How can we link a Docusaurus website to a database? - docusaurus

I'm building a website with Docusaurus V2.
Since a Docusaurus website is fundamentally a React app, I wonder how we could add an authentication system to the website.
Is there any guide or sample where a Docusaurus website is linked to a database, a backend, or call APIs?

You could inject a script that initializes some form of authentication when the website first loads. Have a look at docusaurus-plugin-google-analytics, this is an example of injecting the GA script into a website.
To make database calls, you would need a server with a REST/GraphQL API. You can make calls from the UI using AJAX/fetch.
To implement a very basic form of auth where you prevent unauthorized people from even accessing the website, you could implement auth at the web server level using Basic access auth.
Docusaurus websites are fundamentally for static documentation and they are best for building websites where everyone should see the same thing. If you want to selectively show content depending on the user, then maybe going with a server-side approach would be better.


I can't log in to my dashboard through a shopify api

I cannot log in to shopify through an api.
I want to build a private app with a shopify api, and I just created a laravel project and connected it to shopify through an api. I am using 'ohmybrew' and wrote my api credentials in my config. I tried to log in through an api but I get an error as follows.
Oauth error invalid_request: The Shopify API application does not support oauth
I expected to go to my dashboard but it did not work. It's my first time to work with shopify, and I am baffled as to what to do. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me what I am doing wrong.
oAuth is well established. You could probably say almost all systems with a public API support oAuth. Shopify is no different from any of them, and they all follow the same pattern. So it seems your attempt to follow that pattern is incorrect. The best thing you can do then is to look up some tutorials on how to connect to an API using oAuth, with an emphasis on your scripting language so you can have some solid code examples to follow. Once you master oAuth, you'll be able to see your dashboard.

How to secure API Key with Nuxt and verify

I am using Nuxt (with SSR/ PWA/ Vuejs/ Node.js/ Vuex/ Firestore) and would like to have a general idea or have an example for the following:
How can I secure an API key. For example to call MailChimp API
I am not familiar with how a hacker would see this if a poor solution is implemented. How can I verify it is not accessible to them?
I have found a number of "solutions" that recommend using environment Variables, but for every solution someone indicates it wont be secure. See:
Perhaps server middleware is the answer? and (#11:30). I just need to add an email to a mail chimp account once entered, seems like a lot of overhead.
Also I see I store my Firestore api key as an environment variable already. Is this secure? When I open chrome dev tools-> sources-> page-> app.js i can see the api key right there (only tested in dev mode)!
You could use either a server middleware or
Middleware itself wont work because it can be executed on client too, and code that is used in middleware will be available on client
For #2 you can check whether its included in client js sources. There way more other way hacker to get anything e.g. xss, but its general things and not much related to your code.
How can I secure an API key. For example to call MailChimp API
The cruel truth here is NO... In the client side you cannot secure any kind of secret, at least in a web app.
Just for you to have an idea of the techniques that can be used to protect an API and how they can be bypassed you can read this series of articles. While it is in the context of an Api serving a mobile app, the majority of it also applies for an API serving a web app. You will learn how api-keys, ouath tokens, hmac and certificate pinning can be used and bypassed.
Access to third part services must be always done in the back-end, never on the client side. With this approach you only have one place to protected, that is under your control.
For example in your case of accessing the Mailchimp API... If your back-end is the one in charge of doing it in behalf of your web app, then you can put security measures in place to detect and mitigate the usage of Mailchimp by your web app, like a User Behaviour Analytics (UBA) solution, but leaving for the web app the access to the Mailchimp API means that you only know that someone is abusing it when Mailchimp alerts your or you see it in their dashboards.
I am not familiar with how a hacker would see this if a poor solution is implemented. How can I verify it is not accessible to them?
As you may already know F12 to access the developers tools is one of the ways.
Another ways id to use the OWASP security tool Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) , and using their words:
The OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is one of the world’s most popular free security tools and is actively maintained by hundreds of international volunteers*. It can help you automatically find security vulnerabilities in your web applications while you are developing and testing your applications. Its also a great tool for experienced pentesters to use for manual security testing.
Storing secrets in the front-end is a big no no in terms of security.
If your website is using server-side rendering (aka SSG or static website) and is hosted on Netlify it sound like a perfect job for the Netlify functions (server side logic) and environnement variables.
You can find some documentations here : Netlify functions.
Netlify functions are powered by AWS Lambda.
You would typically create a function folder into your project directory and write your functions there. Functions are built after each deploy but you can test your functions locally with Netlify Dev
Here is an example of function using Mailchimp service wit injected secrets :
I think privateRuntimeConfig, by which secrets are only available on the server side is another workable solution here, if you're in a situation where you only need to access an API during Server Side Rendering.

