Resize images for object detection - object-detection

I want to train images with mask RCNN and my understanding is that all the images need to be the same size. I also read that you can add "padding" to images so that you can retain the right aspect ration.
Does anyone know how to add padding to the images and resize?Does anyone have a code for that or an online tool which can do that?

In opencv library, there are padding function that can add borders to your images.
also, resize function too.
refer to this webpage.


when resize images in tensorflow object detection api, which function realize the resize of box coordinates?

When I check the code, if I set a image_resizer in the .config file, I found the image will be resized in the function SSDMetaArch.preprocess(), but I cannot find which function is used to resize corresponding groundtruth bbox coordinates.
Thank you so much for any help!

If I resize images using Tensorflow Object Detection API, are the bboxes automatically resized too?

Tensorflow's Object Detection API has an option in the .config file to add an keep_aspect_ratio_resizer. If I resize my training data using this, will the corresponding bounding boxes be resized as well? If they don't match up then the network is seeing incorrect examples.
Yes, the boxes will be resized to be compatible with the images as well!

How to load diverse images with `tf.train.string_input_prodecer()` in tensorflow?

I get an image set full of images with different sizes and extensions. Most of their colorspaces is RGB while some got the extra alpha channel.
How can I convert them to 227*227*3 (3 means RGB) in tensorflow?
Thanks a lot!
Have a look at the Image APIs
In particular, what would be of interest to you is perhaps the following functions in the Cropping header:
As for the Alpha channel, it really depends on how you are reading in the images. If you are using tf.image.decode_image, you can perhaps try specifying channels=3/4 (I'm not sure if this will break the code) but if it's like what you mentioned, some pictures have alpha and some don't, then you might want to use cv2 or PIL to entirely preprocess the images and crop them to 227x227x3.

Are there specific settings I need to use when preparing images for use with custom UITabBarItem's?

I'm using free images off of iconfinder and they work fine. However I couldn't find a specific image so had to find the image elsewhere.
Anyway the image was an incorrect size so I resized it in photoshop.
I added the image to the images.xcassets folder and used the image for the uibarbuttonitem.
The image has come out as a grey square box.
Highlighting works but all I see is a box.
Am I missing something here?
Would appreciate some help thanks.
Make sure the image is a PNG. What is the size of the image you are using?
Apple's iOS HIG
I had to change a setting in photoshop. When saving the photo I had to make sure interlanced was chosen.

Photoshop CS6 Size of Objects

I'm using PS CS6 and have almost no experiences with Photoshop. I just need to get some sizes in pixels to create HTML.
Maybe a trivial question, but couldn't find any answer on Google and stackoverflow.
The main image consists of different layers. Those layers contain an image. How do I get the size of those images in pixels? I could use the ruler but there has to be a much more simple way. Any idea?
Please assist me.
Try this
For Single image (sub-Image)
Select or click on Image than look under menu of cs6 you can show [Show Transform Control] check it and you can re-size your image in any size.
For Whole Image
PS>Image > Image Size > Give Wight and Height in Pixel so u can use that image as HTML file.
Hope It will be work
for images or other objects on a layer show the info palette (F8) and select the object as if you wanted to resize it (eg click upper right corner). The dimensions of the image are then displayed in the info palette.
In PS CS6 simply make a rectangle and you have shown its size next to the cursor. Before this make sure that you have pixels as your main unit in preferences.
Good Luck.