Oracle SQL Blob insert exception Exhausted result set - sql

I am trying to insert blob in Oracle SQL 11 by the following JDBC java code. But it throws an exception:-
private static final String selectNextSequenceId = "select INTERIOR_LOG_INCREMENT_SEQ.nextval from dual";
private static final String selectIteriorRoomUpdate = "select RESPONSE_XML from INTERIOR_ROOM_LOG where id = ? for update";
static public Long insertIntoInteriorMaster(Connection connection, String pno12, long startWeek, long endWeek, String responseXml) {
Long retValue = -1l;
PreparedStatement pst = null;
ResultSet rset = null;
try {
pst = connection.prepareStatement(INSERT_INTERIOR_ROOM_LOG);
pst.setString(1, pno12);
pst.setLong(2, startWeek);
pst.setLong(3, endWeek);
PreparedStatement selectNextSequenceIdStatement = null;
ResultSet selectNextSequenceIdRs = null;
int sequenceId = -1;
PreparedStatement insertLogQueryStatement = null;
PreparedStatement selectMqMessageUpdateStatement = null;
ResultSet selectMqMessageUpdateRs = null;
selectNextSequenceIdStatement = connection.prepareStatement(selectNextSequenceId);
selectNextSequenceIdRs = selectNextSequenceIdStatement.executeQuery();;
sequenceId = selectNextSequenceIdRs.getInt(1);
System.out.print("next id: " + sequenceId);
byte[] byteXaml = responseXml.getBytes();
if (byteXaml != null) {
selectMqMessageUpdateStatement =
selectMqMessageUpdateStatement.setInt(1, sequenceId);
selectMqMessageUpdateRs =
BLOB queuedMessage = (BLOB)selectMqMessageUpdateRs.getBlob(1); // exception in this line
OutputStream bos = queuedMessage.setBinaryStream(1);
int bufferSize = queuedMessage.getBufferSize();
int bytesToWrite = byteXaml.length;
for (int i = 0; i <= bytesToWrite && bufferSize > 0; i +=
bufferSize) {
if (i + bufferSize >= bytesToWrite) {
bufferSize = bytesToWrite - i;
bos.write(byteXaml, i, bufferSize);
System.out.println("Interior Log insert commited");
} catch (SQLException e) {
String errorMsg = String.format("SQL State: %s\n%s", e.getSQLState(), e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Error when insert in interior log. Handle error " + ex.getMessage());
return retValue;
SQL State: 99999
Exhausted result set
Could please tell me how do I insert blob into Oracle SQL?


tried to take the output result from Oracle SQL and insert it into excel using java

tried to enter the output value from [ Oracle DB result ] to [ insert that value in Excel ]:
enter image description here
Fillo fillo = new Fillo();
Connection connection;
connection = fillo.getConnection("C:/Users/**/DataTawn_2.xlsx");
String strQuery = "INSERT INTO DataSheet(QuotationNumber) VALUES('" + QuotNumber + "')";
Recordset recordset = connection.executeQuery(strQuery);
System.out.println(" Recordset recordset");
while ( {
ArrayList<String> dataColl = recordset.getFieldNames();
Iterator <String> dataIterator = dataColl.iterator();
while (dataIterator.hasNext()){
for(int i=0; i<= dataColl.size()-1;i++ ){
String Data =;
String datavalue = recordset.getField(Data);
String testData= dataColl.get(i);
System.out.println(" the test data is: "+ recordset.getField(testData));
Oracle connectivity
st.executeQuery("select * from tajcrs.policy where bus_type='CL' ");
ResultSet res = st.getResultSet();
int count = 0;
while ( {
if (con != null)
System.out.println("Print select * from tajcrs.members");
quotation= res.getInt("quotation_no");
System.out.println("quotation_no = " + quotation);
* calling the method

