How do I authenticate a web request from Unity to Node without requiring user credentials? - api

I have a single player Unity game which records stats about game run-throughs, such as accuracy/runtime. I want these stats to be saved onto a web server / db so I can later aggregate them, the web server being a Node app using Express and the DB being a MongoDB instance. I have made the API routes to POST/GET the data but at the moment the routes are public. Normally, I would implement JWT whereby the user would have to login to be able to make web requests, but since the game is single player there is no login credentials to use.
What would be the best way to verify that a call to my web service has been made from within the Unity game without requiring the user to login/register an account?
So far I have thought about using a key on the Unity-side that needs to be sent through with each request, but this is prone to being discovered by searching through the source code.

Implement oAuth on top of your REST API on the Node side. Now a caller has to provide an access token when calling your API. Make sure your implementation supports a flow you're going to choose in step 2. oauth2authorize is a popular toolkit.
Choose an appropriate oAuth flow and implement it on the Unity side. One possibility is the client credentials grant, a flow designed for service-to-service calls. Another option is exchanging JWT for an access token; the payload of the JWT can reflect the security context of the caller being the Unity game itself.


Integration of frontend and resource server using okta authentication and client credentials API authentication

We have an application that has frontend UI(Which is a web application) which communicates with a resource server. Our frontend will be using some APIs from a resource server to get data.
I am planning to add frontend to Okta and provide access to okta registered users.
In the resource server, we have some APIs that we want to expose to our customers to integrate in their system(Programmatically). To use our APIs, we have to provide client credentials(client ID/secret) to them. Using clientId/Secret, they will get access_token and will use that in a subsequent request. We can display this clientId/Secret via frontend UI once the user logs in to it via Okta.
How should I authenticate requests to the resource server from the frontend? And how do I authenticate requests to resource server via customer using clientId/Secret? Should I use one or two different tokens for this purpose?
Does Okta provides per-user client Id/secret that user(customer) can use to get access_token and send it to access resource server and resource server validate token against Okta.
I just did something very similar. You can read about my experience here: How to pass/verify Open ID token between .net core web app and web api?
I don't know what application framework you are using (.net, node, etc), but if you're using .NET the steps are to (a) install the middleware in your web app, (b) install the middleware in your api app, and (c) make sure calls from your web app to the api app pass the id_token.
If you, in addition to that, need to secure it for external users - it should work the same way. The only difference is they will manually call the /authorize endpoint to get their token - but the middleware should take care of the token verification for you in both cases.
Note I did experience one odd thing which is that I needed to pass the id_token and not the access_token. It is also worth mentioning that the claims were interpreted differently in the app and the api (in that the name of the claims for say, userid, were different between them - the data was still the same).
You will have to use 2 different access tokens. There are 2 different flows going on here:
Web UI to API
Business partner system to API
Technically this means:
Authorization Code Flow (PKCE)
Client Credentials Flow
And in terms of tokens it means:
In the first case there is an end user represented in access tokens (the 'sub' claim)
In the second case there is only a Client Id claim in access tokens
I can advise on token validation techniques if needed - let me know.
To me though this feels like an architectural question - in particular around applying authorization after identifying the caller and versioning / upgrades.
Based on my experience I tend to prefer the following architecture these days, based on 2 levels of APIs: eg with these ones exposed to the internet:
User Experience API serves the UI
Partner API deals with B2B
And both entry point APIs call the same core services which are internal. Might be worth discussing with your stakeholders ..

Secure net.core api without a authentication

I´m need to create a web api with net.core for a mobile (Ionic) app.
Part of this app, do not need be authenticated to see a list of products.
My problem is:
I need to create a web api, to list this products but, the user do not need to login on app, but I´d like that my application could consume this api and not be open to all (just my app can consume).
It is possible? If yes, what I need to do?
The only way you can do make the API available to your application without exposing it to the world sans auth, is to keep it internal, i.e. on the same LAN as your website and behind a firewall. This is generally the preferred approach, anyways, if it's not for public consumption as if it's public at all, there's always some potential for breach, whether authentication is required or not.
The one downside to this approach, though, is that you cannot utilize then for any external communication - things like AJAX or in your scenario a mobile application. As a result, if you need to be able to access it via mobile apps, you cannot implement it this way, which then means you must implement an authentication layer to protect it. There is no other alternative.
You can also do a kind of hybrid approach, as well. If there's certain API endpoints that should never be accessed publicly, you can split your API app up into external and internal portions and then keep the internal stuff internal, only exposing the APIs that are absolutely necessary for mobile app functionality. Again, though, for anything that is public, you'll need to implement an authentication layer or it will be wide open.
That said, the authentication doesn't have to be end-user authentication. You just need to authorize your mobile application as a client. Typically, you'd do that via client secret auth, where the application is given a client id and a secret. The client submits that to an auth endpoint and gets back a token. That token is then passed in the Authorization header for requests that require it. All that remains seamless to your end-user, requiring no actual physical login on their part.

