Optimizing a query that uses index seek based on wrong estimates - sql

I am joining two tables called Zasilka and Kapitola. Each one has a clustered index and Kapitola has also non clustered index with a column with which I am joining.
The query uses index seek because it expects only 1 row to be returned.
The statistics on both tables are updated.
I have tried to disable the index, then it uses merge join but it has to first order about 40000 rows, which takes a lot of resources.
Index column is mostly ordered but there are some cases when not. I just try to think about what would be the best strategy to join these tables and avoid order or seek.
And I do not know why it does not use non clustered index to join using merge.
Exectuion plan
io statistics seek
io statistics merge

You are misreading the information in the showplan, I believe. The estimate is per execution of the subtree. It estimates it will return 1 row per subtree execution and that it will execute the subtree 71,000 times. (It doesn't estimate less than one). Due to the containment assumption, it believes it will find a row when seeking (assumption of the optimizer based on usual customer behavior). In actuality, you get 46,000 rows or so back. So, the optimizer is working as expected in this case.
In the future, please post the query text, schema, and whole plan shape. It is very hard to do more than guess when you take a screenshot with most of the plan shape covered up.


Are SQL Execution Plans based on Schema or Data or both?

I hope this question is not too obvious...I have already found lots of good information on interpreting execution plans but there is one question I haven't found the answer to.
Is the plan (and more specifically the relative CPU cost) based on the schema only, or also the actual data currently in the database?
I am try to do some analysis of where indexes are needed in my product's database, but am working with my own test system which does not have close to the amount of data a product in the field would have. I am seeing some odd things like the estimated CPU cost actually going slightly UP after adding an index, and am wondering if this is because my data set is so small.
I am using SQL Server 2005 and Management Studio to do the plans
It will be based on both Schema and Data. The Schema tells it what indexes are available, the Data tells it which is better.
The answer can change in small degrees depending on the DBMS you are using (you have not stated), but they all maintain statistics against indexes to know whether an index will help. If an index breaks 1000 rows into 900 distinct values, it is a good index to use. If an index only results in 3 different values for 1000 rows, it is not really selective so it is not very useful.
SQL Server is 100% cost-based optimizer. Other RDBMS optimizers are usually a mix of cost-based and rules-based, but SQL Server, for better or worse, is entirely cost driven. A rules based optimizer would be one that can say, for example, the order of the tables in the FROM clause determines the driving table in a join. There are no such rules in SQL Server. See SQL Statement Processing:
The SQL Server query optimizer is a
cost-based optimizer. Each possible
execution plan has an associated cost
in terms of the amount of computing
resources used. The query optimizer
must analyze the possible plans and
choose the one with the lowest
estimated cost. Some complex SELECT
statements have thousands of possible
execution plans. In these cases, the
query optimizer does not analyze all
possible combinations. Instead, it
uses complex algorithms to find an
execution plan that has a cost
reasonably close to the minimum
possible cost.
The SQL Server query optimizer does
not choose only the execution plan
with the lowest resource cost; it
chooses the plan that returns results
to the user with a reasonable cost in
resources and that returns the results
the fastest. For example, processing a
query in parallel typically uses more
resources than processing it serially,
but completes the query faster. The
SQL Server optimizer will use a
parallel execution plan to return
results if the load on the server will
not be adversely affected.
The query optimizer relies on
distribution statistics when it
estimates the resource costs of
different methods for extracting
information from a table or index.
Distribution statistics are kept for
columns and indexes. They indicate the
selectivity of the values in a
particular index or column. For
example, in a table representing cars,
many cars have the same manufacturer,
but each car has a unique vehicle
identification number (VIN). An index
on the VIN is more selective than an
index on the manufacturer. If the
index statistics are not current, the
query optimizer may not make the best
choice for the current state of the
table. For more information about
keeping index statistics current, see
Using Statistics to Improve Query
Both schema and data.
It takes the statistics into account when building a query plan, using them to approximate the number of rows returned by each step in the query (as this can have an effect on the performance of different types of joins, etc).
A good example of this is the fact that it doesn't bother to use indexes on very small tables, as performing a table scan is faster in this situation.
