How to run simulation case using "ocean petrel API" from console application in C# - ocean

I found these links similar to my question. But they are run as part of the plugin.
Standalone application with Petrel and Ocean
How to run a simulation case using CaseRunner function?
My requirement is to call Ocean Petrel API to run eclipse and get the results back to in my application.
Does anybody have any idea?
I have checked this link but this is running as part of the plugin, not outside the Petrel.
I have tried the following code. I am getting null reference exception at SimulationRoot simroot = SimulationRoot.Get(PetrelProject.PrimaryProject);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Case MyTest;
CustomCaseRunnerMonitor monit5 = new CustomCaseRunnerMonitor();
SimulationRoot simroot = SimulationRoot.Get(PetrelProject.PrimaryProject);
using (ITransaction trans = DataManager.NewTransaction())
MyTest = simroot.Cases.FirstOrDefault();
CaseRunner cRun = SimulationSystem.GetCaseRunner(MyTest);
catch (Exception ex)
public class CustomCaseRunnerMonitor : CaseRunnerMonitor
public override void RunCompleted()
PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("CustomCaseRunnerMonitor is completed!");
public override void RunAborted()
PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("CustomCaseRunnerMonitor is abroted!");
public override void SimulationProgressChanged(int progress)
PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("SimulationProgressChanged: " + progress);


Integrate Extent Reports with AWS Device Farm and Jenkins

I am new to automation and I have been integrating AWS device farm to run my test cases on cloud. I have integrated Jenkins with AWS device farm to run the tests on the go. I want to integrate Extent Reports to see the results of the run inside Jenkins. I can't find any tutorial to do so. Can you please help me with this.
I have installed the HTML publisher in Jenkins and I have implemented Extent Reports for my local run and its working. But, I have no idea how to integrate for the cloud.
Thanks in advance. Stay Safe
Here is my code for local integration of Extent Reports
ExtentTest test;
ExtentReports extent = ExtentReportsBlackstone.getReportObject();
ThreadLocal<ExtentTest> extentTest = new ThreadLocal<ExtentTest>();
AppiumDriver<?> driver ;
public void onTestStart(ITestResult result) {
test = extent.createTest(result.getMethod().getMethodName()).assignCategory(result.getMethod().getGroups());
public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult result){
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
extentTest.get().log(Status.PASS, "Test Passed");
Properties prop = UtilityBase.globalProperties();
if(prop.getProperty("captureScreenshotOnTestPass").equals("true")) {
String testMethodName = result.getMethod().getMethodName();
try {
Class clazz = result.getTestClass().getRealClass();
Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("driver");
driver = (AppiumDriver<?>) field.get(result.getInstance());
} catch(Exception e) {
try {
extentTest.get().addScreenCaptureFromPath(getScreenshot(this.driver,testMethodName), result.getMethod().getMethodName());
} catch(IOException e){
public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String testMethodName = result.getMethod().getMethodName();
try {
Class clazz = result.getTestClass().getRealClass();
Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("driver");
driver = (AppiumDriver<?>) field.get(result.getInstance());
} catch(Exception e) {
try {
extentTest.get().addScreenCaptureFromPath(getScreenshot(this.driver,testMethodName), result.getMethod().getMethodName());
} catch(IOException e){
public void onTestSkipped(ITestResult arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(ITestResult arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onStart(ITestContext context) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
try {
}catch(IOException e) {
public void onFinish(ITestContext context) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
estimate cannot be integrated, aws is a bit limited and for that option we opted for lambatest, where we send it to run in the cloud but the evidence remains in extend report in our aws node
aws asks to compile the project and upload the project which runs on its own server, I don't like that way of execution

ASP.NET Core Interception with Castle.DinamicProxy doesn't throw Exception with Async Methods !!! How can I solve this?

