Having trouble with Osmocom source in gnuradio - gnuradio

I'm having trouble running a simple flowgraph with an osmocom source and a qt gui sink. If I run the file with a waveform generator instead of the osmocom source, all is well, the plots appear as they should, no problem.
When the osmocom source is hooked up, everything runs and there is no immediate error message... the gui window just never opens. If I run it from the terminal with verbose output, the output ends with and that's where it hangs.
import 'osmosdr._osmosdr_swig' # <_frozen_importlib_external.ExtensionFileLoader object at 0x7f5e0cae23c8>
import 'osmosdr.osmosdr_swig' # <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x7f5e0cdda978>
import 'osmosdr' # <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x7f5e0cdc9dd8>
Not sure what those errors mean but it just hangs there. Eventually it ends up using 100% of CPU and I have to CTRL + \ it to get it to stop. Is it a library maybe in the wrong place that it's not finding?
OS : Ubuntu 18.04
Gnuradio-config-info -version :
gr-osmosdr was installed from the git repo and the gr3.8 branch (which worked for me previously) so as to be ok with gnuradio 3.8. I had initially installed gr-osmosdr from the master branch and instead of doing make uninstall, I deleted the directory. I think installed from the gr3.8 branch, did a make uninstall to see if that maybe might have helped (?) and then reinstalled. No dice.
If there's any more info I can supply, let me know - any and all help is greatly appreciated, thanks!


Running remote Pycharm interpreter with tensorflow and cuda (with module load)

I am using a remote computer in order to run my program on its GPU. My program contains some code with tensorflow functions, and for easier debugging with Pycharm I would like to connect via ssh with remote interpreter to the computer with the GPU. This part can be done easily since Pycharm has this option so I can connect there. However, tensorflow is not loaded automatically so I get import error.
Note that in our institution, we run module load cuda/10.0 and module load tensorflow/1.14.0 each time the computer is loaded. Now this part is the tricky one. Opening a remote terminal creates another session which is not related to the remote interpreter session so it's not affecting remote interpreter modules.
I know that module load in general configures env, however I am not sure how can I export the environment variables to Pycharm's environment variables that are configured before a run.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The workaround after all was relatively simple: first, I have installed the EnvFile plugin, as it was explained here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42708476/13236698
Them I created an .env file with a quick script on python, extracting all environment variables and their values from os.environ and wrote them to a file in the following format: <env_variable>=<variable_value>, and saved the file with .env extension. Then I loaded it to PyCharm, and voila - all tensorflow modules were loaded fine.

vscode, the interactive mode, I can open ipynb but cannot import the modules which I have installed

I have created a conda environment (say, called 'ds0') and installed some packages (e.g., python, pandas etc.). I then in vscode set the interpreter to be the one which I just created. I expect I could have my code working propery in the conda environment in vscode.
but then I have a problem, when I use the interactive mode in the ipynb file, I cannot import the packages,
import pandas as pd
ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-f9ebee165770> in <module>
----> 1 import pandas as pd
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'
other code in the ipynb is running properly (e.g., to print a message etc.).
so it looks like vscode in the interactive mode is not using the right environment - but I did set the environment as 'ds0', and also if I save the ipynb file as a python script(e.g., as 'test1.py'), I can actually run it and vscode does recognize the pandas package.
so, how can I fix the issue so that I can run the code properly in the interacrive mode (e.g., in ipynb file).
** this is macbook m1 laptop, I just have the latest anaconda and vscode installed. I also tried to create additonal conda environments and the isse is the same. I am not sure if there is a problem with the ipykernel.
Thanks you!
I now have a solution to the problem - though I do not quite know if what I found was the culprit.
What I did and what did NOT solve the problem:
I installed ipython, ipykernel in the vscode terminal and the conda terminal (may be duplicated) manually - what happened was that, if I create a new ipynb file, I can select the both the interpreter and the kernel properly, and the code runs perfect - but if I open the previous ipynb file, I still have the problem - it looks like vscode is using different kernels for two different ipynb files
What I did: I reinstalled the Mac OS Big Sur (this may be unnecessary though) and I installed a clean miniconda and vscode - however this does not solve the problem. vscode still does not use the right kernel (but it looks like it uses the right interpreter/env which I created via conda). It looks like vscode is not using the right kernel (the icon in the upper right hand side suggests that the jupyter server local is 'disconnected'), also it puts a warning msg saying 'invalid version -final'
What I did and what DID solve the problem:
Then I deleted all the existing ipynb file and re- cloned from Github. this solves the problem - but I do not know why and how it solved the problem.
In the top right corner, you can see the name of the kernel used ("Python 3.8.1 64-bit: Idle", for example). Click on that, and select the kernel you want to use. That's how I fixed the problem. The Kernel is named within the ipynb file, and if there's a mismatch between that and your system, the notebook will not run.