Is there a classical way for securing a SPA and an API using Google Cloud App Engine?

I’d like to use the Google Cloud App Engine to serve a SPA and a REST API, both secured behind an authentication wall.
Is there any recommended way of doing this?
So far, I’ve found tutorials on how to secure an API, but not an SPA. Both ends are served from different projects, but I’d like to have a unique authentication step.
Typical flow would be:
Before serving the SPA source code, ask for authentication
Once authenticated, serve the SPA and allow the SPA to access the API resources
Thank you!
So far I’ve reviewed the documentation, it doesn't seem like there is any specific recommended way to authenticate an SPA within Google Cloud.
However, I think a pretty secure way would be to authenticate your application using the Toolkit Identity API of Google. The procedure would be to call this API from App Engine as the first necessary requirement.
This method works with Oauth2 access tokens. I think you could request for authentication credentials to your users before launching your application and granting access to the other resources/APIs.

Share login between .NET Core 2 web app and VueJS spa

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I honestly don't know where to start.
I currently have a .NET Core 2 MVC project using Entity Framework. In this MVC app a user can:
sign up
confirm his email
change password and add basic profile information
reset his password using "forgot password"
Now I want to build a VueJS SPA in which the user can log in as well using .net core 2 webapi. All the hooks for this api are already build and are working as expected.
The MVC, API and SPA parts would all live on a separate subdomains: for MVC for SPA for API
My question: Is there a way to let the user:
Login using the MVC website or spa/webapi
Share the login on both systems (when going back to the marketing website, a "Go to app" button appears and the SPA recognizes the authenticated user
The same behavior can be found on the website This seems to be exactly how I'd like my website to work :)
The de-facto technology for what you're after is OAuth 2.0.
You'll need a component to act as an identity provider, which (depending on your requirements) may federate with social identity providers too.
As with most things security, rolling your own authorisation server is a really, really bad idea. Plus, it's already a (mostly) solved problem.
Realistically you've got a few choices:
Use a third party identity service (Okta, auth0, etc)
Use a standalone, off-the-shelf authorisation server product
Integrate an off-the-shelf authorisation server library
Given you already have a server-side rendered MVC application, #3 is probably the best approach.
Right now it looks like the best tool out there for .NET is I'd head over that way and get cracking for implementation.
A helpful hint along the way: given your SPA application can't keep a secret (its source code is fully available to clients), the only appropriate authorization grant type is "Implicit".

Use everyauth package for authorizing users to access data via REST api calls

I am developing a google chrome extension that needs to communicate with a nodejs server. I was wondering if its possible to use everyauth package to simplify authentication. For starters, I just wanted to use simple password based authentication. But from the examples and the documentation ,as well according to my trial, it seems to me that everyauth is designed to be used for a webapp and gives me errors if i don't set the getLoginPath. Also i am not sure how to configure everyauth to send the user details or errors after user authenticate in a json payroll rather than redirecting user to a particular page. This is my first project with node.js and I am looking for some advice on how to go forward with this. I am open to using some other package/library that provides such authentication,
Since you are open to using other modules, as the developer of Passport, I'd suggest you look at it:
Passport is designed to be a simple and unobtrusive authentication library, which makes it easy to get up and running quickly. It's also modular and extensible, which allows it to adapt to your applications needs over time.
The examples provided, along with the local strategy ( ) are enough to get you started with username/password authentication. Let me know if you have any feedback or questions.
I was able to accomplish a REST-only interface to everyauth by overriding its handler methods: