Processing ImageResizer images with 300dpi resolution - imageresizer

I have been using ImageResizer for a number of years, saving 300 dpi images which when processed end up with a resolution of 96 dpi when stored in my SQL database.
I now want to maintain the 300 dpi resolution but cannot find any command that does this.
What is the way to achieve this?
I have tried changing the default setting for resizeCropSettings from 90 to 100. This does change the size of the saved image but when I view the image properties it still shows it as a resolution of 96 dpi.

DPI is nothing more than metadata. You can set it with the &dpi=300 command.


How to increase the image size in paint

Is it possible to increase the 40KB jpeg to 40 MB?
If have tried by adding multiple images to paint
It was not working
Please help me to resolve
Then I want to create a pdf which should have more than 25MB

React native, how can i set font Size in pixels?

How can i set font Size in pixels?
Designer send me sizes of app components. Header must be 60 pixels
, but if i put font size 60, it is very big. How can i adjust it for pixels. Thank you. (IOS DEVICE)
You cannot do pixels on mobile. You do DPI. Tell your designer to get with the tech. He's designing for web. While you can figure out how many DPI correlate to how many pixels for the current device (its a device specific thing) with the PixelRatio API - - it's putting in effort to make your design worse. DPI works great across different screens/sizes.

Titanium: ImageViews with remote images not showing as Retina

Using SDK 3.5.1 currently
I have some remotely hosted images that I am loading into my ImageViews. I have hires:true already set.
Here is the code I'm using:
var hasattachesThumbIcon = Ti.UI.createImageView({
I think the issue is that I'm not explicitly setting the height of the image. The reason is that the images are of all different sizes and aspect ratios, my only requirement is that they should fit into a block measuring 96 pixels, so i've set it as such.
Any ideas?
Are you trying to test 2X or 3X images? If you are trying 3X images then hiRes will not work as the support is still not present. Also as suggested by Mark, change from auto to Titanium.UI.SIZE, as auto has been deprecated. Also can you confirm whether the default image is getting displayed till the remote image is being downloaded?

Graphics.DrawString with high resolution bitmaps == LARGE TEXT

I have an app that creates a large bitmap and later the user can add some labels. Everything works great as long as the base bitmap is the default 96x96 resolution. If I bump it up to 300 for instance, then the text applied with Graphics.DrawString is much too large - a petite size 8 or 10 font displays like it is 20.
On the one hand, it makes sense given the resolution increase, but on the other, you'd think the Fonts would scale. MeasureString returns a larger size when measured on a 300 vs 96 dpi bitmap, which wasn't really what I expected.
I've tried tricking it by creating a small bitmap of the appropriate size, printing to it, then pasting that to the master image. But when pasted to the high res it enlarges the pasted image.
The only other thing I can think of is to create a high res temp bitmap, print to it, then shrink it before pasting to the main image. That seems like a long way to go. Is there a compositing or overlay type setting that allows this? Are font sizes only true for a 96 dpi canvas?
Thanks for any hints/advice!
The size of a font is expressed in inches. One point is 1/72 inch. So if you draw into a bitmap that has 300 dots-per-inch then your font is going to use a lot more dots for the requested number of inches. So when you display it on a 300 dpi display then you'll get the size in inches back that you asked for.
Problem is, you are not displaying it a 300 dpi device, you are displaying it on a 96 dpi device. So it looks much bigger.
Clearly you don't really want a 300 dpi bitmap. Or you want to draw it three times smaller. Take your pick.
If you want a consistent size in pixels, specify UnitPixel when creating your Font object.

Photoshop px vs. OS px

While converting a webdesign given as a photoshop file to html+css, I got confused with font sizes. As seen on the image below, 30 px in photoshop does not equal 30 px in other Windows programs (different on Mac or others?), or browsers. This seems to be unaffected by creating the photoshop image in different resolutions than 72 which is default, and unaffected by change of units between pt and px. Can anyone hint on how to set photoshop to use browser px units?
The font size in the paint document refers to points, not pixels. Change the font size in photoshop to 30pt and they should be the same size.
A point is 1/72 of an inch and the pixel equivalent can depend on the DPI of your monitor. At 96 DPI 30pt * 1in/72pt * 96DPI (my screen res) is 40px. To convert pixels to points work backwards so 30px * 1in/96px * 72pt/1in = 22.5pt.
So change the paint text size to 22.5 and they should match up.
Set it to 96 dpi.