Teradata Current CPU utilization (Not User level and no History data) - sql

I want to run heavy extraction basically for migration of data from Teradata to some cloud warehouse and would want to check current CPU utilization (in percentage) of overall Teradata CPU and accordingly increase the extraction processes on it.
I know we have this type of information available in "dbc.resusagespma" but it looks like history data and not current, which we can see on Viewpoint.
Can we get such a run time information with the help of SQL in Teradata?

This info is returned by one of the PMPC-API funtions, syslib.MonitorPhysicalSummary, of course, you need Execute Function rights:
SELECT * FROM TABLE (MonitorPhysicalSummary()) AS t


Big Query External table - Query performance degrades with increased number of files in the Source URI

I have an external big query table created to read "Parquet" files from a GCS bucket.
The folder layout in the GCS bucket is as follows:
The layout is organized in such a way that it follows hive partitioning layout as explained the big query documentation. The columns "year" and "model" are seen as partition columns in the external table.
**External Data Configuration**
Source URI(s)- gs://mybucket/root/*
Source format - PARQUET
Hive Partitioning Mode - CUSTOM
Hive Partitioning Source URI Prefix - gs://mybucket/root/{year:INTEGER}/{model:STRING}
Hive Partitioning Column(s)- year, model
Problem: When I run queries on the external table as given below, I have observed that every query runs for an initial 2-3 minutes before the actual run happens. Big Query console shows "Query pending" during this time and as soon as it turns "Query Running" the output gets displayed with minimal slot time consumption (Slot time shows in 1-2 seconds.)
Select * from myTable Where year = 2022 and model = 'abc'
The underlying file count will vary and increases for every year and model. For years with more parquet files the initial time sometimes is around 4-5 minutes.
My understanding as per the documentation is that , if the partition columns are present in the query, some sort of partition pruning happens and I expect the query to be responsive immediately as per the documentation.
But the observations made by me is contrary to this. If the source URIs are restricted to 1 year, the table reads the data from one year, the query initial time (where it remains "Query pending" on console) is reduced to 1-2 minute (or even less)
Source URI(s)- gs://mybucket/root/year=2022/*
Question: Is this the expected behavior ? because as volume of files increase in the GCS bucket, the query takes even longer to run (esp. the initial time, and the actual run time doesn't change much), though in the where clause we have the year and model partition columns applied.
This is likely expected behavior. Before partition pruning can happen objects in GCS need to be listed which is likely where the time is being taken. We are working on improvements in this area. The fact that slot time is so low is a good indicator that pruning is in fact happening (since most files are not being read there isn't a lot of slot time to consume).

Crux dataset Bigquery - Query for Min/Avg/Max LCP, FID and CLS

I have been exploring the Crux dataset in big query for last 10 days to extract data for data studio report. Though I consider myself good at SQL, as I have mostly worked with oracle and SQL server, I am finding it very hard to write queries against this dataset. I started from this article by Rick Viscomi, explored the queries on his github repo but still unable to figure it out.
I am trying to use the materialized table chrome-ux-report.materialized.metrics_summary to get some of the metrics but I am not sure if the Min/Avg/Max lcp (in milliseconds) for a time period (month for example) could be extracted from this table. What other queries could I possibly try which requires less data processing. (Some of the queries that I tried expired my free TB of data processing on big query).
Any suggestion, advise solution, queries are more than welcome since the documentation about the structure of the dataset and queries against it is not very clear.
For details about the fields used on the report you can check on the main documentation for the chrome ux report specially on the last part with data format which shows the dimensions and how its interpreted as show below:
origin "https://example.com"
effective_connection_type.name 4G
form_factor.name "phone"
first_paint.histogram.start 1000
first_paint.histogram.end 1200
first_paint.histogram.density 0.123
For example, the above shows a sample record from the Chrome User Experience Report, which indicates that 12.3% of page loads had a “first paint time” measurement in the range of 1000-1200 milliseconds when loading “http://example.com” on a “phone” device over a ”4G”-like connection. To obtain a cumulative value of users experiencing a first paint time below 1200 milliseconds, you can add up all records whose histogram’s “end” value is less than or equal to 1200.
For the metrics, in the initial link there is a section called methodology where you can get information about the metrics and dimensions of the report. I recommend going to the actual origin source table per country and per site and not the summary as the data you are looking for can be obtained there. In the Bigquery part of the documentation you will find samples of how to query those tables. I find this relatable:
SUM(bin.density) AS density
UNNEST(first_contentful_paint.histogram.bin) AS bin
bin.start < 1000 AND
origin = 'http://example.com'
In the example above we’re adding all of the density values in the FCP histogram for “http://example.com” where the FCP bin’s start value is less than 1000 ms. The result is 0.7537, which indicates that ~75.4% of page loads experience the FCP in under a second.
About query estimation cost, you can see estimating query cost guide on google official bigquery documentation. But using this tables due to its nature consumes a lot of processing so filter it as much as possible.

