How can I create a generic class that only works for classes that support certain interface? -

Class cacheable(Of T As haveTimeStampandMainStringKey)
Public ReadOnly Property Cache As T
Public ReadOnly Property timestamp As Date
Public Shared Function create(cache1 As T) As cacheable(Of T)
Dim a = New cacheable(Of T)
a._Cache = cache1
a._timestamp = Now
Dim key = T.mainkey 'this things fail to compile
Return a
End Function
End Class
Interface haveTimeStampandMainStringKey
ReadOnly Property TimeStamp As DateTime
ReadOnly Property mainKey As String
End Interface
Basically I want class cacheable to work only with classes that support haveTimeStampandMainStringKey
Dim key = T.mainkey produces an error
Clearly T supports haveTimeStampandMainStringKey interface. So I should be able to access T.mainkey. I can't. Why? What's wrong with the code?

It doesn't work because T is a type, not an instance. You need to have an instance to refer to mainKey. You probably want either a.Cache.mainKey or cache1.mainKey.
(If you really want something Shared rather than something attached to an instance, unfortunately, there isn't a good way to do it as it's not supported by .NET except through various reflection-based approaches, see various lamentations about the absence of "static interfaces" over the years.)


Make static member persistent

I have one class with a private static (shared, since I'm in VB.BET) field and its associated public static property, since it stores one variable that should be the same to all the instances of this class.
My Class looks like this:
Public MustInherit Class NitrogenController
Private _active As Boolean
Private Shared _controlInterval As TimeSpan
Private _lastControlTime As Date
Public Property Active() As Boolean
Public Shared Property ControlInterval() As System.TimeSpan
'other properies that must be persisted
Public Function Control() As Boolean
If Not Now > _lastControlTime.Add(_controlInterval) Or Not _active Then
Return False
_lastControlTime = Now
Return True
End If
End Function
End Class
The problem arrives when trying to binary serialize these kind of objects, since this shared field is nos being properly stored and returns to its default value when deserializing.
I suppose this is the expected behaviour, so my question is... how can I make a shared field persistent? I have read some comments to similar questions that say that this is a bad design, but it really makes sense (AFAIK) in my case, since this variable should be the same to all the object, but can be changed by the user and therefore should be stored.
Can you suggest another way of doing it?
What you have read, in my opinion, is correct. This is, likely, a bad design. However, if you must, there are two ways to do this with the XmlSerializer. The easy way would be to simply add a public instance (non-shared) property which has a getter and setter which simply wrap the shared property, for instance:
Public MustInherit Class NitrogenController
Public Shared Property ControlInterval As TimeSpan
Public Property CurrentControlInterval() As TimeSpan
Return ControlInterval
End Get
Set(value As TimeSpan)
ControlInterval = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
If you aren't satisfied with that method, the second, more involved, option would be to override the default serialization logic by implementing the ISerializable interface.

Why is this Entity Framework association not loading lazily?

I'm using a Code First Entity Framework approach, and in my OnModelCreating function I have the following code:
With modelBuilder.Entity(Of FS_Item)()
.HasKey(Function(e) e.ItemKey)
.Property(Function(e) e.ItemRowVersion).IsConcurrencyToken()
.HasMany(Function(e) e.ItemInventories) _
.WithRequired(Function(e) e.Item).HasForeignKey(Function(e) e.ItemKey)
End With
Elsewhere I have a Web API Get implementation with some diagnostic code I'm looking at in a debugger:
Public Function GetValue(ByVal id As String) As FS_Item
GetValue = If(data.FS_Item.Where(Function(i) i.ItemNumber = id).SingleOrDefault(), New FS_Item())
Dim c = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count
End Function
I expect that c should get a non-zero value by looking up rows in the FS_Inventory view where ItemKey matches the retrieved FS_Item row's ItemKey. But I'm getting 0 even though there are matching rows. Am I calling .HasMany, .WithRequired and .HasForeignKey properly?
Note that .WithRequired is operating on the return value from the previous line whereas the other lines are operating on the With block expression.
Edit This model for FS_Item has been requested. Here it is:
Partial Public Class FS_Item
Public Property ItemNumber As String
Public Property ItemDescription As String
Public Property ItemUM As String
Public Property ItemRevision As String
Public Property MakeBuyCode As String
' Many many more properties
Public Property ItemRowVersion As Byte()
Public Property ItemKey As Integer
Private _ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory) = New HashSet(Of FS_ItemInventory)
Public Overridable Property ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory)
Return _ItemInventories
End Get
Friend Set(value As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory))
_ItemInventories = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Edit Learned something interesting. If I change Dim c = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count to this:
Dim c = data.FS_ItemInventory.ToList()
Dim correctCount = GetValue.ItemInventories.Count
Then correctCount gets the value of 3. It's like it understands the association between the objects, but not how to automatically query them as I'm used to coming from LINQ-to-SQL. Is EF different somehow in this regard?
Edit I have determined that I can make the associated objects load using this explicit loading code:
data.Entry(GetValue).Collection(Function(e) e.ItemInventories).Load()
What I want to understand now is what exactly determines whether an entity will load lazily or not? From all indications I can find, it should have loaded lazily. I even tried changing the declaration of ItemInventories to this, but then I got a NullReferenceException when trying to access it:
Public Overridable Property ItemInventories As ICollection(Of FS_ItemInventory)
It turns out that code which I thought was unrelated had disabled lazy loading. I have this in the constructor of FSDB:
DirectCast(Me, IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled = False
Thanks to EF 4 - Lazy Loading Without Proxies I see that this will also disable lazy loading. The reason that code had been added was due to another error:
with data contract name
is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any
types not known statically to the list of known types - for example,
by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the
list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.
And according to Serialization of Entity Framework objects with One to Many Relationship, the easy solution for that was to disable proxies.

