Unable to push json to data in vue.js - vue.js

When I am using the below code with mounted function then it's perfectly pushing the data to "infox"
export default {
data() {
return {
infox: null,
dino: d_var
mounted() {
.then(response => (this.infox = response.data))
But when I am trying to convert the code to use method function as shown below then I am unable to get any data. Is it something I am doing wrong ?
<button v-on:click="loadmore" class="fluid ui button">Load More</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
infox: null,
dino: d_var
methods: {
loadmore: function(){
.then(response => this.infox = response.data)

infox is set to null you should set it to array.
infox: []


Nuxt + Vuex mapGetters value is always undefined

I'm using VueX with Nuxt.JS so let's suppose the following code in the file store/search.js:
export const state = () => ({
results: null
export const mutations = {
setResults(state, { results }) {
state.results = results;
export const actions = {
startSearch({ commit, dispatch }, { type, filters }) {
commit("setResults", { type, filters });
export const getters = {
results: state => state.results
Now in my component results.vue, under the computed property I have something like this:
<button #click="handleSearch">Search</button>
<div v-if="results && results.length" class="results" >
<div v-for="item in results" :key="item.id">
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from "vuex";
data() {
return {
selected_type: null,
filters: null
methods: {
setType(type) {
this.selected_type = type;
setFilters(filters) {
this.filters = filters;
handleSearch() {
this.startSearch({ type: this.selected_type, filters: this.filters });
...mapActions("search", {
startSearch: "startSearch"
computed: {
...mapGetters("search", {
results: "results"
My question is: why the item in the for loop (in the template section) always return undefined ?
Thank you very much for your answers.
So far, I found it:
in computed should be an array, not an object so:
...mapGetters("search", [
// Now results is populated.

Calling API in method and getting [object Promise]

I'm using Nuxt.js in static site mode, and trying to get an image from an API using a string passed in a prop, however, in the template I am getting [object Promise]. I would've thought that return before the get request would resolve the promise, but I think my grasp of promises and Nuxt.js a little off. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
{{ getThumbnailSrc() }}
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
props: {
link: {
type: String,
required: true
data() {
return {
imageUrl: null
methods: {
getVimeoId(link) {
return link.split('/').pop()
getThumbnailSrc() {
return axios
.then(response => {
const vimeoThumbnailUrl = response.data[0].thumbnail_large
return {
.catch(error => {
It sure won't! XHR requests are asynchronous and therefore the template has no idea that it needs to wait.
Solve it by using an additional data property on the component, and using that instead:
data() {
return {
imageUrl: null,
thumbnailSrc: null
And in your callback:
.then(response => {
const vimeoThumbnailUrl = response.data[0].thumbnail_large
this.thumbnailSrc = vimeoThumbnailUrl
Now you can use {{thumbnailSrc}} and it will load appropriately.

How to use Axios with Vue-Multiselect?

New to using Vue-Multiselect. I am using axios to do a GET request from a JSON placeholder to test.
How do I get the title and post id to show up in my drop down?
Right now, I just get [Object Object] - [title] shown in my select box.
<!-- Vue component -->
<multiselect v-model='value' :options='posts' :custom-label='postWithTitle' placeholder='Select one' label='title' track-by='id'></multiselect>
{{ value }}
import Multiselect from "vue-multiselect";
import axios from "axios";
export default {
// OR register locally
components: { Multiselect },
data() {
return {
value: null,
posts: []
created() {
methods: {
getPosts() {
.then(response => {
// eslint-disable-next-line
this.posts = response.data;
.catch(error => {
// eslint-disable-next-line
postWithTitle(id, title) {
return `${id} - [${title}]`;
postWithTitle(option) {
return `${option.id} - [${option.title}]`;
i saw that when i simply console.logged inside the postWithTitle function:
the custom custom-label attribute was accepting a callback that only accepts one argument. that argument was the entire option object- a single entry of your posts array.

Adding data to v-text-field from axios response

How can I assign the value retrieved from axios to v-text-field
I have this in my template:
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
data() {
return {
name: '' // <= how will I assign the value here from axios response?
asyncData ({ params }) {
return axios.get(`my-url`)
.then((response) => {
return { user: response.data.data.results[0] };
I'm assuming that you are using NUXT (from the asyncData method).
The data you return from the asyncData method is merged into the data of your component.
You should do the following:
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
data() {
return {}
asyncData ({ params }) {
return axios.get(`my-url`).then((response) => {
return { name: response.data.data.results[0].name };
How about using the created hook?
created() {
this.name = this.user.name

Printing data variable

I am trying to print data() variable. I am not getting output in HTML template.
<h3>{{app_skills}}</h3> <!-- I am not getting value here -->
export default {
name: "leftbar",
data() {
return {
app_skills: '',
methods : {
fetchskills (url) {
url = '/skills';
.then(response => {
this.app_skills = response.data.skills;
console.log(this.app_skills) // I am getting value here
.catch(error => {
mounted() {
Your code worked exactly as expected when I tried it (with a few environment-related changes):
<h3>{{app_skills}}</h3> <!-- I am not getting value here -->
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
name: "leftbar",
data() {
return {
app_skills: '',
methods : {
fetchskills (url) {
url = 'https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=example.com';
.then(response => {
this.app_skills = response.data;
console.log(this.app_skills) // I am getting value here
.catch(error => {
mounted() {
All I changed was including the axios library, changing the URL to pull from, and changing the response.data key to pull. It all works as expected. Perhaps you have an issue somewhere else in your surrounding code?