Query with distinct keyword and subquery not working in Hive with udf

Not working Query :
select lookup(city, state, tax,'addresslookup')
from (select distinct city, state, tax
from open_glory.addylookup) a
Working Query (without distinct):
select lookup(city, state, tax,'addresslookup')
from (select city, state, tax
from open_glory.addylookup) a
Any help would be appreciated.
UDF code:
Not working Query :
select lookup(city, state, tax,'addresslookup')
from (select distinct city, state, tax
from open_glory.addylookup) a
Working Query (without distinct):
select lookup(city, state, tax,'addresslookup')
from (select city, state, tax
from open_glory.addylookup) a
Any help would be appreciated.
UDF code:
public class Lookup extends GenericUDF {
private static String delimiter = "|";
private ConcurrentHashMap < String, HashMap < String, String >> fileMap = new ConcurrentHashMap < String, HashMap < String, String >> ();
protected String loggedInUser;
protected String loggedInApplication;
private transient GenericUDFUtils.StringHelper returnHelper;
private transient StringConverter[] stringConverter;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Lookup.class.getName());
public ObjectInspector initialize(ObjectInspector[] arguments)
throws UDFArgumentException {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
throw new UDFArgumentLengthException(
"lookup takes 2 or more arguments");
stringConverter = new StringConverter[arguments.length];
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (arguments[0].getCategory() != Category.PRIMITIVE) {
throw new UDFArgumentException(
"lookup only takes primitive types");
stringConverter[i] = new PrimitiveObjectInspectorConverter.StringConverter(
(PrimitiveObjectInspector) arguments[i]);
returnHelper = new GenericUDFUtils.StringHelper(
PrimitiveCategory.STRING);"initialize successful");
return PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableStringObjectInspector;
private void setLoggedInUser() {
if (loggedInUser == null) {
loggedInUser = SessionState.get().getUserName();
if (loggedInUser != null) {
int idx = loggedInUser.indexOf('.');
loggedInApplication = idx > -1 ? loggedInUser.substring(0, idx) : null;
private void initMap(String f) {"initMap involked");
if (loggedInApplication == null)
throw new NullPointerException(
"Unable to retrieve application name from user.");
String filePath = "/basepath/" + loggedInApplication.toLowerCase() + "/" + f +
String line = null;
try {"filePath =" + filePath);
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
FSDataInputStream in = Path(filePath));
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( in ));
HashMap < String, String > map = new HashMap < String, String > ();
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// ignore comment lines
if (line.startsWith("#")) {
String[] strs = line.split("\t");
if (strs.length == 2) {
map.put(strs[0].toUpperCase().trim(), strs[1].trim());
} else if (strs.length > 2) {
map.put(getKey(strs), strs[strs.length - 1].trim());
fileMap.put(f, map);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
public Text getValue(String s, String f) {
HashMap < String, String > map = fileMap.get(f);"getValue() fileMap =" + fileMap);
String v = map.get(s);
return v == null ? null : new Text(v);
public Object evaluate(DeferredObject[] arguments) throws HiveException {
String val = buildVal(arguments);
String lookupFile = (String) stringConverter[arguments.length - 1].convert(arguments[arguments.length - 1].get());
Text returnVal = getValue(val.toUpperCase(), lookupFile.toLowerCase());
return returnVal == null ? null : returnHelper.setReturnValue(returnVal.toString());
public String getDisplayString(String[] arg0) {
return "lookup()";
private String buildVal(DeferredObject[] arguments) throws HiveException {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int cnt = arguments.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
builder.append((String) stringConverter[i].convert(arguments[i].get()));
if (i < cnt - 1) {
return builder.toString();
private String getKey(String[] strs) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int cnt = strs.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
if (i < cnt - 1) {
return builder.toString();

