How to query: "for which do these values apply"? - sql

I'm trying to match and align data, or resaid, count occurrences and then list for which values those occurrences occur.
Or, in a question: "How many times does each ID value occur, and for what names?"
For example, with this input
Name ID
jim 123
jim 234
jim 345
john 123
john 345
jane 234
jane 345
jan 45678
I want the output to be:
count ID name name name
3 345 jim john jane
2 123 jim john
2 234 jim jane
1 45678 jan
Or similarly, the input could be (noticing that the ID values are not aligned),
jim john jane jan
123 345 234 45678
234 123 345
but that seems to complicate things.
As close as I am to the desired results is in SQL, as
for ID, count(ID)
from table
group by (ID)
order by count desc
which outputs
ID count
345 3
123 2
234 2
45678 1
I'll appreciate help.

You seem to want a pivot. In SQL, you have to specify the number of columns in advance (unless you construct the query as a string).
But the idea is:
select ID, count(*) as cnt,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then name end) as name_1,
max(case when seqnum = 2 then name end) as name_2,
max(case when seqnum = 3 then name end) as name_3
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id order by id) as seqnum -- arbitrary ordering
from table t
) t
group by ID
order by count desc;
If you have an unknown number of columns, you can aggregate the values into an array:
select ID, count(*) as cnt,
array_agg(name order by name) as names
from table t
group by ID
order by count desc

the query would look similar to this if that's what you're looking for.
COUNT(id) as count
WHERE = 'input'
AND = 'input'


Select records based on Id and most updated record of the same Id

I have a table Applications
The user can submit more than one application. The user can also update an existing application, but instead of updating the record itself, we will insert a new record with the same ApplicationNumber
Id ApplicationNum ApplicantId ApplicantName CreateDate
1 101 789 John May-20-2021
2 101 789 John May-21-2021
3 102 789 John May-22-2021
4 103 123 Maria May-31-2021
I want to return the list of applications based on the ApplicantId, but I don’t want to display both records of the same ApplicationNumber
If I use this select statement
Select * from Applications where ApplicantId = 789
This is the result I currently get
1 101 789 John May-20-2021
2 101 789 John May-21-2021
3 102 789 John May-22-2021
This is the result I want to get
2 101 789 John May-21-2021
3 102 789 John May-22-2021
Notice that record Id = 1 is not displayed because it is an old version of record Id = 2
How can I achieve this?
I like using ROW_NUMBER along with a TIES trick here:
FROM Applications
WHERE ApplicantId = 789
Might be easier to just use:
select max(Id) as Id, ApplicationNum, ApplicantId, ApplicantName, max(CreateDate) as CreateDate
from Applications
where ApplicantId = 789
group by ApplicationNum, ApplicantId, ApplicantName
The traditional way which is usually the most performant is to use row_number and select the desired row from each group of Applicants
select Id, ApplicationNum, ApplicantId, ApplicantName, CreateDate
from (
select *, Row_Number() over(partition by ApplicantId, ApplicationNum order by Id desc) rn
from Applications
where ApplicantId=789
where rn=1

Separate distinct values in to columns

Hi all I am quite new to SQL. I have a table (TABLE1) with two columns as below
Name age
jim 18
jim 21
dave 18
dave 18
john 23
john 41
I need to create a view in SSMS which lists distinct ages for each name in a separate column as below
Jim Dave John
18 18 23
21 41
I have tried a sub query like
But I encountered a sub query cannot return more than one value.
You can use row_number() & do aggregation :
select max(case when name = 'jim' then age end) as jim,
max(case when name = 'dave' then age end) as dave,
max(case when name = 'john' then age end) as john
from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by name order by age) as seq
from table t
) t
group by seq;

How to select only details of min value only in SQL?

I could get the minimum percentage of two values, but I need only the name, and ID in the select.
2 Morales Los Angeles 40 10
1 John New York 60 20
4 Mary San Diego 10 10
I need to get the min value of one/two, and to only appear this as a result:
4 Mary
Select ID, NAME
where least(ONE,TWO) = (select min(least(ONE,TWO)) from MYTABLE);
If you don't want Morales, then you can do this :
Select ID, NAME
where id =
(select id from
(select id from MYTABLE order by least(ONE,TWO), ONE*TWO)
where rownum <= 1);

Select records with fewer than 10 entries sql server

i want only to display the The ID which have record less than 10 entries for each ID, an ID may have several values as you see in the data below. i want
i have tried this query but it selects also the record for ID 2
select ID, Name ,LastName ,PaymentDate,POSITION
From ( select ID, Name ,LastName ,PaymentDate ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY PaymentDate DESC) AS POSITION
where Position < 10
any help please
ID Name LastName PaymentDate
1 John Abraham 2015-05-08
1 John Abraham 2014-05-08
1 John Abraham 2013-05-08
1 John Abraham 2012-05-08
1 John Abraham 2011-05-08
1 John Abraham 2010-05-08
2 Adam White 2015-05-08
2 Adam White 2014-05-08
2 Adam White 2013-05-08
2 Adam White 2012-05-08
2 Adam White 2011-05-08
2 Adam White 2010-05-08
2 Adam White 2009-05-08
2 Adam White 2008-05-08
2 Adam White 2007-05-08
2 Adam White 2006-05-08
2 Adam White 2005-05-08
2 Adam White 20004-05-08
FROM sometable
You want count(*), not row_number():
select ID, Name, LastName, PaymentDate
from (select ID, Name, LastName, PaymentDate,
count(*) over (partition by ID) as cnt
from . . .
) t
where cnt < 10;
This displays the rows (which your question suggests is what you want). If you want only the ids, then aggregation is better:
select id
from t
group by id
having count(*) < 10;
Please try:
Select ID, Name, LastName, PaymentDate
From MyTable
Where ID in (Select ID From MyTable Group By ID Having Count(*) < 10);

using dense_rank to find distinct

I have a table something like this
Id student_name City
4 abc Mumbai
6 xyz Delhi
4 lmn Kolkata
6 abc Mumbai
6 GHI Chennai
I am using dense_rank() function to dismiss the duplicate entry of ID in the table means if I am having the ID 4 twice it should give me only once in the output.
When I am using dense_rank function like:
select dense_rank() over (order by student_id desc ) as ID ,Id, student_name,city
from test
It is giving me the output something like this
ID ID student_name city
1 4 abc Mumbai
1 4 lmn kolkata
2 6 xyz Delhi
2 6 abc Mumbai
But I don't want duplicate how to remove using dense_rank() function
First, dense_rank() in the select does not do filtering. So, I don't know why the output would have four rows when the input has five.
Second, to keep only one row per id, then use row_number(), not dense_rank() . . . along with a subquery:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by student_id order by student_id) as seqnum
from test t
) t
where seqnum = 1;