How to detect and measure different paths to a specific method with JProfiler? - jprofiler

I'm using a marker method in unwanted if-else code branches: these branches are not slow, but there is a more efficient implementation in the opposite branch. Now I want to use JProfiler to figure out all paths (including their importance) to these unwanted branches to fix code to run into the preferred branch instead. Also, I want to do this detection/measurement with least profiling overhead.
I found Sampling not to work because the marker methods executes too fast to have it showing up in the Hot Spots. Also, It might not be executed frequently enough.
I couldn't figure out to do it with Instrumentation either. Again, the method does not even show up in Hot Spots.
In the ideal case, I would tell JProfiler just to monitor my marker method with instrumentation and then restrict the call graph only to calls to this marker method.
Is this possible? Are there other efficient ways to do what I want?

You have to use instrumentation for that purpose. Locate the marker method in the call tree, then invoke the
Analyze->Calculate Backtraces To Selected Method
action in the context menu or the tool bar.


Implementing Custom Cache Store

Just implemented a custom cache store based on the official existing RocksDb one for a different backend store.
That leads me to a number of concerns/questions:
Found out the hard way that PersistenceContextInitializerImpl is auto-generated and had added an import from Eclipse to resolve the issue. Now I have to leave it non-imported and showing as an error in Eclipse, is there a best practice way to handle this?
Why is RocksDBDbStoreTest#testSegmentsRemovedAndAdded call when segmented is false, since this calls removeSegments that contractually should not be called if not segmented?
Same class, why is buildConfig numSegments set or larger than 1 for non-segmented test cases?
Any example of store implementing the NonBlockingStore transactional methods? Mostly wondering to make sure that all calls are from the same thread?
Wanted to disable the compatibility test, since not supported in prior versions. Changed group to unstable or manual and would always still get called, which doesn't seem to match documentation. What is the right way to disable it from build time run?
Are there any kind of performance/stress tests for persistence store that can be executed or adapted?
Found out the hard way that PersistenceContextInitializerImpl is auto-generated and had added an import from Eclipse to resolve the issue. Now I have to leave it non-imported and showing as an error in Eclipse, is there a best practice way to handle this?
There should be a way to have it run the annotation processor. We use IntelliJ and it works fine OOTB.
Why is RocksDBDbStoreTest#testSegmentsRemovedAndAdded call when segmented is false, since this calls removeSegments that contractually should not be called if not segmented?
This is just a side effect of having a parameterized test like that. In actual runtime it won't be invoked. You can just have the test ignore it if it is segmented.
if (segmented) return;
Same class, why is buildConfig numSegments set or larger than 1 for non-segmented test cases?
Infinispan data container is always segmented when running any of the cluster modes. The store however is not required to be segmented in those cases. If the store is not segmented you can ignore any segment parameters as documented.
Any example of store implementing the NonBlockingStore transactional methods? Mostly wondering to make sure that all calls are from the same thread?
You can see some at The methods can and will be invoked from different metehods, thus why it stores a Map keyed by the Transaction.
Wanted to disable the compatibility test, since not supported in prior versions. Changed group to unstable or manual and would always still get called, which doesn't seem to match documentation. What is the right way to disable it from build time run?
Not sure I understand the question. For your store you shouldn't need any compatibility test, so just don't copy that test file.
Are there any kind of performance/stress tests for persistence store that can be executed or adapted?
We have that should work.

How to write Tests in Godot engine

Soo I'm developing a game with the Godot engine and I want to create some test for the code to be sure that everything is working, I can't test the game with simple actions it takes 5-10 minutes. Is there a way to write tests ???
Have a look at GUT, the Godot unit test framework, or WAT.
Differences between the two, quoting WAT's author:
GUT runs in a scene. WAT runs in the editor itself.
GUT (last I checked) cannot handle creating Test Doubles that take constructor dependencies (as in it uses the _init method with
WAT has parameterized testing (so you can do the same test multiple times only needing to define the different set of arguments per run
WAT has a much larger range of asserts (I think)
WAT can intentionally crash a test script if one method fails (this isn't documented yet though).
WAT cleans up after itself with regards to memory. GUT doesn't. (Note: This was largely thanks to the recent method print_stray_nodes
builtin to Godot that GUT didn't have during its initial creation).
GUT allows for inner test classes. WAT doesn't. However WAT has the "context" attribute attached to every asserts call so you can add
sub-context to your describe() method context of the parent method.
There is also GdUnit3 ;)
It will release in upcoming version 2.0.0 with c#-beta support.
GdUnit3 is full integrated in the Godot editor with a UI inspector to navigate over your test results.
Supports also automated testing by using the command line tool in a Github-Action
Feel free to give a try ;)

Labview Program changes behavior after looking at (not changing) the Block Diagram

