the file to the build directory so it can be found during testing. But this won't work for an installed library.
# Copy the data file with the NOAA abbreviations.
configure_file(src/noaa_grib2_params.csv ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/noaa_grib2_params.csv COPYONLY)
Even if I install the data file with the library, how can the library open it? Does the library have to know the install path so it can find the data file?

Unzip multiple files in multiple folders in ssis [duplicate]

I have a .tar.gz file. Now i need to unpack these files with SSIS package. Previously did unzip and delete for .zip files with the help of For each container and script task. Not sure how to do it for .tar.gz files. Any help?
You can use an execute process task to achieve this (or using process from Script task), but you have to install a ZIP application like 7Zip or Winzip or else. And use command line to Zip or Unzip archives.
Follow one of these links for more details:
Zip a folder using SSIS
7Zip command line examples
What command line parameters does WinZip support?

Using "Spacy package" on trained model: error "Can't locate model data"

I'm attempting to train the NER within SpaCy to recognize a new set of entities. Everything works just fine until I try to save and reload the model.
I'm attempting to follow the SpaCy doc recommendations from, so I have been saving with:
and then going to the Command Line and attempting to turn it into a package using:
python -m spacy package save_this_model saved_model_package
so I can then use
to pull the model back up.
However, when I'm attempting to use spacy package from the Command Line, I keep getting the error message "Can't locate model data"
I've looked in the save_this_model file and there is a meta.json there, as well as folders for the various pipes (I've tried this with all pipes saved and the non-NER pipes disabled, neither works).
Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong here?
I'm pretty inexperienced, so I think it's very possible that I'm attempting to make a package incorrectly or committing some other basic error. Thank you very much for your help in advance!
The spacy package command will create an installable and loadable Python package based on your model data, which you can then pip install and store in a single .tar.gz file. If you just want to load a model you've saved out, you usually don't even need to package it – you can simply pass the path to the model directory to spacy.load. For example:
nlp = spacy.load('/path/to/save_this_model')
spacy.load can take either a path to a model directory, a model package name or the name of a shortcut link, if available.
If you're new to spaCy and just experimenting with training models, loading them from a directory is usually the simplest solution. Model packages come in handy if you want to share your model with others (because you can share it as one installable file), or if you want to integrate it into your CI workflow or test suite (because the model can be a component of your application, like any other package it depends on).
So if you do want a Python package, you'll first need to build it by running the package setup from within the directory created by spacy package:
cd saved_model_package
python sdist
You can find more details here in the docs. The above command will create a .tar.gz archive in a directory /dist, which you can then install in your environment.
pip install /path/to/en_example_model-1.0.0.tar.gz
If the model installed correctly, it should show up in the installed packages when you run pip list or pip freeze. To load it, you can call spacy.load with the package name, which is usually the language code plus the name you specified when you packaged the model. In this example, en_example_model:
nlp = spacy.load('en_example_model')

python: converting an egg-info directory to dist-info

I am working on an existing python application inside of a virtualenv environment. It is already set up to use wheel within its deployment.
I have added another module which my application now needs, and this module only exists in egg format. It is currently installed among all the other modules within ./env/lib/python3.6/site-packages, and an egg-info directory exists for it.
My question is this: how do I convert this one egg-info directory to wheel format, so that it gets included in the application's deployment when I do the following? ...
python3 bdist_wheel upload -r XXXXXXXX
Assuming I have installed a module under ./env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/the-module-1.2.3.egg-info, what are the steps to convert that module to dist-info?
Note that I don't see any *.egg file for that module, only the egg-info directory.
Thank you.

Creating a WiX patch from single file location

I am trying to create a patch for my application. Implementing the example described here worked as expected. However, the files for each version are stored in separate directories. Version 1.0 files are in c:sample\1.0 and 1.1 files are in c:sample\1.1. If I move the files to a single location, create the 1.0 installer, modify the files, and create the 1.1 installer; wixmst output of torch contains no differences. When I run pyro I get:
warning PYRO1079 : The cabinet '' does not contain any files. If this patch contains no files, this warning can likely be safely ignored. Otherwise, try passing -p to torch.exe when first building the transforms, or add a ComponentRef to your PatchFamily authoring to pull changed files into the cabinet.
This is a problem for me because the files for my project are kept in a single git repository. We use branching and tagging to delineate versions. Because of this I only have one directory of files.
I have the .msi and .wixpdb for both versions.
How can I create my patch in this situation?
Pyro requires access to the .wixmst and the old and new files. If you only have one set of files (newer or older) then the patch will obviously find no file differences. That is why you are getting the error from Pyro.
If you use bindpaths to create the original .msi files (and their .wixpdbs) then you can provide the old paths using the -bt switch to pyro and the new paths to the -bu switch. If you didn't use bindpaths and you need to recreate the old directory structure for the old files and create a new directory structure for the new files.
If you can't get the old and new files to be found (bindpaths work best) then you'll have to do admin image type patching.