SQL injection error in Dynamic SQL with prepared statement

I my application we are collection some user inputs from UI and based on those values we are generating dynamic SQLs with different 'Where' conditions to query data.
It is found that that piece of code has some SQL injection flaw.
public void filter(String strSerialNumberLogic, String strSerialNumber1,
String strSerialNumber2, String strCreationDateLogic,
long lngCreationDate1, long lngCreationDate2,
String strTypeNumbers, String strTitles, long lngLoc)
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
StringBuffer strWhere = new StringBuffer();
List paramList = new ArrayList();
String arrTypeNumbers[];
String arrTitles[];
int i;
boolean bolHit;
if (!strTypeNumbers.equals("") || !strTitles.equals("")) {
arrTypeNumbers = strTypeNumbers.split(",");
arrTitles = strTitles.split(",");
bolHit = false;
for (i = 0; i < arrTypeNumbers.length; i++) {
if (arrTypeNumbers[i].length() > 0) {
if (bolHit) {
strWhere.append(" OR ");
} else {
bolHit = true;
strWhere.append(" REPORT_NUMBER = ?");
for (i = 0; i < arrTitles.length; i++) {
if (arrTitles[i].length() > 0) {
if (bolHit) {
strWhere.append(" OR ");
} else {
bolHit = true;
strWhere.append(" REPORT_NAME = ?");
strWhere.append(") ");
if (!strSerialNumber1.equals("")) {
if (!strWhere.equals("")) {
strWhere.append(" AND ");
strWhere.append(" REPORT_FILE_NO " + strSerialNumberLogic + " ? ");
if (strSerialNumberLogic.equals("between")) {
strWhere.append(" AND ? ");
if (lngCreationDate1 != 0) {
if (!strWhere.equals("")) {
strWhere.append(" AND ");
strWhere.append(" REPORT_CREATION_DATE " + strCreationDateLogic + " ? ");
if (strCreationDateLogic.equals("between")) {
strWhere.append(" AND ? ");
if (lngLoc != 0) {
if (!strWhere.equals("")) {
strWhere.append(" AND ");
strWhere.append(" REPORT_FILE_LOCATION = ? ");
String finalQuery = "";
if (!strWhere.equals("")) {
finalQuery = "WHERE " + strWhere.toString();
String strSQL = "SELECT * " + "FROM D990800 "
System.out.println("strSQL:" + strSQL );
System.out.println("paramList:" + paramList );
Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.instance().getConnection();
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;
preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(strSQL);
for (int index = 0; index < paramList.size(); index++) {
String param = (String) paramList.get(index);
if (isParsableInt(param)) {
preparedStatement.setInt(index+1, Integer.parseInt(param));
} else {
preparedStatement.setString(index+1, param);
ResultSet rsReports = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
How did you come to the conclusion that you have SQL injection in this code? That would help clearing that up.
Anyway, looking at your code it seems that both strSerialNumberLogic and strCreationDateLogic are variables that comes from an external source, and are concatinated in a way that allows SQL to be injected. If this external source is the user, SQL injection can be executed. If not, than this is probably a false positive. I would improve the code anyway by chaning the logic variables turning them into Enums.

