Rewriting log data - syslog-ng

I am sending syslog data to my LogZilla server and am unable to rewrite the data using the
Event message:
{"event_type":"Threat_Event","ipv4":"","hostname":"","source_uuid":"df4df304c3-93f2a-41f89-8dfefd-7f54bdsf5e429f","occured":"06-Aug-2019 02:38:44","severity":"Warning","threat_type":"test file","threat_name":"Eicar","scanner_id":"Real-time file system protection","engine_version":"1498036 (20190805)","object_type":"file","object_uri":"file:///home/admin/g4.txt","action_taken":"cleaned by deleting","threat_handled":true,"need_restart":false,"username":"root","processname":"/usr/bin/vi","circumstances":"Event occurred on a newly created file.","firstseen":"06-Aug-2019 02:38:44","hash":"CF8BD9DFDDFF007F75ADF4C2BE48005CEA317C62"}
Code for automatic key value detection to rewrite message above:
"rewrite_rules": [
"match": {
"field": "program",
"value": "ESServer"
"update": {
"message": "${event_type}, ${ipv4}"
"kv": {"separator": ":", "delimiter": ","
I am expecting the message to be parsed so that I can setup dashboards based on various fields from the message.

LogZilla doesn't parse kv pairs within quotes, so first you'll need to strip those out. Here's a syslog-ng rule that will do that:
filter f_program {program("ESServer")};
rewrite r_quotes { subst("\"", "", value("MESSAGE") flags("global") condition( filter(f_program))); };
log {
rewrite (r_quotes);
# Uncomment line below for debug/testing of incoming events
You should create a 'rules' directory to store any custom configurations in. Save the above in that directory as syslog.conf (or any name you prefer). The copy it to the conainer and restart syslog-ng:
docker cp syslog.conf lz_syslog:/etc/logzilla/syslog-ng
docker restart lz_syslog
Now those events should have the quotes removed when they come in. Next, create a LogZilla parser rule with the following:
first_match_only: true
- comment:
- 'Name: ESET Security Manager KV'
- 'Sample: "event_type":"Threat_Event","ipv4":"","hostname":"","source_uuid":"df4df304c3-93f2a-41f89-8dfefd-7f54bdsf5e429f","occured":"06-Aug-2019 02:38:44","severity":"Warning","threat_type":"test file","threat_name":"Eicar","scanner_id":"Real-time file system protection","engine_version":"1498036 (20190805)","object_type":"file","object_uri":"file:///home/admin/g4.txt","action_taken":"cleaned by deleting","threat_handled":true,"need_restart":false,"username":"root","processname":"/usr/bin/vi","circumstances":"Event occurred on a newly created file.","firstseen":"06-Aug-2019 02:38:44","hash":"CF8BD9DFDDFF007F75ADF4C2BE48005CEA317C62"'
- 'Description: ESET K/V Detection and User Tag creation'
field: program
op: =~
value: 'lzadmin'
delimiter: ""
separator: ":"
pair_separator: ","
ut_event_type: ${event_type}
ut_ipv4: ${ipv4}
ut_hostname: ${hostname}
Then add the rule:
logzilla rules add kv.json


Update BigQuery scheduled query with notificationPubsubTopic fails

I am using the DataServiceTransferClient API/SDK for Node to create scheduled queries in BigQuery with a notificationPubsubTopic. Creating them works fine, no issues. Updating them results in an error:
INVALID_ARGUMENT: notificationPubsubTopic cannot be updated.
How I'm calling it:
const config = {
transferConfig: {
/* other config options */
notificationPubsubTopic: "projects/engineering/topics/test"
updateMask: {
paths: [
Some other info:
The topics I've tested with do exist. I can update the scheduled query in the UI to these other topic with no issue.
Fails even when re-using the already associated topic.
Updates without notificationPubsubTopic succeed. By this I specifically mean I am not passing the notificationPubsubTopic property and have removed it from the updateMask.
The updateMask property needed to be turned into snakecase.
updateMask: {
paths: [
"notification_pubsub_topic" // <--- here
The documentation even shows an example of using camelCasing

