SQLite slow select query - howto make it faster - sql

In SQLite I have a large DB (~35Mb).
It contains a table with the following syntax:
CREATE TABLE "log_temperature" (
"date" datetime NOT NULL,
"temperature" varchar(20) NOT NULL
Now when I want to search for datas within a period, it is too slow on an embedded system:
$ time sqlite3 sample.sqlite "select MIN(id) from log_temperature where
date BETWEEN '2019-08-13 00:00:00' AND '2019-08-13 23:59:59';"
real 0m2.123s
user 0m0.847s
sys 0m0.279s
Note1: ids are running from 210610 to 331600.
Note2: if I run 'SELECT id FROM log_temperature ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1', it gives the exact same timing as with the 'MIN' function.
I want to have the 'real time of 0m2.123s' to be as close to 0m0.0s as possible.
What are my options for making this faster? (Without removing hundreds of thousands of data?)
ps.: embedded system parameters are not important here. This shall be solved by optimizing the query or the underlying schema.

First, I would recommend that you write the query as:
select MIN(id)
from log_temperature
where date >= '2019-08-13' and date < '2019-08-14';
This doesn't impact performance, but it makes the query easier to write -- and no need to fiddle with times.
Then, you want an index on (date, id):
create index idx_log_temperature_date_id on log_temperature(date, id);
I don't think id is needed in the index, if it is declared as the primary key of the table.

Can you create an index on the date?
CREATE INDEX index_name ON log_temperature(date);


MariaDB Optimizing Big Table Selects With Table Partitioning

I have the following table that contains milions of rows (2M-30M)
rowId(int) intElementId(int) timestamp(int) float float
This table gets truncated and filled every time it is used , the primary operation is select using the intElementId that is an integer and the timestamp.
For example
SELECT * from myTable where intElementId = x and timestamp = y
Currently im using btree indexes on intElementId and timestamp . The sum of the operations take quite a lot of time when theres is more data on my table.
I have thought of dynamically generating multiple tables based on my intElementId (eg testTable_xxx,testTable_xxx) that is usually bellow a thousand so i can query via the timestamp more effectivly in a smaller sample . While searching about this on different questions i have been discouraged to do this , because as i found out mariaDb is not optimized for something like this.
An alternative solution i have found is partitioning my table , i have seen a couple of applications for this but not many examples of it actually being used.
I have seen solutions partitioning by key seems to be what i want but on the mariaDB wiki its once again discouraged and suggested to use partitioning by range instead.
My questions are :
Is partitioning by key okay ?
Is having ~ a 1000 partions okay ?
Is having less partitions than the number of the disting intElementIds bad ? and how does it affect me ?
To test my solution i have used the following and it does seem to improve perfomance by about ~ 48%
testData = generateTestData()
time = timeit.timeit(benchmarkDbTable, number=20)
time = timeit.timeit(benchmarkDbTable, number=20)
Where my tables are generated like so
CREATE TABLE testTable (`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , PRIMARY KEY (`id`),intElementIdINT, timestamp int, price FLOAT, volume float)
ALTER TABLE testTable ADD INDEX `intElementId` (`intElementId`)
Partitioned where the number of partitions equals to the number of unique intElementId (<1000)
CREATE TABLE testTable (`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`intElementId`),intElementId INT, timestamp int, price FLOAT, volume INT) PARTITION BY KEY (intElementId) PARTITIONS ?;",
Testing Like so
cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM testTable ")
cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT intElementId FROM testTable ")
intElementId = cur.fetchall()
for element in intElementId:
cur.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM testTable WHERE intElementId= {element[0]}")
for element in intElementId:
cur.execute(f"SELECT MIN(price), MAX(price) FROM testTable WHERE intElementId= {intElementId[0]}")
for elements in intElementId:
cur.execute(f"SELECT price FROM testTable WHERE intElementId= {intElementId[0]} ORDER BY price DESC LIMIT 10")

