Sonos Music API service reporting and manifest file - sonos

We've built a SMAPI implementation that is serving up audiobooks. We're able to browse books and play them, but we're running into problems getting reporting to work correctly. We saw that the reporting endpoints for SMAPI have been deprecated, so we're attempting to follow the directions from the "Add reporting" page.
We added a reporting path at https://<our_service>/v1/reporting and added endpoints for requests to /context and /timePlayed off of that base path. We're able to hit them directly ourselves, so they're running.
We also created and hosted a manifest file at https://<our_service>/v1/files/manifest.json, which we're also able to hit directly and get the JSON file.
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"endpoints": [
"type": "reporting",
"uri": "https://<our_service>/v1/reporting"
"strings": {
"uri": "https://<our_service>/v1/files/strings.xml",
"version": 1
After that we added our service for testing using the customsd page. We're still able to navigate the menus and play audiobooks, but Sonos appears to be sending the deprecated reporting requests to our SOAP service instead of the new reporting endpoints.
We found this question where someone appeared to be using a SMAPI implementation along with the new endpoints, but we haven't been able to figure out what we're doing differently that's causing the problem. Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated.

It looks like you have unsupported version numbers for the reporting endpoint and the Manifest Uri. v1 is not supported. Acceptable version numbers are v1.0, v2.0 or later. For reference, see:
The example under Add a manifest file with an endpoint in Add reporting.
POST /timePlayed for a list of features for each version.
Cloud queue base URL and API version in Play audio (cloud queue) for details about the URL and API version format.
Updated with more details:
The endpoint doesn’t have to have report at the end, it can be called anything.
The order doesn’t matter. Both /v2.1/reporting and /stuff/report/v2.3 are valid.
The reporting endpoint doesn’t have to be HTTPS, it can be insecure HTTP.
The manifest URL cannot be insecure, it must use HTTPS.


Atlassian Connect - Set entity properties in Jira/Cloud

I develop an AC/SpringBoot Jira plugin which needs to store properties in the host application. Atlassian provides Hosted Data Storage which I like to use.
I ran a test via Firefox RESTClient to play around with this feature.
When issuing a GET request to this URL:<MY-PLUGIN-KEY>
while being logged in to my Jira/Cloud instance on another tab everything is fine: I get back information about my plugin, including the key.
However, when issuing a PUT request to set a variable (like described in the documentation mentioned above) using this URL:<MY-PLUGIN-KEY>/properties/testProperty
and this request body:
as well as the required header:
Content-Type: application/json
I get back this response:
"status-code": 404,
"message": "Add-on with key does not exist."
This is a bit irritating, since the first REST call did find my plugin while the second to the sub-resource did not.
A similar question was already asked on the 'Atlassian Community' site, but no solution was found until today.
Maybe it's just a wrong error message or something similar. Does anybody here have experience with the 'Hosted Data Storage' feature and can help?

API connect published api in developer portal can't work
Follow previous link to do create loopback project named ibmsvt and do test locally, we can post and get.
then publish this api as running api app on bluemix and we will get api target url and tls file.
type url and tls in api designer invoke, and publish api product again.
check api connect service and we can find that published api product has been published, configure developer portal, and invite developers
login developer portal and register one app
subscribe app to api product and run post command.
We will see that we only get can't post error information...
Please see attachment info for error info and api file.
From the screen capture provided, it looks like you're displaying the logs for the loopback application deployed on bluemix. It also looks like the POST request from APIConnect hit the Bluemix application as well. However, I'm unable to see the exact message of the error. What error did you get when you execute the POST from APIConnect? I suspect the POST did not include the $(request.path), what did you change the invoke url to be ? Can provide the x-ibm-configuration section in your yaml file? It will be located in your /definitions.
Thanks and best regards,
I am just have the exact problem, and struggled for days on redoing the tutorial several times, but still met with the same problem until found the upper reply, and gave me a hint.
In the tutorial, it says like the following:
Update the following fields with the values you copied previously:
Invoke URL: Insert the API target URL. You must specify the secure protocol HTTPS. For example:
TLS Profile: Insert the API invoke tls-profile.
For example:
The origininal URL is $(runtime-url)$(request.path)$(
And the correct URL after updating is like following:$(request.path)
no slash before $(request.path), and $( should be deleted.
I also checked a tutorial video, it also do like this, but the screen for this step is passed away very quickly, you will not pay attention to this detail normally.