vbscript static class variables/methods?

Is there a way to have one variable per class in vbscript?
If not what is the best way to emulate it? Prefixing a global variable declared next to the class?
Also is there a way to declare static/class methods(for a static constructor) or am I force to prefix a function?
In languages that support class-level/static data or methods you can
associate/bind data or methods explicitly to the set of objects defined by the class. So you can have Customer.Count and Product.Count and a plain Count (or ##Count) in Customer code will access the right number.
use such data or method without having an instance of the class (yet).
VBScript does not support static data or methods. You have to use global data or functions/subs and do the associating in your mind (perhaps with a little help from a naming convention). Accessing these 'static'=global elements without an object is trivial, but - obviously - should be done with care.
You can embed one or more singleton objects or code references (GetRef()) in your objects to bind them closer to the class, but that will increase the size of the instances.
You can do something like this to sort of emulate a static class:
Class Defines_
Public Sub DoSomethingUseful
End Sub
End Class
Dim Defines : Set Defines = New Defines_
This can be used to give you something analogous to constructors (really, factory methods):
Class Something
Private mValue
Public Property Get Value : Value = mValue : End Property
Public Property Let Value(x) : mValue = x : End Property
End Class
Class SomethingFactory_
Public Function Create(value)
Set Create = New Something
Create.Value = value
End Function
End Class
Dim SomethingFactory : Set SomethingFactory = New SomethingFactory_
Dim something : Set something = SomethingFactory.Create(5)

Restricting an interface to structures only in

I have an interface IDigitalState defined as
Public Interface IDigitalState
ReadOnly Property Code As Integer
ReadOnly Property Name As String
End Interface
and a structure that implements this interface
Public Structure DigitalState
Implements IDigitalState
Private ReadOnly mCode As Integer
Private ReadOnly mName As String
Public ReadOnly Property Code As Integer Implements IDigitalState.Code
Return mCode
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Name As String Implements IDigitalState.Name
Return mName
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal code As Integer, name As String)
mCode = code
mName = name
End Sub
End Structure
What I wanted to do was declare a variable as a nullable type of IDigitalState. I understand why I cant do this because the interface may be implemented by a class which is not allowed to be nullable. Is there a way to define the interface so that it can only be implemented by a structure. I'm doubting it's possible but thought it would be worth looking into.
You can do this in combination with generics. For instance:
Sub Test(Of T As {IDigitalState, Structure})()
Dim something As T? = GetEitherValueOrNull …
End Sub
The key here is that you operate on a concrete (generic) type T which has two conditions:
it is a structure, and
it implements IDigitalState.
Or you can just use a normal variable of interface type, which can be Nothing, without the need for a Nullable.
No, there is no way.
However, you can type.
Dim nullableIDigitalState As IDigitalState = nothing
which would be declaring a variable of type IDigitalState as null. If you are talking about the Nullable<> generic that has a where constraint that limits to value types so it would only accept a structure variant of IDigitalState.
Am I missing your point?
The only situations in which it would be meaningful to restrict interface implementations to structure types are those in which the interface type is going to be used as a generic constraint, and never as a storage location type. In such situations, any code which requires type parameter to be a struct that implements the interface can specify that. Nothing would prevent classes from implementing the interface, but so what? A variable of type IDigitalState could hold a reference to a class that implements that interface, but could not be passed as a generic parameter of type T As {Structure,IDigitalState}, so code which requires a structure-type implementation wouldn't care that such things might exist.
Note, btw, that storing a struct that implements IDigitalState into a variable of type IDigitalState will effectively create a new class object with fields matching those of the structure, and store a reference to that object. If you wish to ensure that a struct which implements an interface, will behave like a struct rather than a class, you need to pass or hold it in a variable with an interface-constrained generic type, rather than in a variable of the interface type.

