vue element checkbox not working in edit mode - vue.js

I am using checkbox given by vue-element, visit
But in edit mode they are not able to select anymore.
Please help me out.
<el-checkbox-group v-model="form.activity_type" size="small">
v-for="(all_type,index) in all_activity"

<el-checkbox-group v-model="form.activity_type" size="small">
<e`enter code here`l-checkbox-button
v-for="(all_type,index) in all_activity"
Hi you in order to show checkbox in edit mode you can do it like this:
data() {
return {
form: {
activity_type: []
import {activityData} from "#/api/activity";
2)under method function:
activityData(id).then(response => {
this.form = response.res;
3) and then from your controller function you can pass data in this format:
$allData = [];
$allData['activity_type'] = array(1,3);//the ids one you want to show check
return response()->json(["res" => $allData]);


How come is my array not reactive in vuejs?

Good evening everyone,
I have been making a kind of social network as a personal project using vuejs, nodejs and mysql database.
Basically, you can post a message, and then people can answer to it. I bind comments to post using an id. I got two tables: 1 comments and 1 posts. If a comment is posted for post number 38, in mysql table there is a field idPost = 38.
i got a function displaying all the answers for the post by clicking on a button, which is:
displayAnswers(id) {
axios.get('http://localhost:3000/wall/answer/get/'+id )
.then(response => {
this.answers =;
.catch(error => {
Where id is the id of the post I want to display answers.
Now, the problem is when I add a comment, I need either to refresh the page to see the comment or to force the refresh by calling the displaypost function, like this:
postAnswer(id) {
let syntaxe = /^[a-z A-ZáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûüýÿæœÁÀÂÄÃÅÇÉÈÊËÍÌÎÏÑÓÒÔÖÕÚÙÛÜÝŸÆŒ0-9-]{1,}$/;
if(syntaxe.test(this.answerToPost)) {
let answer = {
message: this.answerToPost,
postId: id,
auteur: this.$store.state.pseudoUser
}'http://localhost:3000/wall/post/answer', answer)
.then(response => {
this.feedbackMessage =;
this.isAlert = false;
this.answerToPost = '';
setTimeout(() => {
this.feedbackMessage = ''
}, 2000);
.catch(error => {
this.feedbackMessage =;
this.isAlert = true;
} else {
this.errorMessage = "Le message ne respecte pas la syntaxe autorisée";
To summarize, my data this.answers, is not reactive. it is declared this way in the app:
data() {
return {
Auteur: '',
displayPostAnswers: [],
answerToPost: '',
isAlert: true,
feedbackMessage: '',
answers: ''
and called this way in my template, using a v-for loop to display the answers:
<div v-for="answer in answers" :key="" class="answerDisplayer" >
<div class="containerEachAnswer">
<div class="avatarAuteur">
<img src="../assets/defaultUser.png" width="48" height="48" alt="">
<div class="answer">
<strong>{{ answer.auteur }}</strong><br>
{{ answer.message}}
I looked for the issue on the internet, I found this doc:
So I tried to use the function Vue.set but it does not seem to work.
I would like to know if more experienced developer could help me to find another way to either make my data reactive or help me to do it another way, I tried several kind of things but it did not work.
PS: I tried to use computed data, but v-for does not work with computed data.
Thank you!
Have a good evening!
Since you are trying to change this within the instance I suggest you try this.$set(this.someObject, 'b', 2) as described in
Also you seem to declare answers as a string in your data function, try declaring it as an array answers: []

Unable to set focus to a textarea, when the page loads

I am trying to set the focus on a syncfusion textarea but I am unable to do so. I have used the this.$nextTick when the component mounts as defined here but the system still does not focus on the textarea.
I have added the same "focus to textarea" code in the created event because somehow the created event is triggered after the mounted event.
I have re-created the issue here.
I also see that this.$refs.vocabularies.$el returns input#vocabularies.e-control.e-textbox.e-lib.
What am I doing wrong?
<ejs-textbox cssClass="height:500px;" id='vocabularies' :multiline="true" placeholder="Enter your vocabularies" floatLabelType="Auto" :input= "inputHandler" v-model="vocabularies" ref="vocabularies"/>
import '#syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css';
import '#syncfusion/ej2-vue-inputs/styles/material.css';
export default
data() {
return {
vocabularies: '',
inputHandler: (args) =>
{ = "auto"; = (args.event.currentTarget.scrollHeight)+"px";
this.$refs.vocabularies.$ = "auto";
this.$refs.vocabularies.$ = (this.$refs.vocabularies.$el.scrollHeight)+"px";
console.log(`mounted run`);
async created()
this.$refs.vocabularies.$ = "auto";
this.$refs.vocabularies.$ = (this.$refs.vocabularies.$el.scrollHeight)+"px";
console.log(`created run`);
So, here's how I've solved it. I am not so sure regarding how good of an approach this is as I haven't worked with syncfusion, so can't say if there might be a better way.
<ejs-textbox cssClass="test" id='vocabularies' :multiline="true" placeholder="Enter your vocabularies" floatLabelType="Auto" :input= "inputHandler" v-model="vocabularies" ref="vocabularies"/>
Then in mounted I did
mounted() {
let a = document.getElementsByClassName('test')[0];
I was able to fix the issue by using this.$refs.vocabularies.focusIn(); in the mounted() method, based on the documentation here
You can focus the text area by using the focusIn public method of the TextBox component in the created event. Kindly refer the below code,
<ejs-textbox cssClass="height:500px;" id='vocabularies' :multiline="true" placeholder="Enter your vocabularies" floatLabelType="Auto" :input= "inputHandler" v-model="vocabularies" ref="vocabularies" :created='onCreated' />
Please find the sample from the below link,
Sample Link:

