Groupby filter based on count, calculate duration, penultimate status - pandas

I have a dataframe as shown below.
ID Status Date Cost
0 1 F 2017-06-22 500
1 1 M 2017-07-22 100
2 1 P 2017-10-22 100
3 1 F 2018-06-22 600
4 1 M 2018-08-22 150
5 1 P 2018-10-22 120
6 1 F 2019-03-22 750
7 2 M 2017-06-29 200
8 2 F 2017-09-29 600
9 2 F 2018-01-29 500
10 2 M 2018-03-29 100
11 2 P 2018-08-29 100
12 2 M 2018-10-29 100
13 2 F 2018-12-29 500
14 3 M 2017-03-20 300
15 3 F 2018-06-20 700
16 3 P 2018-08-20 100
17 3 M 2018-10-20 250
18 3 F 2018-11-20 100
19 3 P 2018-12-20 100
20 3 F 2019-03-20 600
21 3 M 2019-05-20 200
22 4 M 2017-08-10 800
23 4 F 2018-06-10 100
24 4 P 2018-08-10 120
25 4 F 2018-10-10 500
26 4 M 2019-01-10 200
27 4 F 2019-06-10 600
28 5 M 2018-10-10 200
29 5 F 2019-06-10 500
30 6 F 2019-06-10 600
31 7 M 2017-08-10 800
32 7 F 2018-06-10 100
33 7 P 2018-08-10 120
34 7 M 2019-01-10 200
35 7 F 2019-06-10 600
F = Failure
M = Maintenance
P = Planned
Step1 - Select the data of IDs which is having at least two status(F or M or P) before the last Failure
Step2 - Ignore the rows if the last raw per ID is not F, expected output after this as shown below.
ID Status Date Cost
0 1 F 2017-06-22 500
1 1 M 2017-07-22 100
2 1 P 2017-10-22 100
3 1 F 2018-06-22 600
4 1 M 2018-08-22 150
5 1 P 2018-10-22 120
6 1 F 2019-03-22 750
7 2 M 2017-06-29 200
8 2 F 2017-09-29 600
9 2 F 2018-01-29 500
10 2 M 2018-03-29 100
11 2 P 2018-08-29 100
12 2 M 2018-10-29 100
13 2 F 2018-12-29 500
14 3 M 2017-03-20 300
15 3 F 2018-06-20 700
16 3 P 2018-08-20 100
17 3 M 2018-10-20 250
18 3 F 2018-11-20 100
19 3 P 2018-12-20 100
20 3 F 2019-03-20 600
22 4 M 2017-08-10 800
23 4 F 2018-06-10 100
24 4 P 2018-08-10 120
25 4 F 2018-10-10 500
26 4 M 2019-01-10 200
27 4 F 2019-06-10 600
31 7 M 2017-08-10 800
32 7 F 2018-06-10 100
33 7 P 2018-08-10 120
34 7 M 2019-01-10 200
35 7 F 2019-06-10 600
Now, for each id last status is failure
Then from the above df I would like to prepare below Data frame
ID No_of_F No_of_M No_of_P SLS NoDays_to_SLS NoDays_SLS_to_LS
1 3 2 2 P 487 151
2 3 3 2 M 487 61
3 3 2 2 P 640 90
4 3 1 1 M 518 151
7 2 1 1 M 518 151
SLS = Second Last Status
LS = Last Status
I tried the following code to calculate the duration.
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df = df.sort_values(['ID', 'Date', 'Status'])
df['D'] = df.groupby('ID')['Date'].diff().dt.days

We can create a mask with gropuby + bfill that allows us to perform both selections.
m = df.Status.eq('F').replace(False, np.NaN).groupby(df.ID).bfill()
df = df.loc[m.groupby(df.ID).transform('sum').gt(2) & m]
ID Status Date Cost
0 1 F 2017-06-22 500
1 1 M 2017-07-22 100
2 1 P 2017-10-22 100
3 1 F 2018-06-22 600
4 1 M 2018-08-22 150
5 1 P 2018-10-22 120
6 1 F 2019-03-22 750
7 2 M 2017-06-29 200
8 2 F 2017-09-29 600
9 2 F 2018-01-29 500
10 2 M 2018-03-29 100
11 2 P 2018-08-29 100
12 2 M 2018-10-29 100
13 2 F 2018-12-29 500
14 3 M 2017-03-20 300
15 3 F 2018-06-20 700
16 3 P 2018-08-20 100
17 3 M 2018-10-20 250
18 3 F 2018-11-20 100
19 3 P 2018-12-20 100
20 3 F 2019-03-20 600
22 4 M 2017-08-10 800
23 4 F 2018-06-10 100
24 4 P 2018-08-10 120
25 4 F 2018-10-10 500
26 4 M 2019-01-10 200
27 4 F 2019-06-10 600
31 7 M 2017-08-10 800
32 7 F 2018-06-10 100
33 7 P 2018-08-10 120
34 7 M 2019-01-10 200
35 7 F 2019-06-10 600
The second part is a bit more annoying. There's almost certainly a smarter way to do this, but here's the straight forward way:
s = df.Date.diff().dt.days
res = pd.concat([df.groupby('ID').Status.value_counts().unstack().add_prefix('No_of_'),
df.groupby('ID').Status.apply(lambda x: x.iloc[-2]).to_frame('SLS'),
(s.where( x: x.cumsum().iloc[-2])
s.groupby(df.ID).apply(lambda x: x.iloc[-1]).to_frame('NoDays_SLS_to_LS')],
No_of_F No_of_M No_of_P SLS NoDays_to_SLS NoDays_SLS_to_LS
1 3 2 2 P 487.0 151.0
2 3 3 1 M 487.0 61.0
3 3 2 2 P 640.0 90.0
4 3 2 1 M 518.0 151.0
7 2 2 1 M 518.0 151.0

Here's my attempt (Note: I am using pandas 0.25) :
df = pd.read_clipboard()
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df_1 = df.groupby('ID',group_keys=False)\
.apply(lambda x: x[(x['Status']=='F')[::-1].cumsum().astype(bool)])
df_2 = df_1[df_1.groupby('ID')['Status'].transform('count') > 2]
g = df_2.groupby('ID')
df_Counts = g['Status'].value_counts().unstack().add_prefix('No_of_')
df_SLS = g['Status'].agg(lambda x: x.iloc[-2]).rename('SLS')
df_dates = g['Date'].agg(NoDays_to_SLS = lambda x: x.iloc[-2]-x.iloc[0],
NoDays_to_SLS_LS = lambda x: x.iloc[-1]-x.iloc[-2])
pd.concat([df_Counts, df_SLS, df_dates], axis=1).reset_index()
ID No_of_F No_of_M No_of_P SLS NoDays_to_SLS NoDays_to_SLS_LS
0 1 3 2 2 P 487 days 151 days
1 2 3 3 1 M 487 days 61 days
2 3 3 2 2 P 640 days 90 days
3 4 3 2 1 M 518 days 151 days
4 7 2 2 1 M 518 days 151 days
There are some enhancements in 0.25 that this code uses.


Run groupby cumcount on multiple columns

I have a dataframe with multiple columns, all are ordered in ascending order:
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
367 18 26 25 25 30 25 27 27 30 29
368 18 26 26 25 30 25 27 27 31 29
369 18 27 27 25 30 25 27 27 31 29
370 19 27 27 25 30 25 27 27 31 29
371 19 27 27 25 30 25 27 27 31 29
I would want to groupby each column's values and run cumcount. I know I could iterate through all the columns, but as people say you should avoid iteration as much as you. So I would like to know if there is a more elegant solution.
If you have a reasonable number of columns, using apply on the columns is actually not that bad:
df.apply(lambda c: c.groupby(c).cumcount())
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 2 0 4 4 4
367 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
368 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
369 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
370 0 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 3
371 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 4

Remove duplicates from left join

Table A:
990 1 2 3
992 1 2 3
995 1 2 3
993 1 2 3
991 1 2 3
994 1 2 3
Table B:
990 2 2 3
992 2 2 4
993 1 2 3
994 1 2 3
995 1 6 3
990 1 2 3
991 2 2 3
992 2 2 3
995 1 2 3
select msis1.msisdn,msis1.a,msis2.c from msis1 left join msis2 on msis1.msisdn=msis2.msisdn;
990 1 3
992 1 4
993 1 3
994 1 3
995 1 3
990 1 3
991 1 3
992 1 3
995 1 3
I want to modify the above query not to get duplicate records
Try SELECT DISTINCT, this will only select rows that are unique.

