is it possible use Blend for Visual Studio with Uno Platform with all platforms supported? - blend

I have been trying to use Blend for Visual Studio with Uno Platform but it only works well with UWP. There is a trick or support for the other platforms?

Blend itself only allows you to launch the UWP head of an Uno Platform app. At the moment Blend doesn't load Android, iOS, or WebAssembly projects.
Most of the time this should be enough. It's encouraged to use a 'Windows first dev loop' with Uno. I.e, iterate and test your app on UWP, taking advantage of faster compile times and advanced support for tools like XAML Hot Reload, and switch to iOS/Android/WASM for testing platform-specific features (and bugs).
You can edit XAML from Blend, test it on UWP, then switch to Visual Studio proper and run the same XAML on other platforms. Uno aims to match the UWP visuals pixel-for-pixel on other platforms by default. (Of course they can also be customised per platform, if desired.)


WinRT/C++ Minimum hardware requirements

I'm looking for a device that can be used to create a C++17 desktop program with the WinRT/C++ library (XAML Island), from typing code to compiling it in Visual Studio 2022. I'm also using the WinUI 2.8 prerelease (Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls), which might use up more resources. Usually, in one solution there are 2 projects, namely Win32 (App) and UWP (UI) projects. For a UWP project, usually there are about 10 WinRT/C++ Pages in it.
Therefore, what is the minimum hardware requirement that fits such a case, so that the programming process can run smoothly or even quickly? And also what about the target hardware requirements?
Note: sometimes Visual Studio 2022 and Microsoft Edge (2-3 tabs, AdBlocker extension) run at the same time.

Surface SDK only for surface

This might be a stupid question, but I couldn't find the answer anywhere. Does the Microsoft Surface SDK 2.0 only work with Microsoft Surface products, or can I use it with other touchscreens? I really just like the way the SurfaceTextBox control works (popping up a onscreen keyboard when clicked) and was wondering if I could use it in a program I'm making (which uses a Elo touchscreen monitor, not multi-touch).
Thanks for the responses. I downloaded and installed the SDK 2.0 and tried to run the sample apps that are included. They don't seem to respond to my finger touches but do work if I the included simulator. I'm running this on windows 7. Any reason why it doesn't seem to work on my touch screen?
Yes, you can use it with any touchscreen. It works on WinRT/Windows 8 as well as Windows 7. I have used it for surface, tablet (both WinRT as Win7 tablets) and touch-enabled desktop applications and it works absolutely fine.
The installer requires you to install Visual Studio 2010, but if you import the DLL's manually in the toolbox, you can also use it in both Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 preview. This is an answer on a different question, answered by one of my colleagues on how to use the Surface SDK 2.0 with Visual Studio 2012
It's a great toolkit to support touch-enabled WPF applications and can also be use as a replacement for the WinRT Metro UI, in case you cannot use that toolkit (e.g. when you interface with USB, or need desktop services).
Since you update your question to how to get the Elo Touchscreen to work with native Windows 7 touch, I suggest you download and install the latest drivers. Your touchscreen will only work with WPF touch / Surface SDK if native Windows touches are supported. Installing the latest drivers should do the job. Don't forget that you might have to enable and configure touch input in the Control Panel (Pen and Touch).
I noticed that in some cases touches are not working when you use a SurfaceWindow. Use a normal WPF Window and all the SurfaceControls should work. Thus if you want to use the sample applications on Windows 8 you need to replace SurfaceWindow with Window and remove the unavailable EventHandlers.
From Microsoft's web page:
The Microsoft Surface 2.0 SDK provides the managed APIs and the tools you need to develop Surface applications. Applications that are built using the Surface SDK can run on devices made for Surface 2.0, and on Windows 7 computers.
See also:
Surface SDK 2.0 is not dedicated to Windows RT for a Surface Tablet. it
is innitially dedicated on PIxelSense SUR40 unit or if you are bulding
windows 8 application with Pro version.
There has been a lot of confusion since the arrival of the Surface
tablet. The product name Surface before what the name of the Microsoft
Table touch table and the Samsung SUR40 device.
And that SDK was only working on those device. Then MS has release a
version (Surface SDK 2.0) which can be use also fro traditionnal Touch
PC application starting from Win 7.
With Microsoft Surface SDK 2.0 one can write applications for both
Surface and Windows Touch devices.
Surface 2.0 is not compatible with Surface 1.0 devices, and so far the
only compatible device is Samsung SUR40 [as of July 2011]...
These details have been public for a while, but Microsoft has just
made available Surface SDK 2.0. One of its key features is the ability
to target Windows Touch devices, that is Windows 7 computers with
touch input, so this SDK serves a much larger spectrum of devices. If
there are very few Surface devices out-there, there are lots of
Windows Touch ones, and their number is poised to grow.
Windows Touch applications are very similar to Surface ones, except
that the later supports full HD resolution and a multitude of touch
related inputs, such as finger and blob recognition, tagged objects,
tilted display, rotated display, etc.
At windows 8 you just need do that:
Run Microsoft Surface Input Simulater
Go to Device Manager
In Human Interface Devices, right click over Touchscreen compatible with HID and click activate.
Just that. ;)

