Is there a way to get current value in React-Selects Select if the onChange event has not fired? - react-select

I have added in a React-Select component to my code where I am passing in the options prop and the onChange callback to obtain the value there. What I need to do is have the ability to reset that value back to null when the user presses a button that resets the entire form back to its original state. That is why I feel I need a way to access the current value of the select so that I could set it back to null.
I have tried to pass in ref prop to a select to get the current value there and I see in the console that currentValue and value are being set back to undefined when I choose the exit button.
matchFrom: 'start',
onChange={value => {

On the click of button you can get the selected value using ref,
<Select defaultValue={options[1]} options={options} ref={this.listSelectRef}/>
<button onClick={this.getVal}>Get Value</button>
Here defaultValue is used for initial value, so that we can check without changing select value how to get already selected value.
And your function should be,
getVal = () =>{
console.log(this.listSelectRef.current.state.value); //this will give you selected option object
console.log(this.listSelectRef.current.state.value.value); // this will give you value
console.log(this.listSelectRef.current.state.value.label); //this will give you label which is actually shown on front end

I think you should try the AsyncSelect for this


By default Checked checkbox using v-model

Hi Guys I'm Newbie at VueJS,
Anyone who can help me about on getting default checked at my checkbox list
I'm using v-model so the checked won't work
Any idea or suggestion?
You bind the input to a truthy value using the v-model directive
<input type="checkbox" v-model="selected">
In your component data (Updated based on #Phil s comment)
data () {
return {
selected: true, // True of false, or other truthy value depending on needs
Then, depending on the value on selected your input will be checked/unchecked.
Note - in the documents it is stated that
v-model will ignore the initial value, checked, or selected attributes
found on any form elements. It will always treat the Vue instance data
as the source of truth. You should declare the initial value on the
JavaScript side, inside the data option of your component.

onChangeText of TextInput is updating state but retrieving the old value

I have a state:
const [userName, setUserName] = useState('');
Next, I have the TextInput as:
<TextInput style={styles.value}
placeholder={'Your Name'}
onChangeText={(value) => {
}} />
The on a button's onPress event I'm calling this function:
function saveButtonPressed() {
alert("The Value of Name is " + userName);
The problem is I can see the vvalue getting updated in the text field, but in the alert I still see '' and if I save tthe coe again the second time it shows the updated value.
The reason they don't show the current value has to do with your functions forming closures. Even if the value of userName changes, it is still a const and since the function where this was updated still has scope in the 1st re-render the updated value wont show. Instead when the scope changes outside the closure thats when you get the updated value in the 2nd re-render.
The first link has solutions for this.
The second link has a bit more information about hooks.
These should answer your question in detail.
And a read about closures should help you.

VueJs 2 - Force Checkbox DOM value to respect data value

I cannot for the life of me figure this out.
Fiddle at:
I want
User clicks checkbox
Then based on separate conditions
Checkbox calculatedCheckedValue returns a data property /v-model of true/false
And the checked state reflects the calculatedCheckedValue
I can get:
The calculatedCheckedValue calculates and interpolates properly
But I fail at:
Having the :checked attribute render the calculatedCheckedValue properly in the DOM
e.g. If a false checkbox is clicked and the calculatedCheckedValue still returns false, the checkbox toggles onscreen between checked and unchecked
I’ve tried:
Using a v-model with a custom set that does the calculation and sets the local state which the custom get returns
Imitating a v-model using #change.prevent.stop="updateCalculatedValue" and :checked="calculatedValue"
Assuming the #change happens after the #click (which i think is wrong) and using #click.prevent.stop="updateCalculatedValue" and :checked="calculatedValue"
The model is working and rendering the calculated value as string in a DOM span,
but the checked value doesn't seem to respect the model value
Can someone please help me out?
I've solved the problem at:
As far as I can tell, the click event is triggered even by keyboard events (src)
And happens before the #change or #input events (src)
So you can click.prevent the event, but you need to either prevent it selectively or retrigger the event after the calculation.
//HTML Template
<input :checked="calculatedValue5" #click="correctAnswer" type="checkbox">
//VUE component
data() {
return {
calculatedValue5: false,
methods: {
const newDomValue =;
this.calculatedValue5 = this._calculateNewValue(newDomValue);
if(this.calculatedValue5 !== newDomValue){
I think this is preventing checkbox value from updating before the data value, which seems to break the reactivity. I'm not sure the technical reason why, but the demo does work