using clearParameter() even thought PreparedStatement is being closed

private PreparedStatement InsertPS = null;
public boolean InsertInDB(String username, String password, double balance, String secret) {
boolean ans = false;
try {
InsertPS = con.prepareStatement("Insert into BankDB values(?,?,?,?)");
String data[] = AMC.SendtoDB(password, secret);
InsertPS.setString(1, data[0]);
InsertPS.setString(2, username);
InsertPS.setString(3, data[1]);
InsertPS.setDouble(4, balance);
int rows = InsertPS.executeUpdate();
if (rows != 0) {
ans = true;
} catch (SQLException sqlInite) {
System.out.println("SQL Error in InsertInDB method: " + sqlInite);
} finally {
try {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
System.out.println("SQL Exception in InsertInDB method finally clause : " + sqle);
return ans;
Above is the InsertInDB() method given,
It has a InsertPS PreparedStatement Object.
Here is it necessary to use clearParameters() method even though i am closing the InsertPS object at the end of the method.
(I have provided a separate method to close the connection object)
also another question: Is it a good idea to create PreparedStatement Object's outside any method within a class,initializing using Constructor and Say for example Once all Object's (each in different method) are used, close all PreparedStatement Objects using a separate method.
public class JavatoDB {
Driver DM = null;
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement InsertPS = null;
PreparedStatement BalancePS = null;
PreparedStatement DeletePS = null;
PreparedStatement UpdatePS = null;
PreparedStatement SearchDB = null;
ResultSet RS = null;
ResultSetMetaData RSMD = null;
AdminControl AMC = null;
public JavatoDB() {
AMC = new AdminControl();
try {
DM = new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver();
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/javadb", "java", "javaaccess");
InsertPS = con.prepareStatement("Insert into BankDB values(?,?,?,?)");
BalancePS = con.prepareStatement("Select BALANCE from BankDB where ACCNAME=? AND ACCPIN = ?");
DeletePS = con.prepareStatement("Delete from BankDB where ACCNAME = ? AND ACCPIN = ? ");
UpdatePS = con.prepareStatement("Update BankDB set BALANCE = (BALANCE + ?) where ACCNAME = ? AND ACCPIN = ?");
SearchDB = con.prepareStatement("Select ID AND ACCPIN from BankDB where ACCNAME = ? ");
} catch (SQLException JavatoDBContrsuctor) {
System.out.println("SQL Error in JavatoDBConstructor: " + JavatoDBContrsuctor);
public boolean InsertInDB(String username, String password, double balance, String secret) {
boolean ans = false;
try {
String data[] = AMC.SendtoDB(password, secret);
InsertPS.setString(1, data[0]);
InsertPS.setString(2, username);
InsertPS.setString(3, data[1]);
InsertPS.setDouble(4, balance);
int rows = InsertPS.executeUpdate();
if (rows != 0) {
ans = true;
} catch (SQLException sqlInite) {
System.out.println("SQL Error in InsertInDB method: " + sqlInite);
return ans;
Suggestion's or Criticism on other aspects of code are also welcome.
For the first question, when you call:
a new preparedStatement is created, then parameters dont survive, i mean you dont need to clear then.
About the second question, in your implementation i cant see where you close your preparedStatement, and if you only add close, next time method will fail. Then, it is usual to create the preparedStatement and close it in the same method.

MS Access [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid cursor state

I had the error in this code snippet:
private String[][] connectToDB(String query) throws ClassNotFoundException{
String[][] results = null;
try {
String db = "jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=E:/EACA_AgroVentures1.accdb";
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(db);
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData();
int columns = rsm.getColumnCount();
int rows = getRowCount(rs);
//int rows = rs.getFetchSize();
int rowCount = 0;
results = new String[rows][columns];
//System.out.println(rows+" "+columns);
while((rs!=null) && ({
for(int i = 1; i < columns; i++){
results[rowCount][i-1] = rs.getString(i); // --> ERROR SHOWS HERE
//System.out.println(rowCount+","+i+" = "+rs.getString(i));
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(MainFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return results;
My query consists of the following:
private void loadMR(){
try {
String query = "SELECT dealerCode, SUM(kg) AS totalKG, SUM(price) AS totalPrice, returnDate, BID FROM meatReturns GROUP BY BID, dealerCode, returnDate;";
Object[][] result = connectToDB(query);
// some more code below..
I tried using the first code with some other query given in another method:
private void loadDealers(){
try {
String query = "SELECT * FROM Dealers";
Object[][] result = connectToDBWithRows(
// some more code..
and it runs perfectly well. What is going on here? How can i fix this problem?
UPDATE: the only difference of connectToDBWithRows and connectToDB is the while loop that manages the resultSet
// Snippet from connectToDBWithRows()
while((rs!=null) && ({
for(int i = 0; i < columns; i++){
if (i == 0){
// Do nothing
results[rowCount][i] = rs.getString(i);
//System.out.println(rowCount+","+i+" = "+rs.getString(i));
and this is my getRowCount() method
private int getRowCount(ResultSet resultSet){
int size = 0;
try {
size = resultSet.getRow();
catch(Exception ex) {
return 0;
return size;
I've noticed that sometimes, Access needs you to specify the table name when referring to columns in sql statements. Try the following:
private void loadMR(){
try {
String query = "SELECT meatReturns.dealerCode, SUM( AS totalKG, SUM(meatReturns.price) AS totalPrice, meatReturns.returnDate, meatReturns.BID FROM meatReturns GROUP BY meatReturns.BID, meatReturns.dealerCode, meatReturns.returnDate";
Object[][] result = connectToDBWithRows(query);