re-arrange and plot data pandas

I have a data frame like the following:
days movements count
0 0 0 2777
1 0 1 51
2 0 2 2
3 1 0 6279
4 1 1 200
5 1 2 7
6 1 3 3
7 2 0 5609
8 2 1 110
9 2 2 32
10 2 3 4
11 3 0 4109
12 3 1 118
13 3 2 101
14 3 3 8
15 3 4 3
16 3 6 1
17 4 0 3034
18 4 1 129
19 4 2 109
20 4 3 6
21 4 4 2
22 4 5 2
23 5 0 2288
24 5 1 131
25 5 2 131
26 5 3 9
27 5 4 2
28 5 5 1
29 6 0 1918
30 6 1 139
31 6 2 109
32 6 3 13
33 6 4 1
34 6 5 1
35 7 0 1442
36 7 1 109
37 7 2 153
38 7 3 13
39 7 4 10
40 7 5 1
41 8 0 1085
42 8 1 76
43 8 2 111
44 8 3 13
45 8 4 7
46 8 7 1
47 9 0 845
48 9 1 81
49 9 2 86
50 9 3 8
51 9 4 8
52 10 0 646
53 10 1 70
54 10 2 83
55 10 3 1
56 10 4 2
57 10 5 1
58 10 6 1
This shows that for example on day 0, I have 2777 entries with 0 movements, 51 entries with 1 movement, 2 entries with 2 movements. I want to plot it as bar graph for every day and show the entries count for all movements. In order to do it, I thought I would transform the data to something like below and then plot a bar graph.
days 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 2777 51 2
1 6279 200 7 3
2 5609 110 32 4
3 4109 118 101 8 3
4 3034 129 109 6 2 2
5 2288 131 131 9 2 1
6 1918 139 109 13 1 1
7 1442 109 153 13 10 1
8 1085 76 111 13 7 1
9 845 81 86 8 8
10 646 70 83 1 2 1 1
I am not getting an idea of how should I achieve this? I have thousands of lines of data so doing it by hand does not make sense. Can someone guide me how to rearrange the data or if there is a quick way to plot the bar graph using matplotlib straight from the actual data frame that would be even better. Thanks for the help.

SQL - return the smallest value in one column that matches the value of another column

How can I return in column4 the smallest number from column3 based on column1?
1 100 1
2 100 1
1 101 2
1 102 4
2 200 19
3 200 19
16 200 19
18 200 19
19 200 19
20 200 19
3 301 28
6 301 28
3 302 29
3 310 30
4 400 31
4 410 32
4 420 33
5 500 34
7 500 34
5 510 35
6 510 35
5 520 36
6 610 37
7 700 38
7 701 39
8 701 39
8 800 40
8 802 41
Thank you!
Join to a subquery that calculates the minimums for each col1:
select a.col1, a.col2, a.col3, mcol3
from mytable a
join (select col1, min(col3) mcol3 from mytable group by col1) b
on b.col1 = a.col1
See SQLFiddle, showing this output from your sample data:
1 100 1 1
2 100 1 1
1 101 2 1
1 102 4 1
2 200 19 1
3 200 19 19
16 200 19 19
18 200 19 19
19 200 19 19
20 200 19 19
3 301 28 19
6 301 28 28
3 302 29 19
3 310 30 19
4 400 31 31
4 410 32 31
4 420 33 31
5 500 34 34
7 500 34 34
5 510 35 34
6 510 35 28
5 520 36 34
6 610 37 28
7 700 38 34
7 701 39 34
8 701 39 39
8 800 40 39
8 802 41 39

How to extract info based on the latest row

I have two tables:-
801 123 1 80
801 123 2 60
801 123 3 70
801 151 1 95
801 151 3 75
802 130 1 50
802 130 2 40
802 130 3 30
802 181 2 55
801 1 12 APPLE
801 2 12 ORANGE
801 3 12 MANGO
802 1 22 PEAR
802 2 22 KIWI
802 3 22 MELON
I wish to extract the info based on the latest DEL (in Table A) using SQL. The final output should look like this:-
801 1 12 APPLE 95
801 2 12 ORANGE 60
801 3 12 MANGO 75
802 1 22 PEAR 50
802 2 22 KIWI 55
802 3 22 MELON 30
select b.*, y.QTY
select a.ORNO, a.PONO, MAX(a.DEL) [max]
from #tA a
group by a.ORNO, a.PONO
join #tA y on y.ORNO = x.ORNO and y.PONO = x.PONO and y.DEL = x.max
join #tB b on b.ORNO = y.ORNO and b.PONO = y.PONO
----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- -----------
801 1 12 APPLE 95
801 2 12 ORANGE 60
801 3 12 MANGO 75
802 1 22 PEAR 50
802 2 22 KIWI 55
802 3 22 MELON 30