Using browser-sync with vue js and framework7 - vue.js

I have created a PWA using vue js 2.0 and framework7 and also use Webpack for bundling. I want to use browser-sync to share my project.
I used this config in my webpack.confg file :
new BrowserSyncPlugin({
// browse to http://localhost:3000/ during development,
// ./public directory is being served
host: 'localhost,
port: 3000,
server: { baseDir: ['src'] }
In src/ I have my basic files like index.html, app.vue, app.js.
After using npm run dev command I see this result :
[Browsersync] Access URLs:
Local: http://localhost:3000
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External: http://localhost:3001
[Browsersync] Serving files from: src
After this, localhost:3000 open in my browser and say browsersync: connected but it have showed me a blank page.
Also after I enter website path (http://localhost:3000/en/#!/login) in browser, it showed me Cannot Get /en Error. What is the problem?
Any help will greatly appreciated.

Based on your comment, looks like you are also using webpack-dev-server. In that case you can proxy to it:
const BrowserSyncPlugin = require('browser-sync-webpack-plugin')
module.exports = {
// ...
devServer: {
port: 3100
// ...
plugins: [
new BrowserSyncPlugin(
// BrowserSync options
// browse to http://localhost:3000/ during development
host: 'localhost',
port: 3000,
// proxy the Webpack Dev Server endpoint
// (which should be serving on http://localhost:3100/)
// through BrowserSync
proxy: 'http://localhost:3100/'
// plugin options
// prevent BrowserSync from reloading the page
// and let Webpack Dev Server take care of this
reload: false


How can remove the port number from live vue site url?

while running the yarn serve I don't what to display the port no from the URL. Now, this is showing like I want to access them from
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
devServer: {
host: '',
https: false,
port: 8080,
public: ''
The yarn serve command opens this port to serve the app locally (for testing / developing).
If you want to create your application, you probably want to run:
yarn run build
See SO - yarn build command
You can then upload the generated files. Look for a build or dist directory or similar.
You can add publicPath to your configuration:
module.exports = {
publicPath: "./",
chainWebpack: config => {
devServer: {
host: '',
https: false,
port: 8080,
public: ''
You can try this and see if it works.
See webpack configuration docs
Just open the index.html in the dist folder with live server

Nuxt static generated page and axios post

I have a Nuxt project. Everything is OK when I generate a static page.
However, I need to send a POST request to the other server.
I tried to use both a proxy in nuxt.config.js and just direct query, but after deploy to the ngnix eventually, nothing works.
Please help.
UPDATE. Steps to reproduce.
Create Nuxt App including axios and proxy
Configure your proxy for other webservice:
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: '',
pathRewrite: {
'^/api': '/',
changeOrigin: true,
call this service somewhere in the code:
const result = await this.$'/api/email/subscribe', {email: email})
run "yarn dev" and test the service. It works locally properly.
run 'nuxt generate' and deploy the static code hosting service, for example,
run your page which calls the above-mentioned service.
As a result, instead of making POST call to the, it calls localhost:3000/api/email/subscribe.
Be sure to install the nuxt versions of axios and proxy in your project #nuxt/axios and #nuxtjs/proxy
after that in your nuxt.config.js add axios as module plus this options for axios and proxy:
modules: [
// Doc:
//more modules if you need
** Axios module configuration
axios: {
proxy: true,
// See
proxy: {
'/api/': {
target: process.env.AXIOS_SERVER, // I use .env files for the variables
pathRewrite: { '^/api/': '' }, //this should be your bug
now you can use axios in any part of the code like this
const result = await this.$'/api/email/subscribe', {email: email})
it will internally resolve to AXIOS_SERVER/email/subscribe without cause cors issues.
EXTRA: test enviroments in local using multiples .env files
you can configure .env for dev and for production, after that in local you can use yarn build && yarn start for test your app with your production enviroment. You only need add this at the top of your nuxt.config.js file
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && fs.existsSync('')) {
require('dotenv').config({ path: path.join(__dirname, ``) })
} else {
By definition on the Nuxt docs page what nuxt generate does is: Build the application and generate every route as a HTML file (used for static hosting).
Therefore, using proxy is out of question here. Take note that you path is not even being rewritten.
And probably the result you're looking for is not (wit /api), but
Nevertheless, if you use nginx then I don't think you should use Nuxt's proxy option. Nginx is built just for that so point your API calls there and in nginx config file just declare where it should point further.

port in vue.config.js is ignored

I want to develop a Vue app and serve it to external domain.
So I wrote a vue.config.js to redirect development server to public like below:
module.exports = {
devServer: {
disableHostCheck: true,
host: '',
port: 8080,
public: '',
publicPath: '/'
Just before few hours ago, I got the expected result of above setting file like this
App running at:
- Local: http://localhost:8080
- Network:
But now my Local port is always randomized, so I can't access my Vue app through the public(Network) URL. I still don't know why this happens.
App running at:
- Local: http://localhost:19282 port changes on every npm run serve
- Network:

How to access VueJS on codeanywhere

I´m starting on VueJS, creating a project in codeanywhere:
npm install -g vue-cli
vue init webpack myProject
So, when i run npm run devi get a
Your application is running here: http://localhost:8080
Because, i am developing on a cloud based IDE, i´cant access http://localhost...
So, i access the way Codeanywhere publish when you create a project:
But i get a
This Container is currently unaccessible.
Really appreciated any help.
I created a vue.config.js file at the root (next to package.json) with content:
module.exports = {
devServer: {
host: '',
allowedHosts: [
From the Codeanywhere documentation:
You have to change the default IP so your Container could run externally.
Please change IP address on your container from to
Work for me with nuxt.config.js :
server: {
port: 3000,
host: '',
timing: false

VueJS + Webpack Dev Server not able to hot reload url subpaths

My application runs on the subdirectory http://localhost:8080/admin_suffix
suffix is a ENV variable which I can change and define in a .env file.
Once i run the webpack dev server, accessing http://localhost:8080/admin_suffix works.
Clicking on the hyperlinks in the SPA which points other subpaths works too. For example, I can navigate to http://localhost:8080/admin_suffix/subdirectory
However, when i hit reload on http://localhost:8080/admin_suffix/subdirectory, i will get an error "Cannot GET /admin_suffix/subdirectory"
I also cannot enter the subpath into the browser directly to load the page. Only ``http://localhost:8080/admin_suffix` works.
My configuration are as follows:
entry: {
main: './src/main',
vendors: './src/vendors'
devServer: {
host: '',
disableHostCheck: true
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, '../dist')
module.exports = merge(webpackBaseConfig, {
output: {
publicPath: '/',
filename: '[name].js',
chunkFilename: '[name].chunk.js'
const RouterConfig = {
mode: 'history',
routes: Routers,
base: '/admin_suffix/'
Enable devServer.historyApiFallback in webpack.base.config.js:
devServer: {
historyApiFallback: true,
// ...
This configures webpack-dev-server to fallback to index.html when the route is not found (404).
The Vue app and router are initialized from the main page (index.html), so refreshing the page while on a subroute would normally result in a 404 because the router would not have been setup yet. However, the fallback configuration mentioned above would result in the index.html being served instead, allowing the router to be setup and the subroute to subsequently complete.