Allowing Developer Access tokens for an api secured with Auth0

I have used Auth0 for a while with success, I recently came across a new challenge: allowing external developers to access my API with credentials provided by my web app.
The current system comprises of:
a Web App (not a SPA currently) with Auth0 log in
a back end API with Auth0 api authentication
Currently there is a single client in Auth0. The user logs in on the website and when they call the API via the website the token is passed along in the headers.
My question is: what is the best way to allow developers to request direct access to the api, in a self service manner on my website?
I see two paths forward, either create a client for each developer application via the Auth0 management API (github style), or request a token on behalf of the developer with a VERY long lifespan (like AppVeyor).
I'm assuming that your API provides functionality and/or resources that are associated or owned by an end-user, and you want to allow other application to also access this data on behalf of each end-user. If this isn't the case, and you API is general-purpose and does not require the notion of an end-user identity then other approaches like API keys could also meet your requirements.
Considering the end-user delegation scenario, the approach I would recommend would be going with the creation of separate client applications within Auth0. Like you said, you could automate this process through the Management API so that this process could be handled in a self-service way. Despite being self-service, the application that enabled the registration could still apply constraints in order to make sure only eligible developers could obtain the necessary information to then obtain access tokens to access the API.
This has the benefit that if you wanted to stop an existing developer from using your API you could just remove the associated client application and they wouldn't be allowed to request access tokens anymore and the ones they already had would be short lived and soon expire. This requirement is more complex to implement when using long-lived tokens because they would need to be revoked/blacklisted.
A final note, if these applications don't require to act on behalf an end-user when calling your API and you would prefer to still accept access tokens instead of using a different approach like API keys, then you can consider registering client applications meant to use the client credentials grant.

Can't modify user private data with Client Credential Flow by Spotify Web API

Is there any method to modify i.e. playlist by Web API by with console based application in Client Credential Flow ?
Propably not, but maybe I am wrong ? I want to modify only my user's data.
Here I created issue at API specification
One of the benefits with the Client Credentials oAuth 2.0 flow is that applications can make authenticated requests to a web service without a need to involve an end user. Since a user isn't involved, the requests that can be made from the application is limited. For example, using Spotify's API, you can still make requests to retrieve track metadata, playlist contents, and search for albums. Any endpoint that requires a scope can't be used since it requires user interaction.
So using Client Credentials simply doesn't make sense if you're interested in making requests on behalf of a user, or if you want to access private data since the user needs to give you permission first.
You need to use Implicit Grant or Authentication Code Flow for this. I advise that you read further about the supported oAuth 2.0 flows in the Authorization Guide. One of the benefits of using the Authorization Code flow is that you'll also retrieve a new refresh token, which you can use to retrieve access tokens indefinitely. It however requires you to write a web service that accepts an authorization code and exchanges it for the tokens. The Implicit Grant flow doesn't return a refresh token, so it's only possible to use for one hour until the access token has expired.

Mobile app with api authorisation access

I'm creating a mobile app for customers that need to access an api that I use.
The api requires authentication and the app needs to call the api to receive some data that is specific to each individual customer(mobile app).
I just want to make sure that the right way to do this is for the mobile app to send the query to my server which will then make the authenticated api call and return the response to the mobile client?
or is it possible to have the mobile make the api calls directly, presumably using the same authorisation key?
This is primarily an opinion-based question, however I'll give it a go:
[paraphrased] Can my server act as an API proxy to make authenticated calls to another API on behalf of my unauthenticated users?
This is a common occurrence in the API world, but some things you need to consider:
It's an extra layer in between the user and the service, which adds time to the data transport. Make sure you build your proxy to be scalable or use a 3rd party service that can manage that on your behalf. Either way, don't forget to factor in cost.
Usually service providers require authentication for a reason. Are you violating any license agreements by opening up their API like this?
Is the authentication per-application, or per-user? If it's per-user (e.g. each user logs in and retrieves a unique access_token) then you're going to be making calls to the back-end API as a user instead of an application.
Is the destination API rate-limited? Instagram's API, for example, only allows 5000 requests per hour. If you have 10,000 users that use it once per hour, you'll have already hit that limit.
Are there security concerns opening up the destination API like this? Is there sensitive information that you need to protect? If so, opening it up like you do are you creating security holes?
Is it possible to have the mobile make API calls directly to the target API, presumably using the same authorization key?
Absolutely this is possible - provided that you follow the authentication flow established by the target API. You'll want to consider the same list of concerns listed above though, in addition to:
If you're using an auth flow like OAuth2, the standard dictates that each user should authenticate as themselves and make API calls using a unique access_token. Does your target API provider offer this service? If so, that's the way to go, that way if an access_token is compromised, only that user's data/account/etc. is at risk.
If you're using app-level authentication (e.g. your app's client_id and client_secret) directly in your mobile app, be warned that it can be obtained and compromised with little effort, and thus an attacker could gain access to the entire target API this way.