How does the next() guard function in vue-router work? - vue.js

I'm trying to understand the solution in this SO post. The solution allows the user to keep track of the previous route in the current route.
Below is the snippet of Vue code that I'm trying to understand. If I understand correctly, next accepts a callback function that receives the current component's vue instance. We then set the prevRoute data property of this vue instance to from. Is this interpretation correct? If not, what is actually happening?
If someone could also add a brief explanation as to what the Vue API is doing behind the scenes that would also be very helpful for me to actually understand the snippet of code.
data() {
return {
prevRoute: null
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
next(vm => {
vm.prevRoute = from

As per the documentation...
The beforeRouteEnter guard does NOT have access to this, because the guard is called before the navigation is confirmed, thus the new entering component has not even been created yet.
However, you can access the instance by passing a callback to next. The callback will be called when the navigation is confirmed, and the component instance will be passed to the callback as the argument
So vm is the component instance assigned to the destination route.
From your question...
We then set the prevRoute data property of this vue instance to from. Is this interpretation correct?
Almost. All you're doing is setting a direct object property on the Vue component which is after all, just a JavaScript object at heart. For example
const vm = { name: 'I am totally a Vue component' }
vm.prevRoute = from
This property will not be reactive but you can certainly access it within your component via this, just as you can other non-data properties like $el, $refs, etc.


Vue mutate prop correctly

I'm trying to create a simple component whose focus is to display an element in an array, but I'm having issues with Vue's philosophy.
As you may know, if a mutation on a prop is triggered, Vue goes crazy because it doesn't want you to update the value of a prop. You should probably use a store, or emit an event.
The issue is: that since I'm adding functionalities to my codebase (for instance the possibility to start again when I reach the last element of the array), it would be wrong to have an upper component be responsible for this management, as it would be wrong to ask an upper component to change their variable, given that my component is supposed to manage the array, so an emit would be a bad solution.
In the same way, given that I'm making a generic component that can be used multiple times on a page, it would be incorrect to bind it to a store.
EDIT: the reason why the prop needs to be updated is that the component is basically acting as a <select>
Am I missing an obvious way to set this up?
To give an example of my end goal, I'm aiming for a component looking like the one in the picture below, and I think a 2 way bind like in v-model would be more appropriate than having to set an #change just to say to update the value of the passed prop.
If you have a prop the correct way to update the value is with a sync, as in the following example
<my-component :title.sync="myTitle"></my-component>
this.$emit("update:title", this.newValue)
Here is a very good article talking about the sync method.
By the other hand you can alter a Vuex state variable by calling a Vuex mutation when you change the value:
computed: {
title: {
// getter
get() {
return this.$store.state.title
// setter
set(newValue) {
this.setTitle(newValue) // Requires mutation import, see the methods section.
// Or without import:
this.$store.commit('setTitle', newValue);
methods: {
...mapMutations("global", ["setTitle"]) // It is important to import the mutation called in the computed section
In this StackOverflow question they talk about changing state from computed hook in Vue. I hope it works for you.

React functions: changing state after useState

I have a functional component that manages a question that can come from two sources.
A props value comes in indicating the source.
When the source changes, I want to create a new question model object with the new source.
Since I'm doing something like this:
const [questionModel, setQuestionModel ] = useState(new QuestionModel(questionSource));
For some reasons it thinks, "Oh, I've already got one of those questionModel's. I don't need to make a new one".
So all the old stuff stays there.
If I try to do something like:
setQuestionModel(new QuestionModel(questionSource));
Then it complains about:
Invariant Violation: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of
renders to prevent an infinite loop.
I get that infinite loops are bad, but I'm not sure how to make this work in ReactJS functions with hooks.
Back when I was using classes, I could specify something once in the constructor and then adjust it again in the render(). But now that the render is mixed in with the other code for the function, how do I re-render it with the new source?
Is there a force re-render when the props change? I thought it would do that if a prop changed ... but it doesn't.
I don't know how your props changes but I saw sometimes, that the following misunderstanding creates sometimes problems, where the developer thinks "I changed the object, so why my component doesn't rerender?":
When you create a new object like:
const user = { name: "john" };
You created an object that, has a property that points to the value "john" like this:
user -> { } -- name --> "john"
user points on an object and when you make name, point to a different value by: = "bob"
than user still points to the same object and to react it's the same object
but when you do
user = { ...user, name: "bob" };
then you would assign a new object and now it's a different object.
Look at using useEffect with a dependency of the prop that is being passed in. Within the effect, set the new question type in local state.
Like this...
interface Props {
source: QuestionSource
export function QuestionsModal(props: Props) {
const [questionModel, setQuestionModel] = useState<QuestionModel>(new QuestionModel(questionSource))
useEffect(() => {
setQuestionModel(new QuestionModel(questionSource))
}, props.source)

