Setting VM flags failed - intellij-idea

I have added flutter to intellij but when i run the code this error appearenter image description here

I was having the same problem with IntelliJ. To fix this move to the box beside the run button then click on it, select edit configurations, then disable the Checked mode below VM options then click on Ok.


How to preconfigure the debug log level filter in IntelliJ Idea (PhpStorm/WebStorm) when running React Native

I have a React Native project I'm running from PhpStorm using a run configuration, which launches Metro, launch-ios, Chrome debug etc. which all works fine.
The JS logs appear in the console of the IDE under the name of "iOS Build " but the default filter doesn't include debug logs. I can click "Filter > Debug" and turn it on but then it resets back to unticked ever time I restart the debugger. Presently I am restarting the debugger a lot because I am debugging the first-boot cycle of the app.
In the documentation for other run/debug configs, IntelliJ has log options (which they are recently changing to a separate panel). I think you can preset the filters there:
However for the React Native plugin, the run/debug config pane doesn't include any options for drilling down into the logs.
What I want is for the Debug Level to be or remain ticked as well by default when I run the configuration.
Is there some configuration file perhaps with extra options that are not represented in this plugins GUI?
Can I get the IDE to remember the state of the Debug pane generally? For example also I keep having to drag the columns around each time to my preferred layout.
I know I could view the logs in Chrome, but I prefer headless mode and an IDE-centric workflow.
this is a bug, tracked at WEB-39848; please vote for it to be notified when it's fixed

http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/ is not working

debugger status is loading and below image show's error.
Install in roject path> npm install react-native-debugger --save
0. paste http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/ on chrome browser
1. in cmd run > react-native run-android
in emulator, after show app, press on keyboard ctrl+M to show menu -> select Dev setting -> then change Debug server host &... to "localhost:8081" emulator, after show app, press on keyboard ctrl+M to show menu -> select Dev setting -> then enable Hot loading
press f12 then go to console change chrome console setting, one dropdown to debuggerworke.js and then other dropdown select verbose
5.notice to port that emulator is running, in node window it is shown in box at top. if it was not 8081, you must change it in case 4 above.
I hope it can work...
You can replace with your IPAddress with localhost.

intellij navigate back shortcut not working

I am using intellij 2017.3.2 and ubuntu 16.04 . I have a keyboard map shortcut in intellij for navigate back which is set to the default ctrl+alt+back arrow . Pressing these doesn't work. It does not do anything. When i would press it sometimes the a bar would pop up at the top of the gui for entering a command (for ubuntu) so I disabled this in ubunutu's keyboard shortcut menu. Still the navigate back does not work. Doing ctrl+windows-key+backarrow navigates somewhere- but not the standard intellij navigate back behavior. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to fix this?
Looks like a conflict with ubuntu shortcuts. See the thread on "Ask ubuntu" that may solve the issue.
Now IntelliJ has 'Default for GNOME' keymap with conflicted shortcuts remapped.
Navigate back/forward is Alt+Shift+Arrow keys

The android emulator does't show the changes that occur in the code

I am knew in react native and I need to run a project. I used the following command in the folder of my project:
1- npm start
2- react-native run-android
However, I have a strange problem. Whenever I change any thing in the code, nothing happen in emulator and the emulator show me the previous thing!
I have done it with cell phone connected to the PC and see the same result!
I even stop the emulator and start it again but, I see the same problem. The emulator do not show any changes in the code and show a constant project. Can you help me?
As I shake the cell phone and reload it, I see the following red screen error:
Could not connect to development server.
You need to enable either Live Reload or Hot Reloading. Within the simulator, you can access the menu with the Cmd+M combination or click the icon (see screenshot) then just choose the option you want.

Sonarlint Issues and Log Tab not showing up on Webstorm

I installed the Sonar lint on Webstorm, restart Webstorm and then Activate Sonarlint Window from Tools Window. However, I am not seeing the Issues Tab and Log Tab showing up. The only thing I see is the Sonar lint console. How can I make Issues Tab and Log Tab to show up according to the screenshot found in