Open link in a HTML in react native webview - react-native

I sucessfully render a HTML file to view using react-native-webview. And when I click on a link in a view, it loads perfectly on IOS at the same view. But the link doesn't work on Android. It shows 'Cannot download files as permission was denied. Please provide permisson to write to storage, in order to download files'
I've tried to add this line of code to AndroidManifest.xml <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> But it downloads as a file to the phone, not in a view of WebView. What did I miss?
source={ Platform.OS === 'ios'
? this.renderHTML(content)
: this.renderHTMLAndroid(content)

I came to a solution. It doesn't render in a view of webview but open a link in a browser (for Android). It is not really what I want, but at least it works.
import { Linking } from 'react-native'
loading = (event) => {
if (event.url.slice(0,4) === 'http') {
return false
return true
then in WebView, add
onShouldStartLoadWithRequest={ Platform.OS === 'ios'
? null
: this.loading


How to open all URL inside WebView not in external browser?

I am new to React native and I am trying to open my webpages(page1,page2) inside webview using react native, and my component's webview in the below example.
Here page1 contains button on clicking that button, page2 is opening in child window in external browser.
Can somebody please tell me how to open page2 inside the webview, so that the user can get a good experience?
Example: Component 1
renderLoading={() => { return <Loading/> }}
**source={{uri:"url to page1"}}**
onShouldStartLoadWithRequest={request => {
return request.url.startsWith(domain);
I found the below solution but was not able to implement it in my scenario.
I found the answer, this happened because of the latest react-native-webview version.
setSupportMultipleWindows={true} becomes true and in my case, it should be false.

Prevent WebView from opening browser ANDROID [react-native]

I'm working on a react-native app using WebView.
Here's the code of web view:
onMessage={() => {}}
source={{ uri: PLATFORM_URL }}
I'd like to prevent the web-view from opening browser when some buttons are clicked.
In particular, I'm struggling on a with target blank, and in iOS it actually redirect inside the webview, but on Android it opens the browser.
I've found one possible solution, that consist on injecting javascript code that is able to remove all target-blank s.
Is this the only solution? or is there a way to intercept that the webview is going to open the web browser?
Thank you
I hope this helps although it is late. Try using props onShouldStartLoadWithRequest like this
onShouldStartLoadWithRequest={request => {
if (request.url.includes('https')) {
return false;
} else return true;

Download zip file in web view in react native

I'm trying to download file from a web view. I have used javascript inject to click on submit button.
I'm specifically trying this for offline aadhaar -
Reference Code -
source={{ uri: "" }}
// onFileDownload={({ nativeEvent: { downloadUrl } }) => {
// console.log(downloadUrl);
// }}
I have tried with api request by creating/replicating the browser behaviour for api call but it's not working. Any suggestions.
You can try react-native-fs
You can use downloadFile API to download and save the file to the device.

React-Native WebView: Issue downloading and saving dynamically generated file

We are opening a Url (in WebView) which has a button that dynamically generates and downloads a file (e.g. PDF or Excel or any other type) based on user selected filters. This means that we do not have direct link to those files which can be downloaded using network request. In chrome, we can see downloaded file. However in WebView, we neither see download file (the way chrome shows at the bottom of window) nor we get any way to intercept/view the location where it is downloaded silently. Below is webview:
ref={ref => (webview = ref)}
source={{ uri: pageURL }}
onError={(err) => console.log(err)}
onHttpError={(err) => console.log(err)}
onFileDownload={({ nativeEvent }) => {
const { downloadUrl } = nativeEvent;
onLoad={() => {
onMessage={event => {
const { data } = event.nativeEvent;
So, we have below queries:
How to know if WebView actually downloaded a file?
Is there a way to know where WebView downloads a file?
Is there a way to specify default location where WebView should download a file?
Expo: 40.0.0,
React-native: 0.63,
react-native-webview: 11.0.0
We clicked on "Allow" when it asked for permission to download and store file on device. Also, onNavigationStateChange is not firing when button is clicked (may be because the file is downloaded on same page without navigating). We have onError and onHttpError which does not print anything so there does not seem to be any issue there.
Below is the code (C#) that gets executed when button is clicked to download file:
string attachment = "attachment; filename=temp.csv";
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment);
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/csv";
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "public");
// Prepare file content

React Native Webview handle url change listener

it is possible to handle URL change on React Native web view.
I try to handle with onNavigationStateChange listener. But it only once time firing. When the page is load firing onNavigationStateChange. And when I navigate to another page, this event not firing.
Any idea?
With the reference to import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview' you may be using old version of webview please try updating or try following code/method to get current navigation path/url.
In your case onNavigationStateChange is not returning navigated path so you can try using onLoadProgress which return every change in url.
Instead of this
onNavigationStateChange={(state) => {
try this
This may get called multiple time please handle your condition accordingly.
onLoadProgress={({ path}) => {
This is how my WebView looks like
source={{ uri: this.state.url }}
onLoadEnd={() => this.hideSpinner()}
ref={WEBVIEW_REF => (this.WebViewRef = WEBVIEW_REF)}
onLoadProgress={({ nativeEvent }) => {
//your code goes here
onNavigationStateChange={(state) => {
//your code goes here
Try upgrading your React Native (and React) version.
It should be fixed. Maybe was an old issue, because right now it's working OK.
Check this link: React Native webview get url
onNavigationStateChange={({ url, canGoBack }) => {
I load website link in react native WebView and its has button when i click that it navigate to default mobile browser.
Running application in react native android Current scenario: when i click button in website its navigate to default browser and am not getting the url i tried above suggestions.
Expected scenario: When i click that button in website it should not navigate to default browser and i want that url which is opened in default browser.
my react version: "react-native": "0.64.0",
onLoadProgress = {({ nativeEvent }) => {
//your code goes here
onNavigationStateChange={navState => {
console.log("navState ", navState);