Possible proxy issue with WSO2 API Manager

Whenever I try to add the following endpoint, "", during the Managed API setup process and press the Test button I get an error on the server. ERROR - APIProviderHostObject Error occurred while connecting to backend : "stackOverflow preventing me from showing this link", reason: Connect to timed out
When I try this exact same process on a machine outside of our proxy it works fine. I have gone into the axis2.xml file and added proxy information and even went as far as installing cntlm and setting the proxy to localhost - same error.
I can browse to the above link just fine on this machine.
My environment is Windows 10.
I assume you talk about clicking the Test button when providing Backend Endpoint in API publisher.
The way that Test button works at the moment (as far as I understand) is that it invokes HTTP HEAD method on the endpoint provided (because according to RFC 2616, "This method is often used for testing hypertext links for validity, accessibility, and recent modification.")
Then it checks response. If response is valid or 405 (method not allowed), then the URL is marked as Valid.
Thus sometimes, if backend is not properly following RFC, you might get otherwise working URLs declared as Invalid during the test because of that improper HEAD response evaluation. Obviously, this is just a check for your convenience and you can ignore the check if you know the endpoint works for the methods and resources you need it to work.
So my advice would be to try ignoring the Test and just finishing setting up and publishing the API.
P.S. I am checking it on WSO2 API Cloud but behavior is identical to downloadable API Manager.

SOAP API: SiteTraversal WSDL return 404

I'm trying to retrieve all the available sites from the Yodlee API.
As I did for User Registration or Cobrand Login, I tried to obtain the list of available method on the WSDL endPoint.
Basically, I pass this to my yodlee url + / services url :
But all I receive is a 404.
Wasabi::Resolver::HTTPError: Error: 404
Does anyone has an idea?
Yodlee Service URL 404s generally happen because the the URL in fact is incorrect.
This can happen because of several reasons.
Either the URL is invalid
The Version was not specified in the Service Url (and the functionality you requested is not available in the fail-over API version).
To check if your URL is valid/invalid you need to enable tracing so you can see the exact request url that went out.
If you're on Windows you may find Fiddler to be very useful for this. (You will need to enable the requirements for sniffing/decrypting SSL Traffic). For other platforms the SDK Guide has some other alternatives.
Once you've ensured that the URL is valid the next step is making sure you're specifying the version.
Newer API functionality is not available in older API Versions. You specify the Version in your Service Url URL which determines the functionality that is available to you. Yodlee versions are appended to the Service Page Url in the form of _Major_Minor (12.0 and 11.1) would be _12_0 or _11_1
new EndpointAddress(BaseServiceUrl + Name_TransactionDataService + ServiceVersionPrefix)
BaseServiceUrl is your base Yodlee url (provided by your rep or Yodlee Dev Center)
Name_TransactionDataServices is say "TransactionDataService"
and VersionPrefix would be your version/sub version in the format of "_12_0" or "_11_1" (12.0 or 11.1).
So your url should look/resemble the following:
(I do not append the ?WSDL to the url).
If you want to test the connectivity to the Yodlee service, do the following --
Invoke -- https://yodleedomain:port/yodsoap/services/listservices

Error code 403 in Google+ api

I got "error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg",
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.",
"extendedHelp": ""
"code": 403,
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
When i try to fetch User Profile in Google+ api by URL String.If anyone have any suggestion then please tell me as soon as possible.Thanks in advance for your time.
That message implies that you haven't set up a Google APIs console project.
Create a Google APIs Console project
On the Services pane, enable all of the APIs that your project requires.
On the API Access pane, click Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID. A dialog opens. Fill in your project's information. Click Next
Choose the appropriate application type. Based on the tags you used for this post, I am guessing this is an iOS project so select Installed application.
Enter your bundle ID. You don't need to enter an App Store ID until your app is listed there.
Click Create Client ID.
You will see the client ID and client secret values. You will use these values to enable communication with your project and the Google APIs.
If you aren't already using it, see the Google+ iOS SDK and documentation for a full walk through. The task called "write moments" is similar in implementation and demonstrates how to connect to and use the Google+ REST APIs from within an iOS project that uses the SDK.
You'll need to specify the scope of to get the profile information.
I got the same error and after much hunting I found that, in my case, the Authorization header with the access token was not set. Set Authorization: "Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" in the header of the request of EVERY Google API call.
I just want to add a little information here in the rare case that someone runs into this problem.
I have an organization (ORG). I created a second channel (SC) with some playlists, that referenced videos from ORG.
I made the mistake of assuming that because ORG owned SC, that I could use the same oauth credentials from ORG to access both. I was wrong.
I switched credentials and was confused when I could access the playlists but not the videos. Again, I needed credentials for each one separately to access the resources on the respective channel.
Lame, but that was how it was.
BrettJ's answer will cover most of the bases. However, you will also get this error - even when your credentials are properly authenticated - when the scope is not properly set up. I would check the scope setting in your OAuth dance. Make sure your user is permitted to do the thing your code is trying to help them do.
On top of what BrettJ has mentioned, it is important to send the authorization header for the request done to fetch UserProfile in google+ API.
For example, Add the following header
key: Authorization
value: Bearer ya29.Ci-cA_CywoVdVG#######
For what it's worth, I also got this error when using rclone to sync files and my firewall wasn't configured to allow that traffic.