I have been creating a project with Aspect Oriented Programming paradigm and
I have an "ExceptionLogAspect" class attribute which is used on business methods to log the errors throwing from them.
public class ExceptionLogAspect : MethodInterception
private readonly LoggerServiceBase _loggerServiceBase;
private static byte _risk;
public ExceptionLogAspect(Type loggerService, byte risk)
if (loggerService.BaseType != typeof(LoggerServiceBase))
throw new System.Exception(AspectMessages.WrongLoggerType);
_loggerServiceBase = (LoggerServiceBase)Activator.CreateInstance(loggerService);
_risk = risk;
protected override void OnException(IInvocation invocation, System.Exception e)
var logDetailWithException = GetLogDetail(invocation);
logDetailWithException.ExceptionMessage = e.Message;
This Aspect migrates MethodInterception class that I created with Castle.DinamicProxy package. And OnException method included by MethodInterception logs the exception data.
public abstract class MethodInterception:MethodInterceptionBaseAttribute
protected virtual void OnBefore(IInvocation invocation){}
protected virtual void OnAfter(IInvocation invocation){}
protected virtual void OnException(IInvocation invocation, System.Exception e){}
protected virtual void OnSuccess(IInvocation invocation){}
public override void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
var isSuccess = true;
invocation.Proceed();//Business Method works here.
catch (Exception e)
isSuccess = false;
OnException(invocation, e);
When I run the code and try-catch block doesn't work for Exception. So catch block isn't called and no messages are logged.
If I turn the business method into a syncronous method, exception will be thrown and data will be logged.
How can I solve this asynchronous method problem?
I tried this solution, it works properly.
Intercept method has to be like this to make this process asynchronous.
Otherwise, this method doesn't work properly for async.
There are some other ways, for example Castle CoreAsync Interceptor, you can find it on Github or NuGet.
public override void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
var isSuccess = true;
invocation.Proceed(); //Metodu çalıştır
if (invocation.ReturnValue is Task returnValueTask)
if (invocation.ReturnValue is Task task && task.Exception != null)
throw task.Exception;
catch (Exception e)
isSuccess = false;
OnException(invocation, e);
if (isSuccess)

How to attach/embed captured screenshots during custom softAssertion into Cucumber Report?

In soft assertion screenshot get captured when softAssertions.assertAll() is called. So to capture screenshots for each soft Assertion failure, created simple CustomAssertion which extends to SoftAssertions and in that override a method name onAssertionErrorCollected().
Below is the sample code.
public class CustomSoftAssertion extends SoftAssertions {
public CustomSoftAssertion() {
public void onAssertionErrorCollected(AssertionError assertionError) {
File file = TestRunner.appiumDriver.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
try {
FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "ScreenShots" + File.separator +"MMMM_dd_yyyy")) + File.separator + "demo.png"), true);
} catch (IOException e) {
In the step definition file:
CustomSoftAssertion softAssertion = new CustomSoftAssertion();
Above code is working properly. But, how to this captured attach/embed this screenshots into the cucumber report?
Note: For Assertion I am using Assertj library.
You attach scenarios to the report by using scenario.attach. This means you'll have to setup some plumbing to get the scenario into the assertion.
public class CustomSoftAssertion extends SoftAssertions {
private final Scenario scenario;
public CustomSoftAssertion(Scenario scenario) {
this.scenario = scenario;
public void onAssertionErrorCollected(AssertionError assertionError) {
// take screenshot and use the scenario object to attach it to the report
private CustomSoftAssertion softAssertion;
public void setup(Scenario scenario){
softAssertion = new CustomSoftAssertion(scenario);
#After // Or #AfterStep
public void assertAll(){
public void example(){