If an interface defines a ReadOnly Property, how can an implementer provide the Setter to this property?

Is there a way for implementers of an interface where a ReadOnly property is defined to make it a complete Read/Write Property ?
Imagine I define an interface to provide a ReadOnly Property (i.e., just a getter for a given value) :
Interface SomeInterface
'the interface only say that implementers must provide a value for reading
ReadOnly Property PublicProperty As String
End Interface
This means implementers must commit to providing a value. But I would like a given implementer to also allow setting that value. In my head, this would mean providing the Property's setter as part of the implementation, doing something like this :
Public Property PublicProperty As String Implements SomeInterface.PublicProperty
Return _myProperty
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_myProperty = value
End Set
End Property
but this will not compile as, for the VB compiler, the implementer no longer implements the interface (because it is no longer ReadOnly).
Conceptually, this should work, because, in the end, it just means Implement the getter from the Interface, and add a setter method. For "normal methods", this would be no problem.
Is there some way of doing it, without resorting to "interface hiding" or "home-made" SetProperty() method, and style having the Property behave like a Read/Write property in the implementations ?
Thanks !
(I have moved this question to a separate Question)
My question is really : "why can't this be done in VB.NET", when the following is valid in C#.NET?" :
interface IPublicProperty
string PublicProperty { get; }
with implementation :
public class Implementer:IPublicProperty
private string _publicProperty;
public string PublicProperty
return _publicProperty;
_publicProperty = value;
Now supported in Visual Studio 2015.
What's New for Visual Basic
Readonly Interface Properties
You can implement readonly interface properties using a readwrite property. The interface guarantees minimum functionality, and it does not stop an implementing class from allowing the property to be set.
In the end, I ended up with a solution that matches my goal :
users that access via the Interface see at least a getter
users that access the implementation can Read and Write.
I did this "shadowing" the implemented property like this :
'users who access through interface see only the Read accessor
Public ReadOnly Property PublicProperty_SomeInterface As String Implements SomeInterface.PublicProperty
Return _myProperty
End Get
End Property
'users who work with the implementation have Read/Write access
Public Property PublicProperty_SomeInterface As String
Return _myProperty
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_myProperty = value
End Set
End Property
Then, depending on how you use it, you can do :
Dim implementorAsInterface As SomeInterface = New InterfaceImplementor()
logger.Log(implementor.PublicProperty) 'read access is always ok
implementor.PublicProperty = "toto" 'compile error : readOnly access
Dim implementor As InterfaceImplementor = New InterfaceImplementor()
implementor.PublicProperty = "toto" 'write access
There is nothing at a CLI level which prevents this type of implementation and as you've demonstrated it's already supported by C#. The VB.Net language just doesn't support this style of implementation.
Knowing why though is a bit tough since the decision is almost 10 years removed at this point. Very likely it was just an over site at the time interface implementation was designed.
You can't do it as the interface requires that you implement a ReadOnly Property.
Properties don't allow overloading so there is no way to implement a non-ReadOnly and also a ReadOnly.
I would suggest you either implement a Custom Setter or drop the ReadOnly from the Interface.
Without details of why you want to do this it is hard to suggest the best solution
In Visual Basic, when you implement a method or property from an interface, you can change its name and its visibility. You can leverage that capability to handle the case you are asking about. Prior to Visual Studio 2015, I often did this:
Public Interface SomeInterface
ReadOnly Property SomeProperty As String
End Interface
Implementing Class:
Public Class SomeClass
Implements SomeInterface
Public Property SomeProperty As String
Private ReadOnly Property SomeProperty_ReadOnly As String Implements SomeInterface.SomeProperty
Return Me.SomeProperty
End Get
End Property
End Class
The result is that SomeProperty is read-only when accessed through SomeInterface, but read-write when accessed through SomeClass:
Dim c As New SomeClass
c.SomeProperty = "hello" 'Write via class OK
Dim s1 = c.SomeProperty 'Read via class OK
Dim i As SomeInterface = c
Dim s2 = i.SomeProperty 'Read via interface OK
i.SomeProperty = "greetings" 'Syntax Error, interface property is read-only