SQL Server Query intermittent performance Issue

Recently we have run into performance issues with a particular query on SQL Server (2016). The problem I'm seeing is that the performance issues are incredibly inconsistent and I'm not sure how to improve this.
The table details:
CREATE TABLE ContactRecord
, ApplicationCd VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL
, EndStateCd VARCHAR(3)
, UserId VARCHAR(10)
, UserTypeCd VARCHAR(2)
, LineId VARCHAR(3)
, CallingLineId VARCHAR(20)
, DialledLineId VARCHAR(20)
, ChannelCd VARCHAR(2)
, SubChannelCd VARCHAR(2)
, ServicingAgentCd VARCHAR(7)
, EucCopyTimestamp VARCHAR(30)
, PRIMARY KEY (ContactSeq)
, FOREIGN KEY (ApplicationCd) REFERENCES ApplicationType(ApplicationCd)
, FOREIGN KEY (EndStateCd) REFERENCES EndStateType(EndStateCd)
, FOREIGN KEY (UserTypeCd) REFERENCES UserType(UserTypeCd)
CREATE TABLE TransactionRecord
TransactionSeq BIGINT NOT NULL
, TransactionTypeCd VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
, TransactionDt DATETIME2 NOT NULL
, PolicyId VARCHAR(10)
, ProductId VARCHAR(7)
, EucCopyTimestamp VARCHAR(30)
, Detail VARCHAR(1000)
, PRIMARY KEY (TransactionSeq)
, FOREIGN KEY (ContactSeq) REFERENCES ContactRecord(ContactSeq)
, FOREIGN KEY (TransactionTypeCd) REFERENCES TransactionType(TransactionTypeCd)
Current record counts:
ContactRecord 20million
TransactionRecord 90million
My query is:
max(StartDt) as LastLoginDate
ContactSeq in
ContactSeq in
UserId in
'1234567891' -- Etc.
and TransactionRecord.TransactionTypeCd not in
and ApplicationCd not in
group by
Now the query isn't great and could be improved using joins, however it does fundamentally work.
The problem I'm having is that our data job takes an input of roughly 7100 userIds. These are then broken up into groups of 500. For each 500 these are used in the IN clause in this query. The first 14 executions of this query with 500 items in the IN clause execute fine. Results are returned in roughly 15-20 seconds for each.
The issue is with the remaining 100 give or take for the last execution of this query. It never seems to complete. It just hangs. In our data job it is timing out after 10 minutes. I have no idea why. I'm not an expert with SQL Server so I'm not really sure how to debug this. I have executed each sub query independently and then replaced the contents of the sub query with the returned data. Doing this for each sub query works fine.
Any help is really appreciated here as I'm at a loss to how this works so consistently with larger amounts of parameters but just doesn't work with only a fraction.
I've got three example of execution plans here. Please note that each of these were executed on a test server and all executed almost instantly as there is very little data on this test equivalent.
This is the execution plan for 500 arguments which executes fine in production, returning in roughly 15-20 seconds:
This is the execution plan for 119 arguments which is timing out in our data job after 10 minutes:
This is the execution plan for 5 arguments which executes fine. This query is not explicitly being executed in the data job but just for comparison:
In all instances SSMS has given the following warning:
Missing Index Details from SQLQuery2.sql
The Query Processor estimates that implementing the following index could improve the query cost by 26.3459%.
USE [CloasIvr]
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>]
ON [dbo].[TransactionRecord] ([TransactionTypeCd])
INCLUDE ([ContactSeq])
Is this the root cause to this problem?
Without seeing what's going on, it is hard to know exactly what's going on - especially with the ones that are failing. Execution plans for 'good' runs can help a bit but we're just guessing what's going wrong in bad runs.
