RNSound.IsAndroid error when trying to play sound - react-native

I recently got into react-native and after connecting it to my aws database and ... I have been trying to play some audios I had stored in my bucket. For this I tried using react-native-sound but once i import it I get the error
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RNSound.IsAndroid')
which seems to be a common problem when using this package. Now I have tried a couple of solutions listed under the following link
and now I think that my react-native link doesn't work right cuz when I use it i get the following result
PS C:\HealthProject\TestPackage> react-native link react-native-sound
PS C:\HealthProject\TestPackage>
also I don't have an android nor ios folder to perform a manual installation I only have the folders that were generated by expo.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks a lot!


'RCTConvert+AIRMap.h file not found error in React Native when trying to use Google Maps on iOS

I am trying to integrate Google Maps into my React Native iOS application. I followed the steps outlined in the documentation and installed the react-native-maps library. However, when I try to build my project in Xcode, I found many solutions but no one is working for me and I get the following error:
'RCTConvert+AIRMap.h' file not found
I have tried the following steps to resolve the issue, but the error persists:
I checked that the react-native-maps library is installed correctly and I have linked it using react-native link react-native-maps.
I tried to clean the build folder and rebuild the project.
I have tried to manually add the RCTConvert+AIRMap.h file to my project, but it still gives me the same error.
I have checked that my Xcode project's search paths are set correctly and $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-maps/ios/AirMaps is added to the header search paths.
I have also tried to delete the Podfile.lock file, and reinstall the Podfile by running pod install.
Despite all these efforts, I am still getting the same error. Any help or suggestions on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

React-native does not support IPFS?

I installed IPFS in my app and whenever I am trying to use it I always get this error.
Error: undefined Unable to resolve module `crypto` from `node_modules/libp2p-crypto/src/hmac/index.js`
I searched on google and found article which says it is impossible to use IPFS on mobile device.
But this article was created almost 1 year ago and I was wondering is it still true for react-native?
Is there any ways to solve my problem?
To query an IPFS node I use ipfs-mini
Works great for my react-native app.

how to solve Deprecated API Usage WebViewi in React Native IOS?

I'm building a React Native application that I'm trying to deploy to the App Store.
I used a couple of packages, the ones that I think gives me the errors are
I found this solution and I also deleted other files found in the same location with this name RCTWKWebView etc..
Now I get build error with missing files.
I also deleted those same files under pod config files../React/Core
What should I do ? Am I missing something?
It's the first time dealing with this error and I can't seem to find a useful solution.
Thank you in advance
I think your react-native versions cause the problem. You try to remove files include UIWebView in name on the XCode under the React folder. After that, you try to upload it to AppStore.

undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RNSound.IsAndroid')

I am trying to get react-native-sound to work on my react-native app but I keep getting this error: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RNSound.IsAndroid').
I have noticed that any people have received this error and I found a relevant question already on here, but I am super noobie and don't understand most of the solutions people have suggested.
I have tried react-native link react-native-sound, but it did not change anything. From reading people's comments I must now manually Install, but I don't really understand what I am doing. Even step one... go to android/app/src/main/java/.../MainApplication.java. I don't understand this as I can't see an android file anywhere. I am using Visual Studio (windows 10) and expo cli with my own Pixel 2 plugged in (hence I am not using Android Studio).
Any help would be fantastic.
We can't use native modules with projects which is created by expo cli.
So, either you can use alternative package for expo which is https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/audio/
or if you are familiar with native development, you can eject your project from expo to use native android/ios project with react-native cli.

How to create react-native app for route like uber, with the use of HERE-MAP?

installed 'npm install react-native-heremaps --save'
This is for react-native init android, I tried some application using ios concept.
Loading dependency graph, done. Error: Unable to resolve module ./index
Github ios sample
this question is a bit vague for SO, something that would require an entire course to answer. Currently it looks like you should learn how to do react-native android before attempting to add on top HERE. There are many great tutorials to get that started and working.
For the here portion you will have to use the Here-Maps-SDK. Since there isn't a react version of this SDK, you will need to link it using a react bridge.
It's not that easy of a process, and will take a decent amount of work to get right.
Here are some examples to help get started: https://hackernoon.com/react-native-bridge-for-ios-and-android-43feb9712fcb