I can't speak for all RDBMS systems, but Postgres specifically uses estimated table sizes as part of its efforts to construct query plans. As an example, if a table has two rows, it may choose a sequential table scan for the portion of the JOIN that uses that table, whereas if it has 10000+ rows, it may choose to use an index or hash scan (if either of those are available.) Incidentally, it used to be possible to trigger poor query plans in Postgres by joining VIEWs instead of actual tables, since there were no estimated sizes for VIEWs.
Part of how Postgres constructs its query plans depend on tunable parameters in its configuration file. More information on how Postgres constructs its query plans can be found on the Postgres website.
For SQL Server, there are many factors that contribute to the final execution plan. On a basic level, Statistics play a very large role but they are based on the data but not always all of the data. Statistics are also not always up to date. When creating or rebuilding an Index, the statistics should be based on a FULL / 100% sample of the data. However, the sample rate for automatic statistics refreshing is much lower than 100% so it is possible to sample a range that is in fact not representative of much of the data. Estimated number of rows for the operation also plays a role which can be based on the number of rows in the table or the statistics on a filtered operation. So out-of-date (or incomplete) Statistics can lead the optimizer to choose a less-than-optimal plan just as a few rows in a table can cause it to ignore indexes entirely (which can be more efficient).
As mentioned in another answer, the more unique (i.e. Selective) the data is the more useful the index will be. But keep in mind that the only guaranteed column to have statistics is the leading (or "left-most" or "first") column of the Index. SQL Server can, and does, collect statistics for other columns, even some not in any Indexes, but only if AutoCreateStatistics DB option is set (and it is by default).
Also, the existence of Foreign Keys can help the optimizer when those fields are in a query.
But one area not considered in the question is that of the Query itself. A query, slightly changed but still returning the same results, can have a radically different Execution Plan. It is also possible to invalidate the use of an Index by using:
LIKE '%' + field
or wrapping the field in a function, such as:
Now, keep in mind that read operations are (ideally) faster with Indexes but DML operations (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) are slower (taking more CPU and Disk I/O) as the Indexes need to be maintained.
Lastly, the "estimated" CPU, etc. values for cost are not always to be relied upon. A better test is to do:
run query
and focus on "logical reads". If you reduce Logical Reads then you should be improving performance.
You will, in the end, need a set of data that comes somewhat close to what you have in Production in order to performance tune with regards to both Indexes and the Queries themselves.
Oracle specifics:
The stated cost is actually an estimated execution time, but it is given in a somewhat arcane unit of measure that has to do with estimated time for block reads. It's important to realize that the calculated cost doesn't say much about the runtime anyway, unless each and every estimate made by the optimizer was 100% perfect (which is never the case).
The optimizer uses the schema for a lot of things when deciding what transformations/heuristics can be applied to the query. Some examples of schema things that matter a lot when evaluating xplans:
Foreign key constraints (can be used for table elimiation)
Partitioning (exclude entire ranges of data)
Unique constraints (index unique vs range scans for example)
Not null constraints (anti-joins are not available with not in() on nullable columns
Data types (type conversions, specialized date arithmetics)
Materialized views (for rewriting a query against an aggregate)
Dimension Hierarchies (to determine functional dependencies)
Check constraints (the constraint is injected if it lowers cost)
Index types (b-tree(?), bitmap, joined, function based)
Column order in index (a = 1 on {a,b} = range scan, {b,a} = skip scan or FFS)
The core of the estimates comes from using the statistics gathered on actual data (or cooked). Statistics are gathered for tables, columns, indexes, partitions and probably something else too.
The following information is gathered:
Nr of rows in table/partition
Average row/col length (important for costing full scans, hash joins, sorts, temp tables)
Number of nulls in col (is_president = 'Y' is pretty much unique)
Distinct values in col (last_name is not very unique)
Min/max value in col (helps unbounded range conditions like date > x)
...to help estimate the nr of expected rows/bytes returned when filtering data. This information is used to determine what access paths and join mechanisms are available and suitable given the actual values from the SQL query compared to the statistics.
On top of all that, there is also the physical row order which affects how "good" or attractive an index become vs a full table scan. For indexes this is called "clustering factor" and is a measure of how much the row order matches the order of the index entries.

