Unable to execute selenium-side-runner using crontab (MAC) - selenium

Got a problem executing selenium-side-runner via crontab, installed via npm.
Following command has been executed.
1. npm install -g selenium-side-runner
2. npm install -g chromedriver
I was able to run the selenium-side-runner via terminal directly by calling.
"selenium-side-runner (path to .side file)"
when trying to create a crontab. using the following commands.
"0 5 * * * selenium-side-runner <path to .side file> >> /tmp/sel.log 2>&1"
"0 5 * * * /usr/local/bin/selenium-side-runner <path to .side file> >> /tmp/sel.log 2>&1"
Still got no LUCK on the following snippet.
NOTE: selenium-side-runner can be found under /usr/local/bin --
I checked it out using "which selenium-side-runner"
I also checked that $PATH and /usr/local/bin is there.
FF Error message received under "sel.log"
1. command not found
2. No such file or directory
Can someone help me out on this please.....


Install docker desktop but when I run docker command it gives the error: exec: "com.docker.cli": executable file not found in $PATH

I'm trying to run docker desktop on my
ubuntu-22.04 but when I run any docker command in the terminal it gives the following error:
exec: "com.docker.cli": executable file not found in $PATH
Current PATH : /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/snap/bin:/usr/local/bin
I noticed that my com.docker.cli file is colored red in the folder: usr/local/bin
see my image:
I also noticed that there is no docker directory in /usr/bin
Can anyone help me to resolve this?

azure devop selfhosted agent, newman command not recognized

Trying to run my postman collection in azure devops inside a self-hosted agent. When I try to run the command inside the agent "newman run postman_collection.json -e postman_environment.json -r cli,htmlextra" it's running fine. But when I run the same through a a command line script task in release pipeline it's throwing the error "newman is not recognized..". I also tried to have a npm task for newman installation i.e. "npm install -g newman" it's also throwing the erro "##[error]Unable to locate executable file: 'newman'. Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a d...."
azure devop selfhosted agent, newman command not recognized
According to the error message "##[error]Unable to locate executable file: 'newman" when you using the npm install -g newman, you could try to add C:\Users\[BUILDSERVER-USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\npm to the PATH variable for the [BUILDSERVER-USERNAME] user.
You could refer to this document How to fix the Newman task for Team Foundation Server silently failing for some more details.
Besides, when we use command line to install the newman, it will take a few minutes to install it, so we need to wait for a few minutes before we using the command line:
"newman run postman_collection.json -e postman_environment.json -r cli,htmlextra"
You could add powershell task to sleep a few minutes:
echo "Sleeping for 10 mins..."
Start-Sleep -s 600

singularity returns a permission denied

I would like to build a singularity container for an application shipped via AppImage. To do so, I build the following def file:
Bootstrap: docker
From: debian:bullseye-slim
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y wget unzip fuse libglu1 libglib2.0-dev libharfbuzz-dev libsm6 dbus
cd /opt
wget https://www.ill.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/ILL/3_Users/Instruments/Instruments_list/00_-_DIFFRACTION/D3/Mag2Pol/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage
chmod u+x Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage
exec /opt/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage
I build the container using singularity build -f test.sif test.def command. The build runs OK but when running the sif file using ./test.sif I get an /.singularity.d/runscript: 3: exec: /opt/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage: Permission denied error. Looking inside the container using a singularity shell command shows that the /opt/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage executable belongs to root. I guess that it is the source of the problem but I do not know how to solve it. Would you have any idea ?

WebDriverException: Message: invalid argument: can't kill an exited process in a Docker container returns odd errors

I'm running a small Python script that scrapes some data from a public website.
When I run the Dockerfile instructions line by line in an interactive terminal using the selenium:latest image the script runs fine.
docker run -it -v /Users/me/Desktop/code/scraper/:/scraper selenium/standalone-firefox bash
As soon as I run it using my Dockerfile and docker-compose file I get this error:
app_1 | selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: invalid argument: can't kill an exited process
I am using the MOZ_HEADLESS=1 env var. It's being passed properly.
I have tried running the script as someone other than root but then I get log errors.
FROM selenium/standalone-firefox:latest
# https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium/issues/725
USER root
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install -y firefox python-pip
WORKDIR /scraper
COPY . /scraper
RUN pip install -r /scraper/requirements.txt
CMD ["python", "/scraper/browserscraper.py"]
If I run those instructions in the Dockerfile from an interactive terminal, I have no problems.
It either has to do with the user being root running the script via the Dockerfile or something about it missing a screen for output because I'm not actually SSH'ed in like I am running it from the command line with -it.
Any ideas?

Use gnome-terminal in codelite instead of default terminal

I'm trying to get gnome-terminal to work in codelite under
setting > preferences > terminal
I tried
gnome-terminal -x '$(CMD)'
but it gives me the following error
Failed to execute child process "/bin/sh -f /usr/lib/codelite/codelite_exec ./program" (No such file or directory)
I'm running Linux Mint 18.
Solution is to run
sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
from a terminal and select
as default terminal.
CodeLite uses x-terminal-emulator. So as long as you define x-terminal-emulator to point to the correct terminal it will work.
See this post for more information
I just came across this problem after upgrading to CodeLite 10.0 from the CodeLite repository. The problem occurs because CodeLite is now installing things in different directories - namely codelite_xterm and codelite_exec, which are now installed to /usr/bin/.
For me, on Ubuntu 16.10, I found the easiest solution was to change Settings > Preferences > Terminal to:
/usr/bin/codelite_xterm '$(TITLE)' '$(CMD)'
You can then run:
sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
to select the terminal you wish to use (the default on Ubuntu 16.10 is gnome-terminal, so you won't have to run the last command if you're happy with gnome-terminal).