Track clicks on a button based on preceding button clicks - dynamic

I need to track clicks on a button at the end of a sequence of selections. As shown in the image, there are five different business plans (circled in red), and each plan can be for three different years (highlighted in blue). The user will checkbox a business plan type (e.g., market trend) and click a year (e.g., 2017), then click the PDF button (highlighted in black) to download that particular plan (market trend for 2017 in this case).
So instead of counting the total clicks of PDF downloads, the task is to count how many times a particular plan is downloaded based on the plan type and year.
The PDF button, the checkbox for each plan type, and the click button for each year all can be tracked individually. They are also all on the same URL.
GTM and GA are used for tracking. Can anyone share some thoughts of how to achieve this type of tracking?

If you are using google tag manager you can use dataLayer.push() to push to an array which can be used to differentiate the clicks based on the interaction.
Approach is described here
Google Analytics custom dimensions
In your particular case you could have the dataLayer configured to add the different key / values for the different report components and then the trigger will be configured to fire when the download button is clicked.
For example on each of the check boxes you could have:
<input type="checkbox" onclick="dataLayer.push({'plan_component': 'Market Trends'});">
You'd probably better having an array to store this info.
The resultant data can be viewed or aggregated via a custom report download. Described here.
Custom Dimensions and Metrics
It can be a bit tricky to understand and you'll need to change the site so that the dataLayer gets populated with the requisite data but this is the way to go. Best of luck.


Linking radio buttons to select groups of schedules in Anylogic

I am trying to link a radio button which allows the model user to select an operating scenario for the simulation (scenario A-E), and I need this radio button selection to provide conditional control to specify which rate schedule is to be applied by each source block.
i.e. if Operating Scenario A radio button is selected, Source 'WestboundArrival' uses arrival schedule A1, Source 'EastboundArrival' uses arrival schedule A2 etc
I am struggling to find a previous example of how to tackle this.
I think that an approach whereby the radio button selection outputs a variable using the 'Action' tab, and using this variable output to select the rateschedule used by the source. I am having difficultly in creating a link.
Any pointers would be welcomed.
You can just add a parameter "choice" and link this to the radiobutton (make sure its an int).
Then in your sourceblock you can add code like this:
If you now run your model, the rate schedule used by source will be selected based on your radiobutton selection. You can also change it during runtime.
And please be aware that the radiobutton index is zero based, so the button defined first is 0, next one is 1 etc.
Good luck!

How to change widget data source dynamically, with click action on another widget

I have a line chart and 3 simple card widgets on the same page/state of a dashboard.
Each card shows a different telemetry reading (but all readings are from the same asset, they are not different devices because they all come from the same box with multiple sensors).
I would like the chart to change the data source depending on the card I click on (like when you navigate to a different state)
I know that actions/states work with entities, but I don't know if they work with readings.
Also, I would like to have all this on the same page, instead of navigating to a different page, that is what usually happens when you navigate to a different state.
Is this possible?

Generating dynamic displayed annotations in Tableau dashboard

Given the impressive flexibility of the platform, I feel certain there is a way to accomplish this but I'm having trouble putting it together. I have a dashboard in Tableau that is comprised of two data visualizations. On one sheet I have a bar graph of sales by category that is filtered by Month/Year of sale, pretty straight forward. On the other sheet I have a simple line graph of totals sales over time. This gives the user context for the sales per month they see represented in the bar graph.
What I would like to achieve is this: When a user changes the Month-Year filter for the bar graph, I would like an annotation to show up on the line graph that highlights that month in the overall sales data along with some summary stats (total sales, average order price, etc.). I have been reviewing the following dynamic annotations concept but I don't think it will get me where I want to go. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
There are three things you need to learn how to use in Tableau: Tooltips, Annotations and Worksheet actions.
Most data can be added to a tooltip and formatted however you want. Tooltips will appear dynamically when you hover over parts of the dataviz. If you want permanent labels then you can use Annotations (which can be attached to a data point or area and can contain dynamic data).
Worksheet Actions allow events on one sheet to trigger changes in what is shown on another. For example, a selection of worksheet A can Highlight an area on worksheet B, which is what you want.
The best way to learn how to use these is to follow the online documentation and help. But the first step is knowing what to look for. Search for Tooltips, Annotations and Actions in the online help.
As an alternative look for examples using these tools on Tableau Public. Here is a link to a dashboard that uses Actions and Dynamic Tooltips to explore the popularity of UK childrens' names:
Feel free to download and explore how actions and tooltips are used.

Input Controls In WebI

I need to have multiple selection in my report filters. Is it possible?
I used list box multiple selection from Input Controls for the same purpose. But the User needs to search for the input control to open and select as it does not open by default. Can we make input control to be seen in our Reports all the time when a user opens the Report?
If yes, How?
As far as I know, you can't force a document to open with the Input Control pane visible. If I'm not mistaken, whether the left pane is visible or collapsed and which tab is showing, is either document or user related, but you can't set it as a document property.
The state of the left pane (visibility and selection) is saved in the user profile. You can see the value by looking at the property SI_DATA.INTERACTIVE_EDITING_VIEWER_USR_PROFILE.CDZ_VIEW_leftPaneSel. Use the Query Builder (http(s)://<application server>:<port>/AdminTools) and run the query below to retrieve the value (in this case for the user Administrator).
select si_data
from ci_systemobjects
where si_name = 'Administrator'
and si_kind = 'User'
The only way you could manipulate the value is through the BusinessObjects Enterprise SDK. But remember that - due to being part of the user profile - changing this impacts all documents the user opens. Moreover, as soon as the user either hides the left pane or selects a different tab, the value will be overwritten. There is no way you could prevent this from happening (at least not to my knowledge).
One possible alternative, is to limit the user interface for that specific user / user group. In BI 4 (I'm not exactly sure from which version on this feature is available), you can turn off certain aspects of the Web Intelligence user interface.
Doing so, you could make the Input Control tab the only one available in the left pane. Granted, it's not what you're aiming for, and it's an application setting, so the impact is on user(group) level, not on document, but it might be an alternative, depending on the circumstances.
You can customise the Web Intelligence interface by right-clicking a user group in the CMC and selecting Customization from the context menu.

Get Geolocations from SQL database to be used in Bing Maps

Basically I have a set of geolocations and other information corresponding to each point in a table in a SQL database. I have a Bing Maps website with checkboxes to set different filters for which geolocation pins should be displayed. I'm basically wondering how I can most efficiently query the database and update pins on a map, based on given checkboxes.
Alternatively, as requerying may be expensive as the table size increases, how could I load the entire database and only display certain pins based on the selected checkbox filters?
When researching this I found answers regarding GeoRSS files, but those solutions are specific to points that are all loading at once and that will continue to stay in view. It doesn't seem like filters can be applied in this process (without further requerying).
EDIT: When I say 'filters' I'm basically talking about narrowing down the currently displayed pins by things like the date the geolocation was recorded, and various other things that will use checkboxes. Let's say I have a list of restaurants and they each have their ID, geolocation, date added (to the database), and a foreign key for their type of food. I'd like to be able to select through the available food-types to limit results to Italian and Mexican restaurants but still provide the functionality of showing Chinese restaurants with the click of a button.
And to make it easy, I'll initially take all database entries in.
You could use an SSRS Report with a Map Control to display the info on a Bing Map. That way you can use an expression in the "hidden" property of the marker to determine whether or not to show the pushpin and map your checkboxes to parameters.
See for using a map control.
If SharePoint is an option you can have a completely interactive experience with PowerView.
Here is an introduction