My initial guess (similar to my comment) is that the estimates of what it expects is very wrong, and it creates a plan that is very bad.
Your TransactionRecord table in particular, with the detail column that is 1000 characters, would could have big issues with an unexpected large number of nested loops.
The first thing I would suggest is indexing - particularly to a) only include a subset of the data you need for these, and b) to have them ordered in a useful manner.
I suggest the following two indexes would appear to help
CREATE INDEX IX_ContactRecord_User ON ContactRecord
(UserId, ContactSeq)
INCLUDE (ApplicationCD, Startdt);
CREATE INDEX IX_TransactionRecord_ContactSeq ON TransactionRecord
(ContactSeq, TransactionTypeCd);
These are both 'covering indexes', as well as being sorted in ways that can help.
Alternatively, you could replace the first one with a slightly modified version (sorting first on ContactSeq) but I think the above version would be more useful.
CREATE INDEX IX_ContactRecord_User2 ON ContactRecord
INCLUDE (ApplicationCD, Startdt, UserId);
Also, regarding the index on TransactionRecord - if this is the only query that would be using that index, you could improve it by creating the following index instead
CREATE INDEX IX_TransactionRecord_ContactSeq_Filtered ON TransactionRecord
(ContactSeq, TransactionTypeCd)
WHERE (TransactionTypeCD <> '122');
The above is a filtered index that matches what's specified in the WHERE clause of your statement. The big thing about this is that it has already a) removed the records where the type <> '122', and b) has sorted the records already on ContactSeq so it's then easy to look them up.
By the way - given you asked about adding indexes on Foreign Keys on principle - the use of these really depends on how you read the data. If you are only ever referring to the referenced table (e.g., you have an FK to a status table, and only ever use it to report, in English, the statuses) then an index on the original table's Status_ID wouldn't help. On the other hand, if you want to find all the rows with Status_ID = 4, then it would help.
To help understanding indexes, I strongly recommend Brent Ozar's How to think like an SQL Server Engine - it really helped me to understand how indexes work in practice.
Use a sorted temp table
This may help but is unlikely to be the primary fix. If you pre-load the relevant UserIDs into a temporary table (with a primary key on UserID) then it may help with the relevant JOIN. It may also be easier for you to modify each run rather than have to modify the middle of the query.
Then replace the middle section of your query with
ContactSeq in
ContactRecord CR
and TransactionRecord.TransactionTypeCd not in
Simplify the query
I had a go at simplifying the query, and got it to this:
select CR.UserId,
max(CR.StartDt) as LastLoginDate
from ContactRecord CR
INNER JOIN TransactionRecord TR ON CR.ContactSeq = TR.ContactSeq
where TR.TransactionTypeCd not in ('122')
AND CR.ApplicationCd not in ('1', '4', '5')
AND CR.UserId in ('1234567890', '1234567891') -- etc
group by UserId;
or alternatively (with the temp table)
select CR.UserId,
max(CR.StartDt) as LastLoginDate
from ContactRecord CR
INNER JOIN TransactionRecord TR ON CR.ContactSeq = TR.ContactSeq
where TR.TransactionTypeCd not in ('122')
AND CR.ApplicationCd not in ('1', '4', '5')
group by UserId;
One advantage of simplifying the query, is that it also helps SQL Server get good estimates; which in turn help it get good execution plans.
Of course, you would need to test that the above returns exactly the same records in your circumstances - I don't have a data set to test on, so I cannot be 100% sure these simplified versions match the original.

