How to add npm module without changing old dependencies in package-lock.json? - npm

I use npm ci to install npm modules and it install same package versions as in package-lock.json
And now I need to add npm module for starting write unit tests, I use this command: npm i jest
I expect that it should add only jest dependencies, but npm update all out-of-date dependencies of 3-5 level dependencies in package-lock.json
I would like to do something like this npm ci --save-dev jest
How to install npm package without changing old dependencies in package-lock.json?
UPD For example, please clone this repo, after that use npm ci and npm i empty-module, if you look at git diff you'll see a lot of changes of package-lock.json file


What does "npm rebuild" actually do?

I've been struggling with a module that does not build after running npm rebuild (namely, #getinsomnia/node-libcurl), even though it does on npm install without --ignore-scripts.
I workaround that by running npx node-pre-gyp install in the module directory, but I'd like to understand why doesn't this behave as I expect it to do - build the module.
npm docs for npm rebuild say:
This command runs the npm build command on the matched folders.
What does npm build do though? Documentation for it only exists for npm v6 and not any newer releases, I can't run npm build on my npm v8 either ("unknown command"), and even that documentation doesn't say anything to me:
This is the plumbing command called by npm link and npm install.
It should generally be called during installation, but if you need to run it directly, run:
npm build

What is the difference between the following npm install statements?

npm install #uiw/react-monacoeditor --save
npm i #uiw/react-monacoeditor
What is the difference between following npm install statements when to use --save flag?
Currently they will not differ at all. Since NPM 5 packages are automatically saved into package.json dependencies when installed.
npm I is the short version of npm install so that part of the command does not differ at all either.
You can read more about the install command here:
And there is does say “ npm install saves any specified packages into dependencies by default.”

How to manage a non-node module as dependency for Node Project thorugh NPM?

I was using bower in my project for dependency management. But now I wanted to move to node and npm. But the problem is few of my dependencies are not node modules like Smooth-Div-Scroll1 and swiftype-search-jquery2
How to manage all those dependencies in my node project. When I tried doing
"swiftype-search-jquery": "",
"smooth-div-scroll": "",
it is not able to download dependency and throw error
npm ERR! code ENOPACKAGEJSON npm ERR! package.json Non-registry package missing package.json: swiftype-search-jquery#git+ssh:// npm ERR! package.json npm can't find a package.json file in your current directory.
These dependencies don't have package.json in their folder.
I don't think it's possible.
Here is a guide to migrate from bower to npm, it's pretty easy.
Yup, It is not possible with NPM but at the same time, it is possible with Yarn without making any change. Instead of "npm install" we have to use "yarn install" .
Add dependencies with git url which is not present with NPM .

How do I apply changes in package-lock and package json?

I manually changed my dependencies in package-lock.json and package.json files. How do I now apply those changes to my node-modules without updating/touching other dependencies?
Run command
npm i
npm install --save
npm i command will install all your dependencies into your local machine which are available in the file.
PS: It is not recommended approach to directly update package.json file, always install package using command npm i packageName --save or npm i packageName --save --dev. This will install as well as Update your package.json file too.

Abandoned question: Why does 'npm install' remove my packages?

The command is npm install --save file-saver and it returns this:
npm WARN The package enzyme is included as both a dev and production dependency.
npm WARN The package gulp-util is included as both a dev and production dependency.
npm WARN The package react-addons-test-utils is included as both a dev and production dependency.
added 1 package and removed 15 packages in 6.536s
I know two of the packages removed are react-google-recaptcha and react-async-script. Also, I'm not using npm's public registry.