Avoiding full table scan

I have the following query which obtains transactions from the transactions table and transaction detail. Both tables have a big amount of entries, so this query takes a while to return results.
SELECT * FROM transactions t LEFT JOIN transac_detail tidts ON (tidts.id_transac = t.id);
However, I'm more worried because of the fact that Oracle does a full table scan on both tables, according to explain plan, even though t.id and tidts.id_transac have indexes.
Is there any way to optimize this without touching table structure?
I don't think it's true that the SQL neccessarily would be best served with full table scans. This would really be most obviously true where there is a foreign key between the two, but even then there could be exceptions.
I think the key question is this: "what proportion of the rows from each table are expected to be included in the result set?". If the answer is "100% from each" then you have a clear case for full table scans (and a hash join).
However consider the case where tables A and B are joined, with table A containing 5 rows with a foreign key to table B (the parent) containing a million rows. Obviously here you'd look for a full scan of A with a nested loop join to B (the join column on table B would be indexed because it would have to be a primary or unique key).
In the OP's case though it looks like you'd expect 100% rows to be returned from each table. I'd expect to see a full scan of both tables, and a hash join with TRANSACTIONS(probably the smaller table) being accessed first and built into the hash table. This would be the optimum join method, and I'd just be looking out for a situation where TRANSACTIONS is too big for a single-pass hash join. If the join spills to disk then that could be a performance worry and you'd have to look at increasing the memory allocation or equi-partitioning the two tables to reduce the memory requirement.
Since the query as given just returns everything anyway, full table scan may be actually the fastest way of arriving at the final result. Since I/O is so expensive compared to CPU time, it may be more efficient to just pull everything into memory and making the final join there, than to make an index seek in a loop over one table.
To determine whether the query could actually run any faster, you can try the following approaches:
look at query plan on only a subset of the data (for example, a range of id's)
try the query on subsets of varying sizes, see what kind of curve you're plotting here
You don't have a WHERE clause, therefore Oracle is thinking that since it has to return all records from both tables a full table scan will be most efficient.
If you would add a WHERE clause that uses the index, I think you will find that EXPLAIN PLAN will no longer use a full table scan.
Full table scans are not necessarily bad - it appears that you're not limiting the result set in any way and this might be the most efficient way to execute the query. You can always verify this by using an index hint and determining the resulting performance change.

What should I do to get an Clustered Index Seek instead of Clustered Index Scan?

