Opening an external app from a react native - react-native

I am trying to open an external application from a react native application. I passed the URL and it calls the application but it shows loading screen only and doesn't show the application.
Could anyone suggest the possible reason?
I tried using react-native-app-link which seems to be outdated and not useful. Then I tried linking.openurl(WhatsApp://) but it didn't work as well
The external app should open.

if you would like to open only Whatsapp through your application then
hope this helps you


How to load a particular page shared as link in react native app webview (deep linking)

I have a react native app which uses react-native-webview to load my site. I have setup deep linking for both android. Now when we try to open a link shared via slack or any other app for example:, it opens my app but does not navigate to the particular shared url or the correct page.
I have tried OnNavigationStateChange, OnLoadStart, onShouldStartLoadWithRequest but not able to get the url that has to be opened.
Any suggestion or help is much appreciated
Thanks you

Setting the User Context App Insights for React Native

We have a React Native app and we are logging to App Insights using the "applicationinsights-react-native package", this all works fine in a sense, but we are trying to start using the monitoring side of things which uses a User ID. Now I'm pretty sure that whatever the User ID that the (app insights) package is using for a user ID won't cause too many problems if we kept it, but it won't be right.
The ApplicationInsights class has a setAuthenticatedUserContext method, however the comments seem to refer to cookies suggesting it's a React package re-purposed and this GitHub post suggests we can't use it, however the response is for the React Natve AppCenter package which we are not using. We are using App Insights direct.
So I was wondering if there was a way to set our user_Id/User context if we are using App Insights directly from a React Native app?
It looks like setAuthenticatedUserContext does work if you talk to App Insights directly and not theough Appcenter, it's possible that it works through Appcenter now as well, I have not tested so I am not sure.
If you want to check that this ends up as on the App Insighst side, it appears as a property called user_AuthenticatedId.

Share Url from browser to React Native app

I want to share URLs from the browser to my React Native app and open them in the app, how can I do that?
This is called deep-linking, that your app launches and even does some actions depending on the called URL of your app. Many apps use it that's how you probably know it.
You can read about this and implement it.
Here is some articles and documentation about it:

Why dynamic links in React Native are opening the browser first?

I'm trying to communicate two React Native apps using Firebase Dynamic Links, only in Android.
When I execute openLink with the URL of the other, I see the browser for a second, and then it opens the other app well.
I don't want to see an intermediate browser before open the other app.
I'm having that issue from app A to B, and viceversa.
So, why is the browser opening first? And how can I configure the apps in order to not open the browser?
it's default behavior of android devices.
usually if any link supported by app and its set default to open link then it will open directly otherwise android system opens browser and based on Link URI scheme navigate to app.
there is one solution,
You can create module (intent activity) which will launch that app directly.
Steps to follow
pass data from js to native module and from that use Intent class, set data and start it.
this was for Android use case.

React-Native: Share file

I'm a web developer (React) and I'm facing in my first react-native App. The context is an app where user can create and configure recipes. The app is without any type of authentication (at the moment). Now I would like to implement a Share functionality to share a recipe through social and messaging apps. The user clicking in the shared content open the app and can view the recipe.
At the moment I used react-native-fs and react-native-share to create and share a file (json or txt). Now I have problem to open app clicking the file shared. I saw some example of DeepLink but all the example involves only web resources. There are any way to use deeplink with file?
There are better pattern to achieve my objective? (considering the use case where there are only Application without any backend and server)
Thanks in advance.