Elm install always fails with "ConnectionTimeout" error (in WSL)

I'm new to Elm. and I'm not good at English. So, if any ambiguous or wrong thing is there, please let me correct it.
----------- edit -----------
All my problem below is on WSL. when I'm trying on windows, all work fine. then... why elm install doesn't work on WSL? did you have any idea?
-------- problem --------
when I try to elm-test init, it doesn't work like below
$ elm-test init
Here is my plan:
elm/random 1.0.0
elm-explorations/test 1.2.2
Would you like me to update your elm.json accordingly? [Y/n]:
-- PROBLEM DOWNLOADING PACKAGE -------------------------------------------------
I was trying to download the source code for elm/random 1.0.0, so I tried to
But my HTTP library is giving me the following error message:
Are you somewhere with a slow internet connection? Or no internet? Does the link
I am trying to fetch work in your browser? Maybe the site is down? Does your
internet connection have a firewall that blocks certain domains? It is usually
something like that!
but my Browser(Chrome) is working beautifully, and even in WSL (the environment that I run elm-test init command at) is too.
$ curl https://github.com/elm/random/zipball/1.0.0/
https://codeload.github.com/elm/random/legacy.zip/1.0.0<body>You are being redirected.</body></html>
then I also try again to redirect the URL
$ curl https://codeload.github.com/elm/random/legacy.zip
Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell
Warning: curl to output it to your terminal anyway, or consider "--output
Warning: <FILE>" to save to a file.
I think there's no Network Problem. My PC can connect with the repo, and I think it will be downloaded well.
I lastly tried just elm install, and that throws the same error too. it seems like Elm can't connect with the repo, even if My PC can.
$ elm install elm/random
Here is my plan:
elm/random 1.0.0
Would you like me to update your elm.json accordingly? [Y/n]:
-- PROBLEM DOWNLOADING PACKAGE -------------------------------------------------
I was trying to download the source code for elm/random 1.0.0, so I tried to
But my HTTP library is giving me the following error message:
Are you somewhere with a slow internet connection? Or no internet? Does the link
I am trying to fetch work in your browser? Maybe the site is down? Does your
internet connection have a firewall that blocks certain domains? It is usually
something like that!
Please help me, what should I do?
I recently had reason to use WSL for elm development. It wasn't much fun and I'm glad to be back on Mac! What I found was that certain disk operations on WSL seemed to go very slowly and that could lead a variety of weird issues.
I was using Webstorm, which does not handle WSL well, so in the end I did everything on C: drive (rather than in /home/...) so that webstorm could run the windows version of elm-format, while my node development environment was run on the linux layer.
That's not a precise answer to your question but just to say that it can be done, but its not an ideal way to write Elm code in my experience
I had same issue and it was solved.
It was due to DNS server settings.
Create a file /etc/resolv.conf and write the following line.
Then WSL will refer to Google Public DNS and works fine.
However, when restart WSL, the settings revert back.
Therefore, the following settings are also required.
Create a file /etc/wsl.conf and write the following line.
generateResolvConf = false
wsl --shutdown and restart WSL.
Reference link

Docker build fails always with error hcsshim::PrepareLayer - failed failed in Win32: Incorrect function. (0x1) Windows Containers

Steps to reproduce are very easy.
Create a Dockerfile.
My Dockerfile has many more lines, but I have trimmed them so we can focus in the source of the problem.
Said that, these two lines alone (without anything more) show the problem.
FROM microsoft/iis
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'; "]
Run docker build . and you get hcsshim::PrepareLayer - failed failed in Win32: FunciĆ³n incorrecta. (0x1).
Windows 10 Pro 1909 (but it happened too in 1903)
Docker version:
Engine: 19.03.5
Machine: 0.16.2
I have found the solution to the problem.
Reading all the https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/3884 bug, some have found a simple solution: rename C:\windows\system32\driver\cbfsconnect2017.sys so it isn't loaded the next boot.
Disabling that driver enables me to do a docker build for the first time in windows containers in almost a year.
In my case Box Sync was the one using that driver.
EDIT: #GustavoTM have found that pCloud raises the same problem.
EDIT2: #VonC have noticed that some people in the issue in GitHub has solved it deleting this other file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cbfs6.sys. I haven't tried that, but i put it if it helps others.
The good thing is that I don't need to uninstall Box, but only rename that file.
This is still an issue (still open) with Win10.
Looks like uninstalling cloud storage providers with file system filters like Dropbox, Box, etc. as a workaround is an option for some users.
Deinstall cloud storage providers or virus scanners; if you identify which one is not working please share in https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/3884
In my case was the problem similar but the file cbfs6.sys was placed somewhere in the rest of uninstalled application Jungle disk, somewhere in the folder c:\Program files\Jungle disk .... It's part of Callback File System signed by EldoS Corporation.
The folder could be rename only and not delete directly. So I could delete its immediately after the PC restart, before running the Docker. So it could be delete during the Docker service restart too.

Creating network files in SUMO using NETCONVERT

Problem when calling netconvert in sumo:
I am trying to create my own scenario for simulation purposes.
I am using OpenStreetMaps for this.
python osmWebWizard.py
opens the browser and I select the area which I download.
netconvert --osm-files osm_bbox.osm.xml -o osm.net.xml
The error message I get is
Error: Cannot import network data without PROJ-Library. Please install packages proj before building sumo
Warning: Environment variable SUMO_HOME is not set, using built in type maps.
Quitting (on error).
My attempt to fix the problem is:
sudo apt-get install libproj*
But it seems like a dead end there and I am out of options.
Thank you.
I have a gut feeling it has to do with libproj0 not being available anymore.