I am implementing a video recording for my web application using OpenTok's js library.
Currently using .NET and JavaScript SDK to record the video.
The video recording is working on Chrome and Firefox, but it is not working on Mobile Safari 12.3.1, resulting in so many errors.
It works sometimes, but most of the time, it results in an error.
Everything was working fine but After updating Agora to 3.1.2., once remote user joined the video call, After a few seconds, Video call disconnected and getting this error in the log
Version info.
"ngx-agora": "2.0.1",
"agora-rtc-sdk": "3.1.2",
Angular 10.0.8
It is a known issue by the developer and the team is working on fixing it and is an open bug on the Agora IO Community Repo here.
In the words of the developer:
How to reproduce
If you create and publish your microphone audio track without any user interaction, the remote user may not hear you. In this case, the console will print some logs like SEND_AUDIO_BITRATE_TO_LOW and AUDIO_INPUT_LEVEL_TOO_LOW.
And once you interact with the webpage, the remote user will hear you.
Root cause
Agora Web SDK NG uses the AudioContext API to do some audio pre-processing by default. However, the AudioContext is restricted by the browser's autoplay policy. If user has not interacted with your webpage, the AudioContext will not run. So there is no audio data produced from the SDK's pre-processing module in this case.
How to avoid
We will fix this issue in v4.0.2, and it will be released next month.
For now, we recommend that you should ensure that the user has interacted with the webpage before the audio track is published. For example, the user is required to click the accpet or confirm button to start a call.
I am trying to make an online examination portal. When students start the exam, their webcam will start automatically and record the stream live and store in the server. Invigilators will either watch the students live or they can watch the saved live streams later.
I researched about this and found WebRTC as a possible solution along with a gateway server like Kurento. But later found out that WebRTC is not supported in Safari, which is a setback! My application should run successfully in web portal in any modern browsers which includes safari and also in android or iphone.
So can anyone suggest a possible solution to my problem? Which technology should I use that can support all browsers and OS?
Also, it would be helpful if you can provide links to good documentation or tutorials.
Note from the future (2020): This answer really isn't accurate anymore.
WebRTC is one problem... capture from the camera with getUserMedia is another. Safari doesn't support either.
There is no video capture API in Safari currently. The only thing you can do is make a native app for iOS.
Worse yet, because of Apple's restrictive policies, alternative browsers, such as Chrome, are crippled on iOS as they aren't allowed to use their own browser engines.
Use standards based technologies like getUserMedia and WebRTC for your primary web-based application. If you decide that the economics of your situation enable it, you can make an iOS app to work alongside until Apple decides to participate in modern browser standards like everyone else.
You can use Mediadevices.getUserMedia (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaDevices/getUserMedia) to capture webcam stream on browser (chrome and firefox).
To play with webcam stream on safari, you would have to use a pollyfill - https://github.com/Temasys/AdapterJS
To record the video/audio stream, you can make use of Media recorder api https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaRecorder (Note : recording stream is still a challenge in Safari as there is no support/pollyfill. However, it works perfectly on Chrome and Firefox latest versions).
Helpful demonstrations :
Is there any solution to run Web Record RTC on safari and ios,androind browser?
I have implemented fully code for video recording in php but it could not work in safari & ios,android browser.
Do Anyone have idea that how to enable usermedia in safari & ios, androind browser.
Safari on the Mac and iOS does not support webRTC. In the browser or webview, webRTC is not supported, which means that getUserMedia is not available, which means that you can't stream video to your web RecordRTC.
If you want to do webRTC, you will have to write native code, or there is a cordova plugin for ios at https://github.com/eface2face/cordova-plugin-iosrtc - this is on the bleeding edge right now, so be ready for some frustration
It is supported on android. The native android browser may or may not work, depending on what your device is. Install chrome and it will work. If you are doing Android webapps, you should use the crosswalk plugin, as it basically provides chrome instead of webview, and then you know that webRTC support is there.
I'm currently trying to set up a connection between my web client and my iOS app, but for some reason my iOS client only sees a black box when using Chrome (version 33). I can see the video just fine if I use Firefox (both in my app and when I put the browsers side-by-side, they can see each other).
This doesn't appear to be a documented known issue with the JavaScript SDK, and I can't see any recent discussion about this on the forums (last post was mine).
The iOS sample can be located here (samples/OpenTokHelloWorld) with the browser page in samples/OpenTokHelloWorld/browser_demo.html
I suggest cd'ing into samples/OpenTokHelloWorld and running python -m SimpleHTTPServer, as it can't be run from a file:/// path.
Here is what my iPad sees:
And Chrome/Firefox (respectively), both publishing video from the same camera
Edit: after testing on other machines, it may be something specific to my environment even though none of my extensions run in Incognito and I don't have any custom plugins installed.
It looks like the OpenTok mobile SDKs with the specific webcam I was using has issues. On Android the video stream will display for a brief moment then segfault, and on iOS there will be no video at all.
I have tested this many times and could not reproduce what you are seeing in your chrome.
Without seeing any console errors or iOS logs the best suggestion is to try clearing your cache, or maybe restarting your computer (longshot)
Is it possible to upload an image created by the phone using Sencha Touch but without any dependency on PhoneGap? Basically my app will be accessible via the web, and not installed natively on the device. I want to be able to select an image from the phone storage and then be able to upload it to the service. I effectively want the same functionality as you would get with the file upload control on a normal desktop browser.
Is this possible, and if so how?
There is a current solution in its infancy, but it works. I tested it on my Nexus 7 using Chrome. Here is the list of compatibility:
Android (4.0 up) browser support as regular
Google Chrome for desktop and mobile
iOS Safari browser support from version 6.0 (not tested on mobile)
Desktop webbrowser and mobile browser are different in lot many cases. To access file upload option you need to access the OS API which is not possible using javascript only. Phonegap provides us option to connect js with device API. If you can find a way to do this, without using Phonegap, then may be you can fix, or else its not possible.