Optimize SQL Query (If possible) using CONVERT(INT, SUBSTRING( and LEN FUNCTION

My situation is like that :
I have these tables:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[HeaderResultPulser]
[ReportNumber] CHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[ReportDescription] CHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[CatalogNumber] NCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[WorkerName] NCHAR(255) DEFAULT ('') NOT NULL,
[LastCalibrationDate] DATETIME NOT NULL,
[NextCalibrationDate] DATETIME NOT NULL,
[MachineNumber] INT NOT NULL,
[Age] NCHAR(255) DEFAULT ((1)) NOT NULL,
[Current] INT DEFAULT ((-1)) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT [PK_HeaderResultPulser]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ResultPulser]
[ReportNumber] CHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[BatchNumber] CHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[OcvMin] FLOAT(53) NOT NULL,
[OcvMax] FLOAT(53) NOT NULL,
[CcvMin] FLOAT(53) NOT NULL,
[CcvMax] FLOAT(53) NOT NULL,
[CurrentFail] BIT DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[NumberInTest] INT NOT NULL
For every row in HeaderResultPulser I have multiple rows in ResultPulser
my key is the [HeaderResultPulser].[ReportNumber] to get a list of data in ResultPulser, and for every a lot of row with the same [ResultPulser].[ReportNumber]
It has multiple [ResultPulser].[NumberInTest] values
For example: in the ResultPulser table the data can look like this:
ReportNumber | NumberInTest
0000006211 | 1
0000006211 | 2
0000006211 | 3
0000006211 | 4
0000006211 | 5
0000006211 | 6
0000006212 | 1
0000006212 | 2
0000006212 | 3
0000006212 | 4
0000006212 | 5
NumberInTest can be 200, 500, 10000 and sometime even more..
The report number column contains two the first 7 chars are a number of machine and the rest is an incrementing number.
For example, 0000006212 is [0000006][212] == [the machine number][the incrementing number]
My query for example :
max(NumberInTest) as TotalCells
ResultPulser, HeaderResultPulser
((([ResultPulser].[ReportNumber] like '0000006%' and
CONVERT(INT, SUBSTRING([ResultPulser].[ReportNumber], 8, LEN([ResultPulser].[ReportNumber]))) BETWEEN '211' AND '815')
and ([HeaderResultPulser].[ReportNumber] = [ResultPulser].[ReportNumber])))
group by
Actually I want to get all the rows on the machine number 0000006 that number was 211 to 815 (include both)
This query takes about 6-7 seconds
There is a lot of data (in the hundreds of millions and billions and in the future can be more and can be much more in table ResultPulser), and it can get Tens of thousands of rows in HeaderResultPulser table
And In getting receive I only receive on select a few hundred in the worst case a thousand or about two thousand if I want to go far... but (in numbers) to get the max(NumberInTest) from ResultPulser I take about (It can get to a few millions of rows)
There is any way to optimize my query? Or when It's so much data it's just must this time? (That just the way it is)
The way you are doing joins is no longer standard. It's also hard to read, and dangerous if you ever need to use left joins. Instead of joining this way:
select *
from T1, T2
where T1.column = T2.column
Use ANSI-92 join syntax instead:
select *
from T1
join T2 on T1.column = T2.column
You said that your "key" was ReportNumber. Why isn't that declared in your schema? It sounds like you want a unique constraint on HeaderResultPulser.ReportNumber, and a foreign key on the the ReportPulser table, such that ReportNumber references HeaderResultPulser (ReportNumber)
Since your report number column seems to contain two different values, your table is not in First Normal Form. This is making things difficult for you. Why not split the two parts of the "report number" into two different columns when the data is entered? This will significantly improve your query performance, because you no longer need to perform an expression against the data in the table at query time to separate the ReportNumber into atomic values.
Your comment says that the first 7 characters of the ReportNumber are the MachineNumber. But you already have MachineNumber in the HeaderReportPulser table. So why not just add a separate column for Increment? If you still need ReportNumber to exist as a column, you can make it a calculated column, as the concatenation of MachineNumber and Increment.
If you don't want to touch the "existing" schema, we can do a similar thing in reverse. Your query will not be completely sargable unless you can do something to the schema, because you have to perform some kind of expression on the data in the ReportNumber column. But maybe you have the option to use a calculated column to do this up front:
alter table HeaderReportPulser
add Increment as right(ReportNumber, len(rtrim(ReportNumber)) - 7);
Now we have the increment as a column in its own right. But it's still being calculated at query time, because it's not persisted. We can make it persisted:
alter table HeaderReportPulser
add Increment as right(ReportNumber, len(rtrim(ReportNumber)) - 7) persisted;
We can also index a computed column. Since your required expression is deterministic and precise (see Indexes on Computed Columns), we don't actually have to mark it as persisted:
alter table HeaderReportPulser