Dynamically instantiating a component in Vue.js

Following this tutorial, I'm trying to programmatically create instances of a component on my page.
The main snippet is this:
import Button from 'Button.vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
var ComponentClass = Vue.extend(Button)
var instance = new ComponentClass()
However I get two errors:
The component I'm trying to instantiate contains references to the store, and these don't work: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined".
For the last line of the snippet (this.$refs.container.appendChild(instance.$el)) I get this error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'container' of undefined"
I'm really not sure how to troubleshoot this, if anyone strong in Vue.js could give me some hint as to why I'm getting these errors and to solve them that would be terrific.
1) Since you're manually instantiating that component and it doesn't belong to your main app's component tree, the store won't be automatically injected into it from your root component. You'll have to manually provide the store to the constructor when you instantiate the component ..
import ProjectRow from "./ProjectRow.vue";
import Vue from "vue";
import store from "../store";
let ProjectRowClass = Vue.extend(ProjectRow);
let ProjectRowInstance = new ProjectRowClass({ store });
2) In a Vue Single File Component (SFC), outside of the default export this doesn't refer to the Vue instance, so you don't have access to $refs or any other Vue instance property/method. To gain access to the Vue instance you'll need to move this line this.$refs.container.appendChild(instance.$el) somewhere inside the default export, for example in the mounted hook or inside one of your methods.
See this CodeSandbox for an example of how you may go about this.
This is another way to instantiate a component in Vue.js, you can use two different root elements.
// Instantiate you main app
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue!'
// Then instantiate your component dynamically
// Create a component or import it.
const Hello = {
props: ['text'],
template: '<div class="hello">{{ text }}</div>',
// Create a componentClass by Vue.
const HelloCtor = Vue.extend(Hello);
// Use componentClass to instantiate your component.
const vm = new HelloCtor({
propsData: {
text: 'HI :)'
// then mount it to an element.
It works by assigning "this" to the property "parent". By setting the parent you also have access to the $store in the new instance. (Provided that "this" is another Vue instance/Component and already has access to the store, of course)
new (Vue.extend(YourNewComponent))({
parent: this,
propsData: {
whatever: 'some value',
If you don't need the reference to the parent, you can just leave "parent: this," out.
Important note: When mounting many (like 500+) items on the page this way you will get a huge performance hit. It is better to only give the new Component the necessary stuff via props instead of giving it the entire "this" object.
I went down this path, following all the examples above, and even this one:
While I got far, and it works (I made a lot of components this way), at least for my case, it came with drawbacks. For example I'm using Vuetify at the same time, and the dynamically added components didn't belong to the outer form, which meant that while local (per component) validation worked, the form didn't receive the overall status. Another thing that did not work was to disable the form. With more work, passing the form as parent property, some of that got working, but what about removing components. That didn't go well. While they were invisible, they were not really removed (memory leak).
So I changed to use render functions. It is actually much easier, well documented (both Vue 2 and Vue 3), and everything just works. I also had good help from this project:
Basically, to add a function dynamically, just implement the render() function instead of using a template. Works a bit like React. You can implement any logic in here to choose the tag, the options, everything. Just return that, and Vue will build the shadow-DOM and keep the real DOM up to date.
The methods in here seems to manipulate the DOM directly, which I'm glad I no longer have to do.

How can I watch synchronously a state change in vuex?

I am using an opensource vuejs + vuex project and this is the source
I am currently having problems knowing how to trigger an event from one components to another.
I can use this.$"foo", "bar") to store information in vuex, but when two seperate have two difference export default {} I don't know how I can make the app aware whenever "foo" is for exampled changed to "baz" ... unless I refresh/reload the app, there is no way for me to know the changes
Use this.$ on your component. Created() is a good place to put it. You pass it the state to watch and then specify the callback for when it changes. The Vuex docs do not give good examples. Find more information on this Vuejs Forum page. Store watch functions the same as the vm.$watch, so you can read more about that here in the Vue docs.
return this.$store.state.VALUE_TO_WATCH // could also put a Getter here
(newValue, oldValue)=>{
//something changed do something
//Optional Deep if you need it
Your question is not entirely clear so I am going to make some assumptions here.
If you simply want your app to know when a store value has changed you can use a watcher to watch a computed property that is directly linked to a store getter:
So you would set a watcher on something like this:
computed: {
doneTodosCount () {
return this.$store.getters.doneTodosCount
doneTodosCount(value) {
console.log(`My store value for 'doneTodosCount' changed to ${value}`);
If you want your commit to behave differently depending on what the current value of your foo property is set to, then you can simply check for this in your commit function.
Let me know if you have some more questions.

vue2: can not find a proper way to initialize component data by ajax

I have a component whose data is initialized by ajax. I know vue.js has provide several lifecycle hooks: Lifecycle-Diagram. But for ajax to initialize the data, which hook(beforeCreate, create, mounted, etc) is the best place to do it:
hook_name: function() {
ajaxCall(function(data) { = data;
Currently, i do it in mounted, making it to re-render the component. But i think we should get the data before the first render. Can someone figure out the best way to do it?
If you want to initialize your component with data you receive from a request, created() would be the most appropriate hook to use but it is a request, it might not resolve by the end of created or even mounted() (when even your DOM is ready to show content!).
So do have your component initialized with empty data like:
data () {
return {
listOfItems: [],
someKindOfConfig: {},
orSomeSpecialValue: null
and assign the actual values when you receive them in your created hook as these empty data properties would be available at that point of time, like:
created () {
.then(data => {
this.listOfItems = data.listOfItems
* Notice the use of arrow functions, without those [this] would
* not have the context of the component.
It seems like you aren't using (or aren't planning to use) vuex but I'd highly recommend you to use it for for managing your data in stores. If you use vuex you can have actions which can make these api calls and by using simple getters in your component you would have access to the values returned by the request.