How to get number of pages printed when using print document control? -

Well, as the title says, I want to get the total count of pages printed after the user sends the order. That's because I have a database where I need to store the sale like "A4 COLOR(or black&white)/ 45 pages". I care about the number of pages but I dont know if is possible to get the color mode info too. Thanks for any help


GA4: total revenue is 0 and Monetization screen not showing data

I'm trying to integrate ecommerce tracking to a website. The problem is the events are captured and I'm sending all the data.
This is the data I'm sending
{"event":"purchase","currency":"EUR","value":21.85,"items":[{"item_id":"3cd937-debc-416d-955f-8ccc84a751","item_name":"anuy-namer","affiliation":"","coupon":"","currency":"EUR","discount":0,"index":1,"item_brand":"Fontastic","item_category":"THeadset / Lautsprecher","item_category2":"Unterhaltungk - Körer","item_category3":"","item_category4":"","item_category5":"","item_list_id":"31baa491-4c6f-8671-c808f0cb2100","item_list_name":"Fontastic BT In-Ear Headset S1 blau Bluetooth-Kopfhörer","item_variant":"Mit Begleiterliche Musikfans.","location_id":"","price":14.95,"quantity":1}],"transaction_id":"9826314a-46af-4304-a057-dc77f4a799b0","affiliation":"446c6345-9193-4841-9f4a-e06e8cf7220e","tax":"3.4917","shipping":"6.9000","coupon":"","gtm.uniqueEventId":12}
tbh I'm not sure if the data is wrong but the monetization reports only show number of purchasers and not anything else. It's all zeros. in the conversion screen the total revenue is not calculated.
Check if you have been given permission to see revenue. When someone gives you access, there are several options including one to hide revenue.
It turned out that the setup wasn't correct. I needed to add custom trigger to the events so It can be captured.
I also found some problem with the structure of the object, (currency,value , items) needed to be added inside ecommerce object.

getAllPrebidWinningBids() returns something but getAllWinningBids() is empty

I've been struggling with pbjs and DFP for several days now and my current problem is the one described in the title: when I type pbjs.getAllPrebidWinningBids() in the console, something is returned but nothing is displayed on my test page, and when I type pbjs.getAllWinningBids(), an empty array is returned and I don't get why.
A few more info :
This is a test page on our server with no other competition;
We use custom price buckets;
In DFP, I have 5 line items from 0.00€ to 2.00€ (so a 0.50€ increment) that matches the custom price buckets in the code;
The bids are "redirected" in the correct price buckets;
The code works and an ad is displayed when I set up a self-promotion
campaign in DFP with a prebid snippet as a creative, so I suppose
that something is wrong with the price buckets.
Would someone have an idea of what is blocking the selection of the bid and the rendering?
EDIT : I've come to realize that it was actually a normal behaviour since pbjs.getAllPrebidWinningBids() returns the bids that won the auction but haven't rendered on the page yet, while pbjs.getAllWinningBids() returns those that won but have also rendered.
So my question now is why the hell is no ad rendered at all?!
Here's my code (with a few dummy values), in case someone understand what's wrong:
Not answering the original thread question, instead your new issue why no ads are rendering. This is because you are calling GPT's googletag.disableInitialLoad. This will not render ads until googletag.refresh is called, which doesn't happen because it's in a 'pbjs' queue and you are not loading Prebid here, it is 404ing.

How to get maximum number of tweets on an user

i have this code
But it is giving me only 200 records , I found in twitter document that it will give 3200 tweets.Is i am doing wrong what should i do to get that much tweet.
Since there is no page system in twitter 's API, to go throught timelines, you must use the "max_id" parameter.
Here is an helpful link that explains how to work with timelines with nice illustrations:
Edit: here is how you do it.
"To use max_id correctly, an application’s first request to a timeline endpoint should only specify a count."
Make your request "".$twitteruser.'&count=500 (you can put 200).
Then when you get all your data, " keep track of the lowest ID received" and use it as parameter (the same way you do for the count) for your next request. it will give you the 200 next posts with a lower id than the one you specified. Do it again until you reach the end.

gridx pagination summary description - how to change format

Is there any way to the change the summary description that is displayed when Pagination is enabled on the gridx control?
It says 'Total 100' Whereas on the enhanced grid it would say 1-20 of 100 items
Can this description be tailored?
The docs say that "the user can specify the string to use to display", but it's not shown how to do this. Maybe poking around the source can help you out.
Also here's a similar question.

Opencart: Pass quantity variable to success.php

I have asked this question in the Opencart forums but have yet to receive any responses, so i thought i might ask the experts here #stackoverflow :)
I am trying to see exactly how i can pass the 'quantity' of the items ordered to the success.php page so i can then pass that to another php script that will generate an array based on the quantity.
This is my goal:
Customer Buys 5 items
Customer checks out and processes CC through Paypal Pro
Paypay returns a successful transaction
Now i want the success.php page to pass a variable($quantity) to
myNewScript.php page
myNewScript.php page will generate some random strings and then i
want to attach these random strings to the confirmation email that
opencart generates and sends to the customer.
Where should i start.
You will need to do this in checkout/success controller. Get the $quantity and use redirect function to redirect to your custom page: