Turn off layer from LayerList widget on load (ArcGIS JavaScript v3) - arcgis-js-api

I want to turn off layers from the LayerList widget in ArcGIS on load. Is it possible?

There is a layer property called "listMode" that controls if a layer is visible in the LayerList widget. Just set this property to "hide" in the layer constructor.
For example with your layer:
var recreationLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Recreation/MapServer", {
"id": "recreationLayer",
"showAttribution": false,
listMode: "hide"


"Geodatabase field exists: fid" loading shape file

I'm attempting to create a feature layer in ARC GIS using a shape file but I'm getting the following exception when trying to open the shape file with ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync
{"Geodatabase field exists: fid"}
var shapeFileFeatureTable = ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(#"...\myshape.shp").Result;
fl = new FeatureLayer(shapeFileFeatureTable)
// Set the rendering mode of the feature layer to be dynamic (needed for extrusion to work).
RenderingMode = FeatureRenderingMode.Dynamic,
IsVisible = true,

Can I get an Unclickable geoxml3 Shadow Layer that sits entirely behind a Clickable Marker Layer?

In order to have markers that are clickable and marker shadows that are not, I'm setting up two geoxml3 parsers, one for the markers and one for the shadows. That works, but I'm hoping that having two layers will also let me keep the shadow of one marker from falling on another marker. It's a subtle thing, but having a visually horizontal shadow overlaid on a visually vertical marker undercuts the 3-D effect. And in a cluster of markers, things get pretty murky down among the marker stems.
Now, I get that icons are rendered from north to south, so that an icon will peek over the top of an overlapping icon to the south of it. What I was expecting was that each parser would create its own layer, in the sense that a marker layer would appear entirely in front of a preceding shadow layer, with no shadow falling on any marker. It sure looks, though, like the parsers are working north to south down both "layers" at the same time. It seems like for each point they render the shadow image and then the corresponding marker image before moving down to the next point. If the next marker is pretty close to the southwest of the previous marker, its shadow image falls onto that previous marker.
To make sure I wasn't seeing some sort of illusion, as an exercise I put together a map with a couple of big, overlapping shadowed markers. What I'd hope for would be to have the images layered, bottom to top:
East Greenland Shadow
Greenland Shadow
East Greenland Marker
Greenland Marker
Instead, they appear to be layered:
East Greenland Shadow
East Greenland Marker
Greenland Shadow
Greenland Marker
with the Greenland Shadow falling on the East Greenland Marker.
So, can I get all of the markers to appear, collectively, in front of all the shadows? I can't track it down at the moment, but I believe I saw a list of standard Google Maps layers somewhere, which included something like a non-clickable "Shadow Layer". When I create a google.maps.KmlLayer with standard icons, the API automatically pulls up the corresponding shadow images and places those on what I guess is the Shadow Layer, which sits entirely behind the KmlLayer I asked for.
In my current project, I need a geoxml3 marker layer, so I can programatically access the placemarks. Since I can actually work with 32x32 icons, in this case I can just fall back to using a KmlLayer for the shadows, but for future reference it would be great to have the option of a non-clickable geoxml3 layer that sits entirely behind a clickable layer. Is there a way to do that? Would that be a matter of somehow rendering onto that Google Maps Shadow Layer?
Here's the script:
function initialize() {
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(71, -45),
zoom: 4,
preserveViewport: true
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), mapOptions);
// Shadow Layer
var shadow = new geoXML3.parser({
map: map,
zoom: false,
markerOptions: {clickable: false}
// Marker Layer
var blues = new geoXML3.parser({
map: map,
singleInfoWindow: true,
zoom: false,
suppressDirections: true,
markerOptions: {
shape: {
type: 'circle',
coords: [38,38,38]
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
The two KML files are identical except for the IconStyles:
<hotSpot x="38" y="0" xunits="pixels" yunits="pixels" />
<hotSpot x="96" y="0" xunits="pixels" yunits="pixels" />
You could take the "MarkerShadow" class and use it to make a layer of just shadows. and make a layer with just markers: proof of concept
- disadvantage: processes the same KML twice.
I can think of 4 options for you:
Put your shadows in a separate KML file and display them using the native google.maps.KmlLayer, that should put them underneath all the google.maps.Marker objects, which is what geoxml3 uses to render the icons. The issue with KmlLayer is that it does not support scaling, all icons are scaled to 64x64 and if they can't be, they are replaced by the default blue icon. KmlLayer is rendered in the overlayLayer pane.
create custom "markers" using Custom Overlays that support combining a marker image with a shadow image. Used to be supported natively by the Google Maps Javascript API v3, but they removed that functionality with the "visual refresh". It looks like the "shadowPane" still exists (at least for now), you could put all the shadows there.
overlayShadow contains the marker shadows. It may not receive DOM events. (Pane 2).
mapPanes reference
Use the zIndex option of the google.maps.Marker object to put the shadows below the markers. Put all the shadows at zIndex = 0 (so they are on the bottom, then use an algorithm to put the markers in their default orientations:
zIndex: Math.round(latlng.lat()*-100000)<<5
"manually" add a shadow to the markers in a custom "createMarker" function (append the shadow image to the shadowPane)
proof of concept marker with shadow

Isn't there an "auto disposition" method?

I have a graph with nodes and edges and I want to display them.
Isn't there any function which, given this graph, displays it without me to give exact coordinates?
yes, you can use the auto layout
this url construct a compact tree layout.
var layoutMgr = new mxLayoutManager(graph);
layoutMgr.getLayout = function(cell) {
return layout;

Mozilla PdfJs Operations

given a PDF that is rendered in the browser using pdfjs, are there functions to do the following basic view operations:
If not, what are the best strategies I can use to do the operations above?
You can set rotation when you getting viewport form PdfPage object:
var viewport = pdfPage.getViewport(scale, rotation);
If you want to immediately set all the parameters, you can clone viewport, created with scale = 1:
var defaultViewport = pdfPage.getViewport(1);
var neededViewport = defaultViewport.clone({scale: needScale, rotation: needRotation, dontFlip: true});

Google Maps zoom gets overridden, when using a kml file

How do I specify zoom level for google maps in a kml file or why is it that my zoom level gets over ridden when I load this file. My question is actually how do I control zoom of a map for the following link:
By default, the map is centered and zoomed to the bounding box of the contents of the kml layer.
You can change the default behaviour with preserveViewport property of google.maps.KmlLayerOptions object. If you set it to true the map isn't centered and zoomed.
In the example, use:
var nyLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(
suppressInfoWindows: true,
map: map,
preserveViewport: true
If you want to center and zoom to the contents of the kml layer later, use:
var bounds = nyLayer.getDefaultViewport();
If you want the map to be always centered (but not zoomed) when the kml layer is loaded, utilize defaultviewport_changed event of the google.maps.KmlLayer object. You have to set the map center to the center of the kml layer default viewport. The event is triggered when the contents of the kml layer are loaded and its default viewport is computed.
google.maps.event.addListener(nyLayer, 'defaultviewport_changed', function() {
var bounds = nyLayer.getDefaultViewport();