How to get Vuetify checkbox and

How to get Vuetify checkbox and
I'm using Vuetify's checkbox in my app. When the user checks/unchecks it, I want to get the checked and the value properties.
I realize that it is not a native checkbox element, so I don't have access to or, but surely there must be a way to do that. I tried the following:
<p v-for="(linkType, index) in linkTypes" v-if='linksLoaded'>
onCheckboxClicked: function(e) {
For some reason it printed a mouse event TWICE and the checkbox itself didn't change (the check mark wasn't unchecked).
#click.native printed the same mouse event, but once.
I tried #change="onCheckboxClicked" - that printed the v-model.
So is there a way to do that?
I see that you are looping without binding a key, and inside you have v-model which is hooked to a single variable. So, whenever some checkbox is changed all others will update simultaneously. So you need new v-model for each checkbox. Why not add another property in linkTypes so you can v-model="linkType.checked".
change is the name of the event which gets triggered whenever checkbox value is changed and value is passed as a parameter.
and in methods you need
The easy way to access whether the checkbox is checked or not after clicking is to check it value. If it is null or empty array, then you can assume that its not checked. It depends on how you initialised the variable. This is the safest way to get what you want.
v-for="(el, index) in checkboxes"
:label="`Checkbox ${index}`"
#change="valueChanged($event, index)"
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
return {
checkboxes: ['Opt 1', 'Opt 2', 'Opt 3', 'Opt 4'],
checkbox: [],
methods: {
onChange(val, i) {
console.log(val, i, this.checkbox)
if (val === null || val.length === 0) { // Custom checks in this
} else {
If you really need access to the element, then you can use ref to get the component. Then try to find the input element inside the component. And then find the checked value of that input element. But depending on how the library is implemented, you might not get the right value for $refs.checkbox.$
You are lookin for a event. If you want to know if your checkbox is checked or not, you should use this:
onCheckboxClicked: function(e) {
As you've already noticed, Vuetify checkbox is not a native checkbox element. Therefore, and do not exist. To fix this, one needs to do 2 things:
Disable the ripple effect of the v-checkbox. Otherwise, there will be a div on top of the input checkbox tag. Then, is the one we expected.
However, when the user clicks on the label, it also affects the checkbox. In this case, we need to access the checkbox via
The checkbox in your question should like this:
Then, in the onCheckboxClicked method:
const onCheckboxClicked = (event) => {
const target = ??;
const isChecked = target.checked;
const value = target.value;
// Do something here...
Notice that we use .native modifier for the click event. Otherwise, the will give opposite values (false when the checkbox is checked and vice versa).
And small note: you should always bind the key value when using v-for.

How can I work with just values in react-select onChange event and value prop?

I try to use react-select in my reactjs app, but I have a problem with the onChange event. onChange is supposed to send two arguments. The first is supposed to be the selected value, but instead of the selected value, the whole option item is passed as the selected value.
For instance
I have an array of option items like options=[{ id: '1', name: 'A'},{ id: '2', name:'B'}]
I set getOptionValue = (i) =>; and getOptionLabel = (i)=>;
When select the second item onChange(value) is passed the second option as the value argument ({id:'2',name:'B'}) instead of the value of the second option ('2').
This behavior is inconsistent with most input components out there. I would expect onChange to be passed the value of the item, and for the item itself I would expect another event like onItemSelected or something like that.
Also, when I set value={'2'} (controlled component), the component doesn't show the selected item.
I must say that I use AsyncSelect with loadOptions.
How can I make it work with just simple values, instead of option objects?
If this can't happen I have to abandon react-select for another similar component.
AFAIK currently there's no way to make React-Select work internally with just the value. What I'm doing in my application is implementing a layer to retrieve the object going down, and extract the value going up. Something like this (this is simplified, you may need more validation or handling depending on your application):
const Select extends Component {
handleChange(newSelected) {
// this.props.handleChange is your own function that handle changes
// in the upper scope and receives only the value prop of the object
// (to store in state, call a service, etc)
render() {
// Assuming you get the simple value as a prop from your store/upper
// scope, so we need to retrieve the option object. You can do this in
// getDerivedStateFromProps or wherever it suits you best
const { options, value } = this.props;
const selectedOption = options.find(option => option.value === value)