My Labview Program works like a charm, until I look at the Block Diagram. No changes are made. I do not Save. Just Ctrl+E and then Ctrl+R.
Now it does not work properly. Only a Restart of Labview fixes the problem.
My Program controls two Scanner arrays for Laser Cutting simultaneously. To force parallel working, I use the Error handler and loops that wait for a signal from the Scanner. But suddenly some loops run more often than they should.
What does majorly happen in Labview when I open the Block diagram that messes with my code?
Its hard to tell what is happening without violating my non-disclosure agreement.
I'm controlling two independent mirror-Arrays for Laser Cutting. While one is running one Cutting-Job, the other is supposed to run the other Jobs. Just very fast. When the first is finished they meet at the same position and run the same geometry at the same slow speed. The jobs are provided as *.XML and stored as .net Objects. The device only runs the most recent job and overwrites it when getting a new one.
I can check if a job is still running. While this is true I run a while loop for the other jobs. Now this loop runs a few times too often and even ignores WAIT-blocks to a degree. Also it skips the part where it reads the XML job file, changes the speed part back to fast again and saves it. It only runs one time fast.
#Joe: No it does not. It only runs once well. afterwards it does not.
Youtube links
The way it is supposed to move
The wrong way
There is exactly one thing I can think of that changes solely by opening the block diagram.
When the block diagram opens, any commented-out or unreachable-code-compiler-eliminated sections of code will load their subVIs. If one of those commented out sections of code were somehow interfere with your running code, you might have an issue.
There are only two ways I know of for that to interfere... both of them are fairly improbable.
a) You have some sort of "check for all VIs in memory" or "check for all types in memory" that you're using as a plug-in system. When the commented-out sections load, that would change the VIs in memory. Such systems are not uncommon when parsing XML, so maybe.
b) You are using Run VI method for some dynamically invoked VI to execute as a top-level VI, but by loading the diagram, it discovers that it is a subVI of your current program. A VI cannot simultaneously be top-level and a subVI, so the call to Run VI returns an error.
That's it. I can't think of anything else. Both ideas seem unlikely, but given your claim and a lack of a block diagram, I figured I'd post it as a hypothesis.
In the improbable case someone has a similar problem. The problem was a xml file that was read during run time. Sometimes multiple instances tried to access it and this produced the error.
Quick point to check: are Debug and "retain data in wires" disabled? While it may not change the computations, but it may certainly change the timing of very tight loops, and that was one of the unexpected program behaviors, OP was referring to.

Access closure property names in the content block at runtime

I want to evaluate my content blocks before running my test suite but the closures' property names is in bytecode already. I'm ooking for the cleanest solution (compared with parsing source manually).
Already tried solution outlined in this post (and I'd still wind up doing some RegEx/parsing) but could only get it to work via script execution engine. It failed in IDE and GroovyConsole. Rather than embedding a Groovy script in project's code, I thought I'd try using Geb's native classes.
Is building on the suggestion about extending Geb Navigators here viable for Geb's PageContentSupport class whose contentTemplates contain a LinkedHashMap of exactly what I need? If yes, would someone provide guidance? If no, any suggestions?
It is currently not possible to get hold of all content elements for a given page/module. Feel free to create an issue for this in Geb's bug tracker, but remember that all that Geb can provide is either a list of content element names or a map from these names to closures that create these elements.
Having that information isn't a generic solution to your problem because it's possible for content elements to take parameters and there are situations where your content elements will be available on the page only after some other actions are performed (for example you have to click on button to reveal a section of a page that uses ajax to retrieve it's content). So I'm afraid that simply going over all elements and checking if they don't throw any errors will not cut it.
I'm still struggling to see what would "evaluating" all content elements prior to running the suite buy you. Are you after verifying that your content elements still work to get a faster feedback than running the whole suite? I'm pretty sure that you won't be able to fully automate detection of content definitions that don't work anymore. In my view it will be more effort than it's worth.

Track all ObjC method calls?

Sometimes when looking at someone else's large Objective-C program, it is hard to know where to begin.
In such situations, I think it would be helpful to log every call to every non-Apple method.
Is there a way to do that? Basically, make one change in some central place, and log every method that is called. Preferably limited to non-Apple methods.
You can set the environment variable NSObjCMessageLoggingEnabled to YES. This will write a log of all message sends in the folder /tmp/msgSends-xxx.
You could add a symbolic breakpoint to objc_msgSend(), and have it log the second parameter without stopping.
How to do it for your own methods only though is a toucher task. Maybe if you could inspect the class name being called and do some magic to have a conditional breakpoint for only calls where the class' prefix matches your own?
I don't think logging every single call is practical enough to be useful, but here's a suggestion in that direction.
On a side note, if it's a large program, it better have some kind of documentation or an intro comment for people to get started with the code.
In any case, every Cocoa application has an applicationDidFinishLaunching... method. It's a good place to start from. Some apps also have their principal (or 'main window') class defined in the Info.plist file. Both these things might give you a hint as to what classes (specifically, view controllers) are the most prominent ones and what methods are likely to have long stack-traces while the program is running. Like a game-loop in a game engine, or some other frequently called method. By placing a breakpoint inside such a method and looking at the stack-trace in the debugger, you can get a general idea of what's going on.
If it's a UI-heavy app, looking at its NIB files and classes used in them may also help identify parts of app's functionality you might be looking for.
Another option is to fire up the Time Profiler instrument and check both Hide missing symbols and Hide system libraries checkboxes. This will give you not only a bird's eye view on the methods being called inside the program, but also will pin-point the most often called ones.
By interacting with your program with the Time Profiler recording on, you could also identify different parts of the program's functionality and correlate them with your actions pretty easily.
Instruments allows you to build your own "instruments", which are really just DTrace scripts in disguise. Use the menu option Instrument >> Build New Instrument and select options like which library you'd like to trace, what you'd like to record when you hit particular functions, etc. Go wild!
That's an interesting question. The answer would be more interesting if the solution supported multiple execution threads and there were some sort of call timeline that could report the activity over time (maybe especially with user events plotted in somehow).
I usually fire up the debugger, set a breakpoint at the main entry point (e.g. - applicationDidFinishLaunching:withOptions:) and walk it in the debugger.
On OSX, there are also some command-line tools (e.g. sample and heap) that can provide some insight.
It seems like some kind of integration with instruments could be really cool, but I am not aware of something that does exactly what you're wanting (and I want it now too after thinking about it).
If one were to log a thread number, and call address, and some frame details, it seems like the pieces would be there to plot the call timeline. The logic for figuring out the appropriate library (Apple-provided or third party) should exist in Apple's symbolicatecrash script.