How to use Atlassian Document Format in create issue rest api

I am trying to create an issue via Jira API -
// other fields is here
description: {
type: "doc",
version: 1,
content: [
type: "text",
text: summary
but I get an error - "Operation value must be a string".
so how can I create an issue correctly?
Most likely you're using API version 2 - which accepts text for this field.
However, you're providing value as json (Atlassian Document Format) which is for API version3

Hashicorp Vault API - Create User - unsupported path

Can we create a user in vault API using special characters. For example below POST url is used to create users.
POST : http://localhost:8200/v1/auth/userpass/users/myuser-1#beta_1.0$
Paylod :
"password": "myPassword",
"policies": "myuser-1#beta_1.0$",
"ttl": "120",
"max_ttl": "120"
Result :
"errors": [
"1 error occurred:\n\t* unsupported path\n\n"
the user myuser-1#beta_1.0$ contains special characters # _ $. I think the # $ chars should be encoded before passing to vault. However there is no information about url encoding in below documentation.
Is encoding supported here or should it be replaced with other char before sending it to vault??
Note: Removing # $ chars, api works fine.

Creating a titled Google Sheets results in a "Proto field" error when using the NodeJs client library

I am trying to create a Google Spreadsheet using a NodeJs backend and the Google Sheets v4 API.
I was following the spreadsheets.create tutorial in documentation. However, when I create the file using some specified properties, I always get the following error:
Error: Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "title" at '': Proto field is not repeating, cannot start list.
In the tutorial nothing, is mentioned about a "Proto" field. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Creating the file does work, if I don't specify properties. However the properties are used to set a name for the file and the sheets, so I do need a way to set this metadata.
Here is the request I am sending with the properties included:
const request = {
resource: {
properties: {
title: name,
sheets: [
properties: {
title: 'General',

apache nutch to index to solr via REST

newbie in apache nutch - writing a client to use it via REST.
succeed in all the steps (INJECT, FETCH...) - in the last step - when trying to index to solr - it fails to pass the parameter.
The Request (I formatted it in some website)
"args": {
"batch": "1463743197862",
"crawlId": "sample-crawl-01",
"solr.server.url": "http:\/\/x.x.x.x:8081\/solr\/"
"confId": "default",
"type": "INDEX",
"crawlId": "sample-crawl-01"
The Nutch logs:
java.lang.Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Missing SOLR URL. Should be set via -D solr.server.url
solr.server.url : URL of the SOLR instance (mandatory)
solr.commit.size : buffer size when sending to SOLR (default 1000)
solr.mapping.file : name of the mapping file for fields (default solrindex-mapping.xml)
solr.auth : use authentication (default false)
solr.auth.username : username for authentication
solr.auth.password : password for authentication
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$Job.runTasks(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$
Was that implemented? the param passing to solr plugin?
You need to create/update a configuration using the /config/create/ endpoint, with a POST request and a payload similar to:
In this case I'm creating a new configuration and specifying the solr.server.url parameter. You can verify this is working with a GET request to /config/solr-config (solr-config is the previously specified configId), the output should contain all the default parameters see for an example/default output. If everything worked fine in the returned JSON you should see the solr.server.url option with the desired value
After this just hit the /job/create endpoint to create a new INDEX Job, the payload should be something like:
"args": {}
The idea is that need to you pass the configId that you created with the solr.server.url specified along with the crawlId and other args. This should return something similar to:
"id": "crawl01-solr-config-INDEX-1252914231",
"type": "INDEX",
"confId": "solr-config",
"args": {},
"result": null,
"state": "RUNNING",
"msg": "OK",
"crawlId": "crawl01"
Bottom line you need to create a new configuration with the solr.server.url setted instead of specifying it through the args key in the JSON payload.