Yodlee FastLink: postMessages doesn't comes from iframe - yodlee

I'm trying to integrate Yodlee fastLink with our app. I successfully opened it in the iframe, but the only postMessage that I'm receiving from Yodlee is "loadModule". I can login, see linked accounts, but after each action I dont receive any message as it described in docs.
I've provided locationurl param in extraParams and created a subscription in my component by addEventListener. Maybe some workaround on it?
I've tried to add extraParams like in https://colinramsay.co.uk/2018/07/25/yodlee-fastlink-postmessage.html

Are you trying it locally as a HTML file? You should host that on a server, it can be localhost as well.


How to avoid Shopify app opening in a new tab?

I am testing my Shopify app.
Until few days ago it was working fine.
The intended behavior was it to be opened embedded in Shopify dashboard.
Recently when I click on the app it opens in a new tab at the following url:
Note the force_legacy_domain param added to the url.
It seems there have been some changes in the Shopify admin url.
With the new change it should be opened at the following url:
How can I avoid opening the app in a new tab?
I think you answer this one by simply ensuring you are keeping track of the right parameters, and Shopify will not do the new tab. So ensure you have your host and shop parameters throughout the lifecycle of all calls to your App. If you are not setting the host, or handling the admin.shopify.com domain correctly, Shopify is sending you to the legacy handler, and that opens your App in a new tab it seems, reminding you to ensure you are handling all the parameters correctly for both the new and hold Shopify App domains.
Looks like this may be a bug on Shopify's end.
There is a github issue reported here:
And there is a thread I found on the Shopify developer forums: https://community.shopify.com/c/technical-q-a/force-legacy-domain-1-cascading-redirects-using-shopify-app/td-p/1938587

Uri mismatch in google sign-in oAuth

I am working on a react-native application where I need to integrate the google sign in, and after that, I need to get the list of associated youtube channels with selected email id. Somewhere I read that this youtube channel selection flow is not available on the native android library. so I have opted Web Flow. But the issue is that I want to use custom URI eg : package://scheme for this so that I can get the callback inside my app. my current URI looks like as shown below. But every time it gives an error that redirect_uri_mismatch, Even after using this link "https://links.dev.myserver.in" invalid redirect URLs in the google API console.
Please guide me how can I solve this problem.

Add dropbox webhook by code

We're exploring dropbox api reference. Concretly, we're exploring webhook possibilities.
We're not quite to know how to specify a webhook url by code.
We are lokking for a way to add this webhook url avoiding user has to do it manually.
I hope I've explained so well.
It's not possible to programmatically register a Dropbox webhook URI. We'll consider it a feature request.
Developers should register their webhook URI(s) manually via the App Console. Those webhook URIs will stay registered and will be used for all users connected to the app.

Ionic 2 how to make InAppBrowser and other plugins work when running in a browser

I'm creating a app in Ionic 2, wich consumes a web api from an existing site. To use this API i have to make athenticate in it in the following way (Similar to facebook login):
I call the api login page in a InAppBrowser component, sending the proper keys and a return URL.
the user types the login and password in the form displayed, the API will validate it and authenticate it.
The API calls the return URL passing the authorization token.
I 'hijack' this redirect to the return url in the InAppBrowser 'loadstart' event, and extract and store the authorization token.
In the following calls to the API, i send the authorization token in the header.
This is all working fine in the emulator, but it doesn't work in the browser (with ionic serve), because when i call InAppBrowser it actually calls window.open, and the events doesnt work. I can't detect the redirect action made in the opened window.
I'd like to make this work in the browser since its better to debug the application there. My first thought was to send "http://localhost:8001" as the return url, but I couldn't find a way to catch the token parameter in the ionic application.
Does anyone know how I can catch this parameter or any other way to make this login work in the browser? It is for development and debug purposes only, so strict security is not a issue (I can comment out any unsecure code in the production version).
Edit: Hayden Braxton answer didn't solve my problem, but since it was because of something exclusively to my app, and it could really help someone who wants to make plugins work, I'll keep it as the selected answer.
Besides that, I'll share the solution I found to my problem in case it could help anyone. It was simple, actually:
I pass "http://localhost:8001" as the api return_uri parameter
the api will, after checking the login and password, redirect to http://localhost:8001?token=MY_AUTH_TOKEN.
This will reload the application and call login page again.
In the login page i call this.platform.getQueryParam("token"); to get the token.
"browser": "ionic-app-scripts serve --iscordovaserve --sourceMap source-map --wwwDir platforms/browser/www/ --buildDir platforms/browser/www/build",
to the script section of your package.json. Then instead of doing ionic serve, instead run
npm run browser
We use ionic2 to develop our apps where I work, and this is what we figured out after some research.
Before using this, you need to have the browser platform added. You can accomplish this with the following:
ionic add platform browser
If the browser platform is already added, delete the browser directory from your platforms directory and then run the add platform command, just to be on the safe side.

Facebook RESTful API require_login() callback

I'm trying to authenticate a user through the RESTful API (not Connect) but I can't since the callback system does not work for me. I have a local app that creates the Facebook API object with my key and secret, then calls the Facebook API require_login() method; I am sent to Facebook login, I login, and then I am sent to http://www.facebook.com/login.php?auth_token=<...>, where there's another login with just a field for password (not username), I write it again, and after that I am redirected to normal Facebook home. What am I doing wrong? I have set the callback URL in the Facebook app proprieties. Does it have anything to do with the fact that it's localhost?
Yes, if you tell facebook to go to localhost, it has no way of knowing where to go. Is your app fbml or iframe? If iframe I'm guessing there's a remote chance that localhost would actually work since the frame loads and then your browser can find localhost. I'm not sure of that, I wouldn't bother trying. But if it's fbml, Facebook needs to be able to hit your server. Give it your external IP instead.
I managed to make the redirect in the end. It appears the "Canvas Callback URL" is what I needed to set, and not the Authentication one.