When Build Directory will be generated under e2e - detox

Can someone explain when the build directory will be generated under the e2e directory in detox.
I have done setup, but due to some problem again i am doing it from scratch but got a question when this directory gets created.

detox normally builds your app in the same output directory of xcode or android studio build commands unless you provide other path explicitly in build command in your package.json file.
for ios this is usually projectroot/ios/Build and android projectroot/android/app/build.
if you want other path for your build output use -derivedDataPath with your xcodebuild command.


JavaFX application fail to launch with native exe bundle created with intellij ide

I have build a JavaFX application which can be executed by its jar file. However if i try to run it using the native exe bundle i am receiving two popups:
Error Invoking method
Failed to launch JVM
and the application fails to start.
The Javafx application is build with intellij ide.
The project structure looks as follows;
when launching the application following popup shows..
The config file looks as follows:-
The packaged jar file is executing properly...
the problem occurs when starting application with launching exe file.
kindly tell me what could went wrong?
It seems that the build output runtime/bin directory does not contain java.exe file therefore i think the application does not launches.
the output when try to run the application is as follows:
i have build the application with intellij idea, i think there is a problem with that. Kindly look into this matter.
Run it from the command line using the runtime that was bundled for you:
If you made an executable Jar (with a proper manifest specifying the classpath and main class)
cd firecap
runtime\bin\java -jar app\libs\your-main.jar
If you don't have an executable jar use something like
cd firecap
runtime\bin\java -cp app\libs\*.* your.main.class.name
Since java.exe is a console program you should be able to see the full error output to get a better idea of what is going wrong.
You very likely have missed including a needed module in the runtime.
It is also possible you ran into a bug that I discovered recently: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8254920
I created my runtime image with this command:
"C:\Program Files\BellSoft\LibericaJDK-15-Full\bin\jlink.exe" --no-header-files --no-man-page, --compress=1 --add-modules java.management,java.logging,javafx.controls,java.xml,java.desktop --output C:\MyProject\build\image\runtime
But yours may be different depending on what modules you need. Note also that I used a JDK from BellSoft that included the JavaFX modules to make it easier.

gradlew clean deployNodes - QUASAR WARNING: Quasar Java Agent isn't running

When I run "gradlew clean deployNodes" or "gradlew deployNodes", I get a warning on Quasar library:
QUASAR WARNING: Quasar Java Agent isn't running. If you're using another instrumentation method you can ignore this message; otherwise, please refer to the Getting
Started section in the Quasar documentation.
How can i fix this warning ?
I upgraded Corda to 4.1
you'll want to double-check the intellij settings.
Navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle ->
Runner (or search for runner) Windows: this is in "Settings" MacOS:
this is in "Preferences" Set "Delegate IDE build/run actions to
gradle" to true Set "Run test using:" to "Gradle Test Runner" If you
would prefer to use the built in IntelliJ JUnit test runner, you can
run gradlew installQuasar which will copy your quasar JAR file to the
lib directory. You will then need to specify -javaagent:lib/quasar.jar
and set the run directory to the project root directory for each test.
As mentioned in the comments from manish, make sure to try cleaning the gradle cache as well: ./gradlew clean build deployNodes.
Joel has a good answer for a similar quasar issue on this StackOverflow question: Error when running Corda flow tests from IntelliJ

Moving React Native project to new folder

i need to move RN project to new folder, but when i do that. I get this error when i run the project using react-native run-ios. When running the project from original folder, there are no errors.
error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your app with Xcode.app, by opening TestProject.xcworkspace
The following commands produced analyzer issues:
Analyze /Users/home/Desktop/APLIKACE/TestProject/node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsi/jsi.cpp normal x86_64
Analyze /Users/home/Desktop/APLIKACE/TestProject/node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga/yoga/Yoga.cpp normal x86_64
(2 commands with analyzer issues)
The following build commands failed:
CompileC /Users/home/Desktop/APLIKACE/TestProject/ios/build/TestProject/Build/Intermediates.noindex/React.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/React.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/RCTUIUtils.o /Users/home/Desktop/APLIKACE/TestProject/node_modules/react-native/React/UIUtils/RCTUIUtils.m normal x86_64 objective-c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler
(1 failure)
So i figured out a solution, which is working for what i need to do ( move project to new empty folder where i initialized github repo ).
So it seems there are some issues with relative paths and names. So what i did was rename my old project like this
.../ParentFolder/MyProject to .../ParentFolder/MyProject2
i created new folder in ParentFolder with exactly same name as the original folder ie .../ParentFolder/MyProject. This was now empty folder i initialized as Git repo.
Then i copied contents of MyProject2 to MyProject folder. Everything is working now fine.
Hope that helps someone in the future.

where is gradle storing the android buildapk?

I use the command gradle clean build
it ends with BUILD SUCCESSFUL, but where can I find the build .apk?
Or how can I set up the build directory destination?
Look in //build/apk. You'll need to do this outside of Android Studio since AS filters the directories and hides "apk".
Update: Android Studio no longer filters the output directory, so you can just drill into the build directory (under the app).

On UnsatisfiedLinkError, clarification needed

When building the project from command line using mvn clean install everything builds without any issues.
When running some tests that use precompiled C libraries from IntelliJ, tests fail with java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
I may be completely off here, but does IntelliJ not see the .so file? Is so, how can it be added please?
Shared library fails to load with UnsatisfiedLinkError if:
it's not in the working directory configured in the test run configuration.
it's not in PATH environment (on Mac Terminal and GUI apps have different environment, see this answer). Run IDEA from the Terminal open -a /Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ 12.app/ to make environment the same.
it's not in the location specified using -Djava.library.path VM option.
.so depends on some other library that is not found for any of the 1-3 reasons (or the dependency of that dependency is not found, etc).