I've got a Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2005 and when I run it and I look at its Execution Plan I notice it's doing a Clustered Index Scan, and this is costing it the 84%. I've read that I've got to modify some things to get a Clustered Index Seek there, but I don't know what to modify.
I'll appreciate any help with this.
W/o any detail is hard to guess what the problem is, and even whether is a problem at all. The choice of a scan instead of a seek could be driven by many factors:
The query expresses a result set that covers the entire table. Ie. the query is a simple SELECT * FROM <table>. This is a trivial case that would be perfectly covered by a clustred index scan with no need to consider anything else.
The optimizer has no alternatives:
the query expresses a subset of the entire table, but the filtering predicate is on columns that are not part of the clustered key and there are no non-clustred indexes on those columns either. These is no alternate plan other than a full scan.
The query has filtering predicates on columns in the clustred index key, but they are not SARGable. The filtering predicate usually needs to be rewritten to make it SARGable, the proper rewrite depends from case to case. A more subtle problem can appear due to implicit conversion rules, eg. the filtering predicate is WHERE column = #value but column is VARCHAR (Ascii) and #value is NVARCHAR (Unicode).
The query has SARGale filtering predicates on columns in the clustered key, but the leftmost column is not filtered. Ie. clustred index is on columns (foo, bar) but the WHERE clause is on bar alone.
The optimizer chooses a scan.
When the alternative is a non-clustered index then scan (or range seek) but the choice is a to use the clustered index the cause can be usually tracked down to the index tipping point due to lack of non-clustered index coverage for the query projection. Note that this is not your question, since you expect a clustered index seek, not a non-clustred index seek (assumming the question is 100% accurate and documented...)
Cardinality estimates. The query cost estimate is based on the clustered index key(s) statistics which provide an estimate of the cardinality of the result (ie. how many rows will match). On a simple query This cannot happen, as any estimate for a seek or range seek will be lower than the one for a scan, no matter how off the statistics are, but on a complex query, with joins and filters on multiple tables, things are more complex and the plan may include a scan where a seek was expected because the query optimizer may choose plan on which the join evaluation order is reversed to what the observer expects. The reverse order choice may e correct (most times) or may be problematic (usually due to statistics being obsolete or to parameter sniffing).
An ordering guarantee. A scan will produce results in a guaranteed order and elements higher on the execution tree may benefit from this order (eg. a sort or spool may be eliminated, or a merge join can be used instead of hash/nested joins). Overall the query cost is better as a result of choosing an apparently slower access path.
These are some quick pointers why a clustered index scan may be present when a clustered index seek is expected. The question is extremly generic and is impossible to give an answer 'why', other than relying on an 8 ball. Now if I take your question to be properly documented and correctly articulated, then to expect a clustered index seek it means you are searching an unique record based on a clustred key value. In this case the problem has to be with the SARGability of the WHERE clause.
If the Query incldues more than a certain percentage of the rows in the table, the optimizer will elect to do a scan instead of a seek, because it predicts that it will require fewer disk IOs in that case (For a Seek, It needs one Disk IO per level in the index for each row it returns), whereas for a scan there is only one disk IO per row in the entire table.
So if there are, say 5 levels in the b-tree Index, then if the query will generate more than 20% of the rows in the table, it is cheaper to read the whole table than make 5 IOs for each of the 20% rows...
Can you narrow the output of the query a bit more, to reduce the number of rows returned by this step in the process? That would help it choose the seek over the scan.

Question on how to read a SQL Execution plan

I have executed a query and included the Actual Execution Plan. There is one Hash Match that is of interest to me because it's subtree uses a Index Scan instead of an index seek. When I mouse over this Hash Match there is a section called "Probe Residual". I had assumed that this is whatever values I am joining on. Am I correct here or is there a better explanation of what that means?
The second question I had is regarding the indexes it uses. In my example I am pretty sure this particular join is joining on two columns. The index that it is Scanning has both of these columns in it as well as another column that is not used in the join. I was under the impression that this would result in an Index Seek rather than a Scan. Am I mistaken on this?
A Hash Join will generally (always?) use a scan or at least a range scan. A hash join works by scanning both left and right join tables (or a range in the tables) and building an in-memory hash table that contains all values 'seen' by the scans.
What happened in your case is this: the QO noticed that it can obtain all the values of a column C from a non-clustered index that happens to contain this column (as a key or as an included column). Being a non-clustered index is probably fairly narrow, so the total amount of IO to scan the entire non-clustered index is not exaggerate. The QO also considered that the system has enough RAM to store a hash table in memory. When compared the cost of this query (a scan of a non-clustered index end-to-end for, say, 10000 pages) with the cost of a nested loop that used seeks (say 5000 probes at 2-3 pages each) the scan won as requiring less IO. Of course, is largely speculation on my part, but I'm trying to present the case from the QO point of view, and the plan is likely optimal.
Factors that contributed to this particular plan choice would be:
a large number of estimated candidates on the right side of the join
availability of the join column in a narrow non-clustered index for the left side
plenty of RAM
For a large estimate of the number of candidates, a better choice than the hash join is only the merge-join, and that one requires the input to be presorted. If both the left side can offer an access path that guarantees an order on the joined column and the right side has a similar possibility then you may end up with the merge join, which is the fastest join.
This blog post will probably answer your first question.
As for your second, index scans might be selected by the optimizer in a number of situations. Off the top of my head:
If the index is very small
If most of the rows in the index will be selected by the query
If you are using functions in the where clause of your query
For the first two cases, it's more efficient to do a scan, so the optimizer chooses it over a seek. For the third case, the optimizer has no choice.
1/ A Hash Match means that it takes a hash of columns used in an equality join, but needs to include all the other columns involved in the join (for >, etc) so that they can be checked too. This is where residual columns come in.
2/ An Index Seek can be done if it can go straight to the rows you want. Perhaps you're applying a calculation to the columns and using that? Then it will use the index as a smaller version of the data, but will still need to check every row (applying the calculation on each one).
Check out those excellent articles on execution plans on simple-talk.com:
Execution Plan Basics
SQL Server Execution Plans
Graphical Execution Plans for simple SQL queries
Understanding more complex execution plans
They also have a free e-book SQL Server execution plans for download.

