Start "Time Playback" automatically when exporting map? -

I loaded my data into ( and created a visual with a "Time Playback" and exported as static HTML. However, the animation is not running when the HTML is opened in a browser.
Is there a way to enable "autoplay" for the "Time Playback" (so that the user doesn't have to press the play button to start the animation?
E.g. by modifying the HTML file like it is done in ?

Adding the following to the export HTML file worked for me:
const elem = document.getElementsByClassName("playback-control-button");


Multipage application in Mobilefirst

Do i need to insert external html element into parent element only through tag in parent html because i have created a button in parent html and not able to open the external html thorugh the button click??
As already explained to you in the original question, here: Button not working in multi-page application... this fails because you were attempting to .load the contents of an .html file into a HTML button (you were using the ForNext id). This is not possible. You do not load HTML into a button. The fix was to point to the pagePort id which belongs to a DIV. To a DIV you can load/append/replace HTML...

Modify External Browser Element via Vb.Net

Is that anyway to Modify firefox (or other browser) element with Watin/VB.Net after it open?
For example, I have a blank html page, then i open that page with Watin. Because its blank so no element loader. Then i want to add element to that page (form or link or image). Is that possible?
Or is it possible to done with memory editing? or maybe javascript?
so far the closest thing that i can find is this javascript
<button onclick="openTab()">Open</button>
<button onclick="closeTab()">Close</button>
var TAB;
function openTab() {
TAB ="", "TAB");
function closeTab() {
but its work change the elemnt of its own page, if use another URL its not work, and also its not vb. net XD
The following is functional code to modify a web page (any web page) using WatiN. You will be modifying the local copy you have locally, not the one on the server, of course. You can go as crazy as you want but you need to be more specific on what you want to achieve:
var browser = new IE();
browser.Eval(#"document.write('This is new text on the web page<br>')");
browser.Eval(#"var buttonnode= document.createElement('input');");
browser.Eval(#"buttonnode.setAttribute('value','New Button');");

WP8 WebBrowser: inline script works, loaded doesn't

Windows Phone 8 app, WebBrowser control. I load a chunk of HTML via NavigateToString (after setting IsScriptEnabled=true). Some time later (long after it's loaded), I'm invoking some JavaScript on the page with InvokeScript.
When I invoke a JavaScript function that's defined inline inside a <script> element, it works as expected. When I invoke one that's defined in an external JS file, it doesn't, and an exception from HRESULT 0x80020006 ("name not found") is thrown.
The external script file is loaded from my app package. In the HTML string, there's a <base> element which contains a file:// URL to the package's folder (retrieved via Package::Current->InstalledLocation), and the <script> element contains just the file name. There are also styles and images in that folder - they load fine.
The HTML has no DOCTYPE and no xmlns - I know those things can sometimes throw JavaScript off.
The external script file is valid - it came straight from Android where it worked on the respective WebView control. The function I'm trying to invoke is empty anyway, to be on the safe side, JavaScript syntax-wise.
This could in theory be some kind of a cross-domain scripting issue. Technically, the script comes from a file:// URL while the page itself comes from no URL at all. Some piece of system code that makes sure no fishy script is called could've gotten in the way.
Found one workaround: load the external script file into a string on startup, once the HTML is loaded (LoadCompleted fires), feed it to the document using JavaScript eval.
Here is example of how to inject some script dynamically
Browser.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] { FileUtils.ReadFileContent("app/www/js/console.js") });
Where ReadFileContent could be defined as following
Full example
PS. instead of reading script from file you can pass hardcoded string, etc
Are you sure that your script is being loaded? One thing you can do is tuck an alert in there to make sure it is being loaded. My suspicion is that it isn't being loaded.
Any time I have run into this before that has been the case although admittedly I haven't loaded a JS file from Isolated Storage before.

Changing javascript var in processingjs & load different txt file int html depends on the var

This two question is happend in the same html.
I have a .pde file will detect user mouse click, and there are few object in it, if the user click on the first one, I will get '1' as output and so on. And I have create a var in javascript to store the output, but how can I change the var value in processingjs?
How can I load different txt into a div in html depends on the var that return by processing js? When I done part one, and depends on the user click on different object, I want to load different txt in to the div. (e.g if object 2 is clicked, text2.txt will be loaded in div)
1: you don't need a special JavaScript var for this, you can track it in you sketch until you need the result on your page.
2: make your sketch tell javascript what to do when you click - see on how to make a sketch and javascript talk to each other while keeping your code runnable on both the web and in the Processing IDE

QWebPage cannot load full js staff

I am using QWebPage to download some pages, including the js rendered content. But I found that sometimes, there is some js missing. The content which should be replaced by js rendering result remains empty.
I check the document for QWebPage, I guess I got the answer, “Finally, the loadFinished() signal is emitted when the page contents are loaded completely, independent of script execution or page rendering.”
But how can I wait until all script rendering finish.