Fill with values - dynamic dropdowns

I'm trying to fill dropdowns with values while dropdowns are "sent" trough props. I'm getting the data from server correctly, and storing it in array where I am using that array to fill selected dropdown.
This problem looks like its Vuetify or Vue bug but I'm not sure.
Code for dynamic dropdowns looks like this (Vuetify):
<v-col cols="12" lg="2" md="2" sm="6" xs="6" v-for="(dropdowns, index) in dropdownNumber" v-bind:key="index">
#mousedown="changeFields(dropdowns.field_name, index)"
#change="selectedValue(dropdowns.field_name, $event)"
And function for take data from server:
async getDropdownData($event, index) {
const key = $event
try {
this.values['sector_name'] = this.categoryName()
this.keys.forEach(element => {
if(localStorage.getItem(element) != null) {
this.values[element] = localStorage.getItem(element)
this.takeServerData = (await DataService.getDropdownData({
existingValues: this.values,
selectedDropdown: $event
this.getData[key] = this.takeServerData
} catch (error) {
this.error = "Dogodila se pogreška prilikom dohvaćanja vrijednosti za tu opciju."
Sometimes, while I'm editing my code it normally fill already clicked dropdown, but after refreshing site it does not work.
Photo example:
Is there something I'm missing?
Any help or advice is welcome!
It sounds like a reactivity problem related to nested objects.
Either sure your arrays are predefined within the getData object.
data () {
return {
getData: {
field1 : [],
field2 : []
Or update your getData object like this
this.$set(this.getData, key, this.takeServerData)

Toggle detailed row in buefy table

I have a buefy table with details. Whenever I click on a chevron, the detailed view of the according row shows. It would be much better in my case, to have only one detailed view open. The desired outcome is: Whenever I click on a chevron, that detailed view opens and all other close.
In buefy, the opening of the detailed view is programmed like this:
<td v-if="detailed">
<a role="button" #click.stop="toggleDetails(row)">
:class="{'is-expanded': isVisibleDetailRow(row)}"/>
props: {
detailed: Boolean
methods: {
toggleDetails(obj) {
const found = this.isVisibleDetailRow(obj)
if (found) {
this.$emit('details-close', obj)
} else {
this.$emit('details-open', obj)
// Syncs the detailed rows with the parent component
this.$emit('update:openedDetailed', this.visibleDetailRows)
openDetailRow(obj) {
const index = this.handleDetailKey(obj)
closeDetailRow(obj) {
const index = this.handleDetailKey(obj)
const i = this.visibleDetailRows.indexOf(index)
this.visibleDetailRows.splice(i, 1)
isVisibleDetailRow(obj) {
const index = this.handleDetailKey(obj)
const result = this.visibleDetailRows.indexOf(index) >= 0
return result
I see that there is an update_event sent to the parent. Do I have to save the
visibleDetailRows and tell the Child component to close it, when the button is pressed again? How would I do that?
The way I did it was to use the #details-open event to call a custom function :
#details-open="(row, index) => closeAllOtherDetails(row, index)"
When you expand a row, the event is triggered.
And the called function closeAllOtherDetails() deletes all elements of the defaultOpenedDetails array, except the current row you just expanded :
closeAllOtherDetails(row, index) {
this.defaultOpenedDetails = []
That does the trick. Simple!

how to do pagination in vuejs

hi i want to do pagination in my view page.can anyone tell me how to do that in vuejs..
Here is my view page:
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<el-row :gutter="12">
<p>View Candidates</p>
<el-row :gutter="12">
<template v-for="c in candidates">
<el-col :span="6">
<Candidate :c="c" :key=""></Candidate>
here is my js page:
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
components: { Candidate }
i am working on laravel5.4 and vuejs 2
Please can anyone help to do this..
For real pagination you will need to ensure that your endpoints (from your post I'd say something like /candidates) will return json AND that it will return a pagniated object ofcourse.
In Laravel you'd do it like
public function index() {
return Candidates::paginate(10);
EDIT: for more information regarding laravel pagination you can take a look at their examples and docs:
A full example is rather hard to give but here a really short one
Route::get('candidates', 'CandidateController#index');
public function index() {
$candidates = App\Candidate::paginate(10);
return $candidates;
For a more detailed version of the laravel part you should provide your Controller, Migration, Routing setup.
In Vue I'd suggest you load all your data from within Vue and not with blade. Even though you could keep it as it is - it would be more "unified".
data: function() {
return { paginator: null }
created: function() {
// load initial first 10 entries
axios.get('/candidates').then(function(response) {
this.paginator =;
Ok so now you have the initial load as you had it before. You can loop through which is your actual list now. Small example:
<ul v-if="paginator"><!-- important !not loaded on initial render-->
<li v-for=" as candidate">{{ }}</li>
Now to the load more. Let's say you want a button for that. The paginator has a pro called next_page_url to give you the next http endpoint. If it's null - now data is left to load.
<button v-if="paginator && paginator.next_page_url" #click.prevent="loadMore">Load more</button>
Button is setup - now the load more
methods: {
loadMore: function() {
// load next 10 elements
axios.get(this.paginator.next_page_url).then(function(response) {
// you have two options now. Either replace the paginator fully - then you will actually "page" your results.
// only 10 will be visible at any time
this.paginator =;
There you go this is an actual pagination. If you want to loadMore to add 10 elements to your current list it is a little bit more tricky because you don't want to replace the with the new loaded stuff. You want to concat it.
axios.get(this.paginator.next_page_url).then(function(response) { =;
this.paginator =;