I have 1 master component and 2 childs.
In the master i do :
<component :is="getChild" #onrender="childRender" />
So I switch from child 1 to child 2 and keep state of each.
getChild switch child component (buttons... not the problem here).
onrender is emit when child load
childRender just write a console.log.
Problem : when we use keep-alive, the child component is not re-render and when i use onCreated or onMounted or onUpdated... nothing append and it's normal. So how catch a "render" event with keep-alive ?
I know i can use a bus or a store like Vuex to keep state... but i don't want it if possible.
In 2.2.0+ and above, activated and deactivated will fire for all nested components inside a tree.
Use activated lifecycle hook.
export default {
activated() {
Vue.js Documentation link: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/api/#keep-alive
Live demo, where you can play with <keep-alive>: https://codepen.io/3vilArthas/pen/BeZgbE
I'm writing Vue2, and feel confused about life cycle of Vue.
Please help me, thx. :)
If there is a prop called count.
Why can't count be accessed via this.count in beforeCreate, but it can be accessed via this.$options.propsData.count in same hook?
what's the difference between this.count and this.$options.propsData.count?
What's the meaning of "after props resolution" of sentence below?
Called immediately when the instance is initialized, after props resolution, before processing other options such as data() or computed
I did below,
<!-- child component in parent component -->
<Card :count="33" :data="data"></Card>
<!-- beforeCreate hook of child component -->
beforeCreate(): void {
then get something like this picture.
Hy there,
I try to create a custom Vue component which is shown based on v-if directive. I also want to change the directive data (modalStatus) value from inside the component.
<modal v-if="modalStatus"></modal>
To update the data from the component i use a method similar to this.
closeModal () {
this.$parent.modalStatus = false
The problem is that sometimes i don't know the name of the data model (modalStatus) , can be anything.
My question is how can i get the data/expression name as a plain text from the modal component ?
I'm planing to use something like this to update the modalStatus
this.$parent['anyName'] = false
Thanks and stay safe !
Later Edit. I know how to accomplish all of the above using props or v-model. I wonder if is possible using strictly v-if. Thanks!
There are several approaches to get to a method or property in the parent component from the child.
The 'Vue Way' is to emit a message telling the parent to close.
Send the name in as a property
<child modalName='modalStatus' />
Send in a method
<child :close='onClose' />
// component method
Emit a message
<child-component #close='modalStatus=false' />
// or call a method
<child-component #close='onClose' />
// component method
i have three vue.js file. where the parent file (parent.vue) contains data of profile:[]
the data of profile is send to child file (child.vue) using props methods.
the child.vue also has it's own child file (grandchild.vue) that has been pass with the profile data by using props.
grandchildren will send a put request to API to change some data in profile.
my question is. how can i make sure the props will update on every change made in the profile data.
information : (parent.vue = main file, child.vue = drawer(from ant design), grandchild = popover)
i need the child.vue to update the profile data after the grandchild succeed send a put request to the API.
is there any way or reference link so i could make the props update after a put request from grandchild.vue i have tried watch method but the problem is the user need to close the drawer (child.vue) first and re open the drawer to update the props. is there any way the props update without closing the drawer?
example of code :
parent.vue :
// structure
child.vue & grandchild.vue :
props : [profile],
profile can be used as {{profile.subsdata}} in html or this.profile.subsdata javascript
Use an emit. Tell the parent component to update via another GET request or just pass the data back directly.
Child Method:
notifyParent () {
Parent Template:
<ChildComponent v-on:updateProfile="someMethod"/>
Parent Method:
someMethod () {
//GET request or whatever
More details here: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html
The keyword here is eventBus, you need an eventBus to $emit an event changing the data in the parent component from the grandchild component. If you only need to change up the data 1 layer instead of 2 in this case, you only need custom event + $emit, without the eventBus. But as it's greater than 2 layers, you need eventBus, or even more relegent ways to do state management.
I am working on a chat tool using vue single file components.I am facing a problem,root .vue has child .vue and grandchild .vue, I want to observer children's rendering,to get the root div's height,to change scrollbar position,
i used the $nextTick() http://rc.vuejs.org/api/#vm-nextTick,but it cant observer children's render,so ,is there any way can I try? thanks a lot.
You can use parent child communication of vue to get to know when you child has rendered. Vue provided following event interface:
Listen to an event using $on(eventName)
Trigger an event using
A parent component can listen to the events emitted from a child component using v-on directly in the template where the child component is used.
So you can emit a event in your child component's lifecycle hook like following:
mounted () {
In parent component, you can listen to this event or create a method, like following:
this.$on('childRendered', function () {
// change scrollbar position
An example of parent child communication: fiddle
This is just for everyone to easily see the workaround that was mentioned by Saurabh in his comment to his answer. I also used the updated lifecycle to wait for the DOM to finish rendering and patching before manipulating it again.
Since updated does not guarantee that all child components have also been re-rendered, use vm.$nextTick inside of updated.
updated: function () {
this.$nextTick(function () {
// Code that will run only after the
// entire view has been re-rendered
Pretty new to vue js here,
Just want to know if is it possible to emit a custom event from the main vue instance (parent) and the components could listen to that custom event and act accordingly when that event is triggered?
I want to trigger a custom event on vue instance mounted lifecycle function then all components can initialize themselves.
Main vue instance
new Vue( {
el : '#main-app',
mounted : function() {
this.$emit( 'init-app' );
} );
Then on the various components, it can listen for the 'init-app' custom event then act accordingly when it is triggered or emitted.
Not sure how to do this coz in vue js event listeners are attached to the html tags? can an event listener or a function in a component be triggered by just the emitting of the event from the parent alone?
Note: I'm using vue js 2.0.3
and my components are global, they are not inline
Vue.component('my-component', {
template: '#component-template'
I could add more components later on.
Thanks in advance.
The correct way to initialize your child components is to use created: life-cycle hook for each of your child components.
Reason: It is quite possible that your child component may not be instantiated when you send your init-app event from the parent component. So, it will never get initialized.
Additional note on events: If you are sending an event from child component to parent component, you should use this.$parent.$emit("my-event-code") and receive it on the parent side as this.$on("my-event-code"). I figured it out recently after hours of trying various methods.
So, if you are trying to send an init-app event from parent to child, you might have to listen on child component as this.$parent.$on("init-app", ...) - I haven't verified this yet, this is my current understanding.