add Increment as right(ReportNumber, len(rtrim(ReportNumber)) - 7);
create index ix_headerreportpulser_increment on HeaderReportPulser(Increment);
You could do a similar set of operations to create the Increment and MachineNumber on the ReportPulser table. If you always want to use both values, create an index on the combination of (MachineNumber, Increment)
The biggest performance gain might be eliminating the outer group by by using a correlated subquery or lateral join:
select hrp.[ReportNumber],
(select max(rp.NumberInTest)
from ResultPulser rp
where rp.ReportNumber = hrp.ReportNumber and
right(rp.ReportNumber, 3) between '211' and '815'
) as TotalCells
from HeaderResultPulser hrp
where hrp.ReportNumber like '0000006%';
Your logic looks like it only wants the last three characters of the ReportNumber, so I simplified the logic. I'm not 100% that is the case -- it just seems reasonable. Regardless, there is no need to convert the values to integers and then compare as strings. And similar logic can be used even for longer report numbers.
You also want an index on ResultPulser(ReportNumber, NumberInTest) :
create index idx_resultpulser_reportnumber_numberintest on ResultPulser(ReportNumber, NumberInTest)
Actually, I notice that the report number matches between the two tables. So this seems simplest:
select hrp.[ReportNumber],
(select max(rp.NumberInTest)
from ResultPulser rp
where rp.ReportNumber = hrp.ReportNumber
) as TotalCells
from HeaderResultPulser hrp
where hrp.ReportNumber >= '0000006211' and
hrp.ReportNumber <= '0000006815';
You still want to be sure you have the above index on ResultPulser.
If the ReportNumber is not a fixed 10 digits, then you can use:
where hrp.ReportNumber >= '0000006211' and
hrp.ReportNumber <= '0000006815' and
len(hrp.ReportNumber) = 10
This should also use the index and return exactly what you want.
Performance Optimization of any query depends on many factors including environment you are hosting and running your query. Hardware and Software play important part in optimization of heavy running database queries. In your case you can look into following things:
USE ANSI 92 JOIN syntax instead of default cross join
select *
from T1
join T2 on T1.column = T2.column
Put indexes on columns like
Note: You may need index for each column in the join area which is not primary key.
Remember use of MAX is always heavy and that could be the main problem in your query.
Finally you can further look into optimizing your query syntax using following online tool where you can specify your actual query and environment you are using:
Hope it help you.
If you really want to optimize performance, I propose to add a bit of logic beyond SQL structures.
Is it possible that particular value of ReportNumber is present in table ResultPulser, but not in table HeaderResultPulser? If not, and I ssupose so, there is no reason to join table HeaderResultPulser.
Then, I propose to take advantage from fact, that the condition on ReportNumber can be expressed equivalently without dividing in substrings. For your example, the condition
([ResultPulser].[ReportNumber] like '0000006%' and
CONVERT(INT, SUBSTRING([ResultPulser].[ReportNumber], 8,
LEN([ResultPulser].[ReportNumber]))) BETWEEN '211' AND '815')
is equivalent to:
([ResultPulser].[ReportNumber] BETWEEN '0000006211' and '0000006815')
So the proposal is:
Create index on table ResultPulser(ReportNumber, NumberInTest)
Use selections similar to this:
select ReportNumber, max(NumberInTest) as TotalCells
from ResultPulser
ReportNumber BETWEEN '0000006211' and '0000006815'
group by
(Please, add brackets or double quotes and capitalizations as necessary for MS SQL Server and your taste)
I would expect that good database will execute this query by index-only access, and it will be optimal from execution point of view.
Performance depends on not only on execution path, but also on setup and hardware. Please, make sure that your database has enough cache and fast disk accesses. Also concurrent load is very important.
Simple splitting the field ReportNumber into [the machine number] and [the incrementing number] will probably not improve performance of the query in form proposed by me. But it may be very convenient for other forms of access (other WHERE classes). And it will reflect the structure of the case. Even more important: It will release you from imposed limits. Currently, you have 3 digits for the [the incrementing number]. Are you sure, it will never be necessary to have more than 999 of them for single [the machine number]?
Why the field ReportNumber has type char(255), when only 10 characters are used? char(255) has fixed length, so it will be terrible wasting of space. Only database compression can help. Used space has strong influence on performance – Please, consider the above remark about the database cache.
If both these fields, [the machine number], [the incrementing number], are intergers, why not split ReportNumber and use integer type for them?
Side remark: Field names suggest that you search the total number of rows in table ResultPulser, which belong to single entry in table HeaderResultPulser. The proposed query will deliver this, only if numbers in NumberInTest are consecutive, without gaps. If this is not supplied, you have to count them rather than seek the maximum.

