VueJs won't reload Javascript on browser back button - vue.js

In a login page, I have a Google reCAPTCHA. It works as intended, but if I navigate to another page, and then return via the browser's back button, or by typing the URL in the browser, everything works except said reCAPTCHA. For it to work again, I need to reload the page. I get the same results when using Materialize with Vue. The components won't "reset" when back on the page.
Tried to use keep-alive (even if that sounds wrong), tried various Vue lifecycle hooks (created, beforeMount, mounted), tried to keep the code in a function which I then called in the lifecycle hooks. Nothing seems to work. I searched Google and even here, but maybe I'm using the wrong search terms, as I couldn't find a solution to the problem.
Can someone shed light on the problem? I can try to provide code if needed.

It's hard to give 100% sure answer when there is no reproduction supplied but this is what might work:
Try adding key parameter to router-view:
<router-view :key="$route.path" />
Or even on a component you want to be re-rendered:
<component-with-recaptcha :key="$route.fullPath"></component-with-recaptcha>


How to setup a netlify form in Nuxt

When I navigate to a form using vue-router by adding a link with a <router-link> element, the form does not work. When I hit submit I get a 404 response.
However, if I navigate to it using an <a> tag (triggering a page reload) then it works perfectly.
I suspect that this has to do with the page rendering as a SPA and for some reason not loading an important part of the form for Netlify unless the form page is reloaded? Why is this happening and is there an elegant solution to the problem? I could just replace all links to forms with tags but I'm sure that there is a better solution, I just don't understand the problem well enough to find it.
For context, I am using Nuxt. The forms are recognized by Netlify on the backend and can accept submission with the tag link so that is not the problem.
Since you're using Nuxt, you probably should go SSG/full static with target: 'static' (hostable on Netlify-like platforms) or with target: 'server' (hostable on Heroku-like platforms) but at any point, you should have ssr: true (default value). When you do have this, the biggest part is done.
In Nuxt, you should use <nuxt-link> rather than <router-link>, it works exactly the same (takes the same params etc) but it's more specific to Nuxt and SSR/SSG compatible while <router-link> is not. More details here:
So, with all of this it should already work great. If it's not, I will gladly help you spot the issue if you have a github repo.
An alternative solution can be to use some form without any SSR dependency like Formspree: (works fine with any SPA)
It works great, really simple. But I'd rather invite you to make a proper SSR form since you're using Nuxt.
PS: use <a> tags only for external links aka the ones which do not start with your domain name, nothing else. A follow of this kind of link is like a hard refresh and should be avoided at all costs.
EDIT: how to deploy by cleaning the cache.
EDIT on how to achieve a working form:
<input type="hidden" name="form-name" value="Contact" />
<!-- ... -->
As told in the docs:
[...] inject a hidden input named form-name [...] and the hidden form-name input’s value matches the name attribute of form
Working fine. Could add a honeypot to it to make it even more secure!

Bootstrap tooltip not showing in ASP.Net MVC application

I've got a rather weird scenario going on here. I am trying to add tooltips to an existing ASP.Net MVC application in which I'm upgrading Bootstrap to 4.6.2. The upgrade was very smooth with no complications; I just want to replace the default display of titles with the nicer looking tooltips, but for some reason they're not appearing. I tried to simplify things by creating a new view to isolate the problem, and still no tooltip. I tried again with completely new solution, and wouldn't you know it, it works! So my question isn't "how do I create tooltips", but "how can I debug what's going on in the failing project?"
Here's what I've discovered so far. I believe you can see everything that's relevant in this screenshot of the nearly-empty view. All the included script files are there in the right order, my script is there, initializing the tooltip, and there are no messages in the console. When I hover over the link, a new <div> element is added to the DOM. In DevTools, I use the arrows to expand the tree, showing everything in the tooltip. The .fade:not(.show) CSS selector is the reason I don't see it. In the working solution, the show class is properly added to the tooltip's <div>.
So, could there be some setting in the existing application preventing the addition of the show class? Is something failing in the tooltip code,causing it to never add the show class without reporting errors? How should I continue debugging this? I tried stepping through the bootstap.js file, but being a JS noob, I'm getting a little lost. The screenshot is from Chrome, but I see the same behavior in Firefox.
This turned out to be one of those embarrassing oversights. My BundleConfig.cs file was still pointing to old Javascript files that were still hanging around after the upgrade. I should have seen it in the version numbers in the <script> tags.

How to get rid of Mismatching childNodes vs. VNodes in NuxtJs [duplicate]

I am using Nuxt.js / Vuejs for my app, and I keep facing this error in different places:
The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content.
This is likely caused by incorrect HTML markup, for example nesting block-level elements inside <p>, or missing <tbody>.
Bailing hydration and performing full client-side render.
I would like to understand what is the best way to debug this error? Is their a way I can record/get the virtual DOM tree for client and server so I could compare and find where the error lies?
Mine is a large application and manually verifying is difficult.
Partial answer: with Chrome DevTools, you can localize the issue and see exactly what element caused the issue. Do the following (I did that with Nuxt 5.6.0 and Chrome 64.0.3282.186)
Show DevTools in Chrome (F12)
Load the page that causes "the client-side rendered virtual DOM tree..." warning.
Scroll to the warning in DevTools console.
Click at the source location hyperlink of the warning (in my case it was vue.runtime.esm.js:574).
Set a breakpoint there (left-clicking at line number in the source code browser).
Make the same warning to appear again. I'm not saying it is always possible, but in my case I simply reloaded the page. If there are many warnings, you can check the message by moving a mouse over msg variable.
When you found your message and stopped on a breakpoint, look at the call stack. Click one frame down to call to "patch" to open its source. Hover mouse over hydrate function call 4 lines above the execution line in patch. Hyperlink to the source of hydrate would open.
In the hydrate function, move about 15 lines from the start and set a breakpoint where false is returned after assertNodeMatch returned false. Set the breakpoint there and remove all other breakpoints.
Make the same warning to happen again. Now, when breakpoint is hit, execution should stop in the hydrate function. Switch to DevTools console and evaluate elm and then vnode. Here elm seem to be a server-rendered DOM element while vnode is a virtual DOM node. Elm is printed as HTML so you can figure out where the error happened.
For me this error happened cuz get Array list in AsyncData and rendered <tr> tags by v-for, i put v-for codes in <client-only> blocks and problem solved
This error can be really painfull to debug. In order to quickly get the element causing an issue edit node_modules/vue/dist/vue.esm.js and add the following lines :
// Search for this line:
function hydrate (elm, vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, inVPre) {
var i;
var tag = vnode.tag;
var data =;
var children = vnode.children;
inVPre = inVPre || (data && data.pre);
vnode.elm = elm;
// Add the following lines:
console.log('elm', elm)
console.log('vnode', vnode)
console.log('inVpre', inVPre)
// ...
You will get in the console the failing node.
There are a lot of ways of fixing this issue, but most of them are not actual fixes, just hacky band-aids. To note a few:
wrap it into <client-only> tags, beware of some important details tho
using a v-show instead of a v-if
trying to hack some lifecycles
I highly recommend reading this gorgeous article written by Alexander Lichter
He'll explain you that you should diagnose why this happens and fix the actual issue.
Basically each time something is different from what was generated on the server and what is available when done hydrating on the client will cause this error.
Some of which are:
invalid HTML (having a block element inside of a <p>, same goes for an a tag nested into another, etc...)
3rd party scripts messing around with your components
different state on server vs client
any random is risky (new Date() for example)
any page related to authentication
I highly recommend reading the article to understand in Alexandre's own words how to handle this kind of issue. If you're in a hurry you could always use one band-aid fix but try to actually fix the issue for the best performance and to keep the code clean.
I had the same issue as of nuxt version 2.14.0 while implementing vue-particles package. The fix was to surround the tags with no-ssr and it fixed the issue.
Updated variant of the solution (if Nuxt version is above 2.9.0)
Old solution:
Thanks to budden73's answer, I did a little improvement on the debug process.
Open dev tool
click on the warn message, and click on the first line of the warn message, you will be directed to the Sources panel, with a file name vue.runtime.esm.js?xxxx
ctrl+f to search the above file for assertNodeMatch, not the function, but like:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (!assertNodeMatch(elm, vnode, inVPre)) {
return false
Add a break point at the line return false
Refresh the page, and the breakpoint will be triggered.
At the right side of the Sources panel, Under Scope->Local, click on the elm element, you will be directed back to the Elements panel.
The above element is the client side rendered element, compare with your code to see the difference.
If you can't find the source of the bug, the brutal way to fix it is using nuxt's <client-only> tag.
Another likely brutal way is described here. Add an isHydrate variable which default is false, set to true in mounted hook, and render the element after the variable set to true.
For Nuxt version above 2.10 it doesn't need to install nothing, just use the default component <client-only> as mentioned
Check the previous warning:
In "nuxt": "^2.12.2", You can spot the cause easily from the previous warning.
In my case:
<nuxt-link to="/game42day">
<a>Game For Today</a>
<nuxt-link to="/game42day">
Game For Today
If you're rendering a component conditionally with v-if, then you have two options to solve the problem:
The first one is wrapping the element in <no-ssr></no-ssr> tag.
The second approach is replacing v-if with v-show, here is the link to Vue docs.
Turns out, in my case, I had HTML comment tags , which was causing this stupid, annoying error. Took me too long to figure it out but in case it helps someone.
In my case I had to change this:
<v-expansion-panel-header v-text="name" />
to this:
<v-expansion-panel-header>{{ name }}</v-expansion-panel-header>
I also get many errors due to this problem. I list two cases I often encounter, hope can help you.
With vuetify button, when you create a common component, you should use: <v-btn>{{text}}</v-btn>. Example:
:class="[rounded ? 'rounded-pill' : 'rounded-lg',textColor]"
>{{ text }}</v-btn>
Don't use v-html with <p> tag.
Not use: <p v-html='html'></p>.
Use: <div v-html='html'></div>.
Besides, if you use <client-only></client-only>, this problem is definitely solved, but if you need to SEO page or show google ads, it is not good solution.
Ok this is going to sound silly. I tried a bunch of different solutions for about 15 mins such as restarting the server and deleting the .nuxt directory but I was too lazy to use #budden73's big brain solution. What ended up working for me was simply restarting my computer, give it a shot.
What I have found so far from observation is that when you are using third party packages like jQuery (specially), they sometimes inject html tags into the dom. So Vue/Nuxt looses track of the dom tree and starts complaining.
I was having the same problem and after a while I removed all jQuery and replaced jQuery functionality with Vuejs and those error were all gone.
See here for an example of how to deal with integrations (e.g. Google Analytics or FB Pixel) that modify the DOM. Basically create a plugin and exclude from SSR.
What about:
extend (config, ctx) {
config.resolve.symlinks = false
See this [Vue warn]: The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content ( Nuxt / Vue / lerna monorepo )
Now that you found the code causing the problem, the first thing you should do is to verify that your markup (possibly coming from an API) is valid. Code like <p><p>Text</p></p> is not valid because a p element doesn’t allow other block elements (like a paragraph tag) inside.
Be aware, that tags are not allowed to have block level elements like <div> or <p> as children. These <span> tags are used default tag for Vue’s transitions though. You can change that though via <Transition tag="div">.
Check if have used any block-level element inside the inline element.
for example: inside , inside
If you have used an HTML table make sure you have used the tag
In my case, I changed my codes from
<p v-html="$md.render(post.content)"></p>
<p>{{ $md.render(post.content) }}</p>
In my case this problem was caused by markdownit module, I solved it by changing the html markup used with v-html. I was with <p> at the beginning and I ended with <div>.
I have some <p> in my v-html render (with $md.render()) so take care if you have same problems with different markups.

How do I reload the web app when current route link is clicked again?

Please take a look at the fiddle
I want to reload the app when the same route (for example /foo) which you are currently on is clicked again because I need to reset the page state (yes, the correct way would be, actually, to reset the state, but the application code is a bit tricky thus I need a quick solution).
But I don't want to reload the app when I'm clicking /foo being on route /bar.
The problem is that VueRouter does nothing when the same link is clicked. Global (like beforeEach) and in-component (like beforeRouterEnter/beforeRouteLeave) hooks are not called. #onclick.native event handling doesn't help because when the handler is executed the route is already updated.
I found this...
<router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view>
Seems like they talk a bit about this issue here
Can refresh the page on click..
Try using <a href="your route here"> I've used this and it's working just fine.

nuxt link is updating route, but not changing contents

I am using nuxt version 2.8.1 for my website. Everything works fine, except nuxt-link on some pages.
I have a page, /drinks which is the listing page for drinks and /drinks/{slug} which is the detail page.
I first noticed the problem, in /drinks. None of the nuxt-link was working in that page. It got solved when I removed code that displays
validation error message from the form that is in separate component.
<span class='text-danger small'>{{ errors ? errors.first('name') : '' }}</span>
So, everything works on this page now. But, the detail page still has this problem. There is no components using validation in this page. No erros or warnings, in nuxt console, or browser console. Links just doesn't work. It updates the url, but, contents are not changed at all.
changing nuxt link to anchor tags works.
Another thing is, if I click any drinks in listing page to go to detail page, it works fine. Every link works. But, if I reload that page, or go to that detail page directly with URL, then nuxt link doesn't work.
I don't know, what is the problem exactly. How can, using vee validation in one component affect nuxt link in other components? And why is it not working?
Found the culprit finally. In case, anyone face similiar issue in future.
Vee Validate didn't support ssr, thus, it caused the problem with nuxt-link.
I am using another plugin Vue Carousel which doesn't support SSR as well.
So, wrapping carousel with solved the issue.
And, another weird thing, using v-html with p tag also affected nuxt-link.
So, I removed all p tags with v-html, used no-ssr for components that does not support SSR and the issue is finally gone.
But, I still do not understand why nuxt link is affected and why there are no error messages.