Intellij shortuct to create a line between two lines? - intellij-idea

Say I have two lines
line 39: foo
line 40: bar
My cursor is one line 39, and I want to write some stuff right below, moving the content of line 40 to line 41, like so:
line 39: foo
line 40: <cursor...>
line 41 bar
So: Given that I'm initially on line 39, how do I move my cursor down to line 40, shifting everything on line 40 and beyond to one line below?
The manual way is to drag my cursor all the way the end of line 30, hit enter. But if line 30 is a big line, it takes time to do this.

There are numerous ways to achieve this (from obvious End then Enter combo to IdeaVim's o), but the Intellij's way to do it would be Shift + Enter hotkey.
The shortcut is called Start New Line in Editor's Action keymap and can be changed to your preference.

Please use Shift+Enter .


How do I set the line length vertical line on the right in IntelliJ?

In the IntelliJ, I set the line length vertical line on the right.
But, for some reason, the vertical line is on the 90, even though I set the word wrap at 120.
How do I change the vertical line to be on 120?

how to check MS Word paragraph line spacing using vba script

how to check MS Word paragraph line spacing using vba script.
here is code where line spacing are change in paragraph(1).
we add paragraph(1) line space 2.
now how can we get it if we give same paragraph(1) and its gives us 2.
To check line spacing: Selection.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing
Te increase line spacing Selection.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = .LineSpacing + 1
Te decrease line spacing Selection.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = .LineSpacing - 1
Record a macro where you change the line setting and then look at the result you get.
If there is any keyword you don't understand put the cursor on it and press F1, this will bring up the MS Help page for that keyword.
To record a macro you need to have the Developer Tab enabled.

PhpStorm shortcut for line breaks

Is there a shortcut in PhpStorm for making line breaks?
For example in my previous IDE (Zend studio 5.5) when i'm writing a line and press ctrl+Enter it adds line break tag to the end of the current line and starts new line.
## At the end of first line i use shortcut to add line break at the end and start new line
This is first line <br />
This is new line

TextMate: how to highlight the entire line to copy and paste?

I find the control+a and control+e hard to press, and for some reason control+shift+e doesn't seem to highlight the entire line.
I want to copy the line into my clipboard. How do I do this?
To highlight a line in TextMate, Shift+Command+L is what you want.
Command-LeftArrow Shift-DownArrow is one way
Triple-click, then hit ⌘+C to copy.
cmd-leftArrow # to get cursor to beginning of line
shift-cmd-rightArrow # to highlight entire line
cmd-c # copy the line to clipboard
If you want to duplicate a line you can use this shortcut:
Cmd + left arrow to go at the beginning of the line
Ctrl + Shift + D to duplicate the entire line below the one you want to duplicate
Duplicate Line / Selection (⌃⇧D) — this will duplicate the current line, leaving the caret in the same column on the new line, or if there is a selection, duplicate that.
Source: textMate official website
Selecting a word, or whatever, and apply this shortcut will duplicate next to the original one. Not below.
If you want to move your new duplicated line or whatever:
Ctrl + Cmd + arrow up will move up
Ctrl + Cmd + arrow down will move down
Happy coding 🖖

Line breaks in WMD editor

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle line breaks with a WMD editor?
When a user hits enter in the textarea I want it to equate to a line break in the html.
A single empty line will move your text to a new line. Is this what you mean?