Revit Synchronization event

Starting with this...
I'm trying to add an event listener for a synchronization event. the code below throws an error stating that the m_app is null. Can i not subscribe to this event while Revit is starting up?
I was able to do this before with application.ViewActivated += ..... Im wondering if this has something to do with DB vs UI driven events and when they are allowed to be subscribed to? I just don't know.
namespace RevitModelHealth
public class checkHealth : IExternalApplication
// Document doc;
static public Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application m_app = null;
public Result OnShutdown(UIControlledApplication application)
return Result.Succeeded;
public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application)
m_app.DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral += new EventHandler<DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs>(m_app_DocumentSavingToCentral);
return Result.Succeeded;
void m_app_DocumentSavingToCentral(object sender, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs e)
Here is updated code reflecting my response to the first answer. The message box opens when the document is loaded. No errors are thrown when I try to initialize the synchronization event handlers, however, neither of the message boxes open before or after a synchronization event.
public class checkHealth : IExternalApplication
// Document doc;
static public Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application m_app;
public Result OnShutdown(UIControlledApplication application)
return Result.Succeeded;
public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application)
application.ControlledApplication.DocumentOpened += new EventHandler<DocumentOpenedEventArgs>(app_DocOpened);
return Result.Succeeded;
public void app_DocOpened(object sender, DocumentOpenedEventArgs args)
m_app.DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral += new EventHandler<DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs>(m_app_DocumentSavingToCentral);
m_app.DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral += new EventHandler<Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.DocumentSynchronizedWithCentralEventArgs>(m_app_DocumentSavedToCentral);
void m_app_DocumentSavingToCentral(object sender, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("sync", "sync");
void m_app_DocumentSavedToCentral(object sender, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.DocumentSynchronizedWithCentralEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Doone", "Done");
this worked.... Thanks largely in part to the SDK sample project EventsMonitor
namespace RevitModelHealth
public class checkHealth : IExternalApplication
public Result OnShutdown(UIControlledApplication application)
return Result.Succeeded;
public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application)
application.ControlledApplication.DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral += new EventHandler<DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs>(app_syncStart);
application.ControlledApplication.DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral += new EventHandler<DocumentSynchronizedWithCentralEventArgs>(app_syncOver);
return Result.Succeeded;
public void app_syncStart(object o ,DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs args)
public void app_syncOver(object o,DocumentSynchronizedWithCentralEventArgs args)
MessageBox.Show("", "Over");
application.ControlledApplication.DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral += new EventHandler<DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs>(m_app_DocumentSavingToCentral)
in your OnStartup() method.
The call is failing because instance member m_app is initialized to null.
The UIApplication.ControlledApplication object that raises the DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs is being accessible from the parameter to OnStartup.
You can try this:
public void app_DocOpened(object sender, DocumentOpenedEventArgs args)
Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application m_app = args.Document.Application;
m_app.DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral += new EventHandler<DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs>(m_app_DocumentSavingToCentral);
m_app.DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral += new EventHandler<Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.DocumentSynchronizedWithCentralEventArgs>(m_app_DocumentSavedToCentral);

Postsharp Newbie - Why is args.Instance null?

New to PostSharp --- I'm trying out the NuGet version now and I'm trying to understand wny in the AuthoriseAttribute OnEntry method that the agrs.Instance value is null. I'm trying to implement authorsation that depends on the values of the object e.g. A customer who's been archived can't have a credit limit raised. I'm implementing the rules within other classes specific to the rules.
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var c = new Customer();
public class Customer
public void RaiseCreditLimit(int newValue)
public void Error(int newValue)
public class AuthorizeActivityAttribute : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
//Why is args.Instance null???????????
if (args.Method.Name == "RaiseCreditLimit")
Debug.WriteLine(args.Method.Name + " started");
throw new Exception("Crap");
public override void OnExit(MethodExecutionArgs args)
Debug.WriteLine(args.Method.Name + " finished");
The answer is because you're not using it in your aspect. It's an optimization. If you use it in the aspect then it will be set. Change your aspect to consume instance and it will be there.
public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
//Why is args.Instance null???????????
if (args.Method.Name == "RaiseCreditLimit")
Debug.WriteLine(args.Method.Name + " started");
throw new Exception("Crap");
For more info check out this article to see what else PostSharp does to optimize code