Database query time complexity

I'm pretty new to databases, so forgive me if this is a silly question.
In modern databases, if I use an index to access a row, I believe this will be O(1) complexity. But if I do a query to select another column, will it be O(1) or O(n)? Does the database have to iterate through all the rows, or does it build a sorted list for each column?
Actually, I think access based on an index will be O(log(n)), because you'll still be searching down through a B-Tree-esque organization to get to your record.
To answer your literal question, yes if there is no index on a column, the database engine will have to look at all rows.
In the more interesting case of selecting by multiple columns, both with and without index, the situation becomes more complex: If the Query Optimizer chooses to use the index, then it'll first select rows based on the index and then apply a filter with the remaining constraints. Thus reducing the second filtering operation from O(number of rows) to O(number of selected rows by index). The ratio between these two number is called selectivity and an important statistic when choosing which index to use.
Indexes are per column, so if you use a where clause on a un-indexed column it will do a so called tablescan which is O(n).
I don't know the answer, but keep in mind that big-O notation only gives you an indication of performance for data-set sizes which are arbitrarily large.
For example, the bottleneck for database performance is typically disk seeks. Therefore, performance is greatly increased if the working data-set can be kept in memory. Big-O notation won't tell you anything about such optimizations, because they are only relevant for finite data-sets.
B-trees do not yield O(logN), that is the complexity of a binary tree.
A B-Tree is organised such that it has an entire block per node, thus once a node is found a single I/O operation can read an entire block.
With the number of items per node = blocking factor (#records/block){bfr}, a B-Tree optimized search will yield O(log bfr÷2 +1 N) I/O operations instead of O(N) I/O operations seeking a record by key.
You have indexes. Clustered indexes are physically sorted on the disk, you can have only one per table. Unclustered indexes are logically sorted and you can have many of those (careful not to abuse it either, it might slow down write actions).
If there is no index on your column then I believe it's the good old row by row method.
There are different types of indexes, different execution plans and different implementations for different databases. Most of the code of relations database is in search-optimising algorithms. There is not a single answer to your question. You can use a tool to visualise the execution plan when you want to know how a query is going to be executed.
Table without index, data save on non-order structure. When you want to search for some data, it would use the "Scan" to go check through all the data from start till end on the table.
Case 1: query table without index, query 1 record,
SQL query plan step: "table scan" all data, O(N)
Case 2: query table without index, query many records,
SQL query plan step: "table scan" all data, O(N)
Table with index, data will save on B-tree structure, which when you want to search for 1 data (on the indexed column), it would make use of the B-tree structure to find the data.
Case 3: query table with on indexed column, query 1 record,
SQL query plan step: "index seek", O(LogN)
Case 4: query table with on indexed column, query many record,
2 possible, the SQL Query Optimizer will made use of the "index statistics" to compute and determine which action step is faster to be use.
(a) SQL query plan step: "index Scan", O(N)
(b) SQL query plan step:
"index seek", O(R LogN) [R for number of records]