Faster Sqlite insert from another table

I have an Sqlite DB which I am doing updates on and its very slow. I am wondering if I am doing it the best way or is there a faster way. My tables are:
create table files(
fileid integer PRIMARY KEY,
name TEXT not null,
sha256 TEXT,
created INT,
mtime INT,
inode INT,
nlink INT,
fsno INT,
sha_id INT,
size INT not null
create table fls2 (
fileid integer PRIMARY KEY,
name TEXT not null UNIQUE,
size INT not null,
sha256 TEXT not null,
Table 'files' is actually in an attached DB named ttb. I am then doing this:
SET fs3 = (
SELECT inode || 'X' || mtime || 'X' || nlink
ttb.files.fsno = 3
fls2.name = ttb.files.name
fls2.sha256 = ttb.files.sha256
So the idea is, fls2 has values in 'name' which are also present in ttb.files.name. In ttb.files there are other parameters which I want to insert into the corresponding rows in fls2. The query works but I assume the matching up of the two tables is taking the time, and I wonder if theres a more efficient way to do it. There are indexes on each column in fls2 but none on files. I am doing it as a transaction, and pragma journal = memory (although sqlite seems to be ignoring that because a journal file is being created).
It seems slow, so far about 90 minutes for around a million rows in each table.
One CPU is pegged so I assume its not disk bound.
Can anyone suggest a better way to structure the query?
|--SCAN TABLE fls2
`--SCAN TABLE files
Not sure what that means though. It carries out the SCAN TABLE files for each SCAN TABLE fls2 hit?
Well blimey, Crtl-C the query which had been running 2.5 hours at that point, exit Sqlite, run sqlite with the files DB, create index (sha256, name) - 1 minute or so. Exit that, run Sqlite with the main DB. Explain shows that now the latter scan is done with the index. Run the update - takes 150 seconds. Compared to >150 minutes, thats a heck of a speed up. Thanks for the assistance.
TIA, Pete
There are indexes on each column in fls2
Indexes are used for faster selection. They slow down inserts and updates. Maybe removing the one for fls2.fs3 helps?
Not an expert on sqlite, but on some databases it is more performant to insert the data into temporary table, delete them, then insert them from the temp table.
Insert into tmptab
Select fileid,
inode || 'X' || mtime || 'X' || nlink,
From fls2
Inner join files on
fls2.name = ttb.files.name
fls2.sha256 = ttb.files.sha256
delete from
Fls2 where exists (select 1 from tmptab where tmptab.<primary key> = fls2.<primary key>)
Insert into fls2 select * from tmptab

How to migrate an existing Postgres Table to partitioned table as transparently as possible?

I have an existing table in a postgres-DB. For the sake of demonstration, this is how it looks like:
create table myTable(
forDate date not null,
key2 int not null,
value int not null,
primary key (forDate, key2)
insert into myTable (forDate, key2, value) values
('2000-01-01', 1, 1),
('2000-01-01', 2, 1),
('2000-01-15', 1, 3),
('2000-03-02', 1, 19),
('2000-03-30', 15, 8),
('2011-12-15', 1, 11);
However in contrast to these few values, myTable is actually HUGE and it is growing continuously. I am generating various reports from this table, but currently 98% of my reports work with a single month and the remaining queries work with an even shorter timeframe. Oftentimes my queries cause Postgres to do table scans over this huge table and I am looking for ways to reduce the problem. Table partitioning seems to fit my problem perfectly. I could just partition my table into months. But how do I turn my existing table into a partitioned table? The manual explicitly states:
It is not possible to turn a regular table into a partitioned table or vice versa
So I need to develop my own migration script, which will analyze the current table and migrate it. The needs are as follows:
At design time the time frame which myTable covers is unknown.
Each partition should cover one month from the first day of that month to the last day of that month.
The table will grow indefinitely, so I have no sane "stop value" for how many tables to generate
The result should be as transparent as possible, meaning that I want to touch as little as possible of my existing code. In best case this feels like a normal table which I can insert to and select from without any specials.
A database downtime for migration is acceptable
Getting along with pure Postgres without any plugins or other things that need to be installed on the server is highly preferred.
Database is PostgreSQL 10, upgrading to a newer version will happen sooner or later anyway, so this is an option if it helps
How can I migrate my table to be partitioned?
In Postgres 10 "Declarative Partitioning" was introduced, which can relieve you of a good deal of work such as generating triggers or rules with huge if/else statements redirecting to the correct table. Postgres can do this automatically now. Let's start with the migration:
Rename the old table and create a new partitioned table
alter table myTable rename to myTable_old;
create table myTable_master(
forDate date not null,
key2 int not null,
value int not null
) partition by range (forDate);
This should hardly require any explanation. The old table is renamed (after data migration we'll delete it) and we get a master table for our partition which is basically the same as our original table, but without indexes)
Create a function that can generate new partitions as we need them:
create function createPartitionIfNotExists(forDate date) returns void
as $body$
declare monthStart date := date_trunc('month', forDate);
declare monthEndExclusive date := monthStart + interval '1 month';
-- We infer the name of the table from the date that it should contain
-- E.g. a date in June 2005 should be int the table mytable_200506:
declare tableName text := 'mytable_' || to_char(forDate, 'YYYYmm');
-- Check if the table we need for the supplied date exists.
-- If it does not exist...:
if to_regclass(tableName) is null then
-- Generate a new table that acts as a partition for mytable:
execute format('create table %I partition of myTable_master for values from (%L) to (%L)', tableName, monthStart, monthEndExclusive);
-- Unfortunatelly Postgres forces us to define index for each table individually:
execute format('create unique index on %I (forDate, key2)', tableName);
end if;
$body$ language plpgsql;
This will come in handy later.
Create a view that basically just delegates to our master table:
create or replace view myTable as select * from myTable_master;
Create rule so that when we insert into the rule, we'll not just update out partitioned table, but also create a new partition if needed:
create or replace rule autoCall_createPartitionIfNotExists as on insert
to myTable
do instead (
select createPartitionIfNotExists(NEW.forDate);
insert into myTable_master (forDate, key2, value) values (NEW.forDate, NEW.key2, NEW.value)
Of course, if you also need update and delete, you also need a rule for those which should be straight forward.
Actually migrate the old table:
-- Finally copy the data to our new partitioned table
insert into myTable (forDate, key2, value) select * from myTable_old;
-- And get rid of the old table
drop table myTable_old;
Now migration of the table is complete without that there was any need to know how many partitions are needed and also the view myTable will be absolutely transparent. You can simple insert and select from that table as before, but you might get the performance benefit from partitioning.
Note that the view is only needed, because a partitioned table cannot have row triggers. If you can get along with calling createPartitionIfNotExists manually whenever needed from your code, you do not need the view and all it's rules. In this case you need to add the partitions als manually during migration:
declare rec record;
-- Loop through all months that exist so far...
for rec in select distinct date_trunc('month', forDate)::date yearmonth from myTable_old loop
-- ... and create a partition for them
perform createPartitionIfNotExists(rec.yearmonth);
end loop;
A suggestion could be, use a view for you main table access, do the steps mentioned above, where you create a new partition table. once finished, point the view to the new partitioned table, and then do the migration, finally deprecate the old table.