Cannot write pandas DataFrame to csv: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'tupleize_cols' - pandas

I'm running the following basic code:
which used to run normally until yesterday. This morning I upgraded to pandas 0.25.0 while running code and now I cannot write my 500k rows dataframe to a csv. I can mention that I left Jupyter Notebook running in order to do some processing, so this morning when I opened it I had the dataFrame already, processed.
Versions (using Windows 10)
Jupyter notebook : 5.7.8
Python : 3.6.7
Pandas : 0.25.0
I would like to save my DataFrame in a fast and efficient manner as I will load it several times in the future. I do not want to close the notebook as this will delete the dataFrame.
I tried:
downgrading to Pandas 0.24.2 (previous version used) but still getting the __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'tupleize_cols'
use pd.to_pickle but got a memoryError
use pd.to_hdf but got a memoryError
using msgbox instead but apparently it does not support DataFrames (got an error)
upgrade Jupyter notebook, but got the following error:
ERROR: ipython 5.8.0 has requirement prompt-toolkit<2.0.0,>=1.0.4, but
you'll have prompt-toolkit 2.0.9 which is incompatible
so naturally I did pip install prompt-toolkit 1.0.16 but then got this message:
ERROR: jupyter-console 6.0.0 has requirement prompt-toolkit<2.1.0,>=2.0.0, but you'll have prompt-toolkit 1.0.16 which is incompatible.
As an alternative I went into PyCharm and took a random DataFrame.to_csv and it worked. This makes me think the issue is with Jupyter Notebook.
Any help on how to save the DataFrame (~12 GB) is appreciated!

Re-installing Jupyter did the trick in my case

I kept getting the same error, but updating Jupyter fixed it


Geopandas and Spyder incompability

I want to run modules of Geopandas in Spyder. Apparently Geopandas is compatible with Sypder 4.2.5, (not with any higher version) and I could run code with this combination. However, in one of my code I had to use "input" command and the problem starts there. Sypder 4.2.5 crashes if I try to run input command. From the internet, I came to know that there was a bug in spyder and it was fixed in Spyder 5.3. Now I have no idea how to fix this problem. If I upgrade Spyder, Geopandas will not work. If I don't upgrade spyder, 'input' will not work.
I was trying to run something like the following code
def Coditions_R3():
print("This is R3")
def Coditions_R4():
print("This is R4")
System = input('Please Enter drone system: \n' )
if (System == 'R3'):
elif (System == 'R4'):
Can anyone help? is there any way around to run geopandas with higher Spyder versions? or use something else in place of input? results in an error. all other methods of pandas/Numpy works fine

I cannot execute it results in an error:
TypeError: Cannot interpret '<attribute 'dtype' of 'numpy.generic' objects>' as a data type.
I've read some solutions regarding the versions of the libraries, but I'm not sure what should I do.
I've checked the versions in Jupyter:
Numpy version: 1.21.5
pandas version: 1.0.1
Thank you for any help!

KeyError: 'NormalizeUTF8' loading a model to another jupyter notebook

I'm trying to reload another model to another jupyter notebook using this code:
import tensorflow as tf
reloaded = tf.saved_model.load('m_translator')
result = reloaded.tf_translate(input_text)
and I recently got this error:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~\anaconda3\envs\tensorflow\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\, in Graph._get_op_def(self, type)
4176 try:
-> 4177 return self._op_def_cache[type]
4178 except KeyError:
KeyError: 'NormalizeUTF8'
FileNotFoundError: Op type not registered 'NormalizeUTF8' in binary running on LAPTOP-D3PPA576. Make sure the Op and Kernel are registered in the binary running in this process. Note that if you are loading a saved graph which used ops from tf.contrib, accessing (e.g.) `tf.contrib.resampler` should be done before importing the graph, as contrib ops are lazily registered when the module is first accessed.
You may be trying to load on a different device from the computational device. Consider setting the `experimental_io_device` option in `tf.saved_model.LoadOptions` to the io_device such as '/job:localhost'.
I had this issue before. To solve it, you need to install tensorflow_text. You should try to :
>>> tf.__version__
>>>!pip install tensorflow-text==2.8.2
In addition to installing tensorflow_text library, what helped me with a similar problem was importing the library at the top of the notebook:
import tensorflow_text

pyspark with pandas and pyarrow error on AWS EMR: 'JavaPackage' object is not callable

I'm trying to convert a Pandas dataframe to a Pyspark dataframe, and getting the following pyarrow-related error:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = np.random.rand(1000000, 10)
pdf = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=list("abcdefghij"))
df = spark.createDataFrame(pdf)
/usr/lib/spark/python/lib/ UserWarning: createDataFrame attempted Arrow optimization because 'spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled' is set to true; however, failed by the reason below:
'JavaPackage' object is not callable
Attempting non-optimization as 'spark.sql.execution.arrow.fallback.enabled' is set to true.
I've tried different versions of pyarrow (0.10.0, 0.14.1, 0.15.1 and more) but with the same result. How can I debug this?
I had the same issue, changed the cluster setting to emr-5.30.1 and arrow version to 0.14.1 and it resolved the issue
Can you try upgrading your pyspark to >= 3.0.0? I had the above error with all versions of arrow, but bumping to the newer pyspark fixed it for me.
There is a version conflict with older versions of Spark (ex: 2.4.x) and newer versions of arrow.

Error when using PyPlot in Julia

I've studied Julia for several months and I am not an expert in programming. Recently, I re-installed Windows on my laptop and re-installed Julia, Anaconda(for python 3) and Atom, so far.
In Julia, I installed PyPlot.jl by Pkg.add("PyPlot") and want to test plotting with PyPlot. So, I put using PyPlot in Julia and it give an error during initialization of module PyPlot. I've got the following error message:
ERROR An error occurred while installing package 'defaults::qt-5.6.2-vc9_3'.
UnicodeDecodeError('utf8', ' 1\xb0\xb3 \xc6\xc4\xc0\xcf\xc0\xcc \xba\xb9\xbb\xe7\xb5\xc7\xbe\xfa\xbd\xc0\xb4\xcf\xb4\xd9.\r\n', 9, 10, 'invalid start byte')
Attempting to roll back.
UnicodeDecodeError('utf8', ' 1\xb0\xb3 \xc6\xc4\xc0\xcf\xc0\xcc \xba\xb9\xbb\xe7\xb5\xc7\xbe\xfa\xbd\xc0\xb4\xcf\xb4\xd9.\r\n', 9, 10, 'invalid start byte')
Please let me know how I can solve the problem.
I solved the problem myself by using python in Anaconda.
In the double quotation marks, put the location of the python which is installed by Anaconda.
After that, apply"PyCall")"PyPlot")
I now can use PyPlot using PyPlot as before. It seems there was some problem to use python included in Julia.