While loading file to hive table it's giving "unable to move source file" .I'm using cloudera virtual box.
Attaching scrrenshot of error , file which I'm uploading and hive table schema
We are executing SQL loader command from shell script on RH Linux OS. The command passes both control file and data file as command line parameters. The syntax used is given below (masked sensitive data):
sqlldr userid=$connstring control=/local/abc-1.2.3/instances/www.abc.com/apps/int/script/bin/ABC_CONTROL.ctl data=$f log=/local/abc-1.2.3/instances/www.abc.com/apps/int/script/logs/ABC.log bad=/local/abc-1.2.3/instances/www.abc.com/apps/int/script/logs/ABC.bad
The data file name is passed as dynamic variable in a FOR loop to process multiple files. The data file extension is *.app and path is /local/abc-1.2.3/instances/www.abc.com/apps/int/script/input.
We have verified that $f variable is able to correctly point to data file. Also verified file permissions. We tried changing the directory paths as well.
Still script fails with below error: **SQL Loader-500 Unable to open file (ABC_CTL.dat)**, SQL Loader-553 File not found, SQL Loader-509 System error: No such file or directory
The same script runs with exact same syntax on another server. Please suggest any solutions.
I recently have started to use Beelines CLI to interface with a hive server.
The problem is that create file command is failing for me.
I have tried the following:
add FILE[S] 'example.txt';
Which returns this error:
Error: Error while processing statement: null (state=,code=1)
You should remove the quotes from the path. i.e.
beeline> add file example.txt;
Also be sure that you are only adding files to the server hive is running on.
I have access to a hive cluster through beeline. Results of some queries get stored as files in hdfs (e.g. /user/hive/warehouse/project). These results are just lines of texts.
Would it be possible to "download" those files to my local machine only using beeline as I don't have access to hdfs?
You can by
Try do something like this.
beeline: -e "select * from yourtable" > LOCAL/PATH/your_output
I'm runing this command from a unix server on remote HDFS server.
I tired to load the data into my table 'users' in LOCAL mode and i am using cloudera on my virtual box. I have a file placed my file inside /home/cloudera/Desktop/Hive/ directory but i am getting an error
FAILED: SemanticException Line 1:23 Invalid path ''/home/cloudera/Desktop/Hive/hive_input.txt'': No files matching path file:/home/cloudera/Desktop/Hive/hive_input.txt
My syntax to load data into table
Load DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/cloudera/Desktop/Hive/hive_input.txt' INTO Table users
Yes I removed the Local as per #Bhaskar, and path is my HDFS path where file exists not underlying linux path.
Load DATA INPATH '/user/cloudera/input_project/' INTO Table users;
You should change permission on the folder that contains your file.
chmod -R 755 /home/user/
Another reason could be the file access issue. If you are running hive CLI from user01 and accessing a file (your INPATH) from user02 home directory, it will give you the same error.
So the solution could be
1. Move the file to a location where user01 can access the file.
2. Relaunch the Hive CLI after logging in with user02.
Check if you are using a Sqoop import in your script, try to import data to hive from an empty table.
This may cause the scoop import to delete the HDFS location of the hive table.
to confirm run: hdfs dfs -ls before and after you execute the sqoop import, re-create the directory using hdfs dfs -mkdir
My path to the file in HDFS was data/file.csv, note, it is not /data/file.csv.
I specified the LOCATION during table creation as data/file.csv.
LOAD DATA INPATH '/data/file.csv' INTO TABLE example_table;
failed with the mentioned exception. However, executing
LOAD DATA INPATH 'data/file.csv' INTO TABLE example_table;
worked as desired.