How to check price of executed queries in BigQuery?

Is there a way to check price for queries I executed on BigQuery?
I know I can see the estimate before running a query (e.g. This query will process 5.2 GB when run.), with information like 1TB ~ $5 but I would actually like to see how much I pay for exact queries I have already run (price per query executed).
You can check billing bytes (vs. processed bytes) in BigQuery UI - both Classic and New going to respectively "Details" and "Job Information"

How to create inhouse funnel analytics?

I want to create in-house funnel analysis infrastructure.
All the user activity feed information would be written to a database / DW of choice and then, when I dynamically define a funnel I want to be able to select the count of sessions for each stage in the funnel.
I can't find an example of creating such a thing anywhere. Some people say I should use Hadoop and MapReduce for this but I couldn't find any examples online.
Your MapReduce is pretty simple:
Mapper reads row of a session in log file, its output is (stag-id, 1)
Set number of Reducers to be equal to the number of stages.
Reducer sums values for each stage. Like in wordcount example (which is a "Hello World" for Hadoop - https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.2.1/mapred_tutorial.html#Example%3A+WordCount+v1.0).
You will have to set up a Hadoop cluster (or use Elastic Map Reduce on Amazon).
To define funnel dynamically you can use DistributedCache feature of Hadoop. To see results you will have to wait for MapReduce to finish (minimum dozens of seconds; or minutes in case of Amazon's Elastic MapReduce; the time depends on the amount of data and the size of your cluster).
Another solution that may give you results faster - use a database: select count(distinct session_id) group by stage from mylogs;
If you have too much data to quickly execute that query (it does a full table scan; HDD transfer rate is about 50-150MB/sec - the math is simple) - then you can use a distributed analytic database that runs over HDFS (distributed file system of Hadoop).
In this case your options are (I list here open-source projects only):
Apache Hive (based on MapReduce of Hadoop, but if you convert your data to Hive's ORC format - you will get results much faster).
Cloudera's Impala - not based on MapReduce, can return your results in seconds. For fastest results convert your data to Parquet format.
Shark/Spark - in-memory distributed database.

SQL Server 2008: I/O Wait Time per Database File

I am running SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition and want to monitor the following performance metrics i.e. via dynamic management views (from within SQL):
Average/Maximum Read/Write I/O Waits in ms per database file
for sliding time window.
That is: 4 numbers per database file: avg read wait, max read wait, avg write wait, max write wait. All in ms, and all for some sane (or even better configurable) sliding time window.
How can I do that?
PS: I have the VIEW SERVER STATE permission and can read sys.dm_os_performance_counters, sys.database_files, sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats etc etc
PS2: At least 1 tool (Quest Spotlight 7 for SQL Server) is able to provide Max I/O Wait in ms per database file. So there has to be some way ..
Below is the query that SSMS's Activie Monitor uses. They label the io_stall field as total wait time. You could add the fs.io_stall_read_ms and fs.io_stall_write_ms fields to get the read/write specific numbers.
d.name AS [Database],
f.physical_name AS [File],
(fs.num_of_bytes_read / 1024.0 / 1024.0) [Total MB Read],
(fs.num_of_bytes_written / 1024.0 / 1024.0) AS [Total MB Written],
(fs.num_of_reads + fs.num_of_writes) AS [Total I/O Count],
fs.io_stall AS [Total I/O Wait Time (ms)],
fs.size_on_disk_bytes / 1024 / 1024 AS [Size (MB)],
FROM sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats(default, default) AS fs
INNER JOIN sys.master_files f ON fs.database_id = f.database_id AND fs.file_id = f.file_id
INNER JOIN sys.databases d ON d.database_id = fs.database_id;
This query only gives you the totals. You'd have to run it at some interval and record the results in a temp table with a time stamp. You could then query this table to get your min/max/avg as needed. The sliding time window would just be a function of how much data you keep in that table and what time period you query.
The problem you are going to have is that SQL doesn't necessarily track the level of detail you are looking to get per file. You are probably going to have to use Performance monitor as well. You will have to use a combination approach looking at both performance monitor for details on I/O on the disk over the course of time. As well as the aforementioned SQL monitoring techniques to see get a more complete complete picture. I hope that helps.
You can use a few scripts to pull the metrics. I have enebled the Data Collection/Data Collection server built in to SQL Server 8. It collects the metrics from multiple instances and stores them in a mssql server you designate as the collector. The reports provided for each instance are adequate for most purposes. I am sure there are 3rd party tools that go beyond the capabilities of the data collector as it just reports on performance/disk usage/and query statistics without performance hints.
This gives you a data file growth projection and growth event summary for both logs and data files, however, I do not know if it will give you the metrics you are looking for per file or filegroup:)
NOTE: If you use the data collection warehouse you should consider rebuilding indexes periodically as the size grows. It collects approx. 20 MB/day of data in my senario.
See the following for collecting per file wait statistics http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187309(v=sql.105).aspx