Is there a reason to install the MonoTouch environment on Windows if the iOS simulator only runs on OS X?

Given that the iOS emulator only runs on OS X, what are reasons that people do MonoTouch development on Windows? They offer MonoDevelop for both Windows and OS X.
Some people prefer Visual Studio. Some teams may have invested in tools (like ReSharper, etc) that run in Visual Studio. And teams that maintain other .NET projects may not to switch to Macs as their primary environment.
The idea of only being able to place an app using ONLY the mac tools is not ENTIRELY correct. You are completely able to use the iTunes connect website to place apps on the app store, and you only need the xcode tool for stuff like using the simulator and other options such as that. The reason why people do things such as program on a Windows is because some people are more native with the way the UI works on Windows than on a Mac, as they are quite different. The Windows is more visual, and it offers a simple way to get to things; although the Mac is more user friendly when it comes to the way applications are handled in the core of them. Also, people don't always want to pay the 1200+ price for a Mac machine, when yet they can spend 200+ on a simple Windows OS machine, and still possess the same kind of options. Another thing, you can always run Windows through a mac, so it's kind of a positive negative situation in almost any circumstance.
Hope this helps!
My personal reasons for using Visual Studio currently for my iOS development are:
I'm doing mixed-client-and-server development, and have a single solution with several project types which Xamarin Studio doesn't yet support - or which it only partially supports:
Portable Class Libraries
Azure website projects
WindowsPhone projects
WindowsStore projects
Resharper and the Visual Studio productivity tools and are key parts of my toolchain - they really do make me more productive. (There are other tools too which I'm more familiar with on the PC - e.g. even things like notepad++ and Paint.Net)
Because of my last 20 years on Windows I'm faster at working on the PC - although I am getting quicker at using the Mac.

developer platform for Windows RT

Can you make me clear which delevoper platform I can use for delevop Apps for Windows RT (not full Windows 8!). Are some projects templates in Visual Studio which are allowed me to use only WinRt without .NEt during my development on c# and xaml.
The Visual C#/VB/C++/JS|Windows Store app templates (Blank App, Grid App, Split App) are for apps that will run on Windows RT and any other Windows 8. You can use .NET on Windows RT, but if you don't want to - you can also use C++ or JavaScript. Note that Windows RT is the SKU of Windows that runs on ARM tablets, while WinRT or Windows Runtime is the new generation development platform for Windows. Also note, that while most parts of Windows Runtime can be used only by Windows Store apps, some can be used by both Windows Store and Desktop apps, some can only be used by desktop apps and I think some parts of the old WinAPI/Win32 might be accessible to Windows Store apps too. MSDN documentation states which APIs apply to which types of applications.
You can use Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows 8.0.
More info on msdn.
The project templates are available under Windows Store category under Visual C# in New Project in Visual Studio.

Is there an SDK out for Windows Run Time (WinRT)?

Is there some kind of SDK out for WinRT.? Can we develop applications for it now?
Is VS2010 usable for developing or will some other IDE be shipped? Also, is C++ necessary to develop performance-oriented apps in WinRT, or will the C# applications give equivalent performance? Can development be done on Win7?
I am curious about this because I missed out when WPF was released and I don't want to miss out on this.
Take a look at the Windows Dev Center where you can download a copy of Windows 8, complete with all the new tools for developing for it.
Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview is also available on Subscriber Downloads if you do have a subscription, and it includes the WinRT SDK and runs on Windows 7 and other operating systems. So you can build it and debug it, but you still have to run your code on a Windows 8 machine.
Performance-wise, WinRT doesn't change the guidance for whether to use native code. The APIs will behave near identically regardless of what language you choose, so make the decision between C++ and C# just as you would today.