How to set custom add-in's pinned by default when user opens outlook - outlook-addin

I want to set my outlook add-in pinned by default when user opens outlook. Is it possible

Yes, but the very first time user has to pin your add-in. Once pinned, your add-in will be automatically opened every time user opens Outlook.
There is no way for the add-in to pin by default without user interaction in Outlook.
If you believe this is a good feature to have, you can add the idea in


Adobe PDF forms submit opening outlook new email windows in Safe mode

We have PDF forms. Business user fills data in the form and click on submit button which opens a new email window of Outlook with predefined email IDs and the form data attached as XFDF. Later user clicks on a button in outlook ribbon which calls the macros to sign, encrypt, send and then archive the message. It had worked successfully for 3 years.
The outlook ribbon button stopped calling Macro in November-2019. The ribbon button works perfectly if we open Outlook new email window directly from Outlook but was not working when opened from Adobe PDF forms. After alot of investigation, we have found that the Outlook new email window has been opening in Safe mode when Adobe PDF form invokes it, so the Outlook macros are not callable (new email window opens in safe mode even though outlook is in normal mode).
The forms use below code to submit PDF form data as XFDF to Outlook:
this.submitForm({cURL: cEmailURL, bAnnotations: true, aFields: aSubmitFields,cSubmitAs:"XFDF", cCharSet:"utf-8"}
Please help us to fix it.
I'd suggest checking the Trust Center settings in Outlook. Most probably somebody has changed the Macro Security to Notifications for digitally signed macros, all other macros disabled on the Developer tab in Microsoft Outlook.

Outlook Addin (AppointmentOrganizerCommandSurface): First time user loads addin saves the open appointment item to calendar

I have written an Outlook web addin that uses a manifest which includes an AppointmentOrganizerCommandSurface extension point. So the addin shows in the ribbon for a new meeting/appointment item created by the user in desktop Outlook 2016.
The initial page loaded in the Outlook pane for the addin simply uses a javascript function (Office.onReady) to pull the email address of the user with loadItemProps(userProfile).
It seems that when a user runs the addin for the very first time the open appointment item is automatically saved to the calendar as soon as the manifest is loaded by Outlook. This does not happen after the first time use of the addin.
There is nothing else happening on the initial page other than the Office.onReady. So it looks like Outlook is doing this when the AppointmentOrganizerCommandSurface is initiated the first time.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

How to disable Pinned TaskPane when clicked MailItem from Archive Folder

I have enabled the SupportsPinning in Manifest and also implemented event handler of ItemChanged. It works prefect until one of our users, pinned the taskPane and search email item with "All Mailboxes".
[Steps to reproduce]
Click any email item in Inbox
Activate the Addin
Pinned the Addin
Search something with "All mailBoxes"
Got some results which emails are locating in Archive MailBox
click to the email which it is located in Archive MailBox
ItemChanged event fired from last selected email
TaskPane looks like unload and reload
Office.Initialize will not be fired, but general JQuery could be fired.
None of the any Office API will be executed
Select other email which it is located in Inbox
no change on TaskPane, ItemChanged would fire
Addin only works normal if I close and re-activate the addin
After some searching and read carefully, I found that mail items in Archive Mailbox is not supported to activate the addin. If I click any email item outside of the "Search results", the addin button won't be available. But as of the Pinned feature, now we could have a way to be "activated" the addin from not supported mail item.
is there a way to "Force" disable the activation or "force" close the addin when user selected any "non-supported" email item?

Outlook add-in button on calendar overview

Is it possible to add a button to the command ribbon for the calendar overview in outlook. The PrimaryCommandSurface extensionpoint doesn't seem to be supported in Outlook add-ins. Adding a button to the appointment edit window isn't enough, because I need to perform an action for the whole calendar.
Currently the feature you requested, Outlook add-in button on command ribbon for calendar overview, is not a part of the product. However, we track Outlook add-in feature requests on our user-voice page. Please add your request there. Feature requests on user-voice are considered when we go through our planning process.
[Outlook Add-ins Engineering Team]

Hotkey for moving messages from inbox to archive in Outlook

I'd like to configure a hotkey, in MS Outlook, which does the following to the highlighted/selected messages:
Mark as read (by default it's [crtl]+Q)
Move to an "archive" folder (archive meaning a folder other than the default inbox)
This should happen whenever I press [crtl]+M (assuming it is not already reserved), on any amount of messages I select.
I currently use Outlook 2007.
It might be difficult to assign a Hotkey to a Macro in